Dell Chassis Management Controller Version 1.10 Manual

Dell Chassis Management Controller Version
1.1 for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2014 - 12
Rev. A00
1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 11
Supported RACADM Interfaces........................................................................................................... 11
RACADM Syntax Usage..................................................................................................................11
SSH or Telnet RACADM..................................................................................................................11
Remote RACADM...........................................................................................................................11
RACADM Command Options........................................................................................................12
Displayable Characters.................................................................................................................. 12
Supported RACADM Subcommands............................................................................................ 13
Other Documents You May Need.................................................................................................15
2 RACADM Subcommand Details........................................................................17
Guidelines to Quote Strings Containing Special Characters When Using RACADM
"?"and "?<subcommand>" .................................................................................................................. 18
help and help <subcommand>...........................................................................................................19
chassislog export.................................................................................................................................21
chassislog clear....................................................................................................................................21
chassisaction....................................................................................................................................... 22
closessn............................................................................................................................................... 22
connect............................................................................................................................................... 24
feature................................................................................................................................................. 28
featurecard.......................................................................................................................................... 29
getassettag.......................................................................................................................................... 33
getconfig............................................................................................................................................. 34
getdcinfo............................................................................................................................................. 35
getioinfo.............................................................................................................................................. 39
getpbinfo............................................................................................................................................. 50
gettracelog.......................................................................................................................................... 52
getractime........................................................................................................................................... 53
getssninfo............................................................................................................................................ 57
getsvctag............................................................................................................................................. 58
getsysinfo............................................................................................................................................ 58
gettracelog.......................................................................................................................................... 59
ifconfig................................................................................................................................................. 61
ping...................................................................................................................................................... 67
racdump.............................................................................................................................................. 67
setassettag........................................................................................................................................... 73
setflexaddr........................................................................................................................................... 74
setniccfg.............................................................................................................................................. 75
setslotname......................................................................................................................................... 78
setsysinfo............................................................................................................................................. 78
SSH or Telnet RACADM.......................................................................................................................79
sslkeyupload........................................................................................................................................ 81
sslcertupload....................................................................................................................................... 81
testfeature........................................................................................................................................... 85
3 CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions.......................... 89
idRacInfo............................................................................................................................................. 89
idRacProductInfo (Read Only)......................................................................................................89
idRacDescriptionInfo (Read Only)................................................................................................90
idRacVersionInfo (Read Only).......................................................................................................90
idRacBuildInfo (Read Only)...........................................................................................................90
idRacName (Read Only)................................................................................................................90
cfgLanNetworking.............................................................................................................................. 90
cfgNicIPv4Enable (Read or Write).................................................................................................91
cfgNicVLanEnable (Read or Write)................................................................................................91
cfgNicVLanId (Read or Write)........................................................................................................91
cfgNicVLanPriority (Read or Write)............................................................................................... 91
cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP (Read/Write)...........................................................................92
cfgDNSDomainName (Read or Write)..........................................................................................92
cfgDNSRacName (Read/Write).....................................................................................................93
cfgDNSRegisterRac (Read/Write)..................................................................................................93
cfgDNSServersFromDHCP (Read/Write)......................................................................................94
cfgDNSServer1 (Read/Write).........................................................................................................94
cfgDNSServer2 (Read/Write).........................................................................................................95
cfgNicEnable (Read/Write)............................................................................................................95
cfgNicIpAddress (Read/Write).......................................................................................................95
cfgNicNetmask (Read/Write)........................................................................................................ 95
cfgNicGateway (Read/Write)........................................................................................................ 96
cfgNicUseDhcp (Read or Write)................................................................................................... 96
cfgNicMacAddress (Read Only).................................................................................................... 96
cfgUserAdminIndex (Read Only)...................................................................................................97
cfgUserAdminPrivilege (Read/Write)............................................................................................ 97
cfgUserAdminUserName (Read/Write).........................................................................................99
cfgUserAdminPassword (Write Only)........................................................................................... 99
cfgUserAdminEnable (Read/Write)...............................................................................................99
cfgEmailAlert....................................................................................................................................... 99
cfgEmailAlertIndex (Read Only)..................................................................................................100
