What is new in this release..........................................................................................................................................12
Supported web browsers..................................................................................................................................................15
Types of licenses.........................................................................................................................................................18
Licensable features in CMC........................................................................................................................................ 19
License component state or condition and available operations..................................................................................19
Viewing localized versions of the CMC web interface......................................................................................................20
How to use this User's Guide........................................................................................................................................... 20
Other documents you may need...................................................................................................................................... 20
Accessing documents from Dell support site.................................................................................................................... 21
2 Installing and setting up CMC....................................................................................... 22
Checklist to set up chassis......................................................................................................................................... 22
Installing remote RACADM on a Windows management station.................................................................................27
Installing remote RACADM on a Linux management station.......................................................................................27
Uninstalling remote RACADM from a Linux management station...............................................................................28
Configuring a web browser........................................................................................................................................ 28
Downloading and updating CMC firmware.................................................................................................................29
Setting chassis physical location and chassis name....................................................................................................29
Setting date and time on CMC...................................................................................................................................29
Configuring LEDs to identify components on the chassis...........................................................................................30
Configuring front panel.............................................................................................................................................. 30
Configuring chassis management at server mode.............................................................................................................31
Configuring chassis management at server using CMC web interface........................................................................31
Configuring chassis management at server mode using RACADM..............................................................................31
3 Logging into CMC......................................................................................................... 33
Configure public key authentication over SSH................................................................................................................. 33
Generating public keys for systems running Windows................................................................................................33
Generating public keys for systems running Linux......................................................................................................34
Accessing CMC web interface.........................................................................................................................................34
Logging into CMC as a local user, active directory user, or LDAP user............................................................................ 34
Logging into CMC using a smart card.............................................................................................................................. 35
Logging into CMC using Single Sign-On...........................................................................................................................36
Logging into CMC using serial, Telnet, or SSH console.................................................................................................... 36
Logging into CMC using public key authentication...........................................................................................................36
Signed CMC firmware image............................................................................................................................................38
Viewing currently installed firmware versions...................................................................................................................38
Viewing currently installed firmware versions using CMC web interface....................................................................38
Viewing currently installed firmware versions using RACADM....................................................................................39
Updating the CMC firmware............................................................................................................................................39
Updating CMC firmware using web interface............................................................................................................ 39
Updating CMC firmware using RACADM...................................................................................................................40
Updating the CMC using DUP......................................................................................................................................... 40
Updating chassis infrastructure firmware using CMC web interface..........................................................................40
Updating chassis infrastructure firmware using RACADM.......................................................................................... 41
Updating server iDRAC firmware...................................................................................................................................... 41
Updating server iDRAC firmware using web interface................................................................................................ 41
Updating server component firmware........................................................................................................................42
Choosing server component firmware update type using CMC web interface...........................................................44
Filtering components for firmware updates................................................................................................................44
5 Viewing chassis information and monitoring chassis and component health.................. 51
Viewing chassis and component summaries......................................................................................................................51
Viewing server model name and Service Tag............................................................................................................. 53
Viewing storage model name and Service Tag........................................................................................................... 53
Viewing chassis controller information and status............................................................................................................53
Viewing information and health status of all servers.........................................................................................................53
Viewing information and health status of storage sleds....................................................................................................53
Viewing information and health status of the IOMs..........................................................................................................54
Viewing information and health status of fans..................................................................................................................54
Viewing front panel properties......................................................................................................................................... 55
Viewing KVM information and health status.................................................................................................................... 55
Viewing information and health status of temperature sensors........................................................................................55
Enabling or disabling DHCP for the CMC Network Interface Address..............................................................................56
Enabling the CMC network interface...............................................................................................................................56
Enabling or disabling DHCP for DNS IP addresses............................................................................................................57
Setting static DNS IP addresses.......................................................................................................................................57
Viewing and modifying CMC network LAN settings.........................................................................................................58
Viewing and modifying CMC network LAN settings using CMC web interface..........................................................58
Viewing and modifying CMC network LAN settings using RACADM......................................................................... 58
Configuring DNS settings (IPv4 and IPv6).......................................................................................................................58
Configuring auto negotiation, duplex mode, and network speed (IPv4 and IPv6)............................................................ 59
Configuring Management Port 2......................................................................................................................................59
Configuring Management Port 2 using CMC web interface.......................................................................................59
Configuring Management Port 2 using RACADM............................................................................................................ 60
Federal Information Processing Standards.......................................................................................................................60
Enabling FIPS Mode Using CMC Web Interface.........................................................................................................60
Enabling FIPS Mode Using RACADM..........................................................................................................................61
Disabling FIPS Mode................................................................................................................................................... 61
Configuring services using RACADM.......................................................................................................................... 61
Setting up Chassis Group.................................................................................................................................................62
Adding members to Chassis Group............................................................................................................................ 63
Removing a member from the leader......................................................................................................................... 63
Disbanding a Chassis Group....................................................................................................................................... 63
Disabling an individual Member at the Member chassis..............................................................................................64
Launching the web page of a Member chassis or server............................................................................................64
Propagating Leader chassis properties to Member chassis........................................................................................64
Synchronizing a new Member with Leader chassis properties................................................................................... 65
Server inventory for MCM group...............................................................................................................................65
Saving server inventory report...................................................................................................................................65
Modifying the CMC IP address................................................................................................................................... 71
QuickDeploy IP address assignments for servers....................................................................................................... 76
Modifying iDRAC Network Settings for individual server iDRAC.................................................................................77
Modifying iDRAC network settings using RACADM....................................................................................................77
Configuring iDRAC VLAN tag settings........................................................................................................................77
Configuring iDRAC VLAN tag settings using web interface........................................................................................78
Configuring iDRAC VLAN tag settings using RACADM.............................................................................................. 78
Setting first boot device...................................................................................................................................................78
Setting first boot device for multiple servers using CMC web interface.....................................................................79
Setting first boot device for individual server using CMC web interface.................................................................... 79
Setting first boot device using RACADM....................................................................................................................79
Configuring server FlexAddress........................................................................................................................................80
Configuring profile settings using server configuration replication.................................................................................... 81
Adding or saving profile..............................................................................................................................................82
Completion status and troubleshooting......................................................................................................................84
Quick Deploy of profiles............................................................................................................................................. 85
Assigning server profiles to slots ............................................................................................................................... 85
Managing Virtual MAC Address Pool..........................................................................................................................88
