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Manual Revisions
1.01July 26, 2018• Initial release
1.02July 16, 2020• Minor changes
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ErP Power Usage
This device is an Energy Related Product (ErP) that automatically switches to a power-saving Network Standby mode within 1 minute of no
packets being transmitted. If it is not needed during certain periods of time, it can be unplugged to save energy.
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iiiD-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
DWM-312 4G LTE M2M Router
Power Adapter
2x 3G/4G Antennas
RJ-45 Cable
If any of the above items are missing or damaged, please contact your reseller.
Product Overview
Package Contents
System Requirements
• A compatible micro-SIM/UICC card with service.*
• Computer with Windows, Mac OS, or Linux-based operating system with an installed Ethernet
• Java-enabled browser such as Internet Explorer 6, Safari 4.0, Chrome 20.0, or Firefox 7 or above
(for conguration).
* Subject to services and service terms available from your carrier.
1D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
The D-Link DWM-312 4G LTE M2M Router is an easy-to-deploy, high-performance 3G/4G router. It features a dedicated Fast
Ethernet port and dual-SIM 4G LTE mobile broadband for maximum redundancy and exibility for intense
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications. Powerful VPN tools and advanced remote management combined with ease of
use make the DWM-312 ideal for both large-scale and individual deployments.
Easily connect to your high-speed 3G/4G LTE mobile connection with the DWM-312 4G LTE M2M Router, and enjoy fast
downlink speeds of up to 150 Mbps1 and uplink speeds up to 50 Mbps1, giving you the speed you need for fast, responsive
Internet access. Deploy it in a remote location to access IP cameras and systems remotely. The blazing fast LTE connection
allows multiple users to access e-mail and stream music and video on the go. Congurable dual-SIM fallback provides
reliability and exibility in mixed network environments.
The DWM-312 4G LTE M2M Router’s integrated VPN Client and Server support almost any VPN policy. The router’s hardware
engine can support and manage multiple VPN congurations. It supports IPSec, PPTP, L2TPv2, and GRE protocols in Server
mode, and handles pass-through trac as well. Advanced VPN conguration options include multiple encryption options,
key management, negotiation modes, and VPN authentication using an internal user database.
The industrial-grade casing means the DWM-312 provides reliable high-speed connectivity in extreme conditions. The
corrosion-resistant zinc-plated steel case and wide operating temperature and humidity tolerance mean that the DWM-312
is ready for the most demanding M2M applications in virtually any environment. Wall mounts allow the DWM-312 to be
mounted virtually anywhere for optimal connectivity. Flexible power input allows the router to be powered by any
convenient power source.
Data rates are theoretical. Data transfer rate depends on network capacity, signal strength, and environmental factors.
2D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Hardware Overview
Front View
1Ethernet Port
2Ethernet ActivityFlashes green when there is Ethernet trac.
3DC Power Input
This is a standard 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port to connect any device via Cat 5/5e/6 RJ-45 cables.
This section will guide you through the installation process. Placement of the router is very important. Do not place the router in an enclosed area
such as a closet, cabinet, or in an attic or garage.
Before You Begin
Observe the following precautions to help prevent shutdowns, equipment failures, and personal injury:
• Install the DWM-312 in a cool and dry place. Refer to the technical specications in the user
manual for the acceptable operating temperature and humidity ranges.
• Install the router in a site free from strong electromagnetic sources, vibration, dust, excessive moisture, and direct sunlight.
• Place antennas in an unobstructed area with clear mobile signal. Avoid metal boxes, brick walls, and other dense
materials. It is recommended to use the web interface to conrm signal strength before permanent installation.
• Visually inspect the power connector and make sure that it is fully secure.
• Do not stack any devices on top of the router.
6D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Attaching the External Antennas
The DWM-312 requires two external antennas to function correctly. The included
antennas are interchangeable, but third party antennas may require connection
to specic ports.
1. Attach the antennas to the SMA connectors labelled “MAIN” and “AUX” on the
back of the router Turn clockwise to fasten the antenna.
2. Position the router where it will recieve optimal signal. Arrange the antennas
so they point upward.