cfgEmailAlertEnable (Read/Write).............................................................................................. 100
cfgEmailAlertAddress (Read/Write)............................................................................................ 100
cfgEmailAlertEmailName............................................................................................................ 100
cfgSsnMgtRacadmTimeout (Read/Write)................................................................................... 101
cfgSsnMgtWebserverTimeout (Read/Write)............................................................................... 101
cfgSerial............................................................................................................................................. 101
cfgSerialBaudRate (Read/Write)..................................................................................................102
cfgSerialConsoleEnable (Read/Write).........................................................................................102
cfgSerialConsoleIdleTimeout (Read/Write)................................................................................102
cfgSerialConsoleNoAuth (Read/Write).......................................................................................102
cfgSerialConsoleCommand (Read/Write)..................................................................................102
cfgSerialConsoleColumns.......................................................................................................... 103
cfgSerialHistorySize (Read/Write)............................................................................................... 103
cfgSerialSshEnable (Read/Write).................................................................................................103
cfgSerialTelnetEnable (Read/Write) ...........................................................................................103
cfgOobSnmp............................................................................................................................... 103
cfgOobSnmpAgentCommunity (Read/Write)............................................................................104
cfgOobSnmpAgentEnable (Read/Write).................................................................................... 104
cfgTrapsIndex (Read Only)..........................................................................................................104
cfgTrapsCommunityName......................................................................................................... 105
cfgRacTuning.................................................................................................................................... 105
cfgRacTuneDefCredentialWarningEnable................................................................................. 106
cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable (Read/Write)......................................................................106
cfgRacTuneChassisMgmtAtServer............................................................................................. 106
cfgRacTuneHttpPort (Read/Write)............................................................................................. 106
cfgRacTuneHttpsPort (Read/Write)............................................................................................106
cfgRacTuneIpRangeEnable (Read/Write)................................................................................... 107
cfgRacTuneIpRangeAddr (Read/Write).......................................................................................107
cfgRacTuneIpRangeMask (Read/Write)......................................................................................107
cfgRacTuneIpBlkEnable (Read/Write).........................................................................................107
cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailCount (Read/Write)....................................................................................108
cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailWindow (Read/Write)................................................................................ 108
cfgRacTuneIpBlkPenaltyTime (Read/Write)...............................................................................108
cfgRacTuneSshPort (Read/Write)...............................................................................................108
cfgRacTuneTelnetPort (Read/Write).......................................................................................... 108
cfgRacTuneDaylightOffset (Read Only)..................................................................................... 109
cfgRacTuneTimezoneOffset ......................................................................................................109
cfgRacTuneSledNetworkUplink.................................................................................................. 110
cfgRacTuneUserBlkEnable.......................................................................................................... 110
cfgRacTuneWebserverEnable (Read/Write)................................................................................ 111
cfgServerInfo...................................................................................................................................... 111
cfgServerInfoIndex (Read Only)...................................................................................................111
cfgServerSlotNumber (Read Only)...............................................................................................111
cfgServerServiceTag (Read Only)................................................................................................ 111
cfgServerName (Read/Write)....................................................................................................... 111
cfgServerFW (Read Only).............................................................................................................112
cfgServerBIOS (Read Only)..........................................................................................................112
cfgServerBmcMacAddress (Read Only)...................................................................................... 112
cfgServerNic1MacAddress (Read Only).......................................................................................112
cfgServerNic2MacAddress (Read Only)...................................................................................... 112
cfgServerNic3MacAddress (Read Only)...................................................................................... 112
cfgServerNic4MacAddress (Read Only)...................................................................................... 112
cfgServerNicEnable (Read/Write)................................................................................................112
cfgServerNodeId ......................................................................................................................... 112
cfgServerIPMIOverLanEnable (Read/Write)................................................................................ 113
cfgServerDNSRegisterIMC (Read/Write)..................................................................................... 113
cfgServerDNSIMCName (Read/Write).........................................................................................113
cfgServerRootPassword (Write Only)..........................................................................................113
cfgServerFirstBootDevice (Read/Write).......................................................................................113
cfgServerBootOnce (Read/Write)............................................................................................... 114
cfgADRacName (Read/Write)......................................................................................................114
cfgADCertValidationEnable (Read/Write)................................................................................... 114
cfgADRacDomain (Read or Write)...............................................................................................115
cfgADEnable (Read/Write)........................................................................................................... 115
cfgADAuthTimeout (Read/Write).................................................................................................115
cfgADSCLEnable.......................................................................................................................... 115
cfgADDomainController1 (Read/Write)...................................................................................... 116
cfgADDomainController2 (Read/Write)......................................................................................116
cfgADDomainController3 (Read/Write)......................................................................................116
cfgADGlobalCatalog1 (Read/Write).............................................................................................116
cfgADGlobalCatalog2 (Read/Write).............................................................................................117
cfgADGlobalCatalog3 (Read/Write).............................................................................................117
cfgADType (Read/Write).............................................................................................................. 117
cfgADDcSRVLookupDomainName (Read/Write)....................................................................... 117
cfgADDcSRVLookupDomainName (Read/Write)....................................................................... 117
cfgADDcSRVLookupEnable (Read/Write)................................................................................... 118
cfgADSpecifyServerEnable.......................................................................................................... 118
cfgLDAP............................................................................................................................................. 118
cfgLdapEnable (Read/Write)........................................................................................................118
cfgLdapServer (Read/Write).........................................................................................................119
cfgLdapPort (Read/Write)............................................................................................................119