Creating MAC Pool.................................................................................................................................................... 88
Adding MAC Addresses..............................................................................................................................................88
Removing MAC Addresses.........................................................................................................................................89
Deactivating MAC Addresses.....................................................................................................................................89
Launching iDRAC using Single Sign-On............................................................................................................................89
Launching iDRAC from Server Status page............................................................................................................... 90
Launching iDRAC from Servers Status page..............................................................................................................90
Launching remote console from server status page.........................................................................................................90
Configuring storage sleds in split-single mode...................................................................................................................91
Configuring storage sleds in split-dual mode..................................................................................................................... 91
Configuring storage sleds in joined mode.......................................................................................................................... 91
Configuring storage sleds using CMC web interface.........................................................................................................91
Configuring storage sleds using RACADM........................................................................................................................92
Managing storage sleds using iDRAC RACADM proxy..................................................................................................... 92
9 Configuring CMC to send alerts....................................................................................93
Enabling or disabling alerts............................................................................................................................................... 93
Enabling or disabling alerts using CMC web interface................................................................................................ 93
Enabling or disabling alerts using RACADM................................................................................................................93
10 Configuring user accounts and privileges.....................................................................97
Types of users..................................................................................................................................................................97
Modifying root user administrator account settings....................................................................................................... 100
Configuring local users....................................................................................................................................................100
Configuring local users using CMC web interface.....................................................................................................100
Configure local users using RACADM........................................................................................................................101
Configuring Active Directory users..................................................................................................................................101
Supported Active Directory authentication mechanisms........................................................................................... 101
Standard schema Active Directory overview.............................................................................................................101
Configuring standard schema Active Directory.........................................................................................................102
Extended schema Active Directory overview........................................................................................................... 102
Configuring extended schema Active Directory........................................................................................................103
Configuring the generic LDAP directory to access CMC.......................................................................................... 103
Configuring generic LDAP directory service using CMC web interface.................................................................... 103
Configuring generic LDAP directory service using RACADM.................................................................................... 104
11 Configuring CMC for Single Sign-On or Smart Card login.......................................... 105
System requirements......................................................................................................................................................105
Prerequisites for Single Sign-On or Smart Card login..................................................................................................... 106
Configuring CMC for Active Directory schema...............................................................................................................106
Configuring browser for SSO login................................................................................................................................. 106
Internet Explorer.......................................................................................................................................................106
Mozilla Firefox...........................................................................................................................................................107
Configuring browser for Smart Card login.......................................................................................................................107
Configuring CMC SSO login or Smart Card login for Active Directory users using RACADM..........................................107
Configuring CMC SSO Or Smart Card Login For Active Directory Users Using Web Interface...................................... 107
Configuring CMC SSO login or Smart Card login for Active Directory users using RACADM......................................... 108
12 Configuring CMC to use Command Line consoles...................................................... 109
CMC Command Line console features........................................................................................................................... 109
CMC Command Line interface commands............................................................................................................... 109
Using Telnet console with CMC..................................................................................................................................... 109
Using SSH with CMC................................................................................................................................................ 110
Configure public key authentication over SSH...........................................................................................................110
Connecting to servers or I/O module using Connect command.......................................................................................111
Configuring the managed server BIOS for serial console redirection......................................................................... 112
Configuring Windows for serial console redirection................................................................................................... 113
Configuring Linux for server serial console redirection during boot............................................................................113
Configuring Linux for server serial console redirection after boot..............................................................................114
Managing CMC using iDRAC RACADM proxy.................................................................................................................115
13 Using FlexAddress and FlexAddress Plus cards...........................................................116
About FlexAddress.......................................................................................................................................................... 116
About FlexAddress Plus.............................................................................................................................................116
Monitoring IOM health....................................................................................................................................................125
Configuring network settings for IOM............................................................................................................................ 125
Configuring network settings for IOM using CMC web interface............................................................................. 125
Configuring network settings for IOM using RACADM.............................................................................................126
Viewing I/O module uplink and downlink status using web interface.............................................................................. 126
Viewing I/O module FCoE session information using web interface................................................................................126
Resetting IOM to factory default settings...................................................................................................................... 126
Updating IOM software using CMC web interface......................................................................................................... 127
15 Using VLAN Manager................................................................................................. 129
Assigning VLAN to IOM.................................................................................................................................................. 129
Configuring VLAN settings on IOMs using CMC web interface .....................................................................................129
Viewing the VLAN settings on IOMs using CMC web interface......................................................................................130
Viewing the current VLAN settings on IOMs using CMC web interface......................................................................... 130
Removing VLANs for IOMs using CMC web interface....................................................................................................130
Updating untagged VLANs for IOMs using CMC web interface..................................................................................... 130
Resetting VLANs for IOMs using CMC web interface..................................................................................................... 131
16 Managing and monitoring power................................................................................ 132
No Redundancy policy.............................................................................................................................................. 133
Redundancy Alerting Only policy (Default setting)....................................................................................................133
Chassis power limit monitoring........................................................................................................................................133
Viewing power consumption status................................................................................................................................ 133
Viewing power consumption status using CMC web interface................................................................................. 134
Viewing power consumption status using RACADM.................................................................................................134
Viewing power budget status using CMC web interface................................................................................................ 134
Viewing power budget status using RACADM................................................................................................................134
Redundancy status and overall power health..................................................................................................................134
Power management after PSU failure...................................................................................................................... 134
Power supply and Redundancy policy changes in system event log..........................................................................134
Configuring power budget and redundancy..............................................................................................................135
Executing Power Control Operations........................................................................................................................137
Executing Power Control Operations for Multiple Servers Using CMC Web Interface..............................................137
Executing Power Control Operations on the IOM.....................................................................................................138
Viewing PCIe slot properties using CMC web interface..................................................................................................140
Viewing PCIe slot properties using RACADM..................................................................................................................140
Downloading SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) file................................................................................ 143
First steps to troubleshoot a remote system............................................................................................................ 143
Using Diagnostic Console..........................................................................................................................................144
Saving or Restoring Chassis Configuration............................................................................................................... 145
Troubleshooting Network Time Protocol (NTP) Errors.............................................................................................145
Interpreting LED colors and blinking patterns........................................................................................................... 146
General troubleshooting..................................................................................................................................................149
Troubleshooting storage module in FX2 chassis....................................................................................................... 149
Managing and recovering a remote system.................................................................................................................... 152
Active Directory..............................................................................................................................................................153
Event and error messages.............................................................................................................................................. 154
The Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s is a Systems Management hardware and software
solution for managing the PowerEdge FX2/FX2s chassis. The CMC has its own microprocessor and memory and is powered by the
modular chassis into which it is plugged.
