What’s New in This Release..............................................................................................................................................12
SSH or Telnet RACADM..............................................................................................................................................13
Other Documents You May Need......................................................................................................................................16
Accessing documents from Dell support site..................................................................................................................... 17
help and help <subcommand>..........................................................................................................................................20
get controllers............................................................................................................................................................ 73
get enclosure..............................................................................................................................................................76
get emms....................................................................................................................................................................77
get fans...................................................................................................................................................................... 78
get psus......................................................................................................................................................................79
get tempprobes..........................................................................................................................................................79
set controllers.................................................................................................................................................................. 90
set enclosure....................................................................................................................................................................92
SSH or Telnet RACADM...................................................................................................................................................96
set tempprobes...............................................................................................................................................................100
cfgNicIPv4Enable (Read or Write)............................................................................................................................106
cfgNicVLanId (Read or Write)...................................................................................................................................107
cfgChassisPowerCapPercent (Read or Write).......................................................................................................... 148
cfgKvmMapping Read or Write.................................................................................................................................152
cfgKvmSlot<num>Enable Read or Write...................................................................................................................152
cfgDvdMapping Read or Write..................................................................................................................................153
cfgDvdSlot<num>Enable Read or Write....................................................................................................................153
This document provides information about the RACADM subcommands, supported RACADM interfaces, and property database
groups and object denitions of CMC for PowerEdge VRTX.
What’s New in This Release
•Added the cfgQuickDeploy group.
•Added the cfgTrapsSNMPv3UserId and cfgTrapsSNMPv3UserName to the cfgTraps group.
•Added the cfgUserAdminSNMPv3Enable, cfgUserAdminSNMPv3AuthenticationType, and cfgUserAdminSNMPv3PrivacyType to
the cfgUserAdmin group.
•Added the cfgChassisACPowerRecoveryDisable command to the cfgChassisPower group.
•Added the cfgRacTuneFipsModeEnable and cfgRacTuneTLSProtocolVersionEnable property to the cfgRacTuning group.
•Added the cfgOobSnmpProtocol and cfgOobSnmpTrapFormat properties to the cfgOobSnmp group.
•Added the vdinit and secure options to the createvd command.
The RACADM command-line utility provides a scriptable interface that allows you to remotely congure your Chassis Management
Controller (CMC). The utility runs on the management station and the managed system. It is available on the Dell OpenManage Systems Management and Documentation DVD or at support.dell.com.
The RACADM utility supports the following interfaces:
•SSH or Telnet — Also referred as Firmware RACADM, is accessible by logging in to CMC using SSH or telnet. You do not have to
specify the CMC IP, user name or password to run Firmware RACADM commands.
•Remote — Supports executing RACADM commands from a remote management station such as a laptop or desktop. You must
install the DRAC Tools utility from the OpenManage software on the remote computer to run Remote RACADM commands. To
execute Remote RACADM commands, you must formulate the command such as a an SSH/Telnet RACADM command except
that you must also use the –r –i options or the –r –u –p options. For more information about these options, see the "RACADM
Subcommand Details."
RACADM Syntax Usage
The following section describes the syntax usage for SSH/Telnet and Remote RACADM.
The following table lists the options for the RACADM command.
Table 1. Racadm command options
-r racIpAddr : <port number>
-u <usrName>Species the user name that is used to authenticate the
-p <password>Species the password used to authenticate the command
-SSpecies that RACADM should check for invalid certicate
-I <indexnumber>Species the index number for the indexed group, if applicable.
-g <groupname>Species the group name, if applicable.
-o objectnameSpecies the object name, if applicable.
The following table provides the supported RACADM interfaces.
Table 2. Racadm interfaces
Species the controller’s remote IP address.
Use:<port number> if the iDRAC port number is not the default
port (443).
command transaction. If the -u option is used, the -p option
must be used, and the -i option (interactive) is not allowed.
transaction. If the -p option is used, the -i option is not allowed.
errors. RACADM stops the execution of the command with an
error message if it detects an invalid certicate.
NOTE: Multiple instances of remote RACADM can be executed on a management station.