cfgLdapBasedn (Read/Write).......................................................................................................119
cfgLdapUserAttribute (Read/Write)............................................................................................. 119
cfgLdapGroupAttribute (Read/Write)......................................................................................... 120
cfgLdapGroupAttributeIsDN (Read/Write)................................................................................. 120
cfgLdapBinddn (Read/Write).......................................................................................................120
cfgLdapBindpassword (Write Only)............................................................................................120
cfgLdapSearchFilter (Read/Write)................................................................................................121
cfgLDAPCertValidationEnable (Read/Write)............................................................................... 121
cfgLDAPSearchTimeout.............................................................................................................. 121
cfgLDAPSRVLookupEnable......................................................................................................... 122
cfgLDAPSRVLookupServiceName (Read/Write).........................................................................122
cfgLdapRoleGroupDN (Read/Write)........................................................................................... 122
cfgLdapRoleGroupPrivilege (Read/Write)...................................................................................123
cfgLocationDatacenter (Read/Write)..........................................................................................123
cfgLocationAisle (Read/Write).....................................................................................................123
cfgLocationRack (Read/Write).................................................................................................... 123
cfgLocationRackslot (Read/Write).............................................................................................. 124
cfgLocationDevicesize (Read Only)............................................................................................124
cfgSSADRoleGroupIndex (Read Only)........................................................................................124
cfgSSADRoleGroupName (Read/Write)......................................................................................124
cfgSSADRoleGroupDomain (Read/Write)...................................................................................125
cfgSSADRoleGroupPrivilege (Read/Write)..................................................................................125
cfgChassisInPower (Read Only)..................................................................................................126
cfgChassisPeakPower (Read Only).............................................................................................126
cfgChassisPeakPowerTimestamp (Read Only).......................................................................... 126
cfgChassisMinPower (Read Only)...............................................................................................126
cfgChassisMinPowerTimestamp (Read Only).............................................................................127
cfgChassisPowerStatus (Read Only)........................................................................................... 127
cfgChassisRedundantState (Read Only)..................................................................................... 127
cfgChassisMaxPowerConservationMode (Read/Write)............................................................. 127
cfgChassisPowerCapUpperBound (Read Only).........................................................................128
cfgChassisPowerCapLowerBound (Read Only).........................................................................128
cfgChassisPowerCap (Read/Write).............................................................................................128
cfgChassisPowerCapF (Read/Write)...........................................................................................128
cfgChassisPowerCapBTU (Read/Write)......................................................................................129
cfgChassisPowerCapFBTU (Read/Write)....................................................................................129
cfgChassisPowerCapPercent (Read/Write)................................................................................129
cfgChassisPowerCapFPercent (Read/Write).............................................................................. 129
cfgChassisRedundancyPolicy (Read/Write)............................................................................... 130
cfgChassisInMaxPowerCapacity (Read Only)............................................................................ 130
cfgChassisInRedundancyReserve (Read Only)...........................................................................130
cfgChassisPowerClear (Write Only)............................................................................................130
cfgChassisPowerClearTimestamp (Read Only).......................................................................... 131
cfgChassisPowerButtonEnable (Read/Write)..............................................................................131
cfgChassisPowerCapBTU (Read/Write)...................................................................................... 131
cfgKvmEnable ............................................................................................................................. 131
cfgKvmMapping ..........................................................................................................................132
cfgAlerting......................................................................................................................................... 132
cfgAlertingEnable........................................................................................................................ 132
cfgIPv6Enable (Read or Write).................................................................................................... 133
cfgIPv6AutoConfig (Read/Write).................................................................................................133
cfgIPv6Address............................................................................................................................ 133
cfgIPv6PrefixLength (Read/Write)...............................................................................................133
cfgIPv6Gateway (Read/Write).....................................................................................................134
cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServersFromDHCP6 ...................................................................................134
cfgIPv6DNSServer1 (Read/Write)................................................................................................ 134
cfgIPv6DNSServer2 (Read/Write)................................................................................................134
cfgCurrentLanNetworking (Read Only)............................................................................................135
cfgNicCurrentNetmask............................................................................................................... 135
cfgNicCurrentGateway............................................................................................................... 136
cfgNicCurrentVlanEnable (Read Only)....................................................................................... 136
cfgNicCurrentVlanID (Read Only)...............................................................................................136
cfgNicCurrentVlanPriority (Read Only).......................................................................................136
cfgDNSCurrentDomainName..................................................................................................... 137
cfgCurrentIPv6LanNetworking (Read Only).....................................................................................137
cfgCurrentIPv6Enabled (Read/Write)..........................................................................................137
cfgCurrentIPv6AutoConfigWasUsed.......................................................................................... 137
cfgCurrentIPv6Address............................................................................................................... 138
cfgCurrentIPv6Gateway .............................................................................................................138
cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServersFromDHCP6 ...................................................................................138
cfgNetTuningNicAutoneg (Read/Write)..................................................................................... 139
cfgNetTuningNicFullDuplex (Read/Write)..................................................................................139
cfgNetTuningNicMtu (Read/Write).............................................................................................139
cfgRacSecurity.................................................................................................................................. 140
cfgRacSecCsrCommonName (Read/Write)...............................................................................140
cfgRacSecCsrOrganizationName (Read/Write)......................................................................... 140
cfgRacSecCsrOrganizationUnit (Read/Write).............................................................................141
cfgRacSecCsrLocalityName (Read/Write).................................................................................. 141
cfgRacSecCsrStateName (Read/Write).......................................................................................141
cfgRacSecCsrCountryCode (Read/Write)...................................................................................141
cfgRacSecCsrEmailAddr (Read/Write)........................................................................................ 141
cfgRacSecCsrKeySize (Read/Write)............................................................................................ 142


