100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430
Service Bulletin
No. : OST-843
May 15, 2007
Model: DVD-5900
Subject: Countermeasure for improving the unit that is incapable of
memorizing the SACD Filter setting.
Symptom: The unit is incapable of memorizing the 100kHz setting even
though the SACD Filter has been set to 100kHz, and it returns to the default
setting of 50kHz when the Power is turned off.
We will supply the following program file for upgrading the Back-end ROM.
Therefore, please record the file on a blank CD-R and upgrade your customer's
unit upon claim according to the following procedures.
• Version of the Program File: Ver.6334-D
• Name of the file: D39hsavd.cfw
The ESS Microprocessor Software has been corrected.
Modification Procedures:
1) Record the above Program File on a blank CD-R Disc and create the CD-R
(Ver.6334-D) for upgrading the Back-end ROM.
Note: When recording the file on a blank CD-R, the format shall be "ISO9660"
and the Session shall be "CLOSE".
2) Upgrade the System MICON by means of the CD-R (Ver.6542-3) for
upgrading the System MICON that has been supplied via the OST-831. (Refer to
the attached Sheet 1.)
3) Then, use the CD-R (Ver.6334-D) for upgrading the Back-end ROM and
upgrade the Back-end ROM. (Refer to the Attached Sheet 1.)
The information contained in this document is intended for the exclusive use by DENON Authorized Service Centers and their
employees. This document may contain information that is privileged, confidential and may be protected from disclosure under
applicable laws and terms of the DENON Service Agreement. Any distribution, disclosure, dissemination or copying of this
document and the information it contains is prohibited. No responsibility will be accepted by DENON for any damage, injury or loss
resulting from the misuse of the information contained in this document.

Attention! : Please do not turn off the Power of the unit during the upgrading by
means of CD-R discs. If the Power of the unit was turned off during the upgrade
operation, you have to replace the Flash IC (IC104).
• When the display does not turn into "DONE" and it has kept indicating
"READING", wait for more than two minutes after closing the Loader. Then, turn
off the Power of the unit once and start the upgrading operation from the
beginning again.
• The Flash IC (IC104): Please order the Flash IC (IC104) from our Part's Center
as a Service Kit SPK517-2 upon necessity, and be sure to upgrade the IC again
after the replacement.
4) Confirmation of the Program Version: Turn off the Power of the unit once.
While holding the "PLAY" and "OPEN/CLOSE" buttons down simultaneously,
turn the Power of the unit on. When the FL display indicated " >||" mark, confirm
the versions since the following versions appear every time the "PUSH/ENTER"
button on the unit is pressed.
• Indication of the Versions: ESS 6334-D, MAKE DAY 921, DRV 030825
SYSTEM 6542-3.
Note: Program Files for upgrading the Back-end ROM to be issued this time and
the System MICON that was previously supplied can be used for upgrading
those models (refer to the OST-814) that are compatible or incompatible to other
companies models that are conformable to IEEE1394.
• Therefore, please use the following two CD-R Discs when performing the
upgrade operation that was described in the "OST-814" for making the unit
compatible to other company’s models that are conformable to IEEE1394.
• The upgrade procedures and the contents are the same manner as described
in the "OST-814", though the CD-R Discs for rewriting the Back-end ROM and
the System MICON differ from the "OST-814".
(1) For upgrading the System MICON: The CD-R disc that was created in the
"OST-831" for upgrading the System MICON.
• Version of the Program File: Ver.6542-3
• Name of the File: Dv39sup.rom
(2) For upgrading the Back-end ROM: The CD-R disc that was created this time
for upgrading the Back-end ROM.
• Version of the Program File: Ver.6334-D
• Name of the File: D39hsavd.cfw
Procedures to upgrade the Software:
1. Preparation: Connect the Video signal Output Terminal (VIDEO OUT or S2VIDEO OUT) of the unit to a TV video Input terminal.
2. Upgrading procedure by means of the CD-R (GEN6542-3) for upgrading the
System MICON:
The information contained in this document is intended for the exclusive use by DENON Authorized Service Centers and their
employees. This document may contain information that is privileged, confidential and may be protected from disclosure under
applicable laws and terms of the DENON Service Agreement. Any distribution, disclosure, dissemination or copying of this
document and the information it contains is prohibited. No responsibility will be accepted by DENON for any damage, injury or loss
resulting from the misuse of the information contained in this document.