Prior to assembly and commissioning
to avoid injury of persons and damages
of the devices, it is absolutely necessary
to carefully read and observe these
Necessary assembly, start-up, and
maintenance work must be performed
only by qualified, trained and authorized
Prior to assembly and maintenance work
on the controller, the system must be:
- depressurized,
- cooled down,
- emptied and
- cleaned.
Please comply with the instructions of the
system manufacturer or system operator.
Do not remove the cover before the power
supply is fully switched off.
Disposal instruction
This product should be
dismantled and its
components sorted, if
possible, in various groups
before recycling or disposal.
Always follow the local disposal regulations.
Definition of Application
The electrical actuator is used in
connection with the following valves:
VFG 2(21), VFG 25, VFU 2, VFGS 2, AFQM
Fields of application are the temperature
control of water, water-glycol mixtures
and steam for heating, district heating and
cooling systems.
Flanges ② in the pipeline system
must be in parallel direction, the
sealing surfaces must be clean and
4. Install valve.
5. Tighten screws crosswise in 3 steps up
to the maximum torque.
Actuator and Valve Installation
Before mounting ❻:
1. Carry out the electrical connection
procedure acc. to the next paragraph
2. turn the rotary switch to the position
“OPEN” ❻ ① to run the actuator stem
❻ ② completely back
Valves DN 150 - 250 ❺
For these valves the stem of the actuator
must be screwed into the valve stem.
Disassembly of Valve, Actuator ❽
Danger of injury by steam or hot water! ①
Valve without actuator is open ①,
sealing ② is in the actuator.
It is absolutely necessary to depressurize
system prior to any work.
Carry out disassembly in reverse order as
Electrical Connection
Danger of injury and life in case of
improper handling!
Switch off power supply prior to
connecting lines.
The electrical connection must only be
performed by an expert electrician.
To access electrical panel remove the cover
Removing the cover ❾
1. Loosen slotted screw at the rotary
switch ①, remove rotary switch.
2. Unscrew screw ② and remove cover ③.
When cover is removed connect lines in
accordance with connection diagram, see ❿:
① Connection for:
STB - Safety Temperature Limiter
STW - Safety Temperature Monitor
SDB - Safety Pressure Limiter
Prior to remounting the cover, carry out
settings at the actuator, see next section.
Overview Actuators AMV(-H) 6..
610/3 06 13/33(-H )613/33
Dimensions, Weights ❶
Connection dimensions acc. to EN 1092-2
Valve Types for AMV(-H) 6..
The electrical actuator AMV(-H) 6.. can be
mounted on the following valves, see ❷.
Danfoss Heating VI.AA.T2.3K DH-SMT/SI
Observe the Operating Instructions
attached to the valves.
Valves DN 15 - 125 ❻
1. Perform electrical connection, see
Electrical Connection Diagrams ❿.
2. Turn rotary switch to position “OPEN”
①, this will retract the actuator stem ②
3. Turn rotary switch to position “STOP”
4. Place actuator on the valve and align.
5. Tighten union nut ③ torque 100 Nm
Prior to connection it is absolutely
necessry to remove the jumper ❿① -
only types AMV (-H) 613, 633 with safety
return function.
Final Position Settings
After having mounted the valves and the
actuator, the final positions “Valve OPEN”
and “Valve CLOSED” must be set.
Pre-conditions for the settings:
• theactuatorismountedonthevalve
the electrical connection is completed.
Installation Guide AMV (-H) 610, 613, 633
DH-SMT/SI VI.AA.T2.3K Danfoss Heating
Valves VFG .., AFQM ⓫
Setting the final position
“Valve CLOSED” ①
1. Set rotary switch to position “CLOSE” ②.
The stroke indicator ③ must move in
the direction of the arrow up to its stop.
Valve is completely closed
2. Align stroke indicator:
• Loosenscrews④
• Aligndisplayto0⑤
• Tightenscrews
3. Dismount the cover see ❾
4. If available, connect measuring
device ⑥ to sockets
If no measuring device is available,
continue with step 6.
5. Turn pot ⑦ with a screwdriver until the
measuring device shows 0 V
The final position “Valve CLOSED” is set.