This document provides information about the RACADM subcommands, supported RACADM interfaces, and property database groups and object definitions of CMC for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s.

Supported RACADM Interfaces

The RACADM command-line utility provides a scriptable interface that allows you to remotely configure your Remote Access Controller (RAC). The utility runs on the management station and the managed system. It is available on the Dell OpenManage Systems Management and Documentation DVD or at
The RACADM utility supports the following interfaces:
SSH or Telnet — Also referred as Firmware RACADM, is accessible by logging in to CMC using SSH or telnet. You do not have to specify the CMC IP, user name or password to run Firmware RACADM commands.
Remote — Supports executing RACADM commands from a remote management station such as a laptop or desktop. You must install the DRAC Tools utility from the OpenManage software on the remote computer to run Remote RACADM commands. To execute Remote RACADM commands, you must formulate the command such as a an SSH/Telnet RACADM command except that you must also use the –r –i options or the –r –u –p options. For more information about these options, see the "RACADM Subcommand Details."

RACADM Syntax Usage

The following section describes the syntax usage for SSH/Telnet and Remote RACADM.

SSH or Telnet RACADM

racadm getconfig -g <groupname> [-o <objectname>][-i <indexnumber>]
racadm <subcommand>
racadm getconfig -g idracinfo
racadm getsysinfo


racadm -r <racIpAddr> -u <username> -p <password> getconfig -g <groupname> [-o <objectname>] [-i <indexnumber>]
racadm -r <racIpAddr> -u <username> -p <password> <subcommand>
racadm -r <racIpAddr> -u <username> -p <password> getconfig -g idracinfo
racadm -r <racIpAddr> -u <username> -p <password> getsysinfo

RACADM Command Options

The following table lists the options for the RACADM command.
Option Description
-r <racIpAddr>
-u <usrName> Specifies the user name that is used to
-p <password> Specifies the password used to authenticate the
-S Specifies that RACADM should check for invalid
Specifies the controller’s remote IP address.
authenticate the command transaction. If the -u option is used, the -p option must be used, and the
-i option (interactive) is not allowed.
command transaction. If the -p option is used, the
-i option is not allowed.
certificate errors. RACADM stops the execution of the command with an error message if it detects an invalid certificate.
-i <indexnumber> Specifies the index number for the indexed group,
if applicable.
-g <groupname> Specifies the group name, if applicable.
-o objectname Specifies the object name, if applicable.
The following table provides the supported RACADM interfaces.
CMC No Yes Yes
NOTE: Multiple instances of remote RACADM can be executed on a management station.

Displayable Characters

Displayable characters include the following set:

Supported RACADM Subcommands

The following table provides the list of RACADM subcommands and their corresponding interface support. For more information about the RACADM sub-commands including syntax and valid entries, see
RACADM Subcommand Details.
Subcommand CMC
Telnet/SSH/ Serial
“?” and “?<subcommand>” Yes Yes
chassisaction Yes Yes
chassislog Yes Yes
closessn Yes Yes
clrsel Yes Yes
config Yes Yes
connect Yes Yes
deploy Yes Yes
eventfilters Yes Yes
fanoffset Yes Yes
feature Yes Yes
featurecard Yes Yes
fwupdate Yes Yes
get No Yes
getactiveerrors Yes Yes
getassettag Yes Yes
getchassisname Yes Yes
getconfig Yes Yes
getdcinfo Yes Yes
getflexaddr Yes Yes
getioinfo Yes Yes
getled Yes Yes
getmacaddress Yes Yes
getmodinfo Yes Yes
getniccfg Yes Yes
getpbinfo Yes Yes
Subcommand CMC
getpciecfg Yes Yes
getpminfo Yes Yes
getraclog Yes Yes
getractime Yes Yes
getredundancymode No No
getsel Yes Yes
getsleduplinkstatus Yes Yes
getsensorinfo Yes Yes
getslotname Yes Yes
getssninfo Yes Yes
getsvctag Yes Yes
getsysinfo Yes Yes
getversion Yes Yes
help and help <subcommand> Yes Yes
ifconfig Yes Yes
jobqueue Yes Yes
krbkeytabupload No Yes
license No Yes
netstat Yes Yes
ping Yes Yes
ping6 Yes Yes
racdump Yes Yes
racreset Yes Yes
racresetpcie No No
racresetcfg Yes Yes
remoteimage Yes Yes
serveraction Yes Yes
set No Yes
setassettag Yes Yes
setflexaddr Yes Yes
setled Yes Yes
setniccfg Yes Yes
setpciecfg No No
Subcommand CMC
setractime Yes Yes
setslotname Yes Yes
setsysinfo Yes Yes
sshpkauth Yes Yes
sslkeyupload No Yes
sslcertview Yes Yes
sslcsrgen Yes Yes
sslresetcfg Yes Yes
testemail Yes Yes
testfeature Yes Yes
testtrap Yes Yes
traceroute Yes Yes
traceroute6 Yes Yes

Other Documents You May Need

To access the documents from the Dell Support site. Along with this Reference Guide, you can access the following guides available at
The CMC FX2/FX2s Online Help provides information about using the Web interface. To access the Online Help, click Help on the CMC web interface.
The Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s User's Guide provides information about using the VRTX–related Web interface features.
The Dell Chassis Management Controller (CMC) for Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s Version Release Notes provides last-minute updates to the system or documentation or advanced technical reference material intended for experienced users or technicians.
The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) User’s Guide provides information about installation, configuration, and maintenance of the iDRAC on managed systems.
The Dell OpenManage Server Administrator’s User’s Guide provides information about installing and using Server Administrator.
The Dell Update Packages User's Guide provides information about obtaining and using Dell Update Packages as part of your system update strategy.
Dell systems management application documentation provides information about installing and using the systems management software.
The following system documents provide more information about the system in which FX2/FX2s CMC is installed:
The safety instructions that came with your system provide important safety and regulatory information. For additional regulatory information, see the Regulatory Compliance home page at Warranty information may be included within this document or as a separate document.
The setup placemat shipped with your system provides information about the initial system setup and configuration.
The server module's Owner's Manual provides information about the server module's features and describes how to troubleshoot the server module and install or replace the server module's components. This document is available online at
The rack documentation included with your rack solution describes how to install your system into a rack, if required.
For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this document, see the Glossary at support/manuals.
Systems management software documentation describes the features, requirements, installation, and basic operation of the software.
Documentation for any components you purchased separately provides information to configure and install these options.
Any media that ships with your system that provides documentation and tools for configuring and managing your system, including those pertaining to the operating system, system management software, system updates, and system components that you purchased with your system. For more information on the system, scan the Quick Resource Locator (QRL) available on your system and the system setup placemat that shipped with your system. Download the QRL application from your mobile platform to enable the application on your mobile device.
Updates are sometimes included with the system to describe changes to the system, software, and/or documentation. Always read the updates first, because they often supersede information in other documents.

