Negating the Effect of Commands..................................................................................................................... 17
stack light unit ......................................................................................................................................32
ip access-list........................... .... .......................................................... ... ... ..........................................33
port security......................................................................................................................................... 54
port security mode...............................................................................................................................55
port security routed secure-address.................................................................................................... 56
show bridge address-table .................................................................................................................. 57
show bridge address-table static......................................................................................................... 58
show bridge address-table count......................................................................................................... 59
show bridge multicast address-table ................................................................................................... 60
show bridge multicast filtering ............................................................................................................. 62
show ports security.............................................................................................................................. 63
show clock........................................................................................................................................... 83
show sntp configuration....................................................................................................................... 84
show sntp status.................................................................................................................................. 85
Section 6.Configuration and Image File Commands....................................................... 86
show arp............................................................................................................................................ 152
ip host..................................................................... ........................................................................... 161
terminal history size........................................................................................................................... 183
show line............................................................................................................................................ 184
port monitor........................................................................................................................................204
port monitor vlan-tagging ...................................................................................................................205
show ports monitor.............................................................................................................................206
Section 18.Power over Ethernet Commands .................................................................208
power inline............................ .... ... ... .......................................................... ... .... ... ..............................208
show qos............................................................................................................................................217
set ......................................................................................................................................................225
show (mst)..........................................................................................................................................318
show ip ssh........................................................................................................................................ 343
show crypto key mypubkey ............................................................................................................... 344
show crypto key pubkey-chain ssh.................................................................................................... 345
show stack......................................................................................................................................... 376
set system mode ............................................................................................................................... 378
show system mode............................................................................................................................ 379
show users ........................................................................................................................................ 380
show sessions................................................................................................................................... 381
show system...................................................................................................................................... 382
show version......................................................................................................................................383
service cpu-utilization ................... .... ... .......................................................... ... ... .............................. 384
show cpu utilization ........................................................................................................................... 385
help ....................................................................................................................................................400
show vlan...........................................................................................................................................422
show vlan internal usage....................................................................................................................423
show interfaces switchport.................................................................................................................424
Section 30.Web Server Commands................................................................................. 428
ip http server .............................................................. ........................................................................428
ip http port........................................... .... ... .......................................................... ... ... ........................429
ip https port ............... ........................................................... ... ... ........................................................431
show crypto certificate mycertificate ..................................................................................................437
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
show ip http ....................................................................................................................................... 438
show ip https......................................................................................................................................439
show dot1x ........................................................................................................................................ 451
show dot1x users...............................................................................................................................454
show dot1x statistics.......................................................................................................................... 456
ADVANCED FEATURES .................................... ... .......................................................... .... ... ... ....... 458
show dot1x advanced........................................................................................................................ 463
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
Section 1.Using the CLI
This document describes the Command Line Interface (CLI) used to manage the D-Link family of managed
devices. This family includes:
DXS-3250 – Stackabel device with 48-port 10/100/1000BASE-T, 4 FSP ports, one Infiniband port and a 10G port.
DXS-3227P – Stackabel
two 10G ports.
DXS-3227 – Stackabel device with 24-port 10/100/1000BASE-T, with one XFP fixed port and two 10G ports.
The DXS-3250, DXS-3227P and DXS-3227 can operate as standalone systems, or can be stacked together in the
same system.
Most of the CLI commands are applicable to all devices.
This chapter describes how to start using the CLI and the CLI command editing features.
Power over Ethernet device with 24-port 10/100/1000BASE-T, with one XFP fixed port and
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Using the CLI
CLI Command Modes
CLI Command Modes
To assist in configuring the device, the Command Line In terface (CLI) is divided into different command modes.
Each command mode has its own set of specific commands. Entering a question mark "?" at the system prompt
(console prompt) displays a list of commands available for that particular command mode.
From each mode a specific command is used to navigate from one command mode to another. The standard
order to access the modes is as follows: User EXEC mode, Privileged EXEC mode, Glob al Configuration mode,
and Interface Configuration mode. The following figure illustrates the command mode access path.
