• New version information on Log In and About pages for improved diagnostics
• New Toolbar with shortcuts to Log Out, Queuing, Script Log, Help, and About screens
• Online Help for direct, immediate assistance
Additional improvements:
Internet Browser: the Script Maintenance search options are expanded to include Denied
scripts, so that staff can easily identify renewal requests that prescribers denied.
All platforms:
o A queued script’s Summary screen indicates the intended destination with “ * ”
o PocketScript displays a special message when dispensed drug information
What’s New in Version 5.51
on the Send or Print button.
returned by the patient’s insurance provider via RxHub lacks the identifiers
required for drug interaction checking.
The ZixCorp® e-prescribing solution, PocketScript™, brings the accuracy and efficiencies of
e-communication to the prescription process. But it does more than enable physicians to write
and transmit prescriptions directly to the pharmacy. It provides point-of-care access to
comprehensive drug information, including patient drug histories, drug-to-drug interactions, and
detailed drug lists for multiple formularies.
Care Delivery Solutions
The result is fewer rejected prescriptions, enhanced patient safety, and fewer resources dedicated
to managing prescriptions. As easy to use as it is powerful, ZixCorp’s e-prescribing solution is
delivered via a Pocket PC device or secure Web site to ensure maximum usability from
2.1 Launching PocketScript
On the Start menu, select PocketScript.
2.2 Logging In
After you have launched the PocketScript program, you need to log in.
1. Using the keyboard, enter your Physician ID, if necessary. It
may be entered for you.
2. Enter your password, and then tap OK.
Initial log in - Your Physician ID is usually the first letter of
your first name and entire last name. A password is provided
for your initial login and you are required to change the
provided password to one that you create. Your password
must comply with the following security requirements:
• At least 8 characters in length
• At least 1 of each of the following: letter, number, special
character (?><,./;’:”[]\|}{+=_- *&^%$#@!)
3. If your practice has registered multiple printers in the Internet Browser version, Maintenance
Pages>Doctor Maintenance, you are prompted to select a printer for this prescribing session.
See the Internet Browser User’s Guide and Exercises for more information.
4. Write your signature with the
stylus the way you want it to
appear on the prescription.
Tap Continue to proceed or
tap Clear to erase the
signature and rewrite it.
Care Delivery Solutions
2.3 Time-outs and Security
There is a 20-minute password time-out period. After 20 minutes
of inactivity, when you resume using PocketScript and attempt to
send or print a prescription, the System Locked screen appears.
You must reenter your password and tap Verify to send or print
the prescription.
The signature default time-out is 12 hours and it applies to the
entire practice. You can change the practice signature time-out in
the Internet Browser version Maintenance Pages>Practice
Security Awareness
If your device powers off (manually or automatically) while
PocketScript is open, PocketScript does not close. When power is restored, the PocketScript
application appears. If this occurs within the password time-out period, you should be aware that
e-prescribing is available to anyone holding the device.
After you have logged in, the e-prescribing process is as follows:
1. Select a patient.
2. Select a drug.
3. Complete the prescription details.
4. Send the prescription to the pharmacy.
Print the prescription to give to the patient.
3.1 Selecting a Patient
You can search for a patient by name, by chart ID, or from a list
of waiting patients who are scheduled for appointments.
Search by Name
• On the Choose Patient screen, select Name.
Care Delivery Solutions
• Using the keyboard, enter the first 3-4 letters of the patient’s last name and then tap Go.
It is not necessary to enter the entire last name.
Search by Chart ID
• On the Choose Patient screen, select Chart.
• Using the keyboard, enter the chart number and then tap Go.
It is not necessary to enter the entire chart number.
Search by Waiting Patients with Appointments
Click Waiting to see a list of all patients with appointments that have been entered in the
Internet Browser version.
Note: If queuing is enabled, the list also includes all patients who have refill requests in
your queue for approval.
All search methods
• A list of patients meeting the criteria appears.
Note: If no patient is shown, you may add the patient to the system by tapping Add.
• Tap to highlight the desired patient and then tap Select.
When you use the Name or Chart ID search method, the system checks patient insurance
eligibility so that you have up-to-date information in prescribing. This may take a few seconds. If
the appointment has been entered the day before, the information may already be available.
You can change patient demographic information while prescribing by tapping the patient’s
name to highlight it and then tapping Modify. See Section 11.0 Modifying Patient Information.
3.2 Selecting a Drug
After you choose a patient by tapping Select, the Choose Drug
screen appears with the patient’s drug history derived from your
practice’s e-prescribing experience. The system provides three
additional methods for selecting a drug. All four are described
in detail below:
• Drug List
• Favorites and Macros
• Drug History
• Dispensed Drug History
The Drug List is an alphabetical listing of all available drugs.
Care Delivery Solutions
To use the Drug List in prescribing, follow the directions below:
1. Tap Drug List. The Choose Drug screen appears.
2. Decide whether you want to select from a list of All drugs, or
narrow the drug search to include only name Brand drugs, or
just Generic drugs and tap the related button.