RACADM Subcommand Details

This section provides detailed descriptions about the RACADM subcommands, including the syntax and valid entries.

Guidelines to Quote Strings Containing Special Characters When Using RACADM Commands

When using strings that contain special characters, use the following guidelines:
Strings containing the following special characters must be quoted using single quotation marks or double quotation marks:
$ (dollar sign)
" (double quotation marks)
' (single quotation marks)
` (back quotation marks)
\ (backslash)
~ (tilde)
; (semicolon)
| (vertical bar)
( (left parentheses)
) (right parentheses)
& (ampersand)
> (greater than)
< (less than)
# (pound)
ASCII code 32 (space)
NOTE: The - (dash) character cannot be the first character of the string, regardless of whether the string is quoted.
There are different escaping rules for using single quotation mark and double quotation marks.
For double quoting:
The following characters must be escaped by prepending a backslash:
$ (dollar sign)
" (double quotation marks)
' (single quotation marks)
` (back quotation marks)
\ (backslash)
For example, use the following for a string that contains the special characters, $, ",',`and \.
For single quotation marks:
No character escaping is necessary.
A single quotation mark cannot be used even with a backslash escaped.
NOTE: An empty string may be specified as either "" (using double quotation marks) or '' (using single quotation mark).

"?"and "?<subcommand>"

Input NA
Output NA
Example for RACADM ?
The following output example shows only part of the actual output for the racadm ? command. Descriptions shown in this example may vary slightly from the descriptions in your racadm session.
racadm ?
help -- list racadm subcommand description help <subcommand> -- display usage summary for a subcommand ? -- list racadm subcommand description
subcommand> -- display usage summary for a subcommand
? < arp -- display the networking arp table chassisaction -- execute chassis or switch power-up/down/cycle or clrraclog -- clear the CMC log clrsel -- clear the System Event Log (SEL) config -- modify CMC configuration properties ... setniccfg -- modify network configuration properties setractime -- set the time on the CMC setslotname -- sets the name of the slot in the chassis setsysinfo -- set the chassis name and chassis location sslcertview -- display a CA/server certificate in the CMC sslcsrgen -- generate a certificate CSR from the CMC testemail -- test CMC e-mail notifications testfeature -- test CMC feature x
Displays all the subcommands you can use with the RACADM command and a one-line description of each subcommand.
? followed by < subcommand > displays the syntax for the specified command.
To use this subcommand, you must have the CMC Login User privilege.
You can also use the help and help <subcommand> commands to obtain the same information.
racadm ?
racadm ? <subcommand>
testtrap -- test CMC SNMP trap notifications traceroute -- determine the route of a packet traceroute6 -- determine the route of a packet
Example for RACADM ? <subcommand>
racadm ? getsysinfo
getsysinfo -- display general CMC and system information Usage: racadm getsysinfo [-d] [-c] [-A] [-4] [-6]
Valid Options:
-d : show CMC information
-c : show chassis information
-A : do not show headers or labels
-4 : show CMC IPv4 information
-6 : show CMC IPv6 information

help and help <subcommand>

Description Lists all the subcommands available for use with RACADM and provides a
short description for each. You may also type a subcommand, group, object, or FQDD alternate name after help.
Input None
racadm help
racadm help <subcommand>
The help command displays a complete list of subcommands.
The racadm help <subcommand> command displays information for the
The racadm help -g <groupname> command displays information for
The racadm help -o <objectname> command displays information for
The racadm help <FQDD Alias>.<Group> command displays information
The racadm help <FQDD Alias>.<Object> command displays information
The racadm help <FQDD Alias>.<Group>.<Object> command displays
racadm help system.power
racadm help


specified subcommand only.
the specified group.
the specified object.
for the specified group.
for the specified object.
information for the specified object.
Allows you to view, export, or clear the chassis log history.
To clear a chassis log, you must have the Clear Logs Administrator previlege.
NOTE: It is recommended that you use Firmware RACADM to run this subcommand.
racadm chassislog view -i <nNumber of records> -c <log type> -s <severity> -q <sequence no.> -n <number of records> -r <start timestamp> -e <end timestamp>
-i — Displays the number of records present in the active log. You cannot use this option with any other option.
-c — The log type to filter the records. Provide multiple categories using a "," as the delimiter. The value is case-insensitive. Valid Category values:
– All – System – Updates – Audit – Config
-q - The sequence number from which the records must be displayed.
-n - Specifies the n Number of records to be displayed.
-r - Displays events that have occurred after this time. The time format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The time stamp must be provided within double quotes.
-e - Displays events that have occurred before this time. The time format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The time stamp must be provided within double quotes.
-s — The severity used to filter the records. Provide multiple severities using a "," as the delimiter. The value is case-insensitive. Valid Severity values:
– 1. Warning – 2. Critical – 3. Info
NOTE: To view or export the Chassis log, only CMC Login User permission is required.
Display the number of records present in the Chassis Log:
racadm chassislog view -i
Display the records having severities set to warning or critical, starting from sequence number 4:
racadm chassislog view -s warning,critical -q 4
Display 5 records starting from sequence number 20:
racadm chassislog view -q 20 -n 5
Display all records of events that have occurred between 2011-01-02 23:33:40 and 2011-01-03 00:32:15:
racadm chassislog view -r "2011-01-02 23:33:40" -e "2011-01-03 00:32:15"
Display all the available records from the active Chassis log:
racadm chassislog view -n all
Display the last 25 records from the Chassis log:
racadm chassislog view