Supported RACADM Subcommands
The following table provides the list of RACADM subcommands and their corresponding interface support. For more information
about the RACADM sub-commands including syntax and valid entries, see RACADM Subcommand Details.
Table 3. Racadm subcommands
Telnet/SSH/SerialRemote RACADM
"?" and "?<subcommand>"YesYes
help and help <subcommand>YesYes
Other Documents You May Need
To access the documents from the Dell Support site. Along with this Reference Guide, you can access the following guides available
at dell.com/support/manuals.
•The VRTX CMC Online Help provides information about using the Web interface. To access the Online Help, click Help on the
CMC web interface.
•The Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge VRTX User's Guide provides information about using the VRTX–related
Web interface features.
•The Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) for Dell PowerEdge VRTX Version Release Notes provides last-minute updates
to the system or documentation or advanced technical reference material intended for experienced users or technicians.
•The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) User’s Guide provides information about installation, conguration, and
maintenance of the iDRAC on managed systems.
•The Dell OpenManage Server Administrator’s User’s Guide provides information about installing and using Server Administrator.
•The Dell Update Packages User's Guide provides information about obtaining and using Dell Update Packages as part of your
system update strategy.
•The Dell Shared PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) 8 User's Guide provides information about deploying the Shared PERC 8
card and managing the storage subsystem. This document is available online at dell.com/storagecontrollermanuals.
•Dell systems management application documentation provides information about installing and using the systems management
The following system documents provide more information about the system in which VRTX CMC is installed:
•The safety instructions that came with your system provide important safety and regulatory information. For additional regulatory
information, see the Regulatory Compliance home page at www.dell.com/regulatory_compliance. Warranty information may be
included within this document or as a separate document.
•The Dell PowerEdge VRTX Getting Started Guide shipped with your system provides an overview of system features, setting up
your system, and technical specications.
•The setup placemat shipped with your system provides information about the initial system setup and conguration.
•The server module's Owner's Manual provides information about the server module's features and describes how to troubleshoot
the server module and install or replace the server module's components. This document is available online at dell.com/
•The rack documentation included with your rack solution describes how to install your system into a rack, if required.
•For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this document, see the Glossary at dell.com/support/manuals.
•Systems management software documentation describes the features, requirements, installation, and basic operation of the
•Documentation for any components you purchased separately provides information to congure and install these options.
•Any media that ships with your system that provides documentation and tools for conguring and managing your system,
including those pertaining to the operating system, system management software, system updates, and system components that
you purchased with your system. For more information on the system, scan the Quick Resource Locator (QRL) available on your
system and the system setup placemat that shipped with your system. Download the QRL application from your mobile platform
to enable the application on your mobile device.
Updates are sometimes included with the system to describe changes to the system, software, and/or documentation. Always read
the updates rst, because they often supersede information in other documents.
Accessing documents from Dell support site
You can access the required documents in one of the following ways:
•Using the following links:
– For all Enterprise Systems Management documents — Dell.com/SoftwareSecurityManuals
– For OpenManage documents — Dell.com/OpenManageManuals
– For Remote Enterprise Systems Management documents — Dell.com/esmmanuals
– For iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller documents — Dell.com/idracmanuals
– For OpenManage Connections Enterprise Systems Management documents — Dell.com/
– For Serviceability Tools documents — Dell.com/ServiceabilityTools
– For Client Command Suite Systems Management documents — Dell.com/DellClientCommandSuiteManuals
•From the Dell Support site:
a.Go to Dell.com/Support/Home.
b.Under Select a product section, click Software & Security.
c.In the Software & Security group box, click the required link from the following:
– Enterprise Systems Management
– Remote Enterprise Systems Management
– Serviceability Tools
– Dell Client Command Suite
– Connections Client Systems Management
d.To view a document, click the required product version.
•Using search engines:
– Type the name and version of the document in the search box.
RACADM Subcommand Details
This section provides detailed descriptions about the RACADM subcommands, including the syntax and valid entries.
