Corel WordPerfect - 9 Instruction Manual

WordPerfect 9
Copyright © 1999 COREL CORPORATION and COREL CORPORATION LIMITED. All rights reserved.
For more complete copyright information please refer to the About section in the Help menu of the software.

Table of contents

Chapter 1 Welcome to WordPerfect 9 .............1
About Corel Corporation ...............2
Using WordPerfect documentation .............2
What’s new in WordPerfect 9 ..............8
What’s different in WordPerfect 9 .............14
Exploring the work area ...............15
Chapter 2 Getting started ................19
Understanding the components of a document ...........19
Creating and opening documents .............20
Working with text in documents .............23
Working with graphics in documents.............27
Editing WordPerfect documents ..............30
Saving, printing, and closing documents ............36
Moving through documents...............44
Using bookmarks and QuickMarks .............47
Using document summaries ..............49
Chapter 3 Moving between Microsoft Word and WordPerfect .......53
Comparing Microsoft Word and WordPerfect features .........58
Chapter 4 Formatting documents ..............71
Working with paragraphs ...............81
Numbering lines and paragraphs .............106
Creating bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines .........111
Chapter 5 Editing documents ...............131
Table of contents iii
Sorting text ..................137
Using spelling and grammar tools .............147
Using comments in documents ..............159
Reviewing and comparing documents ............162
Chapter 6 Page layout and design ..............169
Setting page size definitions and orientation ...........169
Using the on-screen alignment tools ............203
Fine-tuning typography settings .............207
Chapter 7 Using tables and charts ..............215
Creating and exporting tables ..............216
Managing tables ................219
Formatting tables ................226
Applying lines, borders, and fills to tables ............233
Using table styles ................237
Changing the appearance of text in tables ............239
Calculating with tables ...............243
Chapter 8 Working with graphics ..............257
Creating and inserting graphics .............258
Editing, saving, and deleting graphics ............264
Arranging and viewing graphics .............268
Changing the appearance of a graphics image ..........270
Managing graphics styles ...............274
Using graphics boxes ................279
Using borders and fills ...............284
Using graphics lines ................291
iv Table of contents
Working with graphics box captions ............294
Integrating text and graphics ..............300
Chapter 9 Managing long documents .............311
Creating a table of contents ..............315
Creating a table of authorities ..............324
Using lists ..................328
Using footnotes and endnotes ..............341
Chapter 10 Managing files ................353
Opening and inserting files ..............353
Using conversion settings ...............357
Saving, protecting, and deleting files ............360
Organizing files and folders ..............370
Emailing and faxing files ...............378
Chapter 11 Merging documents ...............381
Working with form documents ..............382
Using merge commands ...............385
Creating and associating data for a merge ...........391
Merging with address books ..............402
Chapter 12 Linking and embedding ..............419
Working with linking and embedding ............420
Linking and embedding multimedia.............427
Changing, updating, and editing links ............430
Chapter 13 Printing ..................437
Table of contents v
Setting up a print job ...............447
Specifying items to print ...............456
Printing on different sizes of paper .............461
Previewing a print job ...............464
Printing booklets and defining binding offsets ..........468
Using printer commands ...............471
Chapter 14 Internet and electronic publishing ...........479
Creating and publishing Web documents ............481
Using tables, columns, and forms in Web documents ..........496
Working with hyperlinks ...............503
Adding graphics, multimedia, and Java.............515
Chapter 15 Using project templates ..............527
Managing your project templates .............528
Creating and editing project templates .............529
Saving, storing, and running project templates ...........534
Using project lists and categories .............536
Automating templates ...............539
Using template objects ...............543
Using the PerfectExpert ...............549
Chapter 16 Recordings, macros, and automation features ........551
QuickMacros and macros ...............553
Using template macros ...............560
Customizing WordPerfect macros .............569
Writing and editing macros using PerfectScript ..........579
Understanding macro commands and syntax............580
vi Table of contents
Using macro conventions and formatting macros ...........582
Using programming commands ..............585
Using parameters ................586
Using variables ................588
Using the Macro Command Browser .............589
Using macro commands to retrieve information ...........590
Using OLE object commands ..............591
Compiling macros ................591
Fixing compile errors................592
Working from the PerfectScript utility .............594
Editing and deleting macros ..............597
Integrating with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications ........598
Using OLE Automation ...............614
Understanding OLE Automation ..............615
Using files with DDE Execute from previous versions of WordPerfect ......618
Getting online Help for macros..............619
Chapter 17 Customizing WordPerfect .............621
Customizing workspace and display options ...........621
Customizing the Property Bar and the Application Bar .........635
Customizing keyboard shortcuts .............646
Table of contents vii
9 1
WordPerfect 9 is a powerful word processing application that helps you produce newsletters, articles, reports, proposals, books, and other documents. WordPerfect lets you add graphics, tables, and charts to your documents. You can publish to paper, electronic media, and the World Wide Web. WordPerfect allows you to format, structure, and edit your documents at any time and gives you complete control over their design.