The CMC enables an IT administrator to:
•View inventory.
•Perform configuration and monitoring tasks.
•Remotely turn on and turn off chassis and servers.
•Enable alerts for events on servers and components in the server module.
•View the PCIe mapping information and reassign PCIe slots.
•Provide a one–many management interface to the iDRACs and I/O modules in the chassis.
The CMC provides multiple System Management functions for servers. Power and thermal management are the primary functions
of CMC, which are listed as follows:
•Enclosure-level real-time automatic power and thermal management.
– The CMC reports real-time power consumption, which includes logging high and low points with a time stamp.
– The CMC supports setting an optional enclosure maximum power limit (System Input Power Cap), which alerts and takes
actions such as limiting the power consumption of servers, and/or preventing the turning on of new servers to keep the
enclosure under the defined maximum power limit.
– The CMC monitors and automatically controls the functions of cooling fans based on actual ambient and internal
temperature measurements.
– The CMC provides comprehensive enclosure inventory and status or error reporting.
•The CMC provides a mechanism for centralized configuration of the:
– Network and security setting of the PowerEdge FX2/FX2s enclosure.
– Power redundancy and power ceiling settings.
– I/O switch and iDRAC network settings.
– First boot device on the server module.
– I/O fabric consistency checks between the I/O module and servers. CMC also disables components, if necessary, to protect
the system hardware.
– User access security.
– PCIe slots.
You can configure CMC to send email alerts or SNMP trap alerts for warnings or errors such as temperature, hardware
misconfiguration, power outage, and fan speed.
NOTE: The terms “storage sled” and “storage module” are used interchangeably in this document.
Key Features
The CMC features are grouped into management and security features.
What is new in this release
This release of CMC for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s supports:
•Performing racresetcfg from CMC GUI.
•Enabling Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 cryptography.
•Disabling AC Power Recovery.
•Updating the OpenSSL open source package to version 1.0.2f.
•Updating the OpenSSH open source package to version 7.1p1.
•Updating glibc to version 2.23 to address new security vulnerabilities.
•TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.1 by default.
•User configuration option to enable TLS 1.0 using RACADM.
•Configuring SNMPv3 using RACADM commands.
•Querying the health status of the chassis components using WSMan.
•Initiating Quick Deploy of blade through RACADM.
•Configuring CMC using WSMan for the following features:
– Host name of chassis
– IP Configuration
– DNS Registration
– Change Default Password
•Sending alerts when the power state of an IOM changes and when power-on of IOM fails.
•Populating CMC Device name in the inventory.
Management features
CMC provides the following management features:
•Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) registration for IPv4 and IPv6.
•Login management and configuration for local users, Active Directory, and LDAP.
•Remote system management and monitoring using SNMP, a web interface, integrated KVM, Telnet, or SSH connection.
•Monitoring — Provides access to system information and status of components.
•Access to system event logs — Provides access to the hardware log and chassis log.
•Firmware updates for various chassis components — Enables you to update the firmware for CMC, iDRAC on servers, storage
sleds, and chassis infrastructure.
•Firmware update of server components such as BIOS and network controllers across multiple servers in the chassis using
Lifecycle Controller.
•Dell OpenManage software integration — Enables you to launch the CMC web interface from Dell OpenManage Server
Administrator or OpenManage Essentials (OME) 1.2.
•CMC alert — Alerts you about potential managed node issues through Remote syslog email message or SNMP trap.
•Remote power management — Provides remote power management functions, such as turn off and reset of any chassis
component, from a management console.
•Power usage reporting.
•Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption — Provides secure remote system management through the web interface.
•Launch point for the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) web interface.
•Support for WS-Management.
•Multi-node Sled adaptation. PowerEdge FM120x4 is a multi-node Sled.
•Chassis Power Limit Monitoring.
•iDRAC IO Identity feature support for enhanced WWN/MAC Address Inventory.
•FlexAddress feature — Replaces the factory-assigned World Wide Name/Media Access Control (WWN/MAC) IDs with
chassis-assigned WWN/MAC IDs for a particular slot, an optional upgrade.
•Graphical display of chassis component status and health.
•Support for single and multi-slot servers.
•iDRAC single sign-on.
•Network time protocol (NTP) support.
•Enhanced server summary, power reporting, and power control pages.
•Multi-chassis management, allows up to 19 other chassis to be visible from the lead chassis.
NOTE: Multi-Chassis Management is not supported on IPv6 networks.
•Local and remote iDRAC RACADM proxy feature to manage storage sleds in the FX2s chassis.
Security features
The CMC provides the following security features:
•Password-level security management — Prevents unauthorized access to a remote system.
•Centralized user authentication through:
– Active Directory using Standard Schema or an Extended Schema (optional).
– Hardware-stored user IDs and passwords.
•Role-based authority — Enables an administrator to configure specific privileges for each user.
•User ID and password configuration through the web interface. Web interface supports 128-bit SSL 3.0 encryption and 40-bit
SSL 3.0 encryption (for countries where 128-bit is not acceptable).
NOTE: Telnet does not support SSL encryption.
•Configurable IP ports (if applicable).
•Login failure limits per IP address, with login blocking from the IP address when the limit is exceeded.
•Configurable session auto time out, and more than one simultaneous sessions.
•Limited IP address range for clients connecting to CMC.
•Secure Shell (SSH), which uses an encrypted layer for higher security.
•Single Sign-on, Two-Factor Authentication, and Public Key Authentication.
•CMC Signed Image — Used to protect the firmware image from undetected modification using digital signature.
Chassis overview
A Back Panel view of the chassis is given here with a table that lists the parts and devices available in the CMC.
Figure 1.
Indicator, Button, or Connector
Serial connector
Ethernet connector Gb1
ItemIndicator, Button, or Connector
A Front Panel view of the chassis is given here with a table that lists the parts and devices available in the CMC.
Ethernet connector STK/Gb2 (stack)
System identification button
Low-profile PCIe expansion slots
Power supply (PSU1)
Power supply (PSU2)
I/O module (2)
I/O module ports
I/O module indicators
Figure 2.
Indicator, Button, or Connector
System identification button
Enclosure power-on indicator, power button
Diagnostic indicators
KVM select button
Compute sled
Video connector
USB connector
Storage sled
Supported remote access connections
The following table lists the supported remote access connections.
