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1.00September 22, 2017• Initial release
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This device is an Energy Related Product (ErP) with High Network Availability (HiNA), and automatically switches to a power-saving Network
Standby mode within 1 minute of no packets being transmitted. If it is not needed during certain periods of time, it can be unplugged to save
Network Standby: 3.54 watts
iD-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................. i
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.
1D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Network Requirements
Web-based Conguration
Utility Requirements
System Requirements
• A wireless router with an active Internet connection.
• IEEE 802.11ac, 802.11n, 802.11g, 802.11b, or 802.11a
wireless clients/devices
A Computer or Mobile Device with the following:
• Windows®, Apple® Mac OS®, or Linux-based operating system
• Wireless adapter or Wi-Fi functionality
• An Apple® iPhone®, iPod touch®, iPad®, or Android™ mobile
Browser Requirements:
• Internet Explorer® 9 or later
• Firefox® 20.0 or later
• Safari® 5.1 or later
• Google Chrome™ 25.0 or later
2D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Easily Extend Your Existing Network
The DAP-1610 AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender lets you easily extend a secure wireless network with a press of a button. Connect the
DAP-1610 to a router via Wi-Fi or Ethernet and share your high-speed Internet access in more places throughout your home or small
High-speed Wireless Performance With Wireless 802.11ac Technology
Thanks to the latest Wireless AC technology, the DAP-1610 provides a wireless connection at up to 1200 Mbps* with other 802.11ac
wireless devices. This feature lets you participate in real-time activities online, such as video streaming, online gaming, and real-time
audio with smooth performance.
Simple Setup
All it takes is a press of a button to connect compatible WPS devices to the DAP-1610. Its easy-to-use web interface lets you quickly
and easily connect the DAP-1610 to an uplink router, congure the extended wireless network, and manage the administrative
settings. The setup wizard will even guide you through the setup process, getting your extended wireless network up and running
in no time. Alternatively, connect an Ethernet cable to your existing network infrastructure to quickly and easily create a wireless
The DAP-1610 is fully compatible with now only the latest 802.11ac standard, but is also backwards compatible with IEEE 802.11n/g/
b/a wireless devices, so you can use your existing devices without sacricing performance.
Latest Wireless Network Security and Encryption
The DAP-1610 supports wireless security features to prevent unauthorized access from the wireless network. Support for WPA/
WPA2 standards ensure that you’ll be able to use the best possible encryption methods with your compatible wireless devices.
* Maximum wireless signal rate derived from standard IEEE specications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume
of network trac, building materials and construction, and network overhead may lower actual data throughput rate. Environmental conditions will adversely aect wireless
signal range.
3D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
What is a Wireless Extender?
The DAP-1610 acts as a repeater to extend the range of an existing wireless network to provide a better signal for parts of your
home or oce that may have poor or no reception. Your existing wireless signal will be re-broadcast by the DAP-1610, allowing
you to reach the farthest corners of your home or oce. The extended network can simply use the same network credentials as the
existing network, or you can specify a dierent network name and password, giving you the exibility to control network access.
You may also use the DAP-1610 as a wireless access point by connecting an Ethernet cable.
Extend Your Wireless Network using Wi-Fi
Wireless Devices
Create a Wireless Network using Ethernet
Access Point
Wireless Devices
4D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Hardware Overview
2Status/WPS LED
3WPS Button
4Signal Indicator LED
Reset Button
Use an unfolded paperclip to press and hold the reset button on the top of DAP-1610 until the status
LED turns red, to reset the device back to factory default settings.
This LED indicates the current status of the DAP-1610.
Refer to “Status/WPS LED Indicator” on page 7 for more information.
Press to establish a connection with another WPS compatible device.
Refer to “WPS Button” on page 43 for more information.
The more lit green bars on the Signal Indicator LED, the better the wireless signal to the host network.
For more information refer to “Optimize Extender Location” on page 14.
5D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Hardware Overview
1LANConnect an Ethernet cable if you are adding wireless to an existing wired network.
6D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Status/WPS LED Indicator
Status/WPS LED Indicator
LED IndicatorColorStatusDescription
SolidThe DAP-1610 is receiving power and connected to a host network.
BlinkingWPS mode is active and ready to add a wireless device.
RedSolidThe DAP-1610 is booting or an error has occurred.
AmberBlinkingThe DAP-1610 is not connected to a host network.
NoneODevice is not receiving power. Check the power outlet.
7D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Hardware Overview
You may locate the Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password for your DAP-1610. This information is printed on the specication sticker on
the back of the device. You will need this information to connect your computer or mobile device to the default network (SSID) of
your DAP-1610. This information is also provided on the Wi-Fi conguration card.