WordPerfect 9 provides the following new features: performance and productivity features, compatibility and integration features, and Internet links. These new features offer improved navigation, editing, previewing, charting and design features. For more detailed information, see “What’s new in WordPerfect 9" on page 8.
WordPerfect 9 also offers enhanced editing features, help systems, and restructuring of menus. For more information about these features, see “What’s different in WordPerfect 9" on page 9.
You can also benefit from the comprehensive online Help system, which offers assistance with any aspect of WordPerfect 9. This Help system includes accessing Corel technical services and support worldwide, printing a Help topic, and performing commands with the mouse, keyboard, and common buttons.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9 1
About Corel Corporation
Corel Corporation is recognized internationally as an award-winning developer and marketer of productivity applications, graphics, and Internet software. We pride ourselves in delivering high-quality products by actively seeking your input. We use this feedback and respond quickly to you, the users of Corel products worldwide.
Corel ships its products through a network of more than 160 distributors in 70 countries worldwide. Corel is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: COS) and the NASDAQ — National Market System (symbol: COSFF).
For more information about Corel and our products, check out Corel’s World Wide Web site at
Using WordPerfect documentation
WordPerfect 9 includes online and paper documentation to help you learn and use the program efficiently. The main form of assistance is the online Help, which is also available as a user guide in .PDF format in the Corel Reference Center. For information about using the Corel Reference Center, see Using the Corel Reference Center.
WordPerfect 9 documentation set
Online Help The online Help system enables you to retrieve quickly all the
information you need and then return to your work. Help appears in a separate window on your screen. For quick access, you can keep the Help window displayed on top of the Application Window. You can also print specific topics from the online Help system.
Context-sensitive Help The context-sensitive Help displays information that is relevant to the
QuickTips QuickTips provide information about icons and buttons on the toolbars,
PerfectExpert The PerfectExpert can guide you through basic tasks as well as creating
User Guide If you use WordPerfect 9 as part of WordPerfect Office 2000, you can
2 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
task you are currently performing. You can access it by clicking the Context-Sensitive Help button, then clicking the item about which you want information. Context-sensitive Help provides help for menu commands, toolbar buttons, dialog boxes, and dialog box controls.
and about the menu commands. QuickTips display in a balloon when you position the cursor over a button or a menu command.
detailed projects.
refer to the WordPerfect section of the WordPerfect Office 2000 User Guide for help.
Before you access the online Help, it is important to be familiar with the conventions used in Corel documentation. For more information, see “Documentation Conventions” on page 3.
We want your feedback.
If you have any comments or suggestions about WordPerfect documentation, you can e-mail them to or mail them to the address listed below. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to respond to your messages individually.