Guidelines to Quote Strings Containing Special Characters When Using
RACADM Commands
When using strings that contain special characters, use the following guidelines:
Strings containing the following special characters must be quoted using single quotation marks or double quotation marks:
•$ (dollar sign)
•" (double quotation marks)
•' (single quotation marks)
•` (back quotation marks)
•\ (backslash)
•~ (tilde)
•; (semicolon)
•| (vertical bar)
•( (left parentheses)
•) (right parentheses)
•& (ampersand)
•> (greater than)
•< (less than)
•# (pound)
•ASCII code 32 (space)
NOTE: The - (dash) character cannot be the rst character of the string, regardless of whether the string is quoted.
There are dierent escaping rules for using single quotation mark and double quotation marks.
For double quoting:
The following characters must be escaped by prepending a backslash:
•$ (dollar sign)
•" (double quotation marks)
•' (single quotation marks)
•` (back quotation marks)
•\ (backslash)
For example, use the following for a string that contains the special characters, $, ",',`and \.
For single quotation marks:
•No character escaping is necessary.
•A single quotation mark cannot be used even with a backslash escaped.
NOTE: An empty string may be specied as either "" (using double quotation marks) or '' (using single quotation mark).
"?"and "?<subcommand>"
Table 4. Racadm help commands
Example for RACADM ?
The following output example shows only part of the actual output for the racadm ? command. Descriptions shown in this
example may vary slightly from the descriptions in your racadm session.
racadm ?
help -- list racadm subcommand description
help <
? -- list racadm subcommand description
? <subcommand> -- display usage summary for a subcommand
arp -- display the networking arp table
chassisaction -- execute chassis or switch power-up/down/cycle or
KVM powercycle
clrraclog -- clear the CMC log
clrsel -- clear the System Event Log (SEL)
cmcchangeover -- Changes the redundant state of the CMC from active
to standby and vice versa
config -- modify CMC configuration properties
setniccfg -- modify network configuration properties
setractime -- set the time on the CMC
setslotname -- sets the name of the slot in the chassis
setsysinfo -- set the chassis name and chassis location
sslcertview -- display a CA/server certificate in the CMC
sslcsrgen -- generate a certificate CSR from the CMC
testemail -- test CMC e-mail notifications
testfeature -- test CMC feature x
testtrap -- test CMC SNMP trap notifications
traceroute -- determine the route of a packet
traceroute6 -- determine the route of a packet
subcommand> -- display usage summary for a subcommand
Displays all the subcommands you can use with the RACADM command and a one-line description
of each subcommand.
? followed by <subcommand> displays the syntax for the specied command.
To use this subcommand, you must have the CMC Login User privilege.
You can also use the help and help <
racadm ?
racadm ? <subcommand>
> commands to obtain the same information.
Example for RACADM ? <
racadm ? getsysinfo
getsysinfo -- display general CMC and system information
racadm getsysinfo [-d] [-c] [-A] [-4] [-6]
sequence no.>] [-n <number of records>] [-r <start timestamp>]
[-e <end timestamp>]
•-i — Displays the number of records present in the active log. You cannot use this option with
any other option.
•-c — The log type to lter the records. Provide multiple categories using a "," as the delimiter.
The value is case-insensitive. Valid Category values:
– All
– System
– Storage
– Updates
– Audit
– Cong
•-q - The sequence number from which the records must be displayed.
•-n - Species the n Number of records to be displayed.
•-r - Displays events that have occurred after this time. The time format is yyyy-mm-dd
HH:MM:SS. The time stamp must be provided within double quotes.
•-e - Displays events that have occurred before this time. The time format is yyyy-mm-dd
HH:MM:SS. The time stamp must be provided within double quotes.
•-f <lename> - Species the le location and name where the chassis log is exported.
•-a <name> - Species the FTP Server IP address or FQDN, user name, and password.
•-d <path> - Species the path to the le on the FTP server.
•-l <location> - Species the location of the network share or area on le system where chassis
log is exported. Two types of network shares are supported:
— SMB mounted path: //<ipaddress or domain name>/<share_name>/<path_to_image>
— NFS mounted path: <ipaddress>:/<path_to_image>.
•-u <user> — Species the user name for accessing the FTP Server, or Domain and User Name
for accessing network share location.
•-p <password> — Species the password for accessing the FTP Server or Share location.