Adjustment without measuring device
6. Turn pot with a screwdriver by about 10
rotations to the right ⑧
7. Afterwards, turn pot to the left ⑨ until
the relay switch is audible, then stop
If the pot has been turned too far, turn
it again to the right and afterwards
4. Set rotary switch to “AUTO” ⑱
5. Mount Cover and rotary switch.
Valves VFU 2 ⓬
Remarks to VFU 2
In contrary to the valves VFG ..,
AFQM , the valve VFU 2 has a
reversed closing direction.
The valve VFU 2 is opened by the safety
return function.
Setting the final position
“Valve OPEN” ①
1. Set rotary switch to position “CLOSE” ②.
The stroke indicator ③ must move in
the direction of the arrow up to its stop.
Valve is completely opened ①
3. Align stroke indicator:
• Loosenscrews④
• Aligndisplayto0⑤
• Tightenscrews
4. If available, connect measuring
device ⑥ to sockets
If no measuring device is available,
continue with position 6.
5. Turn pot ⑦ with a screwdriver until the
measuring device shows 0 V.
The final position “Valve OPEN” is set.
The final positions are set.
5. Mount cover and rotary switch
6. Set rotary switch to position “AUTO” ⑰
Setting the Output Signal 0(4)-20 mA ⓭
After the adjustment, the output signal is
proportional to the valve stroke “h” ①.
The range of the output signal 0-20 mA or
4-20 mA can be set at the pot ②.
Adjustment is carried out by turning in the
direction of the arrow up to the stop.
• SetrotaryswitchtoCLOSE① and the
actuator runs out ②. After adjustment
set it to “STOP” ③
• SetrotaryswitchtoOPEN④ and the
actuator runs back ⑤. After adjustment
set it to “STOP” ⑥
• SetrotaryswitchtoSTOPandthe
actuator remains in the last positions.
Set rotary switch to AUTO ⑦ and the
actuator is driven by the external
again to the left
The final position “Valve CLOSED” is set.
Setting the final position
“Valve OPEN” ⑩
1. Find the stroke in the table below:
Typ e
VFG 21
VFG 25
15, 20, 256 mm
32, 408 mm
50, 6512 mm
8018 mm
100, 125
150, 200, 25024 mm
150, 200, 250
Valve stroke
20 mm
30 mm
AMV 613-Y60
2. Set rotary to position “OPEN” ⑪ Valve opens, as soon as the stroke ⑫
has been reached, set rotary switch to
position “STOP” ⑬
DN 100, stroke 20 mm
3. Observe measuring device ⑭, turn
pot ⑮ until 2 V is displayed
The final position “Valve OPEN” is set.
Adjustment without measuring device:
1. Turn pot for about 50 rotations to the
right ⑯
2. Rotary switch to position “OPEN” ⑪
3. Turn pot to the left ⑰
Valve opens, stroke ⑫ moves in the
direction of the arrow. When the stroke
is reached the rotation stops
Adjustment without measuring device
6. Turn pot ⑦ with a screwdriver by about
10 rotations to the right ⑧.
7. Afterwards, turn pot ⑦ to the left ⑨
until the relay switch is audible, then
stop immediately.
If the pot has been turned too far, turn
it again to the right and afterwards
again to the left.
The final position “Valve OPEN” is set.
Setting the final position
“Valve CLOSED” ⑩
1. Find the stroke in the table below:
Typ e
15, 20, 25
32, 40
50, 65
100, 125
Valve stroke
6 mm
8 mm
12 mm
18 mm
20 mm
2. Set rotary switch to position “OPEN” ⑪ Valve VFU 2 closes, stroke indicator ⑫
moves in the direction of the arrow.
3. As soon as the stroke ⑫ has been
reached, set rotary switch to position
“STOP” ⑬
4. If the stroke is > 20 mm:
Turn pot ⑭ to the left ⑮ until the
relay switch is audible.
If the stroke is < 20 mm:
Turn pot ⑭ to the right ⑯ until the
relay switch is audible.
Standard settings for normal operation
always have to be set.
Mechanical Manual Adjustments ⓯
(only for the actuators AMV 610, AMV-H 613)
In case of a power supply failure or a
operating fault, the valve may be opened
or closed.