WordPerfect Product Manager Corel Corporation 1600 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIZ 8R7
Fax: (613) 728-9790
Documentation conventions
Before you start using WordPerfect 9, it is important to understand the conventions used in the documentation. By reviewing the conventions, you will be able to use the mouse and the keyboard to create and edit documents more effectively. You can then easily open a new document, insert and modify the text, check spelling and grammar, save the document, and, finally, print it.
Using the mouse
It is important to review the conventions used in WordPerfect documentation. By reviewing these conventions, you will be able to use the mouse more effectively:
When you see this... Do this...
Click File, New Click the File menu with the mouse, then click the word New in the menu.
Click Format, Paragraph, Drop Cap Click the Format menu, click Paragraph, then click Drop Cap from the
Enable the [Y] check box Click the [Y] check box to place a check mark or an “X” inside the box.
Disable the [Y] check box Click the [Y] check box to remove the check mark or “X.”
Select text Click and drag to highlight text.
Click a paragraph Click to plant the cursor in the paragraph.
Click a page Click anywhere on the page.
Right-click, then click Paste Click the right mouse button, then click the Paste command from the
submenu that appears.
submenu that appears.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
Using the keyboard
It is important to review the conventions used in WordPerfect documentation. By reviewing these conventions, you will be able to use the keyboard more effectively:
When you see this... Do this...
Press ENTER Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Press CTRL + SHIFT Press the Control key and the Shift key at the same time.
Using online Help
The Help Topics dialog box, accessed by clicking Help, Help Topics, provides five ways to find information. You can select a topic from the Contents page, use the Index page to search for a topic, use the Find page to search for specific words and phrases in Help topics, use Ask The PerfectExpert, or use the Corel Knowledge Base. Context-sensitive Help is accessible from wherever you are in WordPerfect 9. You can access context-sensitive Help from the menus, dialog boxes, property bars, and all other toolbars in WordPerfect 9.
The Showcase WordPerfect page, located in Contents, illustrates many tasks you can do. Click in the illustrations for specific help about a task.
To access Help topics
1 Click Help, Help Topics.
2 Click one of the following tabs:
Contents — lets you browse through topics by category
Index — provides a list of index entries and lets you type the first few
letters of the subject about which you want information
Find — lets you search for a particular word or phrase in the online
Ask the PerfectExpert — lets you search for help in your own words
Corel Knowledge Base — lets you search for information on the Corel
home page
You can print a Help topic or keep it displayed on the screen for easy
4 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
Printing online Help topics
You can print specific online Help topics or print entire sections of the online Help.
To... Do this...
Print an entire section On the Contents page, choose the section you want to print, then click
Print a selected topic Click the Print button at the top of the Help window, or right-click the
Accessing context-sensitive Help
You can access context-sensitive Help from the menus, dialog boxes, and toolbars in WordPerfect 9.
The most common ways to access context-sensitive Help are as follows:
To get help on... Do this...
Menus and toolbar buttons Position your cursor over the menu item or toolbar button for QuickTip
Dialog boxes Click the Help button in the dialog box.
Dialog box controls Click the Context-Sensitive Help button in a dialog box, then click the
the Print button in the Help dialog box.
window, then click Print Topic.
Press F1.
dialog control for which you want help.
Right-click the control, and click the Context-Sensitive Help button.
Right-click the control.
Accessing information from the Corel Web site
You can access the Corel Web site directly from WordPerfect. You can use the Corel Web site to get information about projects and templates, printing, fonts, and macros. You can download fonts and macros from the Web site. You can also get technical support information, helpful tips and tricks, information about training and certification, and information about service bureaus.
To access the Corel Web site
Click the Corel Web Site button on the WordPerfect 9 toolbar.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
To get information from the Corel Web site
Click... To get information about...
File, New From Project, WordPerfect Projects Online Projects and templates
File, Printing Info Online Printing
Format, Fonts Online Fonts
Tools, Macros Online Macros
Help, Corel On The Web, Technical Support Technical support
Help, Corel On The Web, Tips And Tricks Tips and tricks
Help, Corel On The Web, Training And Certification Training and certification
Help, Corel On The Web, Approved Service Bureaus Service bureaus
Using the Corel Reference Center
The Corel Reference Center contains online manuals for WordPerfect Office 2000 in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.PDF). You can search the manuals to find the information you need quickly.