Note: The included antennas are interchangeable. Third party antennas may
require connection to specic ports.
7D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Installing the SIM card(s)
The DWM-312 is equipped with dual-SIM slots. At least one active SIM card with
Internet access is required for proper operation.
1. Insert a micro-SIM card into the slot labelled SIM A with the contacts facing
down. If you wish to install a second SIM card, insert it into the slot labelled
2. Gently press the micro-SIM into the slot until it locks into place. To remove,
press again and the SIM card will be ejected.
Note: SIM behavior must be configured from the web UI before an Internet
connection can be established.
8D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Getting Started
To access the conguration utility, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and
enter the address of the router ( by default).
To log in to the conguration utility, enter the default username admin and the
default password admin.
Note: If you get a Page Cannot be Displayed error, please refer to the Troubleshooting
section for assistance.
Once you have successfully logged in, you will see the Home page. On this page
you can view information about your Internet connection, the wireless/LAN status,
and system information.
At the top of the page is a menu. Clicking on one of these icons will take you to the
appropriate conguration section.
On each page, ll out the desired settings and click Apply when you are done or
Refresh to revert to the old settings.
9D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
WAN Service
On this page you can congure your Internet connection. If you are not sure which settings to use, please contact your Internet Service Provider
(ISP). Note that the DWM-312 requires a SIM card and active cellular internet service to connect to the Internet.
Selecting a single SIM card, either SIMA or SIMB will connect over
a single SIM only. Selecting a backup option will change cause the
connection to switch to the specied backup if the primary SIM
cannot connect after the specied time.
Selecting SIM cards will cause the menu options to display
according to active SIM cards, either showing SIMA, SIMB, or SIMA and SIMB. The conguration options for each are the same.
Select the amount of time in minutes for the router to attempt
to reconnect to the primary SIM. If this time elapses, it will
automatically switch to the backup.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
10D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Network Status
Network Type:
Signal Strength:
IP Type:
Total DL:
Total UL:
Prole Name:
Shows the name of the current network provider.
Species the current network type. Indicates LTE, 3G, or 2G.
Indicates the amount of time the network has been up.
Shows cellular signal strength as a percentage.
Shows whether the router is assigned an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
Shows total downloaded bytes since last reboot.
Shows total uploaded bytes since last reboot.
Indicates the name of the APN prole.
Click Refresh to update the page.
11D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
APN Settings
Dial Up Prole:
Dialed Number:
Select Auto-Detection to have the router automatically detect the
settings for your connection. Select Manual to enter the details of
your connection manually. Select Selection to choose several precongured proles, congurable in APN Conguration on page
If you select Manual, the following options will appear:
Select your country and service provider to automatically ll in
some of the required settings.
Fill in only if requested by ISP (optional).
Fill in only if requested by ISP (optional).
Enter the number to be dialed.
Select PAP, CHAP, or Auto detection. The default authentication
method is Auto.
Enter the APN information (optional).
PIN Code:
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Enter the PIN associated with your SIM card.
Fill in if provided by your ISP. If not, keep the default value
Fill in if provided by your ISP. If not, keep the default value
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
12D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
APN Conguration
Prole Name:
Add New APN:
This check box allows you to select one or more APN proles.
Indicates the name of the prole.
Indicates the access point name (APN) in use by the selected
APN proles are prioritized by number. If one prole does not lead
to an active Internet connection, the router will automatically
switch to the next prole in the queue.
Click Edit to edit the corresponding prole, described in New/Edit APN Prole on page 14.
Click Add New APN to create a new APN, described in New/Edit APN Prole on page 14.
Click Delete to all proles selected in the Item column.
13D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
New/Edit APN Prole
Prole Name:
PIN Code:
User Name:
Enter a name for the prole.
Enter the APN to be used. This information should be provided by
your ISP.
If your SIM uses a PIN, enter it here.
If your mobile connection requires a username, enter it here.
If your mobile connection requires a password, enter it here.
Enter a priority between 1 and 4, with 1 being highest priority and
4 being lowest.
Select the authentication type used by your ISP.