When starting a session, the initial mode is the User EXEC mode. Only a limited subset of commands are
available in User EXEC mode. This level is reserved for tasks that do not change the configuration. To enter the
next level, the Privileged EXEC mode, a password is required.
The Privileged EXEC mode gives access to commands that are restricted on User EXEC mode and provides
access to the device Configuration mode.
The Global Configuration mode manages the device configuration on a global level.
The Interface Configuration mode configures specific interfaces in the device.
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
User EXEC Mode
After logging into the device, the user is automatically in User EXEC command mode unless the user is defined as
a privileged user. In general, the User EXEC commands allow the user to perform basic tests, and list system
The user-level prompt consists of the device host name followed by the angle bracket (>).
The default host name is Console unless it has been changed using the hostname command in the Global
Configuration mode.
Privileged EXEC Mode
Privileged access is password protected to prevent unauthorized use because many of the privileged commands
set operating system parameters. The password is not displayed on the screen and is case sensitive.
Privileged users enter directly into the Privileged EXEC mode. To enter the Privileged EXEC mode from the User
EXEC mode, perform the following steps:
1.At the prompt enter the enable command and press <Enter>. A password prompt is displayed.
2.Enter the password and press <Enter>. The password is displayed as *. The Privileged EXEC mode prompt
is displayed. The Privileged EXEC mode prompt consists of the device host name followed by #.
To return from the Privileged EXEC mode to the User EXEC mode, use the disable command. The following
example illustrates how to access the Privileged EXEC mode and return to the User EXEC mode:
Enter Password: ******
The exit command is used to return from any mode to the previous mode except when returning to the User
EXEC mode from the Privileged EXEC mode. For example, the exit command is used to return from th e Int erface
Configuration mode to the Global Configuration mode.
Global Configuration Mode
Global Configuration mode commands apply to features that affect the system as a whole, rather than just a
specific interface. The configure Privileged EXEC mode command is used to enter the Global Configuration
To enter the Global Configuration mode perform the following steps:
1.At the Privileged EXEC mode prompt enter the configure command and press <Enter>. The Global Configuration mode prompt is displayed. The Global Configuration mode prompt consists of the device host name
followed by (config) and #.
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Using the CLI
Starting the CLI
To return from the Global Configuration mode to the Privileged EXEC mode, the user can use one of the following
The following example illustrates how to access the Global Configuration mode and return to the Privileged EXEC
Interface Configuration and Specific Configuration Modes
Interface Configuration mode commands modify specific interface operations. The following are the Interface
Configuration modes:
•Line Interface — Contains commands to configure the management connections. These include commands
such as line timeout settings, etc. The line Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the Line
Configuration command mode.
•VLAN Database — Contains commands to create a VLAN as a whole. The vlan database Global
Configuration mode command is used to enter the VLAN Database Interface Configuration mode.
•Management Access List — Contains commands to define management access-lists. The management
access-list Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the Management Access List Configuration
•Ethernet — Contains commands to manage port configuration. The interface ethernet Global Configuration
mode command is used to enter the Interface Configuration mode to configure an Ethernet type interface.
•Port Channel — Contains commands to configure port-channels, for example, assigning ports to a port-
channel. Most of these commands are the same as the commands in the Ethernet interface mode, and are
used to manage the member ports as a single entity. The interface port-channel Global Configuration mode
command is used to enter the Port Channel Interface Configuration mode.
•SSH Public Key-chain — Contains commands to manually specify other device SSH public keys. The
crypto key pubkey-chain ssh Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the SSH Publi c Key-
chain Configuration mode.
•QoS — Contains commands related to service definitions. The qos Global Configuration mode command is
used to enter the QoS services configuration mode.
•MAC Access-List— Configures conditions required to allow traffic based on MAC addresses. The mac
access-list Global Configuration mode command is used to enter the MAC access-list configuration mode..
