You will hear three beeps from the remote
control, indicating it has paired with your
DISH receiver
4 Press the SAT button on the side of the
remote control
3 Open the front panel of your DISH receiver,
and press the SYS INFO button
2 Replace the back cover
1 Remove the back cover by pushing the latch
upward, and remove the PULL tab
Turn On Your Remote

Auxiliary Device
5 You can also pair your remote with an
Auxiliary Device such as a Blu-ray™ player
or stereo
4 Follow the prompts
3 Select TV and then TV Pairing Wizard
2 Select Settings and then Remote Control
1 Press the home button twice
Pair Your Remote

To conserve your remote control’s
battery life, its light sensor detects
the amount of light in the room
If the room is suciently dark
when you move your remote, its
buttons will light up automatically!
To activate the backlighting on
your remote control, simply
pick it up, move it, or shake it
gently in a dark room
You asked. We listened.
Acvate Backlighng