Table 1. Supported remote access connections
CMC Network Interface ports
Serial port
•Gb ports: Dedicated network interface for the CMC web interface. The CMC has two
RJ-45 Ethernet ports:
– Gb1 (the uplink port)
– Gb2 (the stacking or cable consolidation port). The STK/Gb2 port can also be used
for CMC NIC failover.
NOTE: Ensure that the CMC setting is changed from default Stacking to
Redundant to implement NIC failover.
CAUTION: Connecting the STK/Gb2 port to the management network will
have unpredictable results if the CMC setting is not changed from default
Stacking to Redundant, to implement NIC failover. In the default Stacking
mode, cabling the Gb1 and STK/Gb2 ports to the same network
(broadcast domain) can cause a broadcast storm. A broadcast storm can
also occur if the CMC setting is changed to Redundant mode, but the
cabling is daisy chained between chassis in the Stacking mode. Ensure
that the cabling model matches the CMC setting for the intended usage.
•DHCP support.
•SNMP traps and e-mail event notification.
•Network interface for the iDRAC and I/O Modules (IOMs).
•Support for Telnet/SSH command console and RACADM CLI commands including
system boot, reset, power-on, and shutdown commands.
•Support for serial console and RACADM CLI commands including system boot, reset,
power-on, and shutdown commands.
•Support for binary interchange for applications specifically designed to communicate
with a binary protocol to a particular type of IOM.
•Serial port can be connected internally to the serial console of a server, or I/O module,
using the connect (or racadm connect) command.
Supported platforms
The CMC supports the PowerEdge FX2 and FX2s chassis models. The supported platforms are PowerEdge FC630, PowerEdge
FM120x4, and PowerEdge FC830. For information about compatibility with CMC, see the documentation for your device.
For the latest supported platforms, see the Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) Version 1.4 for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
Release Notes available at dell.com/support/manuals.
Supported web browsers
For the latest information about supported web browsers, see the Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) Version 1.4 for Dell
PowerEdge FX2/FX2s Release Notes at dell.com/support/manuals.
•Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
•Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
•Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
•Microsoft EDGE
•Safari version 7.1
•Safari version 8.0
•Mozilla Firefox version 40
•Mozilla Firefox version 41
•Google Chrome version 49
•Google Chrome version 50
NOTE: By default, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are supported in this release. However, to enable TLS 1.0 use the following
racadm command:
The following table lists the firmware versions for BIOS, iDRAC, and Lifecycle Controller that support the servers listed:
Table 2. Latest Firmware Versions for BIOS, iDRAC, and Lifecycle Controller
ServersBIOSiDRACLifecycle Controller
PowerEdge FC8302.
Supported Firmware Versions for Server Component Update
The following table lists the supported firmware versions for server components when CMC PowerEdge FX2/FX2s firmware is
updated from 1.3 to 1.4 version but the server components are not updated to the next version.
Table 3. Supported Server Component Versions for Server Component Update to N version
PlatformServer ComponentPrevious Component Version
(N-1 Version)
Lifecycle Controller2.20.20.20
Lifecycle Controller2.20.20.20
Lifecycle Controller2.20.20.20
Lifecycle Controller2.20.20.20
Updated Component Version
(N Version)
Supported Network Adapters
The following table lists the supported network adapters for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s.
LightPulse LPe15002B-M8–D DP 8G Gen 5NoNoYesYesYes
LPe16002 Dual Port FC 16 HBANoNoYesYesYes
LighPulse LPE12000 FC 8 HBAYesYesNoYesYes
LightPulse LPe 15000B-M8–D SP 8G
Gen 5
LPE 16000 Single Port FC 16 HBANoNoNoYesYes
OCe 14102–UX-D 10GbE CNAYesYesNoNoNo
OCe 14102–U1–D 10GbE CNANoNoYesYesYes
OCe 14102–U1–D 10GbE CNANoNoYesYesYes
X540 DP 10G BASE-TYesYesYesYesYes
i350 DP 1GNoNoYesYesYes
i350 QP 1GYesYesYesYesYes
X520 DP 10G SFP+YesYesNoYesNo
X710 DP 10GBE SFP+ (Fortville)NoNoYesYesYes
CX3 DP 40GbE QSFP+NoNoYesYesYes
CX3 DP 10GbE DA/SFP+NoNoYesYesYes
QLE2560 FC8 Single HBAYesYesNoYesYes
578 10S 10G BASE-TYesYesYesYesYes
QLE2660 SP FC 16 HBANoNoNoYesYes
QLE2662 DP FC16 HBANoNoYesYesYes
Managing licenses
The CMC features are available based on the license (CMC Express or CMC Enterprise) purchased. Only licensed features are
available in the interfaces that allow you to configure or use CMC. For example, CMC web interface, RACADM, WS-MAN, and so
on. CMC license management and firmware update functionality is always available through CMC web interface and RACADM.
Storage sled licenses
You can also purchase storage sled licenses to manage RAID controllers in CMC. The storage sled licenses can be installed at the
factory or purchased online. Following are the supported storage sled license types:
•One RAID controller and one HBA controller (RAID/HBA)
•Both RAID controllers
Storage sled licenses can be used for one or two RAID controllers. If a license is assigned to RAID on a single controller, the license is
applicable only to the first controller. Deleting a storage sled license may result in loss of RAID data.
Storage sled licenses are specific to a storage sled and are associated to the Service Tag of the storage sled. For example, if you
move a storage sled from one chassis to another, the license is also moved along with the storage sled. The master copies of
storage sled licenses are stored in the persistent store. For more information, see the Dell Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.
The log messages for all storage sled license activities are stored in the CMC log file.
NOTE: Storage sled licenses are required to change the FD33xS and FD33xD RAID controllers from HBA mode to RAID
Types of licenses
The types of licenses offered are:
•30–day evaluation and extension — The license expires after 30 days that can be extended for 30 days. Evaluation licenses are
duration-based, and the timer runs when power is applied to the system. These licenses are not applicable to storage sleds.
•Perpetual — The license is bound to the Service Tag and is permanent.
NOTE: Evaluation and site licenses are applicable only to CMC.
Acquiring licenses
Use any of the following methods to acquire the licenses:
•E-mail — License is attached to an e-mail that is sent after requesting it from the technical support center.
•Self-service portal — A link to the Self-Service Portal is available from CMC. Click this link to open the licensing Self-Service
Portal on the internet from where you can purchase licenses. For more information, see the online help for the self-service portal
•Point-of-sale — License is acquired while placing the order for a system.