Starting the CLI
The device can be managed over a direct connection to the device console port or via a Telnet connection. The
device is managed by entering command keywords and parameters at the prompt. Using the device commandline interface (CLI) is very similar to entering commands on a UNIX system.
If access is via a Telnet connection, ensure that the device has a defined IP address, corresponding management
access is granted, and the workstation used to access the device is connected to the device prior to using CLI
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
The following steps are for use on the console line only.
To start using the CLI, perform the following steps:
1.Connect the DB9 null-modem or cross over cable to the RS-232 serial port of the device to the RS-232 serial
port of the terminal or computer running the terminal emulation application.
a) Set the data format to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
b) Set Flow Control to none.
c) Under Properties, select VT100 for Emulation mode.
d) Select Te rminal keys for Function, Ar row, and Ctrl keys. Ensure that the setting is for Terminal ke ys
(not Windows keys).
When using HyperTerminal with Microsoft® Windows 2000,ensure that Windows® 2000 Service Pack 2
or later is installed.With Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, the arrow keys function properly in
HyperTerminal’s VT100 emulation. Go to for information on Windows 2000 service
2.Enter the following commands to begin the configuration procedure:
3.Configure the device and enter the necessary commands to complete the required tasks.
4.When finished, exit the session with the exit command.
When a different user is required to log onto the system, use the login Privileged EXEC mode command. This
effectively logs off the current user and logs on the new user.
Editing Features
Entering Commands
A CLI command is a series of keywords and arguments. Keywords identify a command, and arguments specify
configuration parameters. For example, in the command show interfaces status ethernet 1/11, show, interfaces and status are keywords, ethernet is an argument that specifies the interface type, and 1/11 specifies
the port.
To enter commands that require parameters, enter the required parameters after the command keyword. For
example, to set a password for the administrator, enter:
When working with the CLI, the com m an d op t i o ns are not displayed. The command is not selected from a menu,
but is manually entered. To see what commands are available in each mode or within an interface configuration,
the CLI does provide a method of displaying the available commands, the command syntax requirements and in
some instances parameters required to complete the command. The standard command to request help is ?.
There are two instances where help information can be displayed:
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Using the CLI
Editing Features
•Keyword lookup — The character ? is entered in place of a command. A list of all valid commands and
corresponding help messages are is displayed.
•Partial keyword lookup — If a command is incomplete and or the character ? is entered in place of a
parameter. The matched keyword or parameters for this command are displayed.
To assist in using the CLI, there is an assortment of editing features. The following features are described:
•Terminal Command Buffer
•Command Completion
•Keyboard Shortcuts
Terminal Command Buffer
Every time a command is entered in the CLI, it is recorded on an internally managed Command History buffer.
Commands stored in the buffer are maintained on a First In First Out (FIF O) basis. These commands can be
recalled, reviewed, modified, and reissued. This buffer is not preserved across device resets.
Up-arrow key
Down-arrow keyReturns to more recent commands in the history buffer after recalling com-
Recalls commands in the history buffer, beginning with the most recent command. Repeats the key sequence to recall successively older commands.
mands with the up-arrow key. Repeating the key sequence will recall successively more recent commands.
By default, the history buffer system is enabled, but it can be disabled at any time. For information about the
command syntax to enable or disable the history buffer, see history.
There is a standard default number of commands that are stored in the buffer. The standard number of 10
commands can be increased to 216. By configuring 0, the effect is the same as disabling the history buffer
system. For information about the command syntax for configuring the command history buffer, see history size.
To display the history buffer, see show history.
Negating the Effect of Commands
For many configuration commands, the prefix keyword no can be entered to cancel the effect of a command or
reset the configuration to the default value. This guide describes the negation effect for all applicable commands.
Command Completion
If the command entered is incomplete, invalid or has missing or invalid parameters, then the appropriate error
message is displayed. This assists in entering the correct command. By pressing the <Tab> button, an incomplete
command is entered. If the characters already entered are not enough for the system to identify a single matching
command, press ? to display the available commands matching the characters already entered.