To access the Corel Reference Center from WordPerfect 9
1 Click Help, Help Topics.
2 Click the Contents tab.
3 Double-click Reference Information.
4 Double-click View Manuals.
5 Double-click Go To The Reference Center.
To access the Corel Reference Center from Windows
1 Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
2 Click WordPerfect Office 2000, Setup & Notes, Corel Reference Center.
You can find the Corel Reference Center (refcntr.exe) in the folder
COREL\SHARED\REFCENTR on the WordPerfect Office 2000 CD-ROM.
If you did not install the Corel Reference Center when you installed
WordPerfect Office 2000, you can do so by performing a custom install.
6 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
Using the PerfectExpert
WordPerfect 9 comes with its own built-in expert, which is ready to help you with many tasks. The PerfectExpert includes the best features of QuickTasks, templates, and Coaches, combined with information from online Help and the power of a natural language interface to assist you with everyday tasks. The PerfectExpert allows you to create complex documents quickly, using professionally designed templates.
The PerfectExpert can guide you through a detailed project, such as creating a résumé (even if you want to use other suite applications to create parts of the document), or it can guide you through a smaller task, such as inserting a clipart image.
The PerfectExpert even provides you with galleries of professionally designed documents to choose from, and you can change the layout and content in any number of ways to match your needs.
To display the PerfectExpert
1 Click Help, PerfectExpert.
A check mark next to the PerfectExpert command indicates that the command is enabled and that the PerfectExpert panel is displayed in the left side of the Document Window.
2 Press any of the buttons to get help on performing a task.
3 Click the More Help On button to get additional help.
Click File, New to start a document and to have PerfectExpert guide you
through a new project.
To hide the PerfectExpert
Click Help, PerfectExpert.
No check mark next to the PerfectExpert command indicates that the command is disabled.
Viewing program and system information
WordPerfect 9 provides easy access to information about the program, license information, and your system.
Program information consists of the application name, version number, serial number, and user name. This information doesn’t change. You’ll find it
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
particularly useful if you ever need help from Corel Technical Support Services.
System information consists of details about any of the following categories: system, display, printing, Corel .EXE and .DLL files, and system .DLL files. For example, you can see how much memory you have on the drive to which you want to save a file. You can save any system information in a text file called SYSINFO.TXT.
To view product and license information
1 Click Help, About WordPerfect.
2 Click one of the following buttons:
To edit the serial number and pin
1 Click Help, About WordPerfect.
2 Click the Edit Serial/PIN button.
3 In the Serial Number box, type the serial number.
4 In the PIN box, type the Personal Identification Number.
To view program and system information
1 Click Help, About WordPerfect.
The About WordPerfect dialog box displays the version number and registration information for your software.
2 Click the System Info button to view system information.
3 From the Choose A Category list box, choose a category.
Use the Save button to store system information for printing. System
information is saved as SYSINFO.TXT. A message box tells you where the file is saved.
What’s new in WordPerfect 9
WordPerfect 9 has new and enhanced features that let you create professional-looking documents.
8 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
Performance and productivity features
Corel RealTime Preview
Embedded Fonts
Block Make It Fit
Enhanced charting module
Improved accessibility
Enhanced shapes
Visual Basic for Applications Integration
Skewed table cells
Enhanced multiple page printing
Print Preview
Browse buttons
Compatibility and integration features
Enhanced file conversion
In-Place Editing
In-Place Activation
XML capabilities
SGML Editor
Internet features
Trellix 2 Integration
For a list of different features in WordPerfect 9, see “What’s different in
WordPerfect 9" on page 9.