chassislog export

Exports the Chassis log to a remote share.
To export the chassis log, you must have the Clear Logs Administrator privilege.
racadm chassislog export -f<filename> -u<username> ­p<password> -l<CIFS or NFS share> racadm -r<cmcip> -u<cmc username> -p<cmc password> chassislog export -f<filename> -u<username> -p<password> ­l<CIFS or NFS share>
racadm chassislog export -f <filename> -u <username> -p
<password> -l <CIFS or NFS share>
racadm -r <cmcip> -u <cmc username> -p <cmc password>
chassislog export -f <filename> -u <username> - p <password> -l <CIFS or NFS share>
–f : Filename of the exported Chassis Log.
–u : Username for the remote share to where the file must be exported. Username in a domain can be given as domain/username
–p : Password for the remote share to where the file must be exported.
–l : Network share location (see the “Example” section for NFS or CIFS share) to where the Chassis Log must be exported.
Export the Chassis Log to a remote CIFS share
racadm chassislog export -f Mylog.xml -u admin -p mypass -l //
Export the Chassis Log to a remote NFS share
racadm chassislog export -f Mylog.xml -l

chassislog clear

Deletes the data in the chassis log.
To clear the chassis log, you must have the Clear Logs Administrator privilege.
racadm chassislog clear racadm -r <cmcip> -u <cmc username> -p <cmc password> chassislog clear
Clear the Chassis Log
racadm chassislog clear
Clear the Chassis Log using remote racadm
racadm -r -u root -p <default root user password> chassislog clear
NOTE: The default local account credential is root (user name) and calvin (user password).


Description Executes a power action on the chassis or a server.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Chassis Control Administrator privilege.
Output None
Example Perform a reset of switch-1:
racadm chassisaction [-m <module>] <action>
-m <module> — Module on which you want to carry out the action. Values are:
– chassis - this is the default value, if -m is not specified. – switch-n, where n=1 to 2
<action> — Action that you want to execute on the specified module. Values are:
– powerdown — (Chassis only) Turns off the chassis. – powerup — (Chassis only) Turns on the chassis. – powercycle — Power cycles the module. – nongraceshutdown — (Chassis only) Non-gracefully turns off the
– reset — Performs a hard reset of the module.
When < module > = switch, < action > must be powercycle or reset.
racadm chassisaction -m switch-1 reset
Module power operation successful.


Description Closes a communication session on the device. Use the getssninfo
command to view a list of sessions that can be closed using this command.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Administrator privilege.
racadm closessn –i <session id>
racadm closessn -a
racadm closessn -u <username>
-i< session id > — The session ID of the session to be ended, which can be retrieved using RACADM getssninfo subcommand.
Session executing this command cannot be ended.
-a — Closes all sessions.
-u <user name> — Close all sessions for a particular user name.
– Remote RACADM: -u option or -i option
Output None
racadm closessn -i 1234 Closes the session 1234.
racadm closessn –u root Closes all the sessions for root user.
racadm closessn –a Closes all the sessions.


Description Deletes all existing records from the System Event Log (SEL).
To use this subcommand, you must have the Clear Logs privilege.
racadm clrsel


Description Allows you to set CMC configuration parameters individually or to batch
them as part of a configuration file. If the data is different, that CMC object is written with the new value.
racadm config [-c|-p] -f <filename>
racadm config -g <group name> -o <object name> [-I <index>] <value>
NOTE: The configuration file retrieved using remote racadm are not interoperable. For the config -f < file name > command, use the configuration file retrieved from the same interface.
NOTE: The -f and -p options are not supported for the serial/Telnet/SSH console.
-f — The -f < filename > option causes config to read the contents of the
file specified by < filename > and configure CMC.
-p— This option must be used with the -f option. It directs config to delete the password entries contained in the config file -f < filename > after the configuration is complete.
To apply the password, you must remove the preceding Read-Only marker '#' in the config file before executing the config -f command.
-g— The -g < groupName >, or group option, must be used with the -o option. The < groupName > specifies the group containing the object that is to be set.
-o — The -o < objectName > < Value >, or object option, must be used with the -g option. This option specifies the object name that is written with the string < value >.
-i — The -i < index >, or index option, is valid only for indexed groups and can be used to specify a unique group. The < index > is a decimal integer from 1 through n, where n can vary from 1 to maximum number of
indexes a particular group supports. If -i < index > is not specified, a value of 1 is assumed for groups, which are tables that have multiple entries. The index is specified by the index value, not a named value.
-c — The -c, or check option, is used with the config subcommand and allows the user to parse the .cfg file to locate syntax errors. If issues are found, the line number and a short description about the issue is displayed. This option is a check-only.
Output This subcommand generates error output for any of the following reasons:
Invalid syntax, group name, object name, index, or other invalid database members.
RACADM CLI failures.
This subcommand returns an indication of the number of configuration objects that were written out of the total objects in the .cfg file.
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicIpAddress
Sets the cfgNicIpAddress configuration parameter (object) to the value This IP address object is contained in the cfgLanNetworking group.
racadm config -f myrac.cfg. Configures or reconfigures CMC. The myrac.cfg file may be created from
the getconfig command. This file may also be edited manually as long as the parsing rules are followed.
NOTE: The myrac.cfg file does not contain passwords. To include passwords in the file, you must enter them manually. If you want to remove password information from the myrac.cfg file during configuration, use the -p option.


