Doosan DL06, D110S-5, D130S-5, D160S-5, DL06K Operation Manual

DL06 Diesel Engine
(interim Tier Ⅳ)
Specification System Operation Testing & Adjusting Disassembly & Assembly
D110S-5, D130S-5, D160S-5
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Foreword
This Operation & Maint enance Manual is des igned to provide the inf orm ation on engine operat ion and maintenance manual to custom ers and service technicians of the DL06K industrial electronic cont rol diesel engine provided by DO OSAN.
The DL06K industrial electronic control diesel engine is designed and manufactured to satisfy all requirements, such as low noise, economical power consumption, high-speed, and durability by applying DOOSAN's lates t technologies in or der to provide t he best engine to it s customers, and meet interim Tier-4 em is s ion regulation. It is important to use precise operation and maintenance procedur es to keep the engine in the best possible condition and ensure the best possible long term performance. This Operation & Maintenance Manual provides the specification, defined values, fault diagnosis, parts configuration diagrams, and figures, that allow users to understand, manage, and take actions conveniently and accurately.
Please read this Operation & Maintenance Manual c arefully befor e handling the engine, t o ensure that the highest quality maintenance procedures can be applied and the technician's safety can be protected through the use of proper work methods and operating procedures as recommended by DOOSAN and compiled here within.
We are continually developing and investing in creating products with the best performance and quality, as well as the improvement of maintenance procedures. We are not obliged to reflect all design changes for product impr ovement in this Operation & Maintenance Manual, and this manual is subject to change wit hout prior notice.
We are always working to satisfy customer requirements and provide more convenient and safe maintenance procedures to its customers.
If you find any incorrec t inf ormation in this manual or have any inquiry , please c ontact our head offic e, dealers or authorized ser v ic e s hops near by your loc ation for any services.
Doosan industrial vehicle Co. , Ltd.
* All contents in this O per ation & M aintenance Manual are the property of DOOSAN.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Foreword
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Important Safety information
Important Safety Information
Most accidents involvi ng product operation, mai ntenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these func tions properly.
Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication, maintenance and repair on this product.
Basic safety precautions are listed in the “Safety” section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety precautions are listed in the: Safety” section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication. Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructi ons and to identif y specific hazards. If these hazard warnings are n ot heeded, bodi ly i njury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in thi s public ation and on the product label s are identified by the following symbol.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in injury or death. Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and understood the operation, lubricat ion, maintenance and repair information.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and i n this publication.
DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involv e a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, pr oc edur e, work method or operating t echnique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you m ust satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the produc t will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current informati on before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers hav e the most curr ent information available.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Important Safety information
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Index
1. Safety Regulations &
Specifications. ................................ 8
1.1. Safety Regulations ................................ 8
1.2. Engine Specifications .......................... 13
1.3. Engine Power ..................................... 14
1.4. Engine Performance Curve ................. 15
1.5. Engine As se mbly ................................ 17
2. Tech n ical In form ation ................... 20
2.1. Engine Model and Serial Num ber ........ 20
2.2. Diagnostic tool .................................... 21
2.3. Engine character ................................. 21
2.4. Diagnosis and Remedy ....................... 42
2.5. Engine Inspection ............................... 53
3. Disassembly and Reassembly of
Major Components ....................... 54
3.1. Engine Disassembl y ............................ 54
3.2. Inspection and Measurement on Major
Parts ................................................... 69
3.3. Engine Reassembly. ........................... 90
3.4. Fuel Injection System ........................ 114
3.5. Electrical System .............................. 126
3.6. Exhaust Gas Reducti on S y stem ........ 133
3.7. Engine Diagnostic ............................. 149
3.8. Operating Condition of the ECU ........ 161
4. Commissioning and Operation .... 163
4.1. Preparations ..................................... 163
4.2. Breaking-In ....................................... 163
4.3. Inspections after Starting ................... 165
4.4. Operation in Winter Time ................... 166
4.5. Engine Components Check after Long
Time Running ................................... 167
4.6. Maintenance and Car e ...................... 168
4.7. Cooling System ................................. 170
4.8. Adjustment of Valve Clearance .......... 171
5. Maintenance of Major Components
5.1. Cooling System ................................. 174
5.2. Lubric ation system ............................. 178
5.3. T u r b o Cha r g e r ................................... 181
5.4. Air cleaner ......................................... 193
5.5. Belt .................................................... 195
6. Special Tool List ..........................197
z Appendix
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Index
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine General Instructions
0. General Instructions
This Operation & Maintenance Manual is a m anu al desi gne d for o fficially qual ified professi onal service technicians. If maintenance procedures is performed by unqualified personnel, or without the specified tools and facilities, workers or others may be injured or their life can be threatened, or an error m ay oc cur that could fat al ly af fec t e ngi ne performance.
