DigiTech HISC Sysex Doc User Guide

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- General Digitech Midi Implementation
- GSP256
- GSP256XL
- GSP7
- GFX1 (Twin Tube)
- MEQ Series
- IPS33B
DigiTechTM Midi Implementation Manual June 2, 1991 - First Revision
Dod Electronics Corporation 8760 S. Sandy Parkway Sandy, Utah 84070 Telephone (801) 266-8800 FAX (801) 266-7005
Before reading the DigiTech Midi Implementation Manual you should have a
orking knowledge of the MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification which may be
obtained from the Midi Manufacturers Association1. Upon request DigiTech
ill provide information regarding their system exclusive commands for all of their devices. Though we try to provide accurate documentation for our devices to our customers we do not guarantee 100% correctness. Should you discover some discrepancies between this manual and the actual device implementation, please feel free to let us know about it. Please backup your
device's programs before making modifications through midi. Not only is this
a good practice, but it will save you a lot of down time should your midi commands be incorrect. DigiTech does not assume any responsibility for lost presets. Please note that the Midi Device Manual is a generic term used in this document to refer to a device specific Midi Manual. (Example: GSP7 Midi Implementation Manual)
Midi Channel
ll DigiTech devices can be configured to listen to midi on unique channels.
ll devices allow a selection of midi channels 1 through 16. Some devices allow a channel selection of OMNI (receive midi on all channels), and some devices allow the receipt of midi data to be disabled. Some devices allow you to select one channel for the reception of midi data, and another channel for the transmission of midi data. Check the Midi Device Manual for information on how to select the midi channel for your device.
Program Change
ll DigiTech devices recognize a program change command. If the receive midi channel is the same as the channel that the program change was transmitted on, and the new program number is legal, the DigiTech device will change to the new program number. Midi sends program changes 0 through 127. DigiTech numbers their programs starting at 1. Thus midi program change 0 will map to DigiTech device program 1. Some DigiTech devices allow you to remap program changes. Remapping program changes allows the user to select any device program based on the midi program change. The remapping of transmitted program changes is available on devices that can generate program change commands. Check the Midi Device Manual to determine if your device allows the remapping of program changes.
Continuous Controllers
continuous controller may be associated with a device parameter. This association is done by linking the controller to the parameter. DigiTech uses the continuous controller to represent a percentage of the parameters
aximum value. Though this is the general principle, the exact formula for each device can be found in the Midi Device Manual.
Channel Pressure DigiTech treats channel pressure as a special case continuous controller.
System Exclusive
D7 - D0 Hex Value Definition
11110000b F0h System exclusive status byte
00000000b 00h 00000000b 00h DOD/DigiTech manufacturer's ID number 00010000b 10h
0000nnnnb 0Nh N = Channel # - 1, i.e. 0000 00h is Channel 1. 0001 01h is Channel 2 . 1111 0Fh is Channel 16
The internal representation of the channel to which the receiving unit is listening. It is used to communicate with different units of the same device type connected to a common MIDI line. If the receiving device is set to omni then this byte is ignored.
0tttttttb TTh DigiTech device type. Specifies the particular DigiTech product with which communication is being held. (See page 4 for current DigiTech device types.)
0pppppppb PPh Procedure number. Each procedure's name and general format are on page 4. Consult the Midi Device Manual to determine which procedures are supported by your device and the exact data format for those procedures.
0dddddddb DDh 0dddddddb DDh 0dddddddb DDh . .