When referring to an Ethernet port in a CLI command, the following format is used:
•For an Ethernet port on a standalone device: Ethernet_type port_number
•For an Ethernet port on a stacked device: unit_number/Ethernet_type port number
Page 17
The ports may be described on an individual basis or within a range. Use format port number-port number to
specify a set of consecutive ports and port number,port number to indicates a set of non-consecutive ports. For
example, 1-3 stands for Gigabit Ethernet ports 1, 2 and 3, and 1,5 stands for Gigabit Ethernet ports 1 and 5.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The CLI has a range of keyboard shortcuts to assist in editing the CLI commands. The following table describes
the CLI shortcuts.
Keyboard KeyDescription
Up-arrow keyRecalls commands from the history buffer, beginning with the most recent command.
Repeat the key sequence to recall successively older commands.
Down-arrow keyReturns the most recent commands from the history buffer after recalling commands with
the up arrow key. Repeating the key sequence will recall successively more recent com-
Ctrl+AMoves the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
Ctrl+EMoves the cursor to the end of the command line.
Ctrl+Z / EndReturns back to the Privileged EXEC mode from any configuration mode.
Backspace keyDeletes one character left to the cursor position.
CLI Command Conventions
When entering commands there are certain command entry standards that apply to all commands. The following
table describes the command conventions.
[ ]In a command line, square brackets indicates an optional entry.
{ }In a command line, curly brackets indicate a selection of compulsory parameters sepa-
rated by the | character. One option must be selected. For example: flowcontrol {auto|on|off} means that for the flowcontrol command either auto, on or off must be
Italic fontIndicates a parameter.
<Enter> Indicates an individual key on the keyboard. For example, <Enter> indicates the Enter
Ctrl+F4Any combination keys pressed simultaneously on the keyboard.
Screen Display
allWhen a parameter is required to define a range of ports or parameters and all is an
Indicates system messages and prompts appearing on the console.
option, the default for the command is all when no parameters are defined. For exam-
ple, the command interface range port-channel has the option of either entering a
range of channels, or selecting all. When the command is entered without a parameter,
it automatically defaults to all.
Copying and Pasting Text
Up to 1000 lines of text (i.e., commands) can be copied and pasted into the device.
Using the CLI
Editing Features
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the text copied into the device consists of legal commands only.
This feature is dependent on the baud rate of the device.
When copying and pasting commands from a configuration file, make sure that the following conditions exist:
•A device Configuration mode has been accessed.
•The commands contain no encrypted data, like encrypted passwords or keys. Encrypted data cannot be
copied and pasted into the device.
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
Section 2.AAA Commands
aaa authentication login
The aaa authentication login Global Configuration mode command defines login authentication. To return to the
default configuration, use the no form of this command.
default — Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods
when a user logs in.
•list-name — Character string used to name the list of authentication methods activated when a user logs in.
(Range: 1-12 characters).
•method1 [method2...] — Specify at least one from the following table:
enableUses the enable password for authentication.
lineUses the line password for authentication.
localUses the local username database for authentication.
noneUses no authentication.
radiusUses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.
tacacsUses the list of all TACA CS+ servers for authentication.
Default Configuration
The local user database is checked. This has the same effect as the command aaa authentication login list-
name local.
On the console, login succeeds without any authentication check if the authentication method is not
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
Page 20
AAA Commands
User Guidelines
The default and optional list names created with the aaa authentication login command are used with the login
authentication command.
Create a list by entering the aaa authentication login list-name method command for a particular protocol, where
list-name is any character string used to name this list. The method argument identifies the list of methods that the
authentication algorithm tries, in the given sequence.
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To
ensure that the authentication succeeds even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in
the command line.
The following example configures the authentication login.
aaa authentication login default radius local enable none
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
aaa authentication enable
The aaaauthentication enable Global Configuration mode command defines authentication method lists for
accessing higher privilege levels. To return to the default configuration, use the no form of this command.
default — Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods,
when using higher privilege levels.
