Dell Brocade 5300, Brocade 6520, Brocade 6510, Brocade 6505, Brocade 5100 Manual

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27 June 2014

Fabric OS

Software Licensing Guide

Supporting Fabric OS 7.3.0

© 2014, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Brocade, the B-wing symbol, Brocade Assurance, ADX, AnyIO, DCX, Fabric OS, FastIron, HyperEdge, ICX, MLX, MyBrocade, NetIron, OpenScript, VCS, VDX, and Vyatta are registered trademarks, and The Effortless Network and the On-Demand Data Center are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and in other countries. Other brands and product names mentioned may be trademarks of others.

Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment, equipment feature, or service offered or to be offered by Brocade. Brocade reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice, and assumes no responsibility for its use. This informational document describes features that may not be currently available. Contact a Brocade sales office for information on feature and product availability. Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from the United States government.

The authors and Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. assume no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to the accuracy of this document or any loss, cost, liability, or damages arising from the information contained herein or the computer programs that accompany it.

The product described by this document may contain open source software covered by the GNU General Public License or other open source license agreements. To find out which open source software is included in Brocade products, view the licensing terms applicable to the open source software, and obtain a copy of the programming source code, please visit




Document conventions......................................................................................


Text formatting conventions..................................................................


Command syntax conventions..............................................................


Notes, cautions, and warnings..............................................................


Brocade resources............................................................................................


Contacting Brocade Technical Support.............................................................


Document feedback..........................................................................................


About This Document................................................................................................................


Supported hardware and software....................................................................


What’s new in this document............................................................................


Software Licensing Overview......................................................................................................


Licensing overview............................................................................................


How software licensing works...........................................................................


License types..................................................................................................


Software licensing terminology.......................................................................


Obtaining a license..........................................................................................


Viewing software license information from the Brocade licensing portal........


Fabric OS Licenses..................................................................................................................


Available Fabric OS licenses..........................................................................


Brocade 7800 Upgrade license.......................................................................


ICL licensing....................................................................................................


ICL 1st POD license............................................................................


ICL 2nd POD license...........................................................................


ICL 8-link license.................................................................................


ICL 16-link license...............................................................................


Enterprise ICL license.........................................................................


8G licensing....................................................................................................


10G licensing..................................................................................................


Slot-based licensing........................................................................................


Upgrade and downgrade considerations............................................


Temporary licenses.........................................................................................


Restrictions on upgrading temporary slot-based licenses...................


Date change restriction.......................................................................


Configupload and download considerations.......................................


Expired licenses..................................................................................


Universal temporary licenses..............................................................


Extending a universal temporary license............................................


Universal temporary license shelf life..................................................


Licensing Tasks.......................................................................................................................


Software licensing configuration tasks............................................................


Licensing commands......................................................................................


Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Adding a licensed feature.............................................................................


Activating a slot-based licensed feature.......................................................


Assigning a license to a slot..........................................................................


Assigning 10G licenses.................................................................................


Enabling 10 Gbps operation on an FC port......................................


Enabling the 10-GbE ports on an FX8-24 blade...............................


Removing software licenses.........................................................................


Removing a licensed feature.............................................................


Removing a license from a slot.........................................................


Removing an expired license............................................................


Viewing information about software licenses................................................


Viewing licenses installed on a switch..............................................


Viewing the license ID using a Telnet session..................................


Viewing the license ID using Web Tools...........................................


Troubleshooting licensing issues..................................................................


Activating or removing licenses using Web Tools.........................................


Activating a license on a switch........................................................


Assigning slots for a license key.......................................................


Removing a license from a switch.....................................................


Ports on Demand Licensing...................................................................................................


Ports on Demand overview...........................................................................


Activating Ports on Demand using a Telnet session.....................................


Activating Ports on Demand using EZSwitchSetup......................................


Activating Ports on Demand using Web Tools..............................................


Displaying installed licenses.........................................................................


Dynamic Ports on Demand...........................................................................


Displaying the port license assignments...........................................


Enabling Dynamic Ports on Demand................................................


Disabling Dynamic Ports on Demand...............................................


Reserving a port license....................................................................


