100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430
Service Bulletin
No. : OST-F1140
February 6, 2007
Model: AVR-5805CI (Includes 1080P upgraded AVR-5805)
Caution: • Do not apply this firmware if the unit has not been upgraded or if it is a
non – CI, AVR-5805
Subject: Countermeasure for improving Bass management, HDMI issues,
Trigger output etc.
Symptom: 1) Improve the setting of large speakers of Bass management
system at EQ ON by Auto setup.
2) None HDCP confirmed DVD player (TiVX M-5000®) has blinking on the
Display with HDMI connection.
3) TRIGGER output turns off the power when the Headphone connected.
4) The customer connects only Component outputs and converts to HDMI output,
a Noise will appear on the Display when the master volume level is changed.
5) When select the Video mode at Net function, OSD will tousle with HDMI
Exclusive Writer Software to a PC and rewrite your customer's unit upon claim.
(Please refer to the supplied rewriting procedures.)
• The Installation Software of the Exclusive Writer Software to be installed
• For the update procedures, please refer to the AVC-
The MICON Software has been corrected. Please install the
to the PC. (The Software to be supplied) AVR5805A_upgrade_22_4_0_4.exe (The Exclusive Writer Software for the
model AVR-4806CI to be installed by means of the Installation Software.)
The information contained in this document is intended for the exclusive use by DENON Authorized Service Centers and their
employees. This document may contain information that is privileged, confidential and may be protected from disclosure under
applicable laws and terms of the DENON Service Agreement. Any distribution, disclosure, dissemination or copying of this
document and the information it contains is prohibited. No responsibility will be accepted by DENON for any damage, injury or loss
resulting from the misuse of the information contained in this document.

• To confirm the Version after the update, please refer to the AVCA1XVA_AVR5805A_upgrade_Manual_22.4.0.4_Version.pdf.
Serial Number Range:
The update has been applied from the following serial numbers.
00001 ~ and later.
The information contained in this document is intended for the exclusive use by DENON Authorized Service Centers and their
employees. This document may contain information that is privileged, confidential and may be protected from disclosure under
applicable laws and terms of the DENON Service Agreement. Any distribution, disclosure, dissemination or copying of this
document and the information it contains is prohibited. No responsibility will be accepted by DENON for any damage, injury or loss
resulting from the misuse of the information contained in this document.