Note: In the Internet Browser version, Doctor Maintenance
page, you may also make this selection and it will appear on
the Pocket PC.
If you select Generic and enter a brand name drug for which
there is no generic equivalent, the brand name drug will still
be displayed and is available for your selection.
3. Using the keyboard, enter the first 3-4 letters of the drug’s
name and then tap Go. It is not necessary to enter the entire
Drugs that match the search criteria are displayed.
Generic drugs are shown with a “G” and Non-Generic
(Brand) drugs are shown with an “N.”
4. Tap to highlight the desired drug and then tap Select or double-tap the drug name.
Favorites are shortcuts to drugs that you prescribe frequently.
Your favorites list can hold up to 200 different drugs.
1. On the Choose Drug screen, tap the down-arrow at the right
of Select Favorites and your list of favorites appears.
2. To select a drug, double-tap the drug name to highlight and
select it.
Macros are shortcuts to pre-written prescriptions and require
little or no modification in order to complete the script. A few
Macros are preloaded and can be edited.
1. On the Choose Drug screen, tap the down-arrow at the right
of Select Macro and your list of Macros appears.
2. To select a Macro, double-tap the Macro name to highlight and select it.
You can use a patient’s drug history to renew a prescription.
1. Select Include Expired to display all medications, both expired and unexpired.
Care Delivery Solutions
2. On the Choose Drug screen, the patient’s drug history is shown in the text box. Tap to
highlight the prescription that you would like to renew and then tap Refill.
Note: After you renew a prescription, the original prescription is “expired” and no longer visible
in the Patient Drug History table unless you select Include Expired.
Dispensed drug history (DDH) is different from the drug history
developed via the ongoing use of PocketScript by your practice
because it also includes medications prescribed by physicians in
other practices/specialties and dispensed to patients.
PocketScript retrieves DDH, if available, and displays it if you
request it. PocketScript checks DDH for drug-drug interaction
and displays warnings if appropriate.
Note: PocketScript displays a special message when dispensed
drug information returned by the patient’s insurance provider
lacks the identifiers required for drug interaction checking.
Dispensed drug history is not available for all patients. For
eligible patients, a Show Dispensed check box will appear on the
Choose Drug screen.
1. To show dispensed drug history, tap the Show Dispensed check box to select it.
The prescription list refreshes and displays the patient’s dispensed drug history.
If the PBM returns sufficient data, the drug history will be color-coded.
Note: The system can only display the data returned by the patient’s insurance provider via
RxHub; this data may be incomplete due to their filtering or other access restrictions. For
example, a provider may screen drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and substance
2. Tap to highlight the medication that you would like to refill and then tap Refill.
3. To return to the practice drug history, tap the Show Dispensed check box to clear it.
Note: If the Show Dispensed check box is not selected, only the drug history for your practice
The Treatment dropdown list box shows different types of treatment. Choose Chronic or Acute
to display only those medications that are suitable for the selected type of treatment, or select All
to view all medications.
Care Delivery Solutions
Before selecting a drug, you can view a list of the patient’s
allergies by tapping the Allergy button. A list of allergies that are
drug or class-specific appears.
Note: If you select a drug to which the patient is allergic, the
system automatically displays an Allergy Alert described in
section 7.0 Checking Drug Allergies.
The Expire button lets you manually expire a prescription so that
the drug will no longer be considered when evaluating potential
drug-to-drug interaction for this patient.
Tap the prescription to highlight it and then tap Expire.
Tap the Colors? button to view a list of formulary color codes and how they indicate whether a
drug is covered by the patient’s drug insurance plan.
Color Code Comments
Black Prescription insurance not on file.
Green Preferred Drugs covered by the health plan.
Blue Approved Drugs covered by the health plan, but taking a higher co-pay.
Purple Requires Prior
Red Not Approved Drugs that are non-formulary. Selecting one of these drugs will
Drugs for which the prescriber must submit a request for
coverage under the medical review process. Selecting one of
these drugs will display preferred and approved alternative drugs
when information is available.
display preferred and approved alternative drugs when
information is available.
Drugs that require prior authorization or approval based on the formulary coverage for the
patient are indicated by purple text and left-facing arrow (<). If you select a drug that requires
prior approval, a message about the formulary coverage of the selected drug and a list of
therapeutic alternatives approved by the formulary appear. See 8.0 Viewing Formularies.
Care Delivery Solutions
In addition to a list of Preferred/Approved alternatives, PocketScript displays a text message that
explains why there may be a better choice than the original selection, such as formulary status or
a dispensing limitation.
• To select a Preferred or Approved drug, double-tap it or
tap to highlight it and then tap Select.
• Alternatively, you can proceed with prescribing your
initial selection by tapping Prescribe Original.
• After you complete the script, you can print pre-
authorization forms by selecting Print Pre-auth.
Important: You must complete the form and sign it
before faxing it to the patient’s plan, see 3.3 below.
3.3 Completing the Script
The details of the script are managed from the Script Summary
screen. Using the stylus and the keyboard, you can enter and
modify the values for dosage, refills, quantity, instructions, and
The formulary determines default dosage and quantity options. You can select from available
options or key in desired values.