Releasing a port from a POD set......................................................


License Requirements for Features........................................................................................





Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Document conventions......................................................................................................


Brocade resources............................................................................................................


Contacting Brocade Technical Support.............................................................................


Document feedback..........................................................................................................


Document conventions

The document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and important notice formats used in Brocade technical documentation.

Text formatting conventions

Text formatting conventions such as boldface, italic, or Courier font may be used in the flow of the text to highlight specific words or phrases.


bold text

italic text

Courier font


Identifies command names

Identifies keywords and operands

Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements Identifies text to enter at the GUI

Identifies emphasis

Identifies variables and modifiers

Identifies paths and Internet addresses

Identifies document titles

Identifies CLI output

Identifies command syntax examples

Command syntax conventions

Bold and italic text identify command syntax components. Delimiters and operators define groupings of parameters and their logical relationships.



bold text

Identifies command names, keywords, and command options.

italic text

Identifies a variable.

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Notes, cautions, and warnings



[ ]

{x | y | z }

x | y

< >




In Fibre Channel products, a fixed value provided as input to a command option is printed in plain text, for example, --show WWN.

Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.

Default responses to system prompts are enclosed in square brackets.

A choice of required parameters is enclosed in curly brackets separated by vertical bars. You must select one of the options.

In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this purpose.

A vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.

Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle brackets.

Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].

Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates two lines of a command input, enter the entire command at the prompt without the backslash.

Notes, cautions, and warnings

Notes, cautions, and warning statements may be used in this document. They are listed in the order of increasing severity of potential hazards.


A Note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.


An Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when traffic might be interrupted or the device might reboot.


A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware, firmware, software, or data.


A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions or situations.


Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



Brocade resources

Brocade resources

Visit the Brocade website to locate related documentation for your product and additional Brocade resources.

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To get up-to-the-minute information on Brocade products and resources, go to MyBrocade. You can register at no cost to obtain a user ID and password.

Release notes are available on MyBrocade under Product Downloads.

White papers, online demonstrations, and data sheets are available through the Brocade website.

Contacting Brocade Technical Support

As a Brocade customer, you can contact Brocade Technical Support 24x7 online, by telephone, or by e- mail. Brocade OEM customers contact their OEM/Solutions provider.

Brocade customers

For product support information and the latest information on contacting the Technical Assistance Center, go to

If you have purchased Brocade product support directly from Brocade, use one of the following methods to contact the Brocade Technical Assistance Center 24x7.







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licensing tools

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Problem summary

Serial number

Installation details

Environment description

Brocade OEM customers

If you have purchased Brocade product support from a Brocade OEM/Solution Provider, contact your OEM/Solution Provider for all of your product support needs.

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Document feedback

OEM/Solution Providers are trained and certified by Brocade to support Brocade® products.

Brocade provides backline support for issues that cannot be resolved by the OEM/Solution Provider.

Brocade Supplemental Support augments your existing OEM support contract, providing direct access to Brocade expertise. For more information, contact Brocade or your OEM.

For questions regarding service levels and response times, contact your OEM/Solution Provider.

Document feedback

To send feedback and report errors in the documentation you can use the feedback form posted with the document or you can e-mail the documentation team.

Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. You can provide feedback in two ways:

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Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



About This Document

Supported hardware and software....................................................................................


What’s new in this document............................................................................................


Supported hardware and software

In those instances in which procedures or parts of procedures documented here apply to some switches but not to others, this guide identifies exactly which switches are supported and which are not.

Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. for Fabric OS v7.3.0, documenting all possible configurations and scenarios is beyond the scope of this document.