8D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Wireless Installation Considerations
The DAP-1610 lets you extend your existing wireless network’s coverage as long as it is within range of the uplink network. Keep in
mind that the DAP-1610’s extension network’s range may be limited by the number, thickness and location of walls, ceilings, or other
objects that the wireless signals must pass through. Typical ranges vary depending on the types of materials and background RF (radio
frequency) noise in your home or business. The key to maximizing wireless range is to follow these basic guidelines:
1. Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the D-Link extender and other network devices to a
minimum - each wall or ceiling can reduce your adapter’s range from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Position your
devices so that the number of walls or ceilings is minimized.
2. Be aware of the direct line between network devices. A wall that is 1.5 feet thick (0.5 meters), at a 45-degree
angle appears to be almost 3 feet (1 meter) thick. At a 2-degree angle it looks over 42 feet (14 meters) thick!
Position devices so that the signal will travel straight through a wall or ceiling (instead of at an angle) for
better reception.
3. Building materials make a dierence. A solid metal door or aluminum studs may have a negative eect on
range. Try to position extenders, access points, wireless routers, and computers so that the signal passes
through drywall or open doorways. Materials and objects such as glass, steel, metal, walls with insulation,
water (sh tanks), mirrors, le cabinets, brick, and concrete will degrade your wireless signal.
4. Keep your product away (at least 3-6 feet or 1-2 meters) from electrical devices or appliances that generate RF
5. If you are using 2.4 GHz cordless phones or X-10 (wireless products such as ceiling fans, lights, and home
security systems), your wireless connection may degrade dramatically or drop completely. Make sure your 2.4
GHz phone base is as far away from your wireless devices as possible. The base transmits a signal even if the
phone is not in use.
9D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Antenna Setup
The DAP-1610 is designed to give you the fastest, most stable network connection possible. In order to maximize performance, fully
extend the antennas to provide optimal wireless coverage. Keep the extender in an open area for better wireless coverage.
10D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Hardware Setup
Plug the DAP-1610 into a wall outlet, and wait until the Status/WPS LED is blinking amber.
11D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Getting Started
There are several conguration tools you can use to set up your DAP-1610.
• WPS PBC - To easily extend an existing wireless network refer to “WPS-PBC Conguration” on page 13 for setup instructions.
• QRS Mobile App - Use your Android device or iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to congure your extender. Refer to “QRS
Mobile App Setup” on page 15 for setup instructions.
• D-Link Setup Wizard - This wizard will launch when you log into the Extender’s web conguration utility for the rst
time. Refer to ”Setup Wizard” on page 21 for setup instructions.
• Manual Conguration - Advanced users who wish to manually setup extender or adjust its settings may refer to
“Conguration” on page 31 for more information.
12D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
WPS-PBC Conguration
To connect to a wireless router or access point and extend the Wi-Fi network in your home, rst make sure the source router or
Access Point features a WPS Button or has a virtual WPS Button.
Step 1 - Initiate WPS Mode
While the Status/WPS LED is blinking amber. Push the WPS button on the source
wireless router or AP, and then push the WPS button on the DAP-1610. The
Status/WPS LED will start to ash green. Please allow up to two minutes for the
process to nish. The Status/WPS LED will turn solid green when the DAP-1610
has connected successfully to the source wireless router or access point.
Step 2 - Connecting Devices to the DAP-1610
The DAP-1610 is now ready to share the extended Wi-Fi network with your
PCs and mobile devices. You may use the WPS method to connect devices to
the extension networks created by the DAP-1610 using the following network
names (SSID). The password(s) will be the same as the wireless network you are
• (Your router’s SSID)-EXT
13D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Optimize Extender Location
The Status/WPS LED will turn solid green when the DAP-1610 has connected successfully to a wireless network and is extending
that network. If the Smart Signal LED has a single amber bar after the connection process has nished, the DAP-1610 has
established a poor quality connection. The more lit bars on the Signal Indicator LED, the better the wireless signal. To improve the
connection quality, the DAP-1610 should be relocated closer to the source wireless router. If the extender has been congured as an
Access Point and is connected via Ethernet cable to an uplink network, the Smart Signal LED will not be lit.
14D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
QRS Mobile App Setup
The DAP-1610 can be set up from your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or Android smartphone or tablet device using the QRS Mobile app.
Note: The screenshots may be dierent depending on your mobile device’s OS version.
Step 1
Search for the free QRS Mobile App on the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Step 2
Once your app is installed, you may now congure your extender. Connect to the
router wirelessly by going to your wireless utility on your device. Scan for the WiFi name (SSID) as listed on the supplied conguration card. Select and then enter
your Wi-Fi password.