Click Save to save your settings, or Undo to revert to your
previous settings.
14D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Connection Settings
Prefer Service
Allow Data
Maximum Idle
IP Type:
Choose whether the DWM-312 should only use 4G networks, 3G
networks, 2G networks, or use Auto Mode to automatically select
a network.
Enabling this option will allow you to connect when roaming
outside your carrier’s home coverage.
Note: Roaming connections may incur additional fees from your
service provider.
Choose Always when you want to establish mobile connection all
the time. Choose Manual to only connect when you click Connect
on the home screen. If you choose Connect-on-demand, the
device will establish a mobile connection when local users want to
connect to the Internet, and disconnect if there is no trac after
the time period dened by the Maximum Idle Time setting.
Note: These options are only available if SIMA Only has been
selected in WAN Service on page 10.
If you have chosen Connect-on-demand, enter the maximum idle
time before disconnection in seconds.
Specify IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4/IPv6 to determine what type of IP
address will be allocated by your ISP. This information should be
provided by your ISP.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
15D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
SIM Card Settings
SIM Status:
PIN Code
PIN Attempts:
Indicates which SIM is currently active.
Enable this if you wish to set a PIN for your SIM.
If you have selected Enable for the above feature, enter your new
PIN here.
Shows the number of attempts remaining before the SIM is
locked. SIM cards generally allow three attempts, after which
they can only be unlocked by a PUK code provided by the ISP. For
information on the conguration of your SIM card, consult your
ISP or carrier.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
16D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
IPv4 and IPv6 info
IP Address:
Subnet Mask
DNS Server1:
DNS Server2:
IP Address:
DNS Server1:
DNS Server2:
Shows the IPv4 address of the current SIM card.
Shows the subnet mask of the current SIM card.
Shows the gateway used by the current SIM card.
Indicates the IP address of the primary DNS server.
Indicates the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
Shows the IPv4 address of the current SIM card.
Shows the gateway used by the current SIM card.
Indicates the IP address of the primary DNS server.
Indicates the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
Click Refresh to update this page.
17D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Device Mode
Device Mode:
Router Mode is the default mode, which enables NAT and DHCP.
In this conguration, the DWM-312 gets an IP from the ISP, and
then creates its own subnet with a private IP range.
Bridge Mode disables all DHCP, NAT, and routing functions. In this
mode, the DWM-312 acts as a simple modem, and IPs are assigned
directly by the ISP.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
18D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Select NAT or Classical. The Classical option disables the NAT
Router Mode
DNS Query /
ICMP Checking:
Check Incoming/
Check interval:
Fail Threshold:
Target 1:
Select Enable to enable WAN keep alive. This may be useful if your
provider automatically disconnects you after an idle period.
Specify the method for keep-alive. Choose between DNS Query
or ICMP Checking.
This option cannot be changed.
Select either 60 seconds or 120 seconds to set the interval at
which the router will check for a connection.
The Failure Threshold species the number of retries before the
WAN is assumed to be down.
Specify a target of the DNS queries or ICMP checks. Options
include DNS1, DNS2, Gateway, NTP Server which automatically
use this information from other settings, or your can manually
specify an address after selecting Other Host. The default is
Target 2:
In addition to the options available for Target1, you can also
select None to use only the host selected in Target1.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
19D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
This section allows you to change the local network settings of your router and to congure the DHCP Server settings. IPv4 and IPv6 are congured
LAN Settings
Router IP Address:
Default Subnet
Local Domain
Dynamic Route:
LAN Snooping:
Enter the IP address you want to use for the router. The default
IP address is If you change the IP address, you will
need to enter the new IP address in your browser to get into the
conguration utility.
Enter the subnet mask of the router. The default subnet mask is
Enter the local domain name for your network.
Click this to congure the Router Information Protocol (RIP),
described on the following page.
Click this to toggle LAN snooping, described on the following
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
20D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Click Enable to toggle the Router Identication Protocol (RIP). If
enabled, choose RIP1 or RIP2.
Click Save to save your settings, or the X button to revert to your
previous settings.
Dynamic Route
LAN Snooping:
Check Enable to enable LAN snooping.