Corel RealTime Preview
Corel RealTime Preview lets you scroll through and preview several different formatting options, such as fonts, lines, tables, borders, and shading, to see what they look like, without applying those changes to your document.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
Install-As-You-Go helps you minimize the hard disk space required by WordPerfect Office 2000 applications by including only the bare necessities. If a non-installed item is selected, you will be asked if you want to install it.
Embedded Fonts
WordPerfect lets you use the Embedded Font feature. Choose Embedded Fonts when saving your document and WordPerfect takes care of the rest. Your fonts will be compressed and saved with the file data. Now your favorite fonts will go wherever your file goes for the presentation that you expect.
Autoscroll lets you scroll through a document without using the arrow keys or the scroll bars. When you point the Autoscroll arrow in the direction you want to move, you can scroll through the document. The scrolling speed increases when you move the arrow further from the Autoscroll tool and slows when you move the arrow closer to the Autoscroll tool.
Block Make It Fit
WordPerfect 9 enhances the previous version’s Make-It-Fit feature to allow you to fit sections of your document into a given dimension without affecting other areas where fitting specifications may be different.
Enhanced charting module
The enhanced charting module provides you with additional chart types and capabilities.
Improved accessibility
WordPerfect 9 continues to work towards accessibility requirements, including the support of High-Contrast mode, providing keystrokes to the majority of features, using standard user interface controls which make Third Party accessibility tools compatible with Corel applications, supporting large font mode, and providing options under settings to provide flexibility in functionality.
10 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
Enhanced shapes
WordPerfect provides over 100 new shapes. You can choose a shape from any of the new shape palettes or use the Basic Shapes, Arrows, Stars, Banners, and Flowcharting tools. Action buttons prompt the assignment of an action; Call out shapes have pointers that can be anchored anywhere in the document. All shapes have the new Text In Shapes feature, which allows text to be added into the shape on the fly.
Visual Basic for Applications Integration
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) lets you develop VBA applications to control WordPerfect through the OLE Automation Type Library. The main object exposed by WordPerfect is the PerfectScript object, which consists of all the functions currently available in the Perfect Script language, making it easier for those familiar with PerfectScript to modify existing scripts and to understand the syntax and parameters required to program the PerfectScript object’s methods. These VBA projects are stored within the application document and are easily distributed.
Skewed table cells
You can skew the top row or the left or right column of a table. Unless you specify otherwise, any text that you type in a skewed cell will be skewed as well. You can also change the angle of the skew and specify other skew options.
Enhanced multiple page printing
WordPerfect 9 includes additional options for printing multiple pages. You can specify the number of copies you wish to print and whether you want the copies collated. Collating is useful when printing multipage documents. When you enable the Collage check box, a complete copy of each document is printed before the next document is printed; when collating is disabled, all the copies of the first page are printed before the copies of the second page are printed.
Print Preview
Although WordPerfect creates documents in a WYSIWYG environment, many users have requested a Print Preview option. WordPerfect 9 lets you view your document as a single page or double pages. Print Preview is fully compatible with Corel RealTime Preview, which lets you experiment with formatting options, such as fonts, lines, tables, borders, and shading, without applying them to your document. Print Preview is also fully editable;
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
therefore, you do not have to switch back to regular view to make changes to your document.
Browse buttons
The browse buttons make navigation within a document more intuitive. WordPerfect allows you to navigate through a document in the same way that you navigate through an Internet document.
Enhanced file conversion
WordPerfect 9 continues to use the same file format as its predecessors: Corel WordPerfect 6, 6.1, 7 and 8 requiring no conversion from these previous versions. Keeping the same file format lets you convert Microsoft Word and Lotus AmiPro documents while retaining all document data from open to save.
In-Place Editing
In-Place Editing allows you to edit an object without switching to a different window. Buttons and list boxes temporarily change to work specifically with that object.
In-Place Activation
WordPerfect now uses the new In-Place Activation feature to help further integrate 3rd Party applications into WordPerfect Office 2000. By double-clicking on an OLE object, the editing or development environment native to that object is initiated inside WordPerfect, providing seamless integration of 3rd Party applications.