The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of Fabric OS:

Brocade 300 switch

Brocade 5100 switch

Brocade 5300 switch

Brocade 5410 embedded switch

Brocade M5424 embedded switch

Brocade 5430 embedded switch

Brocade 5431 embedded switch

Brocade 5432 embedded switch

Brocade 5450 embedded switch

Brocade 5460 embedded switch

Brocade 5470 embedded switch

Brocade 5480 embedded switch

Brocade M6505 embedded switch

Brocade 6505 switch

Brocade 6510 switch

Brocade 6520 switch

Brocade 6547 embedded switch

Brocade 6548 embedded switch

Brocade 7800 extension switch

Brocade 7840 extension switch

Brocade VA-40FC

Brocade Encryption Switch

Brocade DCX Backbone and Brocade DCX-4S Backbone

FC8-16 port blade

FC8-32 port blade

FC8-48 port blade

FC8-64 port blade

FCOE10-24 blade

FS8-18 Encryption Blade

FX8-24 DCX Extension Blade

Brocade DCX 8510-4 Backbone and Brocade DCX 8510-8 Backbone

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




What’s new in this document

FC8-32E port blade

FC8-48E port blade

FC8-64 port blade

FC16-32 port blade

FC16-48 port blade

FC16-64 port blade

FCOE10-24 blade (not supported on Brocade DCX 8510-4)

FS8-18 Encryption Blade

FX8-24 DCX Extension Blade

What’s new in this document

This document supports Fabric OS 7.3.0; and the new licenses in this release include:

WAN Rate Upgrade 1

WAN Rate Upgrade 2

For complete information, refer to the Release Notes.


Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



Software Licensing Overview

Licensing overview............................................................................................................


How software licensing works...........................................................................................


License types..................................................................................................................


Software licensing terminology.......................................................................................


Obtaining a license..........................................................................................................


Viewing software license information from the Brocade licensing portal........................


Licensing overview

Feature licenses are often part of the licensed paper pack supplied with your switch software; if not, they can be purchased separately from your switch vendor, who provides the transaction keys to activate the associated feature or features. Each product, each feature, and each individual switch within a fabric requires its own license key.

Licenses may be associated with a feature version. If a feature has a version-based license, that license is valid only for a particular version of the feature. If you want a newer version of the feature, you must purchase a new license. If a license is not version-based, then it is valid for all versions of the feature. Likewise, if you downgrade Fabric OS to an earlier version, some licenses associated with specific features of the version you are downgrading may not work.

Fabric OS includes basic switch and fabric support software, and support for optionally licensed software that is enabled using license keys.

Refer to Available Fabric OS licenses on page 15 for the list of the optionally licensed features that are available in Fabric OS.

How software licensing works

A permanent license (for select features on specific units) can be ordered pre-installed in a Brocade switch when first shipped from the factory, or later ordered and installed. In either case, additional licenses can be ordered as needed.

When a license is ordered separately (not pre-installed), an entitlement certificate or e-mail message along with a transaction key are issued to you by Brocade as proof of purchase. The transaction key and license ID (LID) of the Brocade switch are used to generate a license key from the Brocade software licensing portal. The license key is contained within the license file, which is downloaded to your PC. You can add the license key to a switch using the licenseAdd command.

Once a license is installed on the Brocade Fabric OS switch, the licensed feature is generally available immediately without requiring to reboot the switch. However, some licenses may require that you reboot the switch to activate the license; the licenseAdd command will prompt you to reboot the switch. For the port-related licenses, use the portEnable command to enable a port, or disable and re-enable the switch to make all newly added ports available simultaneously.

When a temporary license expires, the commands and CLI related to the feature are disabled, but the feature itself cannot be disabled until the system reloads.

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




License types

License types

The following license types are supported in Fabric OS:

Permanent license - A permanent license enables a license-controlled feature to run on the switch indefinitely.

Temporary license - A temporary license enables a license-controlled feature to run on the switch on a temporary basis. A temporary license enables demonstration and evaluation of a licensed feature and can be valid for a period of 45 days.

Universal temporary license - A universal temporary license can only be installed once on a switch, but can be applied to as many switches as required. Temporary use duration (the length of time the feature will be enabled on a switch) is provided with the license keys.

Slot-based licensing - A slot-based license allows you to select the slots that the license will enable up to the capacity purchased and to increase the capacity without disrupting slots that already have licensed features running. Each licensed feature supported on the blade has a separate slot-based license key. Refer to Slot-based licensing on page 24 for more information.

Software licensing terminology

The following terms are used in this document:

Entitlement certificate - The proof-of-purchase certificate (paperpack) issued by Brocade when a license is purchased. The certificate contains a unique transaction key that is used in conjunction with the license ID (LID) of the Brocade device to generate and download a software license from the Brocade software portal.

