Citizen CL series printer set up
The Citizen CL seriesset up instructions cover the CL-P521,CL-S521 and CL-S531thermal ticket printers.
If you’re having difficulties installing the Windows printer driver for the Citizen CL series printer then the latest driver can be
downloaded and installed from:
The Citizen CL series thermal ticket printers are usually shipped with the feed sensor set to ‘transparent’ mode. Tickets with a
black index mark on the reverse (i.e. most fan-fold tickets) require the feed sensor to operate in ‘reflective’ mode. The feed
sensor can bechangedfrom ‘transparent’ to ‘reflective’ mode byusing a combination ofthe buttons on thefrontof the printer.
Setting the feed sensorto‘reflective’mode
Enter the feed sensor adjustment mode by turning the power on while holding down the PAUSE, FEED and STOP buttons.
Release the buttons whentheCONDITION LED lights up.
To toggle the feed sensor between 'transparent' and 'reflective' mode, hold down the MODE/REPEAT button and press the
‘reflective’mode: the buzzer will soundtwice and thePRINTLED will flashslowly
‘transparent’ mode: the buzzerwill sound once andthe PRINT LEDwill light up constantly,
With the feedsensor set to 'reflective' mode, releasethe MODE/REPEATbutton and pressthe STOP button toexit the sensor
adjustment mode.
Adjusting the feed sensor
Adjust the position of the feed sensor so that the ‘eye’ of the sensor is
about half way across theblackmark on theback of the ticket.
Inserting the fan-fold tickets
Feed the fan-fold tickets through the back of the printer - front side
upwards, blank indexmark on reversepointing forwards - and position
to the left. Move the ticket guide to meet the tickets. Close the printassembly. Set bothadjustment wheels to ‘6’.
Switch on and press the feed button. The printer should feed just one
ticket. If the printer feeds several tickets, either the feed sensor is not
positioned correctly (missing the black index mark on the back of the
ticket)or the feed sensor isnot set to ‘reflective’ mode.
feed sensor
ticket guide