Regular checkups and management are required to keep the engine in optimal condition and performing at i t s best. If any par t nee ds to be r epl ac ed, the genuine p ar t s up pli ed by DO O SAN and specified in the Parts Book should be used. Use of uncertified, similar parts, or recycled parts may cause serious damage to the engine. If such a part is used, DOOSAN will bear no responsibility.
Please note that the work procedures described in this Operation & Maintenance Manual are the safest and most efficient work procedures, and you may be required to use special tools for some work items.
Please contact us for genuine parts and special tools.
This Operation & Maintenance Manual uses the following symbols to explain maintenance procedures, so that workers can make preparations and understand work items in advance.
Removal Adjustment
Installation Cleaning
Disassembly Pay close attention-Importants
Reassembly Tighten to specified torque
Algin the marks Use special tools of manuafacturer's
Directional Indication Lubricate with oil
Inspection Lubricate with grease
Please foll ow the instructions listed below to pr event environmental pol l u ti o n dur ing engine maintenance.
z Take old oil to an old oil dis posal point onl y. z Ensure without fail that oil and diesel fuel will not get into the sea or rive rs and canals
or the ground.
z Tr eat un di l ut ed an ti - cor r osi o n agents, antifreeze age nts, filter el em e nt an d cartr idges
as special waste.
z The regulations of the rel eva nt l oc al authoriti es ar e to be observed for the di sposal of
spent coolants and special waste.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1. Safety Regulations & Specifications.
1.1. Safety Regulations
1.1.1. General notes
z You should read this manual carefully and follow routine and regular check
methods to use the engine as safely as possible and minimize problems.
z Safety rules can be divided into three parts - injury to people, damage to property,
and pollution. In addition, users must comply with the regulations which apply to each particular engine model, and the regulations regarding its place of use.
IMPORTANT: If despite all precautions, an accident occurs, in particular through contact with caustic acids, fuel penetrating the skin, scalding from oil, antifreeze being splashed in the eyes etc, consult a doctor immediately.
1.1.2. To prevent accidents with injury to persons
(1) Engine starting and operation
z Please read "Caution" in the manual carefully before starting an engine. If you
don't understand anything, please contact Doosan.
z Please attach th e " Auth or i zed per s o nnel o nl y" w arni ng s ign on the engine for s a fety,
and remind the engine driver that the driver is responsible for safety in the engine room.
z Only authorized per sonnel should start and run the engine. Un aut hor i z ed p er sonnel
should not start the engine.
z Do not access the engine parts when the engine is running. z Do not touch the engine with bare hands while the engine is running, because
the engine is hot and dangerous.
z Exhaust fumes are toxic. Check ventilation w hen the engine is running i n an enclosed
(2) Maintenance a n d care
z The engine must be stopped before performing maintenance procedures. If the
engine should be maintained during operation, please take additional caution as to the danger of burns or accidents. Refrain from doing maintenance when the engine is running as much as possible. Do not get too close to rotating parts, if maintenance works are inevitable during operation.
z Replace engine oil when it is hot after operation, when the engine is stopped.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
CAUTION: Do not replace or disassemble pipes or hoses (engine fuel circuit, engine oil circuit, coolant circuit, and compressed air circuit) while the engine is running. Fluid spattering may cause injury.
z Check the amount of oil in the oil pa n, an d use a c ont ainer large eno ugh to hold
engine oil when replacing it.
z When replacing or rep lenishing engine coolant, cool down the engine and
disassemble the drain plug. The heated coolant may cause burns and safety accident.
z Do not fasten or ope n pi p es or hoses (engine oi l ci r cui t, cool ant c ir c ui t, a nd
compressed air c i rc ui t) whi l e the engi n e is r unni ng. F l uid s p atter i ng m ay c aus e i nj ur y.
z Fuel is a highly combustible substance. Do not smoke or use fire around the
engine. Refuel the engine only when the engine is stopped.
z Do not mix engine maintenance materials (coolant, engine oil, fuel, battery fluid,
etc.) with drinking water containers.
z Follow the instructions of the manufacturer when checking or handling the battery.
