The world ’s rst t alking l abelmaker. S imply ch oose a le tter, sque eze the handle, an d then he ar Cool C licks
speak the letter cho sen. The DYMO Cool Clicks Talkin g La belmaker is the perf ect learnin g to ol f or k ids.
It comb ines th e learn ing asp ect of spelli ng with the c reative outputs of l abels t hat kid s love, so they can
personal ise all th eir stu w hilst havi ng fun.
• Innovat ive design works th e way kids w ork
• Forw ard facin g lever is in tuitive to hold
• Easy t o squeeze and cut
• Large easy-to-t urn text ured embo ssing whee l
• Label cutting feature ma kes for ea sy removal of peel-o backing
• Uses Co ol Click s labels in cool colou rs or any 9 mm DYMO 3D emb ossing labe ls
• Uses 2 x “AAA” Alkali ne batter ies
Works with 3D embossing tapes Works with 3D embossing tapes Works with 3D embossing tapes
This embosser is so simple to use, you’ll actually have fun with it. Just use the “turn and click” mechanism and
try your hand at creating attr active embosse d labels f or almost anything. Great for kids ’ notebooks, toys,
plastic-ware, CD cases, even les, binders an d folders for important d ocuments.
• Moder nised labe ller desig n
• “Turn an d click” is ergono mically de signed fo r comfor table use by adults a nd childre n
• Text ca n be centr ed on the la bel by the use of the start/s top mark s
• “Two thu mb” cutt ing operat ion makes c utting e asy for ch ildren and seniors
• Front e xit tape “s hows as it g oes” wit h visible l ast print ed charac ter
• ABS cons tructi on is ultr a-durabl e for ext ra long li fe
• Easy t o load tap e casset te
• Incorp orated ta b-cutt ing for ea sy removal of the tap e-backi ng
• 42 chara cters, e asy chara cter sele ction
• No bat teries re quired
With our e xclusive So ft-Grip ha ndle, Organ izer Xpres s oers you an extra measure of c omfort,
convenience and perf ormance in your kitche n, oce or wo rkshop! Eve n the label s are easy t o load
– and cut, thanks to t he enhance d tape-cu tting fea ture and Ea sy-Peel 3D la bels.
• Ergono mically de signed fo r ease of u se and mod ern look
• Intuit ive “turn and click ” labelli ng system
• 49 char acter whe el include s @ and “-”
• Casse tte door (handle) has “soft touc h” grip
• Durab le ABS cons tructio n for ext ra long li fe
• Easy-t o-load c assette
• Able to stand on desk or wor kbench
• Tape-cu tting fe ature make s it easy to remove tap e backing
• No bat teries re quired
Organiser Xpress