. . . . Data as needed by procedures. Consult the Midi Device Manual to
determine the data format for each procedure. . . . . . . 0dddddddb DDh 0dddddddb DDh
11110111b F7h End-of-Exclusive status byte
Current DigiTech Device Types
DigiTech Device Name Device Type Number
DSP 128 00000001b 01h IPS 33 00000010b 02h DSP 128 Plus 00000011b 03h GSP 5 00000100b 04h MSP 4 00000101b 05h DSP 256 00000110b 06h MEQ 28 00000111b 07h MEQ 14 00001000b 08h MEQ 7 00001001b 09h GSP 21 00001010b 0Ah GSP 21 PRO 00001010b 0Ah2 IPS 33B 00001010b 0Ah3 DSP 256 XL 00001011b 0Bh GFX-1 (TWIN TUBE) 00001100b 0Ch GSP 7 00001101b 0Dh
RP-1 00010000b 10h
Reserved 32 to 47 For IVL (20h-2fh) VHM5 32 IVL Product Vocalist II 33 IVL Product
TSR-24 64 (40H) GSP-2101 65 (41H) TSR-12 66 (42H) RP-10 67 (43H) LEGEND II 68 (44H) TSR-6 69 (45H)
Reserved 50h to 5Fh For Audio Logic
BROADCAST 7Fh, used to send a message to
ultiple devices
DigiTech Procedures
In the following section SYSX_HEADER refers to a valid system exclusive header. The system exclusive header starts with the System Exclusive status byte, and includes all bytes through the DigiTech device type. EOX refers to the End of System Exclusive status byte (F7h). All numbers in the format definition of each procedure are given as hexadecimal values.
SYSX_HEADER 00h 00h EOX (For IPS 33B only)
When a REQUEST CONFIGURATION procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE CONFIGURATION procedure.
REQUEST ONE PROGRAM (00000001b 01h)
SYSX_HEADER 01h zz EOX (For IPS 33B only)
yy 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the requested program number - 1. zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the requested program number -
When a REQUEST ONE PROGRAM procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE ONE PROGRAM procedure.
When a REQUEST ALL HARMONY DEFINITIONS procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE ALL HARMONY DEFINITIONS procedure.
zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the requested harmony definition
- 1.
When a REQUEST ONE HARMONY DEFINITION procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE ONE HARMONY DEFINITION procedure.
When a REQUEST ALL ARPEGGIO PATTERN DEFINITIONS procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE ALL ARPEGGIO PATTERN DEFINITIONS procedure.
zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the requested arpeggio pattern definition - 1.
When a REQUEST ONE ARPEGGIO PATTERN DEFINITION procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE ONE ARPEGGIO PATTERN DEFINITION procedure.
REQUEST RAM AREA (00000110b 06h)
SYSX_HEADER 06h bb ww xx yy zz nn EOX
bb Bank number of ram being requested. Currently the only valid bank in DigiTech devices is 00h.
w 0000000vb where v is bit 15 of the ram address. xx 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 14 - 8 of the ram address. yy 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the ram address. zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 - 0 of the ram address. nn 1 to 7Fh, the number of ram bytes to be sent.
The REQUEST RAM AREA procedure is used to have the DigiTech device send an area of its internal ram to a host midi device. When a REQUEST RAM AREA procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a DATA RESPONSE procedure. The Midi Device Manuals for the DigiTech devices which support the REQUEST RAM AREA procedure contain a memory map and definition of the ram locations which may be requested.
SYSX_HEADER 10h bb ww xx yy zz nn d(1) d(1)'...d(nn) d(nn)' EOX
bb Bank number of ram being sent. Currently the only valid bank in DigiTech devices is 00h.
w 0000000vb where v is bit 15 of the ram address. xx 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 14 - 8 of the ram address. yy 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the ram address. zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 - 0 of the ram address. nn 1 to 7Fh, the number of ram bytes in this response.
d(c) 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the cth byte being sent. d(c)' 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte being sent.
The DATA RESPONSE procedure is sent from a DigiTech device in response to a REQUEST RAM AREA procedure. If a DATA RESPONSE procedure is received by a DigiTech device, it is ignored. The Midi Device Manuals for the DigiTech devices which send the DATA RESPONSE procedure contain a memory map and definition of the ram locations which may be sent in response to a REQUEST RAM AREA procedure.
RESET DEVICE (00100000b 20h)
The RESET DEVICE procedure causes the DigiTech device to reset itself as though the power had just been turned on.
RESET HARDWARE (00100001b 21h)
SYSX_HEADER 21h EOX The RESET HARDWARE procedure causes the DigiTech device to reload all of
it's hardware devices.
aa The major number of the device to be reset. bb The minor number of the device to be reset.