CAUTION: Battery fluid is toxic, corrosive, and explosive. Therefore, the battery should be handled by a specialized technician only.
(3) When carrying out checking, setting and repair work
z Engine maintenance should be performed by authorized personnel only. z Only tools suitable for the purpose should be used. If a wrench with a worn-out
edge is used, safety accidents may occur due to sliding.
z When an engine is lifted by a crane, nobody should stan d below it, or pass by it.
Please check the safety conditions of the crane first.
z For electric welding, turn off the engine, block the power supply, and remove the
vehicle side wire harness connector that is connected to the ECU (electronic control unit).
z Never weld the electric device or ECU, or apply electric or mechanical shock. z Disconnect the battery ground wire first when working with electric devices.
Connect the ground wire again when other work is completed, in order to prevent a short circuit.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.1.3. To prevent damage to engine and premature wear
(1) Do not use the en gi n e any purpose other than original d es i gn .
For more details, please refer to reference data from sales. Never calibrate the ECU without the approval of DOOSAN.
(2) If any fault i s foun d i n th e e ngi ne, the cause s houl d be found and fixed i m medi atel y
to prevent ser ious damages to the en gi n e.
(3) Please use genuine spare and maintenance parts recommended by DOOSAN.
DOOSAN will bear no responsibility for damage due to the use of unauthorized
parts. (4) Keep the following points in mind, in addition to the above instructions. z Use normal and clean diesel fuel only. Do not use bio-diesel. Please refer to the
recommendations on fuel. Diesel fuel should not contain any moisture.
z Do not run the engine without lubricant and coolant. Use the service products
(engine oil, coolant, and anticorrosion agent) recommended by DOOSAN only.
z Keep the surroun di n gs o f the engine clean z Refer to the recommendations about fuel in the handling manual. z Maintain the engine at a regular interval, using the engine checklist. z Do not stop the engine abruptly if the engine is hot. Instead, run the engine in the
idle state for 5 minutes without load to reduce engine temperature.
z Do not refill the coolant if the engine is overheated. z Do not refill engine oil to a level higher than those marked on the level gauge.
Keep the maximum allowable slant of the engine during maintenance works.
z Check whether equipment gauges (battery, oil pressure, coolant temperature)
work properly (normally).
z Do not run the engine without coolant. If coolant freezing is expected in winter,
drain of f cool a nt.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.1.4. To prevent pollution
(1) Engine oil filter elements, fuel filters
z Pour used oil into the oil collection drum. z Pay special attention not to spill oil on the ground or into the ocean. Leaked oil
can pollute sources of drinking water.
z Separate oil and oil filter cartridge as wastes of environmental pollution, and
dispose th em acc ording to the presc r ibed regulations.
(2) Coolant
z Treat no n- di luted anticor r osi ve agents an d c oolants as da ng er o us was te. z Comply with the relevant regulations of the related government office, when
disposing used coolant.
1.1.5. Notes on safety in handling used engine oil
If the skin is in contact with engine oil repetitively or for a long period of time, the skin can contract or gets dry, and become inflamed. As used engine oil contains hazardous substances, follow basic safety rules at the work site when handling engine oil.
< Cautions for your health >
z Do not touch used engine oil rep etiti vely or for a long time. z Apply skin pr ot ec tion cream or we ar gl oves. z Clean the skin if contacted with engine oil. z Use soap and water when washing your skin. z Do not use gasoline, diesel fuel, thinner, or solvent as an abstergent. z Apply an oily cream to your skin after washing your skin. z Replace your clothes or shoes if they have been soaked with oil. z Do not put oil-stained rags into your pocket.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
Plea s e check whethe r used e ngine oil is processed properly. Wrongly processed engine oil can contaminate drinking water.
Therefore, do not pour out engine oil on the ground, waterway, drain, or sewer. You may be punished if you don't ob ey th es e ha n dl i ng r egulations. Be careful when disposing engine oil. Please contact the seller, supplier, or related agency, regarding engine oil collection methods.
1.1.6. General repair instructions
1. Disconnect the battery ground wire first for maintenance, in order to prevent wire
damage due to a short circuit.