Description Connects to the switch or server serial console.
Input -b — Connects to the switch or console using the binary mode. This is an
racadm connect [-b] <server-n>
racadm connect [-b] <switch-n>
optional argument; a server or a switch must be present.
NOTE: If you use the -b option, reset the CMC to terminate the connect operation.
server-n, where n=1–4
switch-n, where n=1–2


Description Deploys blade server or IOM by specifying the required properties.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Server Administrator privilege.
NOTE: You can also use setniccfg to configure static IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DHCP, speed, and duplex properties.
racadm deploy -m <module> -u root -p <password> -s
<ipaddress> <subnet> <gateway> -b <device> -o <no|yes>
racadm deploy -m <module> -u root -p <password> -s -6
<ipv6Address> <prefixlen> <gateway> -b <device> -o <no| yes>
where <prefixlen> is a number between 0 and 128.
racadm deploy -m <module> -u root -p <password> -d [-6]
racadm deploy -a -u root -p <password>
-b < device > — Specifies the first boot device; must be used with -o.
Use with -m <module> to specify for an individual server, or with -a for all servers
Legal values: device=None, PXE, HDD, CD-DVD, vFDD, vCD-DVD, SD, FDD, RFS
-o < no|yes > — Indicates if the server should boot from the device once; must be used with -o.
Use with -m <module> to specify for an individual server, or with -a for all servers
-a — server/switch. Applies options to all modules present in the chassis of the given module type. Specify the value as server or switch. Default value is server. Switches must support Ethernet Management.
-u root — Indicates that the < password > is supplied for the root user on the server. root is a constant parameter, the only value that is valid with the u option. Required Username when you are setting IOA values.
-m < module > — Specifies the server you want to configure. Legal value must be one of the following values:
– server-n where n=1–4 – switch-n where n=1–2.
-p < password > — Specifies the password for the root user on the server or switch.
Legal values: For switches, valid passwords are 6 - 32 ASCII characters in length, ranging in value 32–125 (decimal). For servers, valid passwords are 1 – 20 ASCII characters in length, ranging in value 32 – 126 (decimal).
-s <ipaddress subnet gateway> — Sets the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway for the specified server, separated by single spaces.
– ipaddress — A string representing a valid IP address. For example,
– subnet — A string representing a valid subnet mask. For example,
– gateway — A string representing a valid gateway address. For
-d — Enables DHCP for the specified server. The -s and -d options cannot be used together in the same command.
-6 — Enables IPv6 auto configuration (when used with -d.) Sets static IPv6 addresses (when used with -s).
-v—SNMPv2 community string.
-q— Displays or modifies the quick deploy parameters.
-n— Specifies the number of reserved IP addresses for quick deploy. The valid values are 2 and 4.
Output None
NOTE: This input is available in IOA only.


racadm deploy -m server-8 -s
The server was deployed successfully.
The deploy command generates an error when used on the extension slot of a multi-slot server.
racadm deploy -m server-9
ERROR: Server in slot 9 is an extension of the server in slot 1.
rracadm deploy -m server-7 -u root -p <default root
user password> -s -6 ::/64 :: 10
Gets, sets, and displays the list of event filter settings.
To use this subcommand with the get option, you must have the CMC Login User privilege.
racadm eventfilters <eventfilters command type>
racadm eventfilters get -c <alert descriptor>
racadm eventfilters set -c <alert descriptor>-n <notifications>
racadm eventfilters set -c <alert descriptor>-r <recurrence>
NOTE: The general format of an alert descriptor:
where, category is mandatory, but subcategory and severity are optional. A severity cannot precede a subcategory.
Valid category values are:
Valid severity values are:
Valid examples of alert descriptors are:
get - Displays the list of event filter settings.
set - Configures the actions and notifications for a given event filter
-c - Alert descriptor of the specific event filter.
-n - The notification to be sent when the event occurs. Valid values are
all, snmp, ipmi, email, or none. You can append multiple notifications separated by a comma. You cannot enter the values all or none with other notifications.
-r - Event generation interval. This is applicable only to the temperature statistics subcategory - tmps. You can use this option as a stand-alone or with -n .
NOTE: If both event generation interval and notifications are configured and there is an error while configuring the notifications, the event generation interval is not set. The valid values are from 0–365. 0 disables the event generation.
Display all available event filter configurations:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.all
Display eventfilter configurations for a specific category. For example, audit:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit
Display eventfilter configurations for a specific subcategory. For example, licensing under the audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit.lic
Display eventfilter configurations for a specific severity. For example, warning under the audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit.warning
Display eventfilter configurations for a specific severity and subcategory. For example, a severity of warning in the subcategory licensing under audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c cmc.alert.audit.lic.warning
Clear all available alert settings:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.all -n none
Configure using subcategory as a parameter. For example, all configurations under the licensing subcategory in the audit category are assigned poweroff as action and all notifications are enabled:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.audit.lic -n all
Configure using subcategory and severity as parameters. For example, all Information events under the licensing subcategory in the audit category are assigned poweroff as action and all notifications are disabled:
racadm eventfilters set -c ­n none
Configure the event generation interval for temperature statistics:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.system.tmps.warning -r 10