Step 3
Once wirelessly connected to the extender, launch the QRS Mobile app from the
Home screen of your device.
Note: The following steps show the iOS interface of the QRS Mobile app. If you are
using an Android device, the appearance may be dierent to that of the screenshots,
but the process is the same.
15D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Click Start to continue.
Click Next to continue.
16D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
QRS Mobile will rst detect your DAP-1610, then scan for available
Wi-Fi networks. Select the network you wish to extend. Tap Rescan
if your network doesn’t show up the rst time.
Enter a password for the existing Wi-Fi network. Click Next to
17D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Enter a network name (SSID) and password for the extended
Wi-Fi network. Click Next to continue.
Create an admin password for the DAP-1610’s web-based
conguration utility. Click Next to continue.
18D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
A summary of your settings will be displayed. Click Save to reboot
the device and to complete the setup.
After the setup wizard is complete, the following screen will appear.
To connect to the extended network, you can now change your
mobile device and laptop Wi-Fi settings to the wireless network
name and password you just created. You can also share your Wi-Fi
information by clicking Share by E-mail.
19D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Web-based Setup
To access the setup utility for the DAP-1610 AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender on
your PC, rst connect to the DAP-1610 wirelessly using the Wi-Fi name (SSID) and
password located on your Wi-Fi Conguration Card. Then open a web browser
and enter http://dlinkap.local./ in your browser’s URL eld. You may also enter
the IP address* of the DAP-1610.
* The default IP address is Once your DAP-1610 connects to the host network,
it will be assigned a new IP address based on your network’s DHCP settings. You will need
to log in to your router to see what IP address is assigned to your DAP-1610.
For multiple DAP-1610s, go to http://dlinkapxxxx.local. as shown on the included Wi-Fi
Conguration Card, with “xxxx” being the last four digits of the DAP-1610’s MAC address.
Enter your password. By default, Admin is the username and cannot be changed,
and by default, the password is blank.
The conguration interface will open, and you can congure the various settings
for the DAP-1610. If you have not yet congured an uplink network, the home
screen will show that there is no connection between the DAP-1610 and the
uplink router.
20D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Setup Wizard
If this is your rst time logging in to the extender and no connection has been
established, the setup wizard will automatically appear.
In the future, if you wish to set up your extender using the setup wizard, click the
Uplink Router icon.
The setup wizard is designed to guide you through a step-by-step process to
congure your new DAP-1610 AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender to extend your
wireless network and connect to the Internet.
The steps are:
Step 1: Connecting Your Device
Step 2: Conguring Your Settings
Step 3: Setting a Password for Your Device
Click Next to begin.
21D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Connecting Your Device via WPS
After clicking the Next button from the previous step, the DAP-1610 will
automatically initiate a WPS-PBC (Wireless Protected Setup - Push Button Control)
search to nd an uplink network to extend. If your existing wireless networking
device has a physical or virtual WPS button, press or enable it within the 120
seconds allotted by the countdown timer.
If you do not wish to use WPS or your existing networking device does not have a
WPS feature, select one of the alternative conguration options:
Extend an existing network, see page 24 for more information or
Add wireless to your wired network, see page 27 for further setup information.
Once the 120 second timer has elapsed, proceed to the next page.
22D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
WPS Successful
If a WPS connection is successfully established you will be prompted to congure
your extension network settings. The current network names and passwords will
be displayed.
You may now rename the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. If you wish to input
dierent passwords for each network, deselect use the same password for both networks and create new passwords.
Please be sure to note any changes you make as these credentials will be required
for wireless clients wishing to join your network.
Click Next to proceed to Congure Administrator Password, refer to page 29 for
more information, or click Back to return to the previous step.
WPS Unsuccessful
If the WPS countdown timer expires, and no connection to an uplink wireless
network could be established, you may press the retry button to attempt the
process again or if you do not wish to use WPS ,or are having diculty using the
WPS feature, you can try using one of the alternative conguration options:
Extend an existing network, see page 24 for more information or
Add wireless to your wired network, see page 27 for further setup information.
*Wireless network names and passwords are shown for example only.
23D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Extend an Existing Network
To set up your network manually, select Extend an Existing Network from the
setup wizard menu. Click Next to continue.
The DAP-1610 will scan for available wireless networks and display a list of results.
You may choose one of the following options to proceed:
• If the wireless network you wish to extend was detected by the scan, click on
the network to select it. The extender will automatically forward you to the
next step.
• If the network you would like to extend was not detected by the scan, click the
Manual button.
Note: If the wireless network you would like to extend to was not detected by the
scan, your DAP-1610 might be out of range and you may need to reposition the
extender closer to the host network device.
24D-Link DAP-1610 User Manual
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