XML Capabilities
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) provides a platform and application-independent environment for defining document architecture and document markup. WordPerfect 9 lets you create, validate, and save XML documents in a familiar WYSIWYG environment. A structured tree view, shown in a separate window, provides an easy-to-read layout of the full document. WordPerfect automatically inserts and maintains tag pairs to create XML files. WordPerfect provides an editing environment that includes wizards, automatic element insertion, and automatic generation of documents, which makes document creation quick and easy. You can customize menus, toolbars, and keyboard mapping to create your own working environment. WordPerfect 9 incorporates the Document Type
12 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
Definition (DTD), layout information, and mapping files into a single WordPerfect template.
SGML Editor
WordPerfect 9 lets you create SGML documents in a familiar WordPerfect environment. WordPerfect 9 lets you edit, markup text, and validate tags in SGML documents. You can also employ WordPerfect writing tools, such as Spell Check and QuickCorrect. You can hide SGML codes in the Document Window and use WordPerfect text formatting to make SGML documents easier to read on screen. The SGML editor also provides the following capabilities:
structures views of the document, providing a WYSIWYG view on one
enhanced graphics that let you import and export markups with the SGML
writing tools
compare features
automatic mapping for International Standards Organization (ISO)
side of the screen and a tree view on the other
characters during the DTD compiling process to map multinational characters to the appropriate characters in the SGML Editor. Manual character mapping does not fall within the ISO character sets.
enhanced importing and exporting capabilities
SpeedLinks allows you to create Internet links — highlighted text in a World Wide Web document that helps you jump to another part of the same document or to another document on the World Wide Web. When you type text that begins with “www,” “ftp,” “http,” or “mailto,” SpeedLinks automatically converts the text to an Internet link.
Trellix 2 Integration
Trellix 2 Integration lets you create and organize professional, effective documents that can be published to HTML. Trellix can make long, complicated documents easy to understand and navigate; the integrated navigation map allows you to visualize and access any part of your document quickly. Trellix documents resemble web pages, with easy-to-create links, and you can add spreadsheets, graphics, and other files.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
What’s different in WordPerfect 9
With every new version of WordPerfect certain items are added, others are renamed, still others are found in a new location. The items renamed or moved in version 9 are:
For a list of new features in WordPerfect 9, see “What’s new in
WordPerfect 9" on page 8.
QuickSpots provided direct access to editing features for certain objects in a document, such as paragraphs or tables. WordPerfect 9 improves on this idea by including more than 20 different Property Bars that appear when you click on a particular object. Property Bars change to fit your immediate needs. For example, click a table, and the Property Bar displays buttons for table editing tools. Click a graphic, and the Property Bar displays graphics editing tools.
WordPerfect 9 comes with its own built-in expert which is ready to help you with any task. The PerfectExpert includes the best features of Quick Tasks, templates, and Coaches, combined with information from online Help and the power of a natural language interface to help you with everyday tasks. The PerfectExpert allows you to quickly create complex documents using professionally designed templates.
You can use the Find button on file management dialog boxes to find files that meet the criteria you specify. For example, you can search for a file type (such as *.WPD) or the file content (such as “WordPerfect”).
The menus in WordPerfect 9 have undergone significant restructuring to improve access to the most frequently used features. The menus are also standardized across WordPerfect Office 2000 applications to make learning
14 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
each application easier. Right-click the menu to select a menu similar to one you used in a previous version of WordPerfect.
The Tables and Graphics menus are gone and the editing features for
tables and graphics are now available on the Property Bar. Click a table or graphic to display the Tables or Graphics Property Bar.
The File, Publish As and File, Send menus are consolidated as File, Send
To .
The Outline and Bullets & Numbering features are consolidated in Insert,
Outline/Bullets & Numbering.
The abbreviations feature is renamed QuickWords and moved to Tools,
Help Online, which was used to access additional technical and product
information, is renamed Corel Web site.