Configure the event generation interval and notifications for temperature statistics:
racadm eventfilters set -c cmc.alert.system.tmps -r 5 ­n snmp
Input s — Sets the fan speed.
Configures the internal fans to run at a higher speed than the normal speed.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Chassis Configuration Administrator privilege.
racadm fanoffset [-s <off|low|medium|high>
Valid category values are:
Disable the fanoffset feature.
racadm fanoffset -s off
Increases fan speed by 20% of fan’s maximum speed. Minimum speed for fan is 35% of the maximum.
racadm fanoffset -s low
Increases fan speed by 50% of fan’s maximum speed. Minimum speed for fan is 65% of the maximum.
racadm fanoffset -s medium
Sets fans to run at 100% of fan’s maximum speed.
racadm fanoffset -s high


Description Displays all active chassis features. The information displayed includes
feature name, date activated, and the serial number of the SD card used to activate the feature.
Dell Feature Cards may contain more than one feature.
NOTE: To use this subcommand to deactivate FlexAddress or ExtendedStorage, you must have the Chassis Configuration Administrator privilege. A user with login privileges can view status only.
NOTE: To deactivate FlexAddress features, the chassis must be turned off.
racadm feature -s
racadm feature -d -c <featurename>
racadm feature -r -c ExtendedStorage
-s — Displays the status of active features.
-d — Deactivates the feature specified in -c option.
NOTE: When the FlexAddress and FlexAddressPlus features are active, deactivating one of them results in deactivation of the other feature also. However, ExtendedStorage is not affected by the deactivation of FlexAddress or FlexAddresPlus.
-r — Repair damaged/unformatted ExtendedStorage media.
NOTE: The –r switch requires that the ExtendedStorage feature be deactivated.
CAUTION: Using the -r switch reformats the SD media in the CMC cardslot. Any existing ExtendedStorage data will be lost.
-c — <featurename> must be one of the following:
flexaddress (with -d)
flexaddressplus (with -d) ExtendedStorage (with -d or -


Description Verifies proper SD card installation and displays the SD card status.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Chassis Configuration Administrator privilege.
Input -s — Lists active SD card features and SD card status.
racadm featurecard -s
An example of output is given here.
racadm featurecard -s
CMC: The feature card inserted is valid, serial number = CN0H871T137401112222A00 The feature card contains the following feature(s): FlexAddress: bound FlexAddressPlus: bound ExtendedStorage: bound


Allows you to update the CMC firmware, chassis infrastructure firmware. You can:
Check the firmware update process status.
Update the firmware from a FTP or a TFTP server by providing an IP address and optional path.
Update the firmware from the local file system using remote RACADM.
The subcommand updates one or more devices of a single type at a time.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Chassis Configuration Administrator privilege.
NOTE: Running the subcommand to update the CMC firmware resets the CMC, causing all network connections to get logged off.
NOTE: The subcommand generates an error, when used on the extension slot of a multi-slot server.
The CMC firmware performs a signature verification step to ensure the authenticity of the uploaded firmware. The firmware update process is successful only if the firmware image is authenticated by CMC to be a valid image from the service provider and has not been altered. The firmware update process is stopped if CMC cannot verify the signature of the uploaded firmware image. A warning event is then logged and an appropriate error message is displayed.
Using Remote RACADM:
racadm fwupdate -p -u -d <firmware image>
NOTE: iDRAC7 targets are not supported from CMC. Use the CMC GUI to update iDRAC7 targets from CMC.
When using FTP, if you provide the full path to the image file on the CLI, then the CMC uses that path to locate that file on the host. If you do not provide a full path, then the CMC searches the home directory of the specified user for the file if the host system is running Linux or another variant of UNIX. If the host system is running Windows, then a default folder, such as C:\ftproot is searched.
NOTE: While performing firmware update using the racadm fwupdate command, if the number of characters in the firmware image path is greater than 256 characters, Remote RACADM session logs off with the error message too long.
NOTE: While performing firmware CMC firmware upgrade if the uploaded firmware image file does not contain a verification signature or it contains a verification signature, which is not valid or corrupted, the following message is displayed:
Invalid firmware: The firmware image validation was unsuccessful
NOTE: While performing CMC firmware downgrade if the computed signature of that earlier version is not recognized by the current CMC firmware, the following message is displayed:
Firmware downgrade is unsuccessful: a downgrade to this firmware version is not supported
racadm fwupdate -g -u -a -d firmimg.cmc ­m
ERROR: Specified path is
NOTE: Firmware update from local RACADM (using the -p, -u, or -d options) is not supported on Linux operating system.
-p — The -p option is used to update the firmware file from the client. The -u option must be used with the -p option.
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