The RESET HARDWARE DEVICE procedure causes the DigiTech device to reload a particular hardware device. The major number is used to identify the hardware device. The minor number is used to identify a particular element of a hardware device. If the minor number is 0, then all elements of the device are reset. As an example, the speaker simulator on the GFX-1 (TwinTube) has a major device number of 2. Valid minor numbers for the speaker simulator are 0 through 6. If the minor number is 0, then all bands of the speaker simulator are reset. If the minor number is 1, then the first band of the speaker simulator is reset. 2 would reset the second band, etc.
RECEIVE MICROCODE (01000000b 40h)
SYSX_HEADER 40h aa bb cc dd ... EOX
aa bb Repeated groups of 4 bytes. cc dd
The RECEIVE MICROCODE procedure is used by DigiTech for product development.
SYSX_HEADER 41h d(1) d(1)' ... d(n) d(n)' EOX
SYSX_HEADER 41h d(1)' ... d(n)' EOX (For IPS 33 only)
SYSX_HEADER 41h 00h d(1)' ... d(n)' EOX (For IPS 33B only)
d(c) 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the cth byte of the configuration. d(c)' 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte of the
The RECEIVE CONFIGURATION procedure is used to load configuration information into the DigiTech device. The number of configuration bytes to be received (n) is different for each DigiTech device.
DigiTech Device # Ram bytes # Midi data bytes
DSP128 1,572 3,144 IPS33 396 396 DSP128 Plus 1,587 3,174 GSP5 2,291 4,582 DSP256 5,718 11,436 MEQ 28 3,511 7,022 MEQ 14 3,511 7,022 MEQ 7 3,511 7,022 GSP21 5,401 10,802 GSP21 PRO 5,401 10,802 IPS33B 9,088 9,088 DSP256 XL 5,744 11,488 GFX-1 TWIN TUBE 6,295 12,590 GSP7 5,088 10,176
RECEIVE ONE PROGRAM (01000010b 42h)
SYSX_HEADER 42h yy zz d(1) d(1)' ... d(n) d(n)' EOX
SYSX_HEADER 42h zz d(1)' ... d(n)' EOX (For IPS 33B only)
yy 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the received program number - 1. zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the received program number - 1. d(c) 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the cth byte of the received program. d(c)' 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte of the received
The RECEIVE ONE PROGRAM procedure is used to load a program into the DigiTech device. The number of program bytes to be received (n) is different for each DigiTech device.
DigiTech Device # Ram bytes # Midi data bytes
IPS33 4 4 DSP256 38 76 MEQ 28 35 70 MEQ 14 35 70 MEQ 7 35 70 GSP21 61 122 GSP21 PRO 61 122 IPS33B 71 71 DSP256 XL 38 76 GFX-1 TWIN TUBE 49 98 GSP7 52 104
SYSX_HEADER 43h 00h d(1) ... d(n) EOX
d(c) 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte of the harmony definitions.
The RECEIVE ALL HARMONY DEFINITIONS procedure is used to load all harmony definitions into the DigiTech device. The number of harmony definition bytes to be received (n) is different for each DigiTech device.
DigiTech Device # Ram bytes # Midi data bytes
IPS33 384 384 IPS33B 768 768
SYSX_HEADER 44h 00h zz d(1) ... d(n) EOX
zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the received harmony definition number - 1.
d(c) 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte of the harmony definition.
The RECEIVE ONE HARMONY DEFINITION procedure is used to load one harmony definition into the DigiTech device. The number of harmony definition bytes to be received (n) is different for each DigiTech device.
DigiTech Device # Ram bytes # Midi data bytes
IPS33 24 24 IPS33B 24 24
SYSX_HEADER 45h 00h d(1) ... d(n) EOX
d(c) 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte of the arpeggio pattern definitions.
The RECEIVE ALL ARPEGGIO DEFINITIONS procedure is used to load all arpeggio pattern definitions into the DigiTech device. The number of arpeggio pattern definition bytes to be received (n) is different for each DigiTech device.
DigiTech Device # Ram bytes # Midi data bytes
IPS33B 544 544
SYSX_HEADER 46h 00h zz d(1) ... d(n) EOX
zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the received arpeggio pattern definition number - 1.
d(c) 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte of the arpeggio pattern definition.