2. Use the cover not to damage or pollute disassembled parts.
3. Handle engine oil and coolant with care, as they can do damage to paintings.
4. It is recommended to use the proper tools and special tools for maintenance of the
specified parts, considering efficiency and reliability of the maintenance work.
5. Make sure to use the genuine Doosan replacement parts.
6. Use the new cotter pin, gasket, O-ring, sealing, oil seal, lock washer, and self lock
nut when maintaining these parts. If you use the existing parts without change, normal function cannot be maintained.
7. Keep disassembled parts by group for smooth reassembly. In particular, bolts and
nuts with different strength and shape are used, depending on the assembly position. Therefore, you should separate bolts and nuts clearly.
8. Clean all parts before inspection or re-assembly. In addition, clean the oil hole
using compressed air to prevent the presence of foreign objects.
9. Spray oil or grease on the rotation or sliding part thinly before assembly.
10. If necessary, apply adhesives to the gasket to prevent an oil or water leak.
11. Assemble parts, using pre-defined bolts and net fastening torque.
12. Please check the engine again, when maintenance is completed.
13. Check common rail pressures and engine temperature using the laptop diagnosis
device before working with fuel lines, and start work 5 minutes after the engine has stopped.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.2. Engine Specifications
Engine model
Engine type
Water-cooled, 4 cycle, In-li ne, Turbo charged & inter-cooled
Combustion cham ber ty pe Direct injection type Cylinder liner type Replaceable dry liner Timing gear system Gear driven type No. of piston ring 2 compression ring, 1 oil ring No. of cylinder-bore x stroke (mm)
6 – 100 ×125 Total piston displacement (cc) 5,890 Compression ratio 17.4 : 1
Engine dimensi on (length x width x height) (mm)
1,264 x 848 x 1,124 weight (kg) 644
Rotating direction (fr om flywheel) Counter clock wise Firing order 1 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 2 - 4 Fuel high pressure pump t ype Bosch CP3.3 fuel high pr essure pump type Engine control type Electric cont r ol type ( E CU) Injector ty pe Multiple hol e type Fuel injection oper ating pressure (bar) 1,800 Valve clearance (cold)
Intake valve 0.3 Exhaust valve 0.4
Intake valve
Open at
21° (B.T.D.C)
Close at
33° (A.B.D.C) Exhaust valve
Open at
56.2° (B.B.D.C)
Close at
22.2° (A.T.D.C) Fuel filter type Current type (cart ri dge type) Oil pressure
At idle speed 1.5 or more
At rated speed 3.0 ~ 6.0 Using lubrication oil SAE 15W40 (over API CJ-4 or ACEA-E9 class) Lubrication method Full forced pressure feed type
Oil pump type Gear type driven by crank shaft Oil filter type Cartridge type Lubricating oil capacity (max./min.)
(lit) 27 / 17 Oil cooler type Water cooled Oil pressure indi c ator Hydraulic indi c ator Water pump Belt-driven centrifugal type
Cooling method Pressurized circulation Oil separator OCV Cooling water capac ity (eng ine on ly) (lit) 13
With 2.0 liters in the engine
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
Engine model
Type Wax pallet type Open at (°C)
Open wide at (°C)
Valve lift (mm) 9.5 Water temperature indicat or Water temperature sensor mounted Turbo charger Exhaust gas driven type
Engine stop system Fuel feeding shut-off by ECU Alternat or (voltage – capacity ) (V–A) 24 - 50 Starting motor(voltage–output) ( V –kW) 24 – 4.5 Air heater (V–A) 24 – 2.1
1.3. Engine Power
tolerance : ±5%
Engine model Performance1)
Model Suffix
(PS / rpm)
(kg.m / rpm)
Low idle
High id le
LDF00 140/2,100 65/1,400 850
±10 2,400±25
LDF01 160/2,100 74/1,400 850±10 2,400±25
* Note1) : All data are based on operation without cooling fan.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.4. Engine Performance Curve
1.4.1. Performance curve
DL06 – LDF00
Performance KS-R 1004 Output (rating) 140 PS / 2,100 rpm Torque (max)
65 kgf·m / 1,400 rpm
70 60 50
1000 1500 2000
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
DL06 – LDF01
Performance KS-R 1004 Output (rating) 160PS / 2,100 rpm Torque (max)
74 kgf·m / 1,400 rpm
70 60 50
1000 1500 2000
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.5. Engine Assembly
1.5.1. Sectional drawing
1 Cooling water pump 8 Cylinder head 2 Thermostat 9 Vibration damper 3 Exhaust valve 10 Oil pan 4 Intake valve 11 Oil suction pipe 5 Piston 12 Connecting rod 6 Cy linder head cover 13 Camshaft 7 Intermediate cover 14 Tappet
9 10 11 121314
123 45 6 7 8
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.5.2. Sectional drawing
1 Fuel filter 8 Cylinder block 2 Oil spray nozz le 9 Cylinder liner 3 Oil cooler 10 Crankshaft 4 Caliper 11 Oil lev el gauge 5 Rocker arm 12 Oil drain valve 6 Fuel high pressure connector 13 Oil pump 7 Fuel high pressure pipe
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Safety Regulations & Specifications
1.5.3. Engine assembly
(1) DL06K
1 Flywheel housing 9 Mounting bracket 2 B r eather 10 Cool ing water pump 3 B r eather pipe 11 Water outlet pipe 4 Exhaust manifold 12 Intake manifold 5 Oil filter cap 13 Air heater 6 EGR cooler 14 Throttle valve 7 Turbo charger 15 Starting motor 8 Alternator 16 Air compressor
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2. Technical Information
2.1. Engine Model and Serial Number
z You can find the engine model and
serial number at the market position in the figure.