License operations
Before you perform the license management tasks, make sure to acquire the licenses. For more information, see the Acquiring
Licenses section and Overview and Feature Guide available at dell.com/support.
NOTE: If you have purchased a system with all the licenses pre-installed, then license management is not required.
You can perform the following licensing operations using CMC, RACADM, and WS-MAN for one-to-one license management, and
Dell License Manager for one-to-many license management:
•View — View the current license information for CMC and storage sleds.
•Import — After acquiring the license, store the license in a local storage and import it into CMC using one of the supported
interfaces. The license is imported if it passes the validation checks.
NOTE: For a few features, a CMC restart may be required to enable the features.
You can also import licenses for storage sleds that are installed in a chassis and when the storage sleds are powered off. If a
storage sled is already licensed, delete the existing license before importing a new one. The imported license is stored in the
CMC license manager and storage sled persistent store. The licensed features are available only if the RAID is reset when the
host server is rebooted. You can import storage sled licenses only to the targeted device.
•Export — Export the installed license into an external storage device backup or to reinstall it after a service part is replaced. The
file name and format of the exported license is <EntitlementID>.xml
•Delete — Delete the license that is assigned to a component or storage sled if the component or storage sled is missing. After
the license is deleted, it is not stored in CMC and the base product functions are enabled.
You can delete storage sled licenses only when the storage sled is powered off. Deleted licenses are removed from the storage
sled persistent store and the License Manager.
•Replace — Replace the license to extend an evaluation license, change a license type such as an evaluation license with a
purchased license, or extend an expired license.
For storage sleds, the new license overwrites the existing license in the CMC license manager and the storage sled persistent
store. Power off the storage sleds before replacing the license. The licensed features are available only after the RAID controller
is reset at the next host reboot.
•An evaluation license may be replaced with an upgraded evaluation license or with a purchased license.
•A purchased license may be replaced with an updated license or with an upgraded license. For more information, see Dell
Software License Management Portal available at WWW.DELL.COM/SUPPORT/LICENSING/US/EN/19
•Learn More — Learn more about an installed license, or the licenses available for a component installed in the server.
NOTE: For the Learn More option to display the correct page, make sure that *.dell.com is added to the list of
Trusted Sites in the Security Settings. For more information, see the Internet Explorer help documentation.
NOTE: If you try to install the PowerEdge FM120x4 license on PowerEdge FC630, the license installation fails. For
more information on licensing refer
A list of CMC features that are enabled on the basis of your license is given here in the table.
CMC NetworkYesYes
CMC Serial PortYesYes
RACADM (SSH, Local, and Remote)YesYes
Web-based InterfaceYesYes
Email AlertsYesYes
CMC Settings BackupNoYes
CMC Settings RestoreYesYes
Remote SyslogNoYes
Directory ServicesNoYes
Single Sign-On SupportNoYes
Two-Factor AuthenticationNoYes
PK AuthenticationNoYes
Remote File ShareNoYes
Enclosure level power cappingNoYes
Multi-chassis management NoYes
FlexAddress EnablementNoYes
One-to-many Server Firware UpdateNoYes
One-to-many configuration for iDRACNoYes
License component state or condition and available operations
The following table provides the list of license operations available based on the license state or condition.
Table 1. License Operations Based on State and Condition
state or condition
Non-administrator loginNoYesNoNoYes
Active licenseYesYesYesYesYes
Expired licenseNoYesYesYesYes
License installed but
component missing
ImportExportDeleteReplaceLearn More
Viewing localized versions of the CMC web interface
To view localized versions of the CMC web interface, read through your web browser's documentations. To view the localized
versions, set the browser to the desired language.
Supported management console applications
The CMC supports integration with Dell OpenManage Console. For more information, see the OpenManage Console documentation
available at dell.com/support/manuals.
How to use this User's Guide
The contents of this User's Guide enable you to perform the tasks by using:
•The Web interface: Only the task-related information is given here. For information about the fields and options, see the CMC for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s Online Help that you can open from the Web interface.
•The RACADM commands: The RACADM command or the object that you must use is provided here. For more information
about a RACADM command, see the Dell Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.
Other documents you may need
To access the documents from the Dell Support site. Along with this Reference Guide, you can access the following guides available
at dell.com/support/manuals.
•The CMC FX2/FX2s Online Help provides information about using the web interface. To access the Online Help, click Help on
the CMC web interface.
•The Chassis Management Controller Version 1.4 for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide
provides information about using the FX2/FX2s–related RACADM features.
•The Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s Version 1.4 Release Notes, available at
dell.com/cmcmanuals, provides last-minute updates to the system or documentation or advanced technical reference material
intended for experienced users or technicians.
•The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC) User’s Guide provides information about installation, configuration, and
maintenance of the iDRAC8 on managed systems.
•The Dell OpenManage Server Administrator’s User’s Guide provides information about installing and using Server Administrator.
•The Dell OpenManage SNMP Reference Guide for iDRAC and Chassis Management Controller provides information about
•The Dell Update Packages User's Guide provides information about obtaining and using Dell Update Packages as part of your
system update strategy.
•Dell systems management application documentation provides information about installing and using the systems management
The following system documents provide more information about the system in which CMC PowerEdge FX2/FX2s is installed:
•The safety instructions that came with your system provide important safety and regulatory information. For additional
regulatory information, see the Regulatory Compliance home page at www.dell.com/regulatory_compliance. Warranty
information may be included within this document or as a separate document.
•The setup placemat shipped with your system provides information about the initial system setup and configuration.
•The server module's Owner's Manual provides information about the server module's features and describes how to
troubleshoot the server module and install or replace the server module's components. This document is available online at
•The rack documentation included with your rack solution describes how to install your system into a rack, if required.
•For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this document, see the Glossary at dell.com/support/manuals.
•Systems management software documentation describes the features, requirements, installation, and basic operation of the
•Documentation for any components you purchased separately provides information to configure and install these options.
•Any media that ships with your system that provides documentation and tools for configuring and managing your system,
including those pertaining to the operating system, system management software, system updates, and system components
that you purchased with your system. For more information on the system, scan the Quick Resource Locator (QRL) available on
your system and the system setup placemat that shipped with your system. Download the QRL application from your mobile
platform to enable the application on your mobile device.