The RECEIVE ONE ARPEGGIO DEFINITION procedure is used to load one arpeggio pattern definition into the DigiTech device. The number of arpeggio pattern definition bytes to be received (n) is different for each DigiTech device.
DigiTech Device # Ram bytes # Midi data bytes
IPS33B 17 17
RECEIVE RAM AREA (01000111b 47h)
SYSX_HEADER 47h bb ww xx yy zz nn d(1) d(1)'...d(nn) d(nn)' EOX
bb Bank number of ram being received. Currently the only valid bank in DigiTech devices is 00h.
w 0000000vb where v is bit 15 of the ram address. xx 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 14 - 8 of the ram address. yy 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the ram address. zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 - 0 of the ram address. nn 1 to 7Fh, the number of ram bytes being received. d(c) 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the cth byte being received. d(c)' 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte being sent.
The RECEIVE RAM AREA procedure is used to load an area of a DigiTech device's internal ram from a host midi device. The Midi Device Manuals for the DigiTech devices which support the RECEIVE RAM AREA procedure contain a
emory map and definition of the ram locations which may be received.
RECEIVE LARGE RAM AREA (01001000b 48h)
SYSX_HEADER 48h bb ww xx yy zz nn1 nn2 nn3 d(1) d(1)'...d(nn) d(nn)' EOX
bb Bank number of ram being received. Currently the only valid bank in DigiTech devices is 00h.
w 0000000vb where v is bit 15 of the ram address. xx 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 14 - 8 of the ram address. yy 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the ram address. zz 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 - 0 of the ram address.
nn1 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 - 0 of the transfer count.
nn2 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 13 - 7 of the transfer count. nn3 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 20 - 14 of the transfer count. d(c) 0000000vb where v is bit 7 of the cth byte being received. d(c)' 0vvvvvvvb where v is bits 6 through 0 of the cth byte being sent.
The RECEIVE LARGE RAM AREA procedure is used to load an area of a DigiTech device's internal ram from a host midi device. The Midi Device Manuals for the DigiTech devices which support the RECEIVE RAM AREA procedure contain a
emory map and definition of the ram locations which may be received.
REQUEST BULK DUMP (01001001b 49h)
When a REQUEST BULK DUMP procedure is received, the DigiTech device will respond with a RECEIVE LARGE RAM AREA procedure.
When a RETURN TO PROGRAM SCREEN procedure is received, the DigiTech device
ill return to the program screen if it is on an algorithm or parameter screen.
1 MIDI Manufacturers Association 5316 W. 57th St. Los Angeles, California 90056 (213) 649-6434 2 The midi specifications for the GSP21 and the GSP21 PRO are identical. 3 The GSP 21's and the IPS 33B's midi data format IS NOT IDENTICAL (but
their MIDI IDs are). Therefore, the GSP 21's and GSP 21 PRO's midi receive channel must be different than the IPS 33B's midi receive channel if they are to both be on the same midi system.
DSP256 Midi Implementation
Device type for the DSP256
Device Type = 6 (06h)
DigiTech Procedures recognized by the DSP256
Request Configuration (00h) Request One Program (01h) Receive Microcode (40h) Receive Configuration (41h) Receive One Program (42h)
Continuous Controller Calculations
Parameter Value = (CC_Value * 2 * (PARAM_MAX + 1))/256
CC_VALUE The value of the continuous controller. (0-127) PARAM_MAX The maximum value of the parameter the continuous controller is
Data format for the DSP256 Receive Configuration procedure
Please note that each internal ram byte (d7 - d0) is transmitted as 2 midi bytes. The first midi byte is 0000000xb where x is d7. The second midi byte is 0xxxxxxxb where x is d6 - d0. Refer to the Receive Configuration procedure in the General Midi Implementation Manual for required header information.
Ram Byte Number Quick Definition
1 - 2048 128 Program names 2049 - 4864 128 Program definitions 4865 - 5458 27 Algorithm definitions 5459 Program number 5460 Midi receive channel 5461 - 5553 Global link table of parameters to continuous controllers 5554 - 5681 Translation table of received midi program number to DSP256 program number 5682 Send program change flag 5683 Hand controller flag 5684 - 5700 Foot switch function table 5701 - 5717 Foot switch program table 5718 LCD contrast value Total Number of Internal Ram Bytes Transmitted 5718
Data format for the DSP256 Receive One Program procedure
Please note that each internal ram byte (d7 - d0) is transmitted as 2 midi
bytes. The first midi byte is 0000000xb where x is d7. The second midi byte is 0xxxxxxxb where x is d6 - d0. Refer to the Receive One Program procedure in the General Midi Implementation Manual for required header information.
