Dell Inc.
One Dell Way
Round Rock, T X 78664 USA
883939-01L Rev. K
August 2014
Printed in China
Safety Guidelines
Improper co nnection or use of t his product could r esult in componen t failure or undesi red interference .
Read the fol lowing guideli nes before setti ng up and operati ng your device.
• Do not conne ct to AC power until all ot her connection s (including the p ower adapter) are ma de.
Connecti ng or disconnec ting component s or equipment on t he back panel whe n the device is recei ving
AC power can c ause power surge s and damage the d evice.
• Do not force a con nector into its sock et. If any undue resi stance is encounte red, ensure that th e
connector i s correctly oriente d to the receptacle.
• Not all USB de vices are suppor ted; check with Del l or your Dell repre sentative to find out if a particular
device is sup ported on your d evice.
• For wireles s usage and requi rements, refe r to the regulatory n otices in the devi ce’s documentati on.
Venting a nd Care
• Mount the de vice only as shown o r in accordance with th e instructions p rovided with Del l-approved
device and d amage it.
• Allow sufficient s pace around the dev ice for ventilati on; do not place the d evice in any enclosu re that
restricts airflow a round the device; do n ot place any obje cts on the device or b lock the vent outl ets. Find
environmental operating specifications in the prod uct Spec Sheet at w wyse/xenith3 .
Power Sources
• For regulat ory compliance u se only the power ad apter that comes with y our device or a Dell-ap proved
equivale nt. For proper rep lacement compa re the labels on bo th device and power a dapter to ensure that
their volta ges match.
Warning: Use of a ny other power ada pter may damage your d evice or the power a dapter. The damage
caused by an i mproper power ad apter is not covered by wa rranty.
• Accidenta l loss of power can da mage the device. A void connectin g it to any power outlet wh ich can be
accidentally switched off. Do not hard rese t the device by hold ing down the power b utton during no rmal
• When turning off the device, b e sure to perform a com plete shutdown (via th e user interface o r a light
press on the p ower button). Do no t disconnect the AC p ower cord, DC power co rd, or shut off power a t a
circuit brea ker (including p ower strips), etc., to tu rn off the device.
• Surge prote ctors for electr ical devices are re commended in are as of lightning. H owever, when
lightning is occurring, your equipment should be properly shut down and unplugged from AC power until
the storm ha s passed.
• Be very ca reful to not interrupt p ower while the dev ice is downloadin g a software upd ate.
• The device co ntains an interna l button cell batte ry replaceabl e by Dell or one of our A uthorized Serv ice
Shutting Down Wyse Xenith
Lightly pres s the power button on Wys e Xenith to shutdow n.
Signing Off from Wyse Xenith
After you dis connect fro m your desktop, if you are not auto matically signed off
from Wyse Xenith, you can use the Shutdown icon in the Wyse Xenith toolbar to
select Sign-off from account.
Administ rators: Refer to the admini strators gui de to set up auto-signoff from Wyse
Need More Information?
Dell Refer ence Guides – Xeni th Administrator a nd related docume ntation is availab le at:
Dell Wyse Xe nith Spec Sheet – W yse Xenith features c an be found in the Spe c Sheet for your
specific zero client m odel. Spec Sh eets are availabl e at: com/wyse/Xeni th3
Dell-App roved Mounting Acc essory Kits – In formation about ap proved mounting acce ssory
kit options i s available at: ww e/accessories
Dell Service and Support – Latest soft ware images are ava ilable at:
Wyse Device M anager – Inform ation about Dell r emote managemen t
software is available at:
Dell and the Environment – Information abo ut Dell compliance w ith
RoHS and wit h the Waste Electrical a nd Electronic Equi pment (WEEE)
is availab le at: com/environment
Dell and Recycling – Informatio n about recyclin g and reuse
of Dell prod ucts is availabl e at: m/recycling