Accessing documents from Dell support site
You can access the required documents in one of the following ways:
•Using the following links:
– For all Enterprise Systems Management documents — Dell.com/SoftwareSecurityManuals
– For OpenManage documents — Dell.com/OpenManageManuals
– For Remote Enterprise Systems Management documents — Dell.com/esmmanuals
– For iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller documents — Dell.com/idracmanuals
– For OpenManage Connections Enterprise Systems Management documents — Dell.com/
– For Serviceability Tools documents — Dell.com/ServiceabilityTools
– For Client Command Suite Systems Management documents — Dell.com/DellClientCommandSuiteManuals
•From the Dell Support site:
a.Go to Dell.com/Support/Home.
b.Under Select a product section, click Software & Security.
c.In the Software & Security group box, click the required link from the following:
– Enterprise Systems Management
– Remote Enterprise Systems Management
– Serviceability Tools
– Dell Client Command Suite
– Connections Client Systems Management
d.To view a document, click the required product version.
•Using search engines:
– Type the name and version of the document in the search box.
Installing and setting up CMC
This section provides information about how to install your CMC hardware, establish access to CMC, configure your management
environment to use CMC, and guides you through the tasks for configuring a CMC:
•Set up initial access to CMC.
•Access CMC through a network.
•Add and configure CMC users.
•Update CMC firmware.
Installing CMC hardware
The CMC is pre-installed on your chassis and hence no installation is required.
Checklist to set up chassis
The following tasks enable you to accurately setup the chassis:
1.The CMC and the management station, where you use your browser, must be on the same network, which is called the
management network. Connect an Ethernet network cable from the port labelled GB1 to the management network.
Management Network: CMC and the iDRAC (on each server) and the network management ports for the switch I/O module
are connected to a common internal network in the PowerEdge FX2/FX2s chassis. This allows the management network to be
isolated from the server data network.
Application Network: Access to the managed servers is accomplished through network connections to the I/O module (IOM).
This allows the application network to be isolated from the management network. It is important to separate this traffic for
uninterrupted access to chassis management.
NOTE: It is recommended to isolate chassis management from the data network. Due to the potential of traffic on
the data network, the management interfaces on the internal management network can be saturated by traffic
intended for servers. This results in CMC and iDRAC communication delays. These delays may cause unpredictable
chassis behavior, such as CMC displaying iDRAC as offline even when it is up and running, which in turn causes
other unwanted behavior. If physically isolating the management network is impractical, the other option is to
separate CMC and iDRAC traffic to a separate VLAN. CMC and individual iDRAC network interfaces can be
configured to use a VLAN.
2.The STK/Gb2 port can also be used for CMC NIC failover. Ensure that the CMC setting is changed from default Stacking to
Redundant to implement NIC failover. For more information, see Configuring Management Port 2
CAUTION: Connecting the STK/Gb2 port to the management network will have unpredictable results if the CMC
setting is not changed from default Stacking to Redundant, to implement NIC failover. In the default Stacking
mode, cabling the Gb1 and STK/Gb2 ports to the same network (broadcast domain) can cause a broadcast storm.
A broadcast storm can also occur if the CMC setting is changed to Redundant mode, but the cabling is daisy
chained between chassis in the Stacking mode. Ensure that the cabling model matches the CMC setting for the
intended usage.
3.Install the I/O module in the chassis and connect the network cable to the I/O module.
4.Insert the servers in the chassis.
5.Connect the chassis to the power source.
6.To power on the chassis, press the power button or use the following interfaces after completing the task 6. Using the Web
interface, go to
Chassis Overview → Power → Control → Power Control Options → Power On System. Click Apply.
You can also power on the chassis using the command line interface, use racadm chassisaction powerup command to
accomplish it.
NOTE: Do not turn on the servers.
7.The default CMC network configuration is Static with the CMC IP address If you want to change the network
configuration to DHCP, connect a serial cable to serial port on the CMC. For more information on serial connection, refer to
Serial interface/protocol setup in Using Remote Access Software From a Management Station section.
After the serial connection is established, login and use the command racadm setniccfg —d to change the network
configuration to DHCP. CMC takes 30 to 60 seconds approximately to obtain the IP address from the DHCP server.
To view the DHCP assigned CMC IP address, use one of the following methods:
•To view CMC IP address using serial connection with CMC, perform the following steps:
1.Connect one end of the serial null modem cable to the serial connector on the back of the chassis.
2.Connect the other end of the cable to the management system serial port.
3.After the connection is established, login to CMC using default root account credentials.
4.Run the racadm getniccfg command.
In the output displayed, search for Current IP Address.
•To view CMC IP address by connecting the server using KVM, perform the following steps:
1.Connect to a server in the chassis using KVM.
NOTE: For more details on how to connect a server through KVM, see Accessing Server Using KVM.
2.Turn on the server.
3.Make sure the server is set to boot in Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) mode.
4.Press F2 to access the System Setup page.
5.In the System Setup page, click iDRAC Settings → System Summary.
The CMC IP address is displayed in the Chassis Management Controller section.
For more information about iDRAC Settings page in the iDRAC GUI, see the Dell Integrated Dell Remote Access
Controller (iDRAC) User’s Guide .
8.Connect to the CMC IP address by using a web browser by typing the default root account credential.
9.Configure iDRAC network settings as required. by default, iDRAC LAN is enabled with static IP configured. To determine the
default static IP address with an
static IP address with an Express license. Go to Server Overview → Server-Slot → Setup → iDRAC.
10. Provide the IO module with an external management IP address(if applicable) in the CMC web interface. You can get the IP
address by clicking I/O Module Overview, and then clicking Setup.
11.Connect to each iDRAC through the web interface using default root account credential to complete any necessary
12. Turn on the servers and install the operating system.
Enterprise license, go to Server Overview → Setup → iDRAC. You can also determine the
NOTE: The default local account credential is root (user name) and calvin (user password).
Daisy chain FX2 CMC network connection
If you have multiple chassis in a rack, you can reduce the number of connections to the management network by daisy-chaining up
to ten chassis together. You can reduce the number of management network uplink connections required from ten to one.
When daisy-chaining chassis together, GB is the uplink port and STK is the stacking (cable consolidation) port. Connect the Gb
ports to the management network or to the STK port of CMC in a chassis that is closer to the network. Connect the STK port only
to a Gb port further from the chain or network.
The following figure illustrates the arrangement of cables for four daisy-chained chassis, each with active CMCs.
1Management Network
2Active CMC
The following figure illustrates an example of incorrect cabling of CMC in stacking mode.