Ram Byte Number Quick Definition
1 - 22 Program definition 23 - 38 Program name
Total Number of Internal Ram Bytes Transmitted 38
128 Program names
Each program name is 16 bytes long. (16 * 128 = 2048 Bytes). The character set for the DSP256 is at the end of this document.
128 Program Definitions
Program Definition has the following structure:
Program Definition Byte Definition
1 Algorithm number (0 - 26) 2 - 22 Vary based on the algorithm number.
There are 128 program definitions in the DSP256 (128 * 22 = 2,816 bytes)
The next section defines program definition bytes 2-22 for each of the 27
m m
algorithms of the DSP256. The first of each algorithm definition contains the number of the algorithm and it's name. The algorithm number goes in program definition byte 1. The remaining lines of the algorithm definition follow this format:
PDB# The Program Definition Byte Number
in The minimum value to which this parameter may be set
ax The maximum value to which this parameter may be set
ll numbers are given in decimal.
full definition of each parameter may be found at the end of this document.
lgorithm 0 MUTE
2 - 22 Not used, set to 0.
lgorithm 1 Dry
2 - 22 Not used, set to 0.
lgorithm 2
Stereo Chorus
2 Chorus Delay 0-60 3 Chorus LFO Speed 0-65 4 Chorus LFO Depth 0-99 5 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 6 Mix:Chorus R Lvl 0-10 7 Mix:Chorus L Lvl 0-10 8-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 3 Stereo Flange
2 Flange Delay 0-10 3 Flange LFO Speed 0-65 4 Flange LFO Depth 0-99 5 Flange Feedback 0-10 6 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 7 Mix:Flange R Lvl 0-10 8 Mix:Flange L Lvl 0-10 9-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 4 Stereo Delay
2 Delay Time 0-147
3 Delay Feedback 0-11 4 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 5 Mix:Delay R Levl 0-10 6 Mix:Delay L Levl 0-10 7-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 5 4-Tap Delay
2 Delay Time Tap1 0-222 3 Delay Time Tap2 0-222 4 Delay Time Tap3 0-222 5 Delay Time Tap4 0-222 6 Delay Time Feed 0-222 7 Delay Feedback 0-11 8 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 9 Mix:Tap1 R Level 0-10 10 Mix:Tap1 L Level 0-10 11 Mix:Tap2 R Level 0-10 12 Mix:Tap2 L Level 0-10 13 Mix:Tap3 R Level 0-10 14 Mix:Tap3 L Level 0-10 15 Mix:Tap4 R Level 0-10 16 Mix:Tap4 L Level 0-10 17-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 6 Ultimate Reverb
2 Dry Level 0-10
3 Early Rflct Levl 0-10 4 Subsequent Level 0-10 5 Norm Reflctivity 0-30 6 Norm Room Volume 0-9 7 Damping Factor 0-9 8 Envelopment 0-9 9 Subsequent Delay 0-70 10 Subsqnt Difusion 0-9 11 Early Delay Time 0-70 12 Early Diffusion 0-9 13-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 7 Gated Reverb
2 Pre-Delay Time 0-80 3 Gate Envelope 0-1 4 Gate Decay Time 0-11 5 Accent Delay 0-10 6 Accent Level 0-10 7 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 8 Mix:Gate R Level 0-10 9 Mix:Gate L Level 0-10 10-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 8 Reverse Reverb
2 Pre-Delay Time 0-80
3 Reverse Time 0-11