•list-name — Character string used to name the list of authentication methods activated, when using access
higher privilege levels (Range: 1-12 characters).
•method1 [method2...] — Specify at least one from the following table:
enableUses the enable password for authentication.
lineUses the line password for authentication.
noneUses no authentication.
radiusUses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication. Uses username $enabx$.,
where x is the privilege level.
tacacsUses the list of all TACACS+ servers for authentication. Uses username
"$enabx$." where x is the privilege level.
Default Configuration
If the default list is not set, only the enable password is checked. This has the same effect as the command aaa
authentication enable default enable.
On the console, the enable password is used if it exists. If no password is set, the process still succeeds. This has
the same effect as using the command aaa authentication enable default enable none.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The default and optional list names created with the aaa authentication enable command are used with the
enable authentication command.
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To
ensure that the authentication succeeds even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in
the command line.
All aaa authentication enable default requests sent by the device to a RADIUS or TACACS+ server include the
username $enabx$., where x is the requested privilege level.
Page 22
AAA Commands
The following example sets the enable password for authentication when accessing higher privilege levels.
aaa authentication enable default enable
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
login authentication
The login authentication Line Configuration mode command specifies the login authentication method list for a
remote telnet or console. To return to the default configuration specified by the aaa authentication login
command, use the no form of this command.
login authentication {default | list-name}
no login authentication
default — Uses the default list created with the aaa authentication login command.
•list-name — Uses the indicated list created with the aaa authentication login command.
Default Configuration
Uses the default set with the command aaa authentication login.
Command Mode
Line Configuration mode
User Guidelines
Changing login authentication from default to another value may disconnect the telnet session.
The following example specifies the default authentication method for a console.
line console
login authentication default
Page 24
AAA Commands
enable authentication
The enable authentication Line Configuration mode command specifies the authentication method list when
accessing a higher privilege level from a remote Telnet or console. To return to the default configuration specified
by the aaa authentication enable command, use the no form of this command.
enable authentication {default | list-name}
no enable authentication
default — Uses the default list created with the aaa authentication enable command.
•list-name — Uses the indicated list created with the aaa authentication enable command.
Default Configuration
Uses the default set with the aaa authentication enable command.
Command Mode
Line Configuration mode
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
The following example specifies the default authentication method when accessing a higher privilege level from a
line console
enable authentication default
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
ip http authentication
The ip http authentication Global Configuration mode command specifies authentication methods for HTTP
server users. To return to the default configuration, use the no form of this command.
ip http authentication method1 [method2...]
no ip http authentication
method1 [method2...] — Specify at least one from the following table:
localUses the local username database for authentication.
noneUses no authentication.
radiusUses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.
tacacsUses the list of all TACACS+ servers for authentication.
Default Configuration
The local user database is checked. This has the same effect as the command ip http authentication local.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To
ensure that the authentication succeeds even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in
the command line.
The following example configures the HTTP authentication.
ip http authentication radius local
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AAA Commands
ip https authentication
The ip https authentication Global Configuration mode command specifies authentication methods for HTTPS
server users. To return to the default configuration, use the no form of this command.
ip https authentication method1 [method2...]
no ip https authentication
method1 [method2...] — Specify at least one from the following table:
KeywordSource or destination
localUses the local username database for authentication.
noneUses no authentication.
radiusUses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.
tacacsUses the list of all TACACS+ servers for authentication.
Default Configuration
The local user database is checked. This has the same effect as the command ip https authentication local.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To
ensure that the authentication succeeds even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in
the command line.
The following example configures HTTPS authentication.
ip https authentication radius local
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D-Link CLI Reference Guide
show authentication methods
The show authentication methods Privileged EXEC mode command displays information abo ut the
authentication methods.
show authentication methods
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
The following example displays the authentication configuration.
Login Authentication Method Lists
--------------------------------Default: Radius, Local, Line