Following are the steps to daisy-chain four FX2 CMC modules:
1.Connect the GB port of the FX2 CMC in the first chassis to the management network.
2.Connect the GB port of the FX2 CMC in the second chassis to the STK port of the FX2 CMC in the first chassis.
3.If you have a third chassis, connect the GB port of its FX2 CMC to the STK port of the FX2 CMC in the second chassis.
4.If you have a fourth chassis, connect the GB port of its FX2 CMC to the STK port of the FX2 CMC in the third chassis.
CAUTION: The STK port on any CMC must never be connected to the management network. It can only be connected
to the GB port on another chassis. Connecting a STK port to the management network can disrupt the network and
cause loss of data. Cabling GB and STK to the same network (broadcast domain) can cause a broadcast storm.
NOTE: Resetting a CMC whose STK port is chained to another CMC can disrupt the network for CMCs that appear later
in the chain. The child CMCs may log messages indicating that the network link is lost.
Using remote access software from a management station
You can access CMC from a management station using various remote access software. Here is a list of remote access softwares
by Dell which is available from your Operating System.
Table 5. CMC Interfaces
SerialCMC supports a serial text console that can be launched using
any terminal emulation software. Following are couple of
examples of terminal emulation software that can be used to
connect to CMC.
•Linux Minicom
•Hilgraeve’s HyperTerminal for Windows
Connect one end of the serial null modem cable (present at both
ends) to the serial connector on the back of the chassis.
Connect the other end of the cable to management station
serial port. For more information on connecting cables, refer to
the back panel of the chassis in Chassis Overview section.
Configure your terminal emulation software with the following
•Baud rate: 115200
•Port: COM1
•Data: 8 bit
•Parity: None
•Stop: 1 bit
•Hardware flow control: Yes
•Software flow control: No
Remote RACADM CLIRemote RACADM is a client utility that runs on a management
station. It uses the out-of-band network interface to run
RACADM commands on the managed system and uses the
HTTPs channel. The –r option runs the RACADM command
over a network, it requires CMC IP, username and password.
To use remote RACADM from your management station, install
remote RACADM using the Dell Systems Management Tools
and Documentation DVD that is available with your system. For
more information on Remote RACADM
Web InterfaceProvides remote access to CMC using a graphical user
interface. The Web interface is built into the CMC firmware and
is accessed through the NIC interface from a supported web
browser on the management station. For a list of supported
Web browsers, see the Supported Browsers section in the Dell
System Software Support Matrix at dell.com/support/manuals.
TelnetProvides command line access to CMC through the network.
The RACADM command line interface and the connect
command, which is used to connect to the serial console of a
server or IO module, are available from the CMC command line.
NOTE: Telnet is not a secure protocol and is disabled by
default. Telnet transmits all data, including passwords in
plain text.
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a set of
protocol definitions for managing devices on the networks. The
CMC provides access to SNMP, which allows you to use SNMP
tools to query the CMC for Systems Management information.
The CMC MIB file can be downloaded from the CMC Web
interface, go to Chassis Overview → Network → Services → SNMP. See the Dell OpenManage SNMP Reference Guide for
more information about the CMC MIB.
The following example show how the net-snmp snmpget
command can be used to get the chassis service tag from the
snmpget -v 1 -c <CMC community name> <CMC IP
WSManThe WSMan Services is based on the Web Services for
Management (WSMan) protocol to perform one-to-many
systems management tasks. You can use WSMan client such as
WinRM client (Windows) or the OpenWSMan client (Linux) to
use the LC-Remote Services functionality. You can also use
Power Shell and Python script the WSMan interface.
WSMan is a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)–based
protocol used for systems management. CMC uses WS–
Management to convey Distributed Management Task Force
(DMTF) Common Information Model (CIM)–based
management information. The CIM information defines the
semantics and information types that can be modified in a
managed system.
The CMC WSMan implementation uses SSL on port 443 for
transport security, and supports basic authentication. The data
available through WS-Management is provided by CMC
instrumentation interface mapped to the DMTF profiles and
extension profiles.
NOTE: The SSL port used for transport security is the
same as the CMC HTTPS port.
For more information, see:
•MOFs and Profiles — delltechcenter.com/page/
•DTMF Web site — dmtf.org/standards/profiles/
•WSMan Release notes file.
•DMTF WS-Management Specifications: www.dmtf.org/
For client connection using Microsoft WinRM, the minimum
required version is 2.0. For more information, refer to the
Microsoft article, <support.microsoft.com/kb/968929>.
Launching CMC using other systems management tools
You can also launch CMC from the Dell Server Administrator or Dell OpenManage Essentials.
To access CMC interface using Dell Server Administrator, launch Server Administrator on your management station. In the left pane
of the Server Administrator home page, click System → Main System Chassis → Remote Access Controller. For more
information, see the
Dell Server Administrator User’s Guide at dell.com/support/manuals.
Remote RACADM installation
To use remote RACADM from your management station, install remote RACADM using the Dell Systems Management Tools and
Documentation DVD that is available with your system. This DVD includes the following Dell OpenManage components:
•DVD root — Contains the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility.
•SYSMGMT — Contains the systems management software products including Dell OpenManage Server Administrator.
•Docs — Contains documentation for systems, systems management software products, peripherals, and RAID controllers.
•SERVICE — Contains the tools required to configure your system, and delivers the latest diagnostics and Dell-optimized drivers
for your system.
For information about installing Dell OpenManage software components, see the Dell OpenManage Installation and Security User's
Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals. You can also download the latest version of the Dell DRAC Tools from
Installing remote RACADM on a Windows management station
If you are using the DVD, run
If you have downloaded the software from support.dell.com:
1.Extract the downloaded file and execute the .msi file provided.
Depending on the version downloaded, the file will be named DRAC.msi, RACTools.msi, or RACTools64Bit.msi.
2.Accept the license agreement. Click Next.
3.Select the location where it is to be installed. Click Next.
4.Click Install.
The installing window appears.
5.Click Finish.
Open an administrative command prompt, type racadm and press Enter. If you get the RACADM help instructions, it implies that
the software is installed correctly.
<.msi file name>
Installing remote RACADM on a Linux management station
1.Log in as root to the system running a supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server operating system
where you want to install the managed system components.
2.Insert the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD into the DVD drive.
3.To mount the DVD to a required location, use the mount command or a similar command.
NOTE: On the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 operating system, DVDs are auto-mounted with the -noexec mount
option. This option does not allow you to run any executable from the DVD. You need to mount the DVD-ROM
manually, and then run the commands.