The serial number is required for the warranty or parts ordering.
z Engine serial No. (Example 1 : DL06-LDF00)
z Engine serial No. (Example 2 : DL06-LDF01)
Engine model
and serial number
(Cylinder block)
DL06K 140
Main type specification
Serial no
Production year ( 2012) Power
Engine model
DL06K 160
Main type specification
Serial no
Production year ( 2012) Power
Engine model
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.2. Diagnostic tool
z Electrical problems in vehicles
mounted with the DL06K engine can be checked conveniently, using a laptop comp uter.
1) Diagnostic by laptop computer z Please see the Fault Diagnosis Device
Manual for more details on how to use a fault diagn osi s dev i c e.
2.3. Engine character
z DL06K diesel engine adopts the overhead valve and turbo charger. DL06K is an
air cooling ECU engine.
z High pressure fuel pr oc es sed by the high pres sure fuel pump is saved in the
common rail. When the driver operates the vehicle, the optimal fuel amount and fuel spray timings are determined, based on the data set in the ECU, according to the vehicle speed and operating conditions. Then, the solenoid valve of the injector, which is installed for each engine cylinder, is activated and fuel is sprayed into the cylinder
z The oil gallery cooling metho d is
used to cool down the engine piston. For piston gallery cooling, the gallery shape, nozzle shape, and nozzle position and oil flow amount are important in reducing the temperature. The sectional shape of the pi sto n gal l er y is designed to obtain maximum coolin g efficie ncy by m ak ing the oil flow ef fec ti ve.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.1. Cylinder block
z The cylinder block is made of single alloy cast iron, and put under the crankshaft
axis line to increase strength. In addition, the cylinder liner can be replaced with a dry one. The cylinder head is built-in.
2.3.2. Piston, connecting rod, crankshaft
z The cylinder block is made of single alloy cast iron, and put under the crankshaft
axis line to increase strength. In addition, the cylinder liner can be replaced with a dry one. The cylinder head is built-in.
z The connecting rod is a forging product, and the big end is separated diagonally,
and can be disassembled through the upper side of the cylinder like a piston. The assembly type al l oy bearing is use d for the operating p ar t o f the crankshaft an d connecting rod.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.3. Electric control unit : ECU
z The ECU is used to supply fuel. z The ECU is connected to various
types of sensors, and controls the engine with the value set in these sensors for opti m al operation.
CAUTION: Make sure to disconnect the ground wire of the battery cable before removing the connector of the ECU. Never disassemble the ECU.
2.3.4. Fuel injection system
z High pressure fuel pr ocessed by the hi gh pr essure fuel pump is saved in the
common rail, and spraying and fuel amount are calculated, based on the data programmed in the ECU. At this time, the ECU activates the solenoid valve of the injector, which is installed for each engine cylinder, to spray fuel into the cylinder.
2.3.5. Bleeding the fuel system
z To expel air from the fuel line, loosen the fuel supply pipe from the secondary fuel
filter to the fu el high pr es sure pump, an d acti v a te t he pr i m i ng pump manuall y of the primary fuel fi l ter unti l no bubble is foun d.
Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
Primary fuel filter
Electronic Control Unit
Fuel tank
Common rail
Cylinder head
High pressure fuel pump (CP 3.3 NH fuel pump)
Secondary fuel filter
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.6. Injector and high pressure connector
z Be careful not to put any foreign
objects inside the injector and high pressure connector when perform i ng dis as s em bl y maintenance.
z O-rings and cooper washers
should be replaced with new one, when reassembling the engine.
z Spray oil before assembling O-
Ring parts.
z Check the model num ber o f th e repl ac ing part first before assem bly.
2.3.7. Common rail system
z Pressure generation and fuel injection are completely decoupled from each other
in the “Common Rail” fuel injection system. The injection pressure is generated independent of engine speed and injected fuel quantity stored in the ECU.
High pressure fuel connector nut
Injector harness connector
Seal ring
Fuel high pressure pump
Common rail
High fuel pressure connector
Common rail pressure
High pressure pipe
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.8. Emission reduction system
z Tier4 Interim DL06K engine has both oxidation catalyst system and exhaust
reduction system as an emission reduction system.
z Operating principle : The oxidation catalyst system reduces HC and CO in
exhaust gas and induces DBF temperature increase during HC injection to regenerate exhaust par ti cl es i n D PF and r ed uc e exhaust. DPF ( D ies el Par ti c ulate Filter) collects harmful particles in diesel exhaust to prevent emission to the air, and regenerate the collected particles by burning them to reuse the filter.
Fuel return
Fuel entry
Fuel tank
(from engine)
Injection unit
Engine CAN communication Diagnosis CAN communication
Fuel filter
Metering unit (MU)
pressure sensor
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.9. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
z To reduce exhaust gas, the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) circulates some of
exhaust gas combusted in the engine to the intake side, and supplies it to the engine after cooling for re-combustion to reduce NOx emission amount.
z Operating principle : To reduce NOx exhaust gas amount emitted from the engine,
the exhaust gas that contains almost no oxygen is circulated to the intake side, so that concentration of oxygen supplied to the engine can be reduced for the reduction of NOx emission by inducing low-temperature combustion. When E GR is app lied, co mbustio n is normal because of its characteristics. Therefore, the NOx and PM generation amount increases during combustion. To resolve this problem, both DPF and EGR are applied, and the EGR cooler is used to reduce NOx generation (by reducing the temperature of high-pressure exhaust gas) and improve engine combustion efficiency.
Throttle Valve
Charge Air Cooler
EGR Cooler
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.10. Engine timing
z Camsha ft, oil pump, fuel hi gh pr essure pump ar e dr i ven by ge ar con nec tion
inside the en gi n e flyw h eel housing.
2.3.11. Valve
z The overhead valve is operated by the valve tappet, push rod, and rocker arm on
the camshaft.
DL06K Interim Tire-4 Diesel Engine Technical Information
2.3.12. Lubrication system
z The engine runs with the forced lubrication system. Oil pressure is generated and
supplied by gear revolution of the oil pump, which is meshed directly with the crankshaft located at the rear side of the cylinder block.
z The oil pump sends oil sucked by the oil pan with the intake pipe via the oil filter
and oil cooler. Then, oil is supplied to the crankshaft bearing, camshaft bearing, and rocker arm for lubrication. In addition, the turbo charger is also connected to the engine lubricant circuit, and supplies oil for engine break operation.
z Lubricant is sprayed around cylinder blocks and timing gears. Each cylinder has
the oil injection nozzle to cool down the inside of the piston. Engine oil is cleaned by passing through the oil filter.
2.3.13. Engine oil
z Check the oil amount with an oil level gauge, and refill oil, if necessary. Check the
oil level after stopping the engine. If the engine was running, measure the oil level after 5 ~ 10 minutes, so that oil is returned to the crank case. The oil level should be between upper and lower limit of the gauge.
z Engine oil should be replaced regularly, and the oil filter cartridge should be
replaced at the same time.
- First oil change
First oil change After 50 Hr operating
Excavator, fork lift Every 500Hours
Oil pump relief valve (10bar)
Oil spray nozzle
(for piston cooling)
Air compressor
Camshaft bush
Oil pump
Oil pressure adjustment valve (5bar)
Oil filter (bypass valve 2.1 bar)
Oil cooler
Rocker arm shaft
Turbo charger
+ 181 hidden pages