•-s — Filters records based on severity. Provide multiple severities using a comma (,) as the
delimiter. The values are not case-sensitive. The valid severity values are:
– 1. Warning
– 2. Critical
– 3. Info
•-b — The subcategory used to lter the records. Provide multiple subcategories using a comma
(,) as the delimiter. The values are not case-sensitive. The valid subcategories are:
– CPUA: Proc Absent
– MEM: Memory
– UEFI: UEFI Event
– FC: Fiber Channel
– ENC: Storage Enclosure
– SYS: System Info
– LNK: Link Status
– BAT: Battery Event
– RSI: Remote Service
– OSE: OS Event
– VRM: Virtual Console
– PSU: Power Supply
– Log: Log event
– RDU: Redundancy
– FCD: Feature Card
– CMC: Chassis Management Controller
– CTL: Storage Controller
– CPU: Processor
– CBL: Cable
– JCP: Job Control
– VF: vFlash Media
– IPA: DRAC IP Address
– SUP: FW Update Job
– RFM: FlexAddress SD
– PSUA: PSU Absent
– PCI: PCI Device
– LIC: Licensing
– RFL : IDSDM Media
– NIC : NIC Cong
– VFL : vFlash Event
– TMPS : Temperature Statistics
– DIS : Auto-Discovery
– STOR : Storage
– SEL : Sys Event Log
– OSD : OS Deployment
– SRD : Software RAID
– RFLA : IDSDM Absent
– TST : Test Alert
– FSD : Debug
– RED : FW Download
– BOOT : BOOT Control
– IOV : IO Virtualization
– PR : Part Exchange
– SWU : Software Change
– USR : User Tracking
– PDR : Physical Disk
– VDR : Virtual Disk
– SWC : Software Cong
– DKM : Dell Key Mngr
– NDR : NIC OS Driver
– RAC : RAC Event
– ASR : Auto Sys Reset
– HWC : Hardware Cong
– RRDU : IDSDM Redundancy
– AMP : Amperage
– VLT : Voltage
– DH : Cert Mgmt
– TMP : Temperature
– VME : Virtual Media
– ITR : Intrusion
– BAR : Backup/Restore
– PWR : Power Usage
– VFLA : vFlash Absent
– BIOS : BIOS Management
– LC : Lifecycle Contr
– FAN : Fan Event
– SEC : Security Event
NOTE: To view or export the Chassis log, only the CMC Login User privilege is required.
•Display the number of records present in the Chassis Log:
racadm chassislog view -i
•Display the records under the storage category with severity set to warning:
racadm chassislog view -c storage -s warning
•Display the records under storage and system categories with severities set to warning or
DescriptionRuns a power action on the chassis or a switch.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Chassis Control
Administrator privilege.
NOTE: For remote racadm, check the power status of
the module using the getmodinfo command.
ExamplePerform a reset of switch-1:
racadm chassisaction [-m <module>] <action>
•-m <module> — Module on which you want to carry out the
action. Values are:
– chassis — this is the default value, if -m is not specied.
– switch-n, where n=1
•<action> — Action that you want to run on the specied
module. Values are:
– powerdown — (Chassis only) Turns o the chassis.
– powerup — (Chassis only) Turns on the chassis.
– powercycle — Power cycles the module.
– nongraceshutdown — (Chassis only) Non-gracefully
turns o the chassis.
– reset — Performs a hard reset of the module.
When <module> = switch, <action> must be powercycle or
racadm chassisaction -m switch-1 reset
Module power operation successful.
Table 10. Closessn
DescriptionCloses a communication session on the device. Use the
getssninfo command to view a list of sessions that can be
closed using this command.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Administrator
•racadm closessn –i <session id>
•racadm closessn -a
•racadm closessn -u <username>
•-i<session id> — The session ID of the session to be ended,
•-a — Closes all sessions.
which can be retrieved using RACADM getssninfo
Session running this command cannot be ended.
<user name>
– Remote RACADM: -u option or -i option
— Close all sessions for a particular user
•racadm closessn -i 1234
Closes the session 1234.
•racadm closessn –u root
Closes all the sessions for root user.
•racadm closessn –a
Closes all the sessions.
Table 11. Clrsel
DescriptionDeletes all existing records from the System Event Log (SEL).