4 Accent Delay 0-10 5 Accent Level 0-10 6 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 7 Mix:Revrse R Lvl 0-10 8 Mix:Revrse L Lvl 0-10 9-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 9 Parametric EQ
2 Band 1 Frequency 0-14 3 Band 1 Level 0-12 4 Band 2 Frequency 0-14 5 Band 2 Level 0-12 6 Band 3 Frequency 0-14 7 Band 3 Level 0-12 8 Mix:EQ Level 0-10 9-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 10 Graphic EQ
2 Graphic 63 Hz 0-12 3 Graphic 125 Hz 0-12 4 Graphic 250 Hz 0-12 5 Graphic 500 Hz 0-12 6 Graphic 1.0 KHz 0-12 7 Graphic 2.0 KHz 0-12 8 Graphic 4.0 KHz 0-12
9 Graphic 8.0 KHz 0-12
10 Graphic 16 KHz 0-12 11-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 11 Para+Delay+Mixer
2 Band 1 Frequency 0-14 3 Band 1 Level 0-12 4 Band 2 Frequency 0-14 5 Band 2 Level 0-12 6 Band 3 Frequency 0-14 7 Band 3 Level 0-12 8 Delay EQ Source 0-1 9 Delay In:EQ 0-10 10 Delay Time 0-222 11 Delay Feedback 0-11 12 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 13 Mix:EQ Level 0-10 14 Mix:Delay R Levl 0-10 15 Mix:Delay L Levl 0-10 16-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 12 Para+Chorus+Mix
2 Band 1 Frequency 0-14 3 Band 1 Level 0-12 4 Band 2 Frequency 0-14 5 Band 2 Level 0-12
6 Band 3 Frequency 0-14
7 Band 3 Level 0-12 8 Chorus EQ Source 0-1 9 Chorus Delay 0-60 10 Chorus LFO Speed 0-65 11 Chorus LFO Depth 0-99 12 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 13 Mix:EQ Level 0-10 14 Mix:Chorus R Lvl 0-10 15 Mix:Chorus L Lvl 0-10 16-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 13 Chorus+Room+Mix
2 Chorus Delay 0-60 3 Chorus LFO Speed 0-65 4 Chorus LFO Depth 0-99 5 Reverb In:Dry 0-10 6 Reverb Predelay 0-60 7 Reverb Filter 0-2 8 Reverb Decay 0-11 (A) 9 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 10 Mix:Chorus R Lvl 0-10 11 Mix:Chorus L Lvl 0-10 12 Mix:Reverb R Lvl 0-10 13 Mix:Reverb L Lvl 0-10 14-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 14
2 Delay Time 0-147 3 Delay Feedback 0-11 4 Reverb In:Dry 0-10 5 Reverb In:Delay 0-10 6 Reverb Predelay 0-60 7 Reverb Filter 0-2 8 Reverb Decay 0-11 (A) 9 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 10 Mix:Delay R Levl 0-10 11 Mix:Delay L Levl 0-10 12 Mix:Reverb R Lvl 0-10 13 Mix:Reverb L Lvl 0-10 14-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 15 Chorus+Hall+Mix
2 Chorus Delay 0-60 3 Chorus LFO Speed 0-65 4 Chorus LFO Depth 0-99 5 Reverb In:Dry 0-10 6 Reverb In:Chorus 0-10 7 Reverb Predelay 0-60 8 Reverb Filter 0-2 9 Reverb Decay 0-21 (B) 10 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 11 Mix:Chorus R Lvl 0-10 12 Mix:Chorus L Lvl 0-10
13 Mix:Reverb R Lvl 0-10
14 Mix:Reverb L Lvl 0-10 15-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 16 Delay+Hall+Mixer
2 Delay Time 0-147 3 Delay Feedback 0-11 4 Reverb In:Dry 0-10 5 Reverb In:Delay 0-10 6 Reverb Predelay 0-60 7 Reverb Filter 0-2 8 Reverb Decay 0-21 (B) 9 Mix:Dry Level 0-10 10 Mix:Delay R Lvl 0-10 11 Mix:Delay L Lvl 0-10 12 Mix:Reverb R Lvl 0-10 13 Mix:Reverb L Lvl 0-10 14-22 Not used, set to 0
lgorithm 17 EQ+Gated+Mixer
2 LPF Cut-Off Freq 0-22 3 Pre-Delay Time 0-80 4 Gate Envelope 0-1 5 Gate Decay Time 0-11 6 Accent Delay 0-10 7 Mix:EQ Right 0-10
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