Click Save to save your settings, or the X button to revert to your
previous settings.
21D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
The DWM-312 has a built-in DHCP (Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol) server. The DHCP server assigns IP addresses to devices on the network
that request them. By default, the DHCP server is enabled on the device. The DHCP address pool contains a range of IP addresses, which are
automatically assigned to the clients on the network.
Enable DHCP
DHCP IP Address
DHCP Lease Time:
Primary DNS IP
Secondary DNS IP
Static IP Setting:
Select this box to enable the DHCP server on your router.
Enter the range of IPs for the DHCP server to use to assign IP
addresses to devices on your network. These values will represent
the last octet of the IP addresses in the pool.
Enter the lease time for IP address assignments.
Enter the primary DNS IP address that will be assigned to DHCP
Enter the secondary DNS IP address that will be assigned to DHCP
Click Static IP Setting to assign a dedicated IP to a specied MAC
address to be saved by the DHCP server.
Select a DHCP client and click Copy to, or enter the MAC address
and IP address manually, to assign the IP address to the MAC
address. Click Enable to enable the rule.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
22D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
IPv6 Cong
Select Enable to enable IPv6, otherwise select Disable.
IPv6 settings are congured on the next page.
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
23D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Internet Connection Type
The DWM-312 supports both SLAAC and DHCP IPv6 conguration options. Which one is used will depend on your service provider and network
LAN Assigned
IPv6 Address
IPv6 Address
Range (End):
IPv6 Address
Select DHCPv6, SLAAC+Stateless DHCP or SLAAC+RDNSS.
If you selected DHCPv6, the following options will appear:
Enter the starting IPv6 address for the DHCP server’s IPv6
Enter the ending IPv6 address for the DHCP server’s IPv6
Enter the IPv6 address lifetime (in seconds).
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
24D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
The DWM-312 supports a number of virtual private network (VPN) protocols. VPNs are used to create virtual private tunnels to remote VPN
gateways. The tunnel technology supports data condentiality, data origin authentication, and data integrity of network information by utilizing
encapsulation protocols, encryption algorithms, and hashing algorithms. Supported protocols as a client include: IPSec, PPTP, L2TP, and GRE.
Supported protocols as a server include PPTP and L2TP.
VPN Settings
Netbios over
NAT Traversal:
Dynamic VPN:
Tunnel Settings:
Tick this box to enable the IPSec VPN function.
Tick this box to receive Netbios from Network Neighborhood.
Some NAT routers and ISPs will block IPSec packets if they don’t
support IPSec passthrough. If you connect to another NAT router
which doesn’t support IPSec passthrough on the WAN side, you
need to activate this option.
Tick this box to enable this feature and click More to congure
VPN Dynamic IP on a separate page. Please see the next page for
more details.
Tunnel details are displayed here. Click More to congure a
new tunnel or click Disconnect to disconnect from an existing
tunnel. Select the Enable checkbox to activate this rule. In tunnel
settings page, you can click More under Action for detailed tunnel
Click Apply to save your settings, or Refresh to revert to your
previous settings.
25D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
Section 4 - Conguration
Dynamic VPN Settings
Tunnel Name:
Local Subnet:
Local Netmask:
Pase1 Key Life
Phase2 Key Life
PFS Group:
Tick this box to enable this feature and click More to congure
VPN Dynamic IP on a separate page. Please see the next page
for more details.
Enter a name for your VPN.
Enter the local (LAN) subnet. (ex.
Enter the local (LAN) subnet mask. (ex.
Enter the amount of time in seconds that the Phase 1 key should
Enter the amount of time in seconds that the Phase 2 key should
Choose either ESP, AH or ESP+AH from the drop-down menu.
Enable or Disable the PFS Group option using the drop-down
menu. PFS is an additional security protocol.
Aggressive Mode:
Preshare Key:
Local ID:
Check this box to enable aggressive mode.
Enter an ASCII passphrase in the box.
Choose from Username, FQDN, User@FQDN, or Key ID using
the drop-down menu and then enter an ID in the box.
26D-Link DWM-312 User Manual
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