To use this subcommand, you must have the Clear Logs privilege.
racadm clrsel
Table 12. Cmcchangeover
DescriptionChanges the state of the CMC from active to standby, or vice
versa, in a redundant CMC conguration. This subcommand is
useful for remote debugging or testing purposes.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Administrator
racadm cmcchangeover
CMC failover initiated successfully.
racadm cmcchangeover
NOTE: This command is valid only in redundant CMC
environments. For more information, see the
"Understanding the Redundant CMC Environment"
section of the
Dell Chassis System User Guide
Table 13. Cong
DescriptionAllows you to set CMC conguration parameters individually or to batch them as part of a congurationle. If
the data is dierent, that CMC object is written with the new value.
OutputThis subcommand generates error output for any of the following reasons:
NOTE: The congurationle retrieved using remote racadm are not interoperable. For the cong -f
le name
NOTE: The -f and -p options are not supported for the serial/Telnet/SSH console.
•-f — The -f <lename> option causes cong to read the contents of the le specied by <lename> and
congure CMC.
•-p— This option must be used with the -f option. It directs cong to delete the password entries
contained in the congle-f <lename> after the conguration is complete.
To apply the password, you must remove the preceding Read-Only marker '#' in the congle before
executing the cong-f command.
•-g— The -g <groupName>, or group option, must be used with the -o option. The <groupName>
species the group containing the object that is to be set.
•-o — The -o <objectName> <Value>, or object option, must be used with the -g option. This option
species the object name that is written with the string <value>.
•-i — The -i <index>, or index option, is valid only for indexed groups and can be used to specify a unique
group. The <index> is a decimal integer from 1 through n, where n can vary from 1 to maximum number of
indexes a particular group supports. If -i <index> is not specied, a value of 1 is assumed for groups, which
are tables that have multiple entries. The index is specied by the index value, not a named value.
•-c — The -c, or check option, is used with the cong subcommand and allows the user to parse the .cfg le to locate syntax errors. If issues are found, the line number and a short description about the issue is
displayed. This option is a check-only.
> command, use the congurationle retrieved from the same interface.
•Invalid syntax, group name, object name, index, or other invalid database members.
•RACADM CLI failures.
This subcommand returns an indication of the number of conguration objects that were written out of the
total objects in the .cfg le.
•racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicIpAddress
Sets the cfgNicIpAddress conguration parameter (object) to the value This IP address
object is contained in the cfgLanNetworking group.
•racadm config -f myrac.cfg.
Congures or recongures CMC. The myrac.cfg le may be created from the getcong command. This
le may also be edited manually as long as the parsing rules are followed.
NOTE: The myrac.cfg le does not contain passwords. To include passwords in the le, you must
enter them manually. If you want to remove password information from the myrac.cfg le during
conguration, use the -p option.
DescriptionConnects to the switch or server serial console.
Input-b — Connects to the switch or console using the binary mode. This is an optional argument; a server or a
•racadm connect [-b] —m <module>
•racadm connect [-b] <server-n>
•racadm connect [-b] <switch-n>
switch must be present.
NOTE: If you use the -b option, reset the CMC to terminate the connect operation.
•server-n, where n=1–4
•switch-n, where n=1
NOTE: The values 2 and 4 for n are valid only for multi-node sleds.
•switch-n: where n = 1 to 2 or <a1 | a2>
•Connect to I/O Module 1 serial console
racadm connect -m switch-1
•Connect to server 1 serial console
racadm connect -m server-1
Table 14. deploy
Congures the static IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and password for the root user on
iDRAC for the specied server.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Server Administrator privilege.
NOTE: You can also use setniccfg to congure static IP address, subnet mask,
gateway, DHCP, speed, and duplex properties.
•-b <device> — Species the rst boot device; must be used with -o.
•Use with -m <module> to specify for an individual server, or with -a for all servers.
Legal values: device=None, PXE, hard disk drive (HDD), CD-DVD, vFDD, vCD-DVD, iSCSI,
•-o <no|yes> — Indicates if the server should boot from the device once; must be used
•-a — Creates and enables an iDRAC root user if it does not exist, and is executed on all
Use with -m <module> to specify for an individual server, or with -a for all servers.
the existing servers in the chassis.