4.Navigate to the SYSMGMT/ManagementStation/linux/rac directory. To install the RAC software, type the following
rpm -ivh *.rpm
5.For help about the RACADM command, type racadm help after you run the previous commands. For more information
about RACADM, see the
Chassis Management Controller for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference
NOTE: When using the RACADM remote capability, you must have the 'write' permission on the folders where you
are using the RACADM subcommands, involving the file operations. For example, racadm getconfig -f <file name>.
Uninstalling remote RACADM from a Linux management station
1.Log in as root to the system where you want to uninstall the management station features.
2.Run the following rpm query command to determine which version of the DRAC tools is installed:
rpm -qa | grep mgmtst-racadm
Verify the package version to be uninstalled and uninstall the feature by using the rpm -e rpm -qa | grep mgmtst-
Configuring a web browser
You can configure and manage CMC, servers, and modules installed in the chassis through a web browser. See the “Supported
Browsers" section in the Dell Systems Software Support Matrix at dell.com/support/manuals.
The CMC and the management station where you use your browser must be on the same network, which is called the management network. On the basis of your security requirements, the management network can be an isolated and highly secure network.
NOTE: Make sure that the security measures on the management network such as firewalls and proxy servers, do not
prevent your web browser from accessing the CMC.
Some browser features can interfere with connectivity or performance, especially if the management network does not have a
route to the Internet. If your management station is running on a Windows operating system, some Internet Explorer settings can
interfere with connectivity, even though you use a command line interface to access the management network.
NOTE: To address security issues, Microsoft Internet Explorer strictly monitors the time on its cookie management. To
support this, the time on your computer that runs Internet Explorer must be synchronized with the time on the CMC.
Proxy server
To browse through a proxy server that does not have access to the management network, you can add the management network
addresses to the exception list of the browser. This instructs the browser to bypass the proxy server while accessing the
management network.
Microsoft phishing filter
If the Microsoft Phishing Filter is enabled in Internet Explorer on your management system, and your CMC does not have Internet
access, accessing CMC may be delayed by a few seconds. This delay can happen if you are using the browser or another interface
such as remote RACADM. To disable the phishing filter:
1.Start Internet Explorer.
2.Click Tools → Phishing Filter, and then click Phishing Filter Settings.
3.Select the Disable Phishing Filter option and click OK.
Downloading files from CMC with Internet Explorer
When you use Internet Explorer to download files from the CMC, you may experience problems when the Do not save encrypted
pages to disk option is not enabled.
To enable the Do not save encrypted pages to disk option:
1.Start Internet Explorer.
2.Click Tools → Internet Options → Advanced.
3.In the Security section, select the Do not save encrypted pages to disk option.
Enabling animations in Internet Explorer
When transferring files to and from the web interface, a file transfer icon spins to show transfer activity. While using Internet
explorer, you have to configure the browser to play animations.
To configure Internet Explorer to play animations:
1.Start Internet Explorer.
Click Tools → Internet Options → Advanced.
3.Go to the Multimedia section, and then select the Play animations in web pages option.
Downloading and updating CMC firmware
To download the CMC firmware, see Downloading CMC Firmware.
To update the CMC firmware, see Updating CMC Firmware.
Setting chassis physical location and chassis name
You can set the chassis location in a data center and the chassis name to identify the chassis on the network (default name is cmc“Service Tag”). For example, an SNMP query on the chassis name returns the name you configure.
Setting chassis physical location and chassis name using web interface
To set the chassis location and chassis name using the CMC web interface:
1.In the left pane, go to Chassis Overview, and then click Setup.
2.On the General Chassis Settings page, type the location properties and the chassis name. For more information about setting
chassis properties, see the CMC Online Help.
NOTE: The Chassis Location field is optional. It is recommended to use the Data Center, Aisle, Rack, and Rack Slot
fields to indicate the physical location of the chassis.
3.Click Apply. The settings are saved.
Setting chassis physical location and chassis name using RACADM
To set the chassis name, location, date, and time by using the command line interface, see the setsysinfo and setchassisname
For example racadm setsysinfo —c chassisname or racadm setsysinfo —c chassislocation
For more information, see the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide.
Setting date and time on CMC
You can manually set the date and time, or you can synchronize the date and time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
Setting date and time on CMC using CMC web interface
To set the date and time on CMC:
1.In the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Setup → Date/Time.
2.To synchronize the date and time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, on the Date/Time page, select Enable NTP
and specify up to three NTP servers. To manually set the date and time, clear the Enable NTP option, and then edit the Date
and Time fields.
3.Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu, and then click Apply.
Setting date and time on CMC using RACADM
To set the date and time using the command line interface, see the config command and cfgRemoteHosts database property
group sections in the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide
available at dell.com/support/manuals.
For example racadm setractime -l 20140207111030.
To read the date and time use racadm getractime command.
Configuring LEDs to identify components on the chassis
You can enable the LEDs of components (chassis, servers, storage sleds, and I/O Modules) to blink so that you can identify the
component on the chassis.
NOTE: To modify these settings, you must have the Debug Administrator privilege on a CMC.
When a compute sled is performing an identify action, the front LED of the connected storage sled also flashes the identify pattern.
If a storage sled is in split-single mode and is connected to two compute nodes, it shall flash the identify pattern if either of the two
compute nodes is performing an identify action.
If you start an identify action using OMSS or iDRAC for a compute sled, drive or enclosure, the storage sled associated with them
also performs the identify action.
NOTE: You cannot select only storage sleds for an identify action.
Configuring LED blinking using CMC web interface
To enable blinking for one, multiple, or all component LEDs:
•In the left pane, go to any of the following pages:
To enable blinking of a component LED, select the respective component , and then click Blink. To disable blinking of a component
LED, deselect the server, and then click Unblink.
Configuring LED blinking using RACADM
Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC, log in, and type:
racadm setled -m <module> [-l <ledState>], where <module> specifies the module whose LED you want to
configure. Configuration options:
•server-nwhere n = 1-4 (PowerEdge FM120x4), and server-nx where n = 1–4 and x = a to b (PowerEdge FC630).
and <ledState> specifies whether or not the LED should blink. Configuration options:
•0 — not blinking (default)
•1 — blinking
Configuring CMC properties
You can configure CMC properties such as power budgeting, network settings, users, and SNMP and email alerts using the web
interface or RACADM commands.
Configuring front panel
You can use the front panel page to configure:
•Power button
+ 124 hidden pages
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