License file - The file produced by the Brocade software portal when the license is generated. The file is uploaded to the Brocade device and controls access to a licensed feature or feature set.

License ID (LID) - The identification number that uniquely identifies the Brocade device. The LID is used in conjunction with a transaction key to generate and download a software license from the Brocade software portal. The software license is tied to the LID of the Brocade device for which the license was ordered and generated.

Licensed feature - Any hardware or software feature or set of features that require a valid software license in order to operate on the device.

Transaction key - A unique key, along with the LID, used to generate a software license from the Brocade software portal. The transaction key is issued by Brocade when a license is purchased. The transaction key is delivered according to the method specified when the order is placed:

Paperpack - The transaction key is recorded on an entitlement certificate, which is mailed to the customer.

Electronic - The transaction key is contained in an e-mail message, which is sent instantly to the customer after the order is placed. The customer receives the e-mail message within a few minutes after the order is placed, though the timing will vary depending on the network, Internet connection, and so on.

If a delivery method is not specified at the time of the order, the key will be delivered by the way of paperpack.

Obtaining a license

Use the following procedure to generate and obtain a software license.


Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



Dell Brocade 5300, Brocade 6520, Brocade 6510, Brocade 6505, Brocade 5100 Manual

Software Licensing Overview

1.Order a license for the desired licensed feature.


To obtain a trial license, contact your Brocade representative.

2.When you receive the paperpack or electronic transaction key, retrieve the LID of your Brocade switch by entering the licenseIdShow command on the switch. If you received a paperpack transaction key, write the LID in the space provided on the entitlement certificate.


Do not discard the entitlement certificate or e-mail with the electronic key. Keep it in a safe place in case it is needed for technical support or product replacement (RMAs).

3.Log in to the Brocade software licensing portal at and complete the software license request. If you do not have a login ID and password, request access by following the instructions on the screen.

The following figure shows the software licensing portal login window.

FIGURE 1 Brocade software licensing portal login window

4.From the License Management menu, select Brocade FOS > License Generation With Transaction Key.

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Software Licensing Overview

The Brocade FOS License Generation window displays as shown below.

FIGURE 2 Brocade FOS License Generation window

5.Enter the requested information in the required fields. An asterisk (*) next to a field indicates that the information is required.

You can generate more than one license at a time. For each license request, enter the Unit's Unique ID and Transaction Key, and click Add.

6.When you have finished entering the required information, read the Brocade End User License Agreement, and select the I have read and accept check box.

7.Click the Generate button to generate the license.

The results window displays an order summary and the results of the license request.

If the license request is successful, the Status field shows "Success" and the License File field contains a hyperlink to the generated license file. The license file is automatically sent by e-mail to the specified customer e-mail address.

If the license request fails, the Status field indicates the reason it failed and the action to be taken.

8.Download the license file to your PC by either clicking the hyperlink in the License File field or saving the license file from the e-mail attachment.

9.Install the license on the Fabric OS switch by following the procedure in Adding a licensed feature on page 28.


Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



Viewing software license information from the Brocade licensing portal

Viewing software license information from the Brocade licensing portal

This section describes other software licensing tasks supported from the Brocade software licensing portal. You can use the Unit License Query option to view software license information for a particular unit, transaction key, or both. You can export the report to Excel for sharing or archiving purposes.

Depending on the status of the license (for example, whether or not the license was generated), the report will include the following Information:

Hardware part number, serial number, and description

Software part number, serial number, and description

Date the license was installed

Transaction key


Feature name

Product line

To view the license information, select License Management > Brocade FOS > Unit License Query.

The FOS Unit License Query window appears as shown below.

FIGURE 3 License Query window

To view software license information for a particular unit, enter the LID in the Unit ID field and click


To view software license information for a particular transaction key, enter the unique number in the

Transaction key field and click Search.

In the FOS Unit License Query results window, the line items for Level 1 display hardware-related information and the line items for Level 2 display software-related information. If the query was performed before the transaction key was generated, the first row (Level 1) would not appear as part of the search results. Similarly, if the query was performed before the license was generated, some of the information in the second row would not be displayed.