•-u root — Indicates that the <password> is supplied for the root user on the server. root is
a constant parameter, the only value that is valid with the ‑u option.
•-m <module> — Species the server you want to congure.
Legal value must be one of the following values:
– server-<n> where n=1 to 4
– switch-<n> where n=1
•-p <password> — Species the password for the root user on the server.
•-s <ipaddress subnet gateway> — Sets the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway for the specied server, separated by single spaces.
– ipaddress — A string representing a valid IP address. For example,
– subnet — A string representing a valid subnet mask. For example,
– gateway — A string representing a valid gateway address. For example,
•-d — Enables DHCP for the specied server.
The -s and -d options cannot be used together in the same command.
•-6 — Enables IPv6 auto conguration (when used with -d.) Sets static IPv6 addresses
(when used with -s).
•-q — Displays or modies the quick deploy parameters.
•-n<numofblades> — Species the number of reserved IP addresses for quick deploy. The
valid values are 2 and 4.
•-e — Uses the CMC DNS settings for quick deploy. The legal values are:
– 1 — Enable
– 0 — Disable
•--qd — Updates the quick deploy parameters to the servers. This option works only with
the -q option.
Gets, sets, and displays the list of event lter settings.
To use this subcommand with the get option, you must have the CMC Login User privilege.
racadm eventfilters <eventfilters command type>
racadm eventfilters get -c <alert descriptor>
racadm eventfilters set -c <alert descriptor>-n <notifications>
NOTE: The general format of an alert descriptor:
where, category is mandatory, but subcategory and severity are optional. A severity
cannot precede a subcategory.
Valid category values are:
Valid severity values are:
Valid examples of alert descriptors are:
•get - Displays the list of event lter settings.
•set - Congures the actions and notications for a given event lter conguration.
•-c - Alert descriptor of the specic event lter.
•-n - The notication to be sent when the event occurs. Valid values are all, snmp, ipmi, lcd,
email, or none. You can append multiple notications separated by a comma. You cannot enter
the values all or none with other notications.
NOTE: If both event generation interval and notications are congured and there is an
error while conguring the notications, the event generation interval is not set. The
valid values are from 0–365. 0 disables the event generation.
•Display all available event ltercongurations:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.all
•Display eventltercongurations for a specic category. For example, audit:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit
•Display eventltercongurations for a specic subcategory. For example, licensing under the
audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit.lic
•Display eventltercongurations for a specic severity. For example, warning under the audit
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit.warning
•Display eventltercongurations for a specic severity and subcategory. For example, a
severity of warning in the subcategory licensing under audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit.lic.warning
•Clear all available alert settings:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.all -n none
•Congure using severity as a parameter. For example, all informational events in storage
category are assigned powero as action, and email and snmp as notications:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.storage.info -n email,snmp
•Congure using subcategory as a parameter. For example, all congurations under the licensing
subcategory in the audit category are assigned powero as action and all notications are
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.audit.lic -n all
•Congure using subcategory and severity as parameters. For example, all Information events
under the licensing subcategory in the audit category are assigned powero as action and all
notications are disabled:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.audit.lic.info -n none
Inputs — Sets the fan speed.
Congures the internal fans to run at a higher speed than the normal speed.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Chassis Conguration Administrator privilege.
racadm fanoffset [-s <off|low|medium|high>
Valid category values are:
•Disable the fanoset feature.
racadm fanoffset -s off
•Increases fan speed by 20% of fan’s maximum speed. Minimum speed for fan is 35% of the
racadm fanoffset -s low
•Increases fan speed by 50% of fan’s maximum speed. Minimum speed for fan is 65% of the
racadm fanoffset -s medium
•Sets fans to run at 100% of fan’s maximum speed.
racadm fanoffset -s high
Displays all active chassis features. The information displayed includes feature name, date activated, and the
serial number of the SD card used to activate the feature.
Dell Feature Cards may contain more than one feature.
NOTE: To use this subcommand to deactivate FlexAddress or ExtendedStorage, you must have the
Chassis Conguration Administrator privilege. A user with login privileges can view status only.
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