• After you click Send or Print, the Confirmation screen appears where you review the
prescription before it is faxed to the pharmacy or printed.
• Select Print Pre-auth to print a pre-authorization form in the office. The form is partially
populated with the prescription information for ease in completion.
Important: The form that is printed at your office must be completed and faxed to the
health plan at the fax number shown on the form.
Care Delivery Solutions
Tap Patient to edit patient information or select a different patient and start over.
Note: Information on the Script Summary screen may be lost if a new patient is selected.
To select a different drug, tap Drug to go to the Choose Drug screen. If the drug is changed, the
information on the Script Summary screen will be changed.
To view the PocketScript Drug Reference information concerning the prescribed drug, tap Ref.
See section 13.0 PocketScript Drug Reference for details about the wide range of information
Pregnancy Warning (Preg)
Pregnancy warning information for the drug appears in this area.
• To the right of the Refills field, tap the drop-down arrow to display refill options and tap
the number to highlight and select it.
• Tap the Refills field and type the number of refills.
Tap the Generic check box to select or clear the check mark, thus allowing (checked) or
disallowing (unchecked) generic substitution for brand-name drugs.
The default dosage is the lowest available. You can change the dosage amount as well as units
such as cc, ml, etc.
• To the right of the Dose field, tap the drop-down arrow to display dosage options and tap
to highlight and select a dosage.
• Tap the Dose field and type the desired dosage and unit, such as mg, cc, ml, etc.
• To the right of the Instructions field, tap the drop-down arrow to display instruction
options and tap to highlight and select an instruction.
• Tap the Instructions field and type the instructions.
Care Delivery Solutions
In addition to quantity, you can key in units such as vial, box, etc.
• To the right of the Quantity field, tap the drop-down arrow to display quantity options
and tap to highlight and select a quantity. Note: The default quantity is 30.
• Tap the Quantity field and type the quantity.
The Script Summary screen displays the patient’s mail-order pharmacy, if included in the
patient’s pharmacy benefit plan, or the pharmacy most recently requested by the patient. For
more options, tap the drop-down arrow to display any network pharmacies and up to five patientfavorite pharmacies used in the past. For new patients, the practice’s favorites are listed.
If the patient wants to use another pharmacy, Basic Search enables you to search on pharmacy
name or phone number. You can use Advanced Search to refine the search criteria.
Tap Pharm to select from the full pharmacy list.
Note: Favorites are shown in green and other pharmacies
are shown in purple.
Basic Search
• Tap Favorites to select from the Pharmacy Favorites list.
Highlight the desired pharmacy and then tap Select.
PocketScript adds the newly selected pharmacy to the
prescription information and will display it for future
scripts for this patient.
• Tap Search by Name to select from the full list.
Enter pharmacy name or town and tap Go.
Tap to highlight the desired pharmacy and tap Select.
Note: You can also add it to your Favorites list by tapping
Add Favorite.
• Tap Search byPhone Number, enter the partial or full
phone number or name information to find the
appropriate pharmacy, and then tap Go.
Advanced Pharmacy Search
Rather than search a long list of pharmacies, you can use
Advanced Search to narrow the search criteria.
Care Delivery Solutions
• Tap Advanced at the top right of the screen. (The button label changes to Basic.)
• Enter the information that you may have about the patient’s desired pharmacy. You can
use any one or more of the available search fields. Tap Go.
• The search results are displayed in order of most matches with the search criteria. Note
that the highlighted pharmacy’s details appear in the gray area below.
• With the desired pharmacy highlighted, tap Select and you are returned to the
prescription detail screen, or tap Back to change the search criteria and try again.
o To add a new pharmacy, tap Add Pharmacy. See 12.0 Maintaining Pharmacy
o To modify the currently selected pharmacy, tap Modify Pharmacy. See 12.0
Pharmacy Favorites are pharmacies that patients request
frequently and are practice-wide, not prescriber-specific. Before
deleting Pharmacy Favorites, be sure to consult with other
prescribers in the practice. Also, be careful to avoid duplicating
an existing pharmacy entry.
Maintaining Pharmacy Information.
If you are upgrading from the on-site server version to the new
access point version, you will now have access to the global
pharmacy list maintained on the remote PocketScript-monitored
servers and gain the following benefits:
• PocketScript can update the global pharmacy list more
frequently with phone/fax number changes.
• You can e-prescribe for patients who are traveling.
• PocketScript can identify when pharmacies are having
problems receiving faxes and can fix the problem for all sites.
• PocketScript can change the status of a pharmacy to “Print Only” if there is a problem,
and then return it to normal status when the problem is resolved.
Expiration Date (Exp Dt)
The system fills the Expiration Date field when you select a treatment (below). The Expiration
Date is the date after which this script will no longer be considered for drug-to-drug interactions
and is not related to the drug’s shelf life.
Treatment (Treat)
To the right of the Treat field, tap the drop-down arrow to display course of treatment options
and tap to highlight and select a treatment. This will enter an expiration date at which time the
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