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Viewing software license information from the Brocade licensing portal


Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



Fabric OS Licenses

Available Fabric OS licenses..........................................................................................


Brocade 7800 Upgrade license.......................................................................................


ICL licensing....................................................................................................................


8G licensing....................................................................................................................


10G licensing..................................................................................................................


Slot-based licensing........................................................................................................


Temporary licenses.........................................................................................................


Available Fabric OS licenses

The following table lists the optionally licensed features that are available in Fabric OS.

TABLE 1 Available Brocade licenses







10 Gigabit FCIP/

Allows 10 Gbps operation of FC ports on the Brocade 6510 or 6520 switches or the FC

Fibre Channel


ports of FC16-32 or FC16-48 port blades installed on a Brocade DCX 8510 Backbone.

(10G license)

Enables the two 10-GbE ports on the FX8-24 extension blade when installed on the



Brocade DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-4, or DCX 8510-8 Backbone.


Allows selection of the following operational modes on the FX8-24 blade:




10 1-GbE ports and 1 10-GbE port, or




2 10-GbE ports


License is slot-based when applied to a Brocade Backbone. It is chassis-based when



applied to a Brocade 6510 or 6520 switch.




7800 Upgrade

Enables full hardware capabilities on the Brocade 7800 base switch, increasing the



number of Fibre Channel ports from four to sixteen and the number of GbE ports from



two to six.



Supports up to eight FCIP tunnels instead of two.


Supports advanced capabilities such as tape read/write pipelining.


The Brocade 7800 switch must have the 7800 Upgrade license to add FICON Management

Server (CUP) or Advanced FICON Acceleration licenses. Refer to Brocade 7800 Upgrade license on page 20 for details.

Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide




Fabric OS Licenses

TABLE 1 Available Brocade licenses (Continued)






Provides a rich framework of capability, allowing a user to ensure that high-priority connections

Networking with

obtain the bandwidth necessary for optimum performance, even in congested environments.


The QoS SID/DID Prioritization and Ingress Rate Limiting features are included in this license,


and are fully available on all 8-Gb and 16-Gb platforms.


The Brocade 6520 does not require an Adaptive Networking with QoS license to enable the capabilities associated with this license. These capabilities are included by default on the

Brocade 6520.


This license is automatically enabled for new switches that operate with only Fabric OS 7.2.0 or later and for existing switches that are upgraded to Fabric OS 7.2.0 or later.


Enables two advanced extension features: FCIP Trunking and Adaptive Rate Limiting.



FCIP Trunking feature allows all of the following:





Multiple (up to 4) IP source and destination address pairs (defined as FCIP





Circuits) using multiple (up to 4) 1-GbE or 10-GbE interfaces to provide a high





bandwidth FCIP tunnel and failover resiliency.




Support for up to 4 of the following QoS classes: Class-F, high, medium and





low priority, each as a TCP connection.



The Adaptive Rate Limiting feature provides a minimum bandwidth guarantee for each




tunnel with full usage of available network bandwidth without any negative impact to




throughput performance under high traffic load.



Available on the Brocade 7800 switch, Brocade 7840, and the Brocade DCX and




DCX-4S and the Brocade DCX 8510 family for the FX8-24 on an individual slot basis, .






Advanced FICON

Allows use of specialized data management techniques and automated intelligence to




accelerate FICON tape read and write and IBM Global Mirror data replication operations




over distance, while maintaining the integrity of command and acknowledgment







Available on the Brocade 7800 switch, Brocade 7840, and the Brocade DCX and




DCX-4S and the Brocade DCX 8510 family for the FX8-24 on an individual slot basis.







Enables performance monitoring of networked storage resources.



Includes the Top Talkers feature.















Brocade Extended

Provides greater than 10 km of switched fabric connectivity at full bandwidth over long



distances (depending on the platform, this can be up to 3000 km).











This license is not required for long distance connectivity using licensed 10G ports.






Brocade Fabric

Monitors mission-critical switch operations.



Includes Port Fencing capabilities.








Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide



+ 40 hidden pages