Initial Document Style is renamed and has moved to File, Document,
Current Document Style.
Initial Document Font is renamed and moved to File, Document, Default
Exploring the work area
The work area in WordPerfect 9 includes everything you see on your screen when you start the application. The large open area is the Document Window.
The Menu Bar, which is located at the top of the work area just below the Title Bar, provides access to most of the WordPerfect commands. Many of these commands can also be accessed through toolbars.
The Property Bar, which is located above the Document Window, is a context-sensitive toolbar. It gives you quick access to frequently used functions and commands that are relevant to the task you are performing.
Using toolbars
Toolbars provide quick, one-click access to commands. The WordPerfect 9 toolbar, shown below, is displayed by default above the Document Window. Other toolbars can be displayed by enabling them in the Toolbar dialog box. Toolbars can be docked at the side, top, or bottom of the Application Window, or left floating in the Document Window.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
To display or hide toolbars
1 Click View, Toolbars.
2 In the Options dialog box, enable the check box beside each toolbar you
want to display and disable the check box beside each toolbar you want to hide.
To dock a toolbar
Drag the Title Bar of the toolbar to the top, bottom, or side of the
Application Window, then place its outline where you want it docked.
To size floating toolbars
1 Position the cursor over an edge of the toolbar.
2 When the cursor becomes a two-sided arrow, click and drag the edge to
create the size and shape that you want.
You can only change the shape of floating toolbars. When you dock a
toolbar, it is oriented horizontally when placed at the top or bottom of the Application Window or vertically when placed on the left or right side.
The toolbars are optimized for 800 x 600 resolution. Therefore, if you are
working in a lower resolution, portions of toolbars might appear cut off.
Using the Property Bar
The Property Bar, shown below, is a context-sensitive toolbar that displays buttons and options related to the task you are performing. For example, when text is selected, the Property Bar contains only text-related commands.
By default, the Property Bar is located above the Document Window, but it can be moved, docked, or hidden like any other toolbar.
To display or hide the Property Bar
Click View, Property Bar.
If a check mark appears beside the command name, the Property Bar is displayed. If no check mark appears, the Property Bar is hidden.
16 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 1
To dock the Property Bar
Drag the Title Bar of the Property Bar to the top, bottom, or side of the
Application Window, then place its outline where you want it docked.
Welcome to WordPerfect 9
The Getting Started chapter tells you how to perform basic operations in WordPerfect. You can create new documents, or you can open documents created in WordPerfect or other word processing applications. You can enter or import text to create your document and add graphics to make it more visually appealing and easier to read. You can edit, save, and print a document. You can close the active document and keep WordPerfect open, or you can exit WordPerfect to close both the active document and the application.
WordPerfect lets you choose a view mode and customize the display of your document. You can navigate through a document, and you can use bookmarks and QuickMarks to mark a location in a document. You can also use document summaries to provide information about a document to other users.
Understanding the components of a document
A WordPerfect document is a file with a .WPD extension. Each document consists of one or more of the following components:
Text can be typed directly into WordPerfect or imported from text editors or other word processing applications. For more information about adding text to a document, see “Working with text in documents” on page 23.

Getting started 19

Graphics include shapes, drawings, pictures, and clipart. A shape is any object created using WordPerfect drawing tools. A drawing is created using Corel Presentations menus and tools. A picture is a bitmap or graphic image that has been imported into a WordPerfect document. Pictures can be imported using a scanner or CD-ROM or from paint programs, such as Corel PHOTO-PAINT. Clipart images are images that can be brought into Corel applications and edited or used as is. Corel offers a large selection of clipart in many formats. You can purchase additional images, including some in bitmap format, from commercial suppliers. For more information about adding graphics to a document, see “Working with graphics in documents” on page 27.
A style is a collection of formatting attributes applied to characters, paragraphs, or documents. Formatting items with styles ensures consistent formatting throughout your document. Whenever you change the formatting in a style, you change the appearance of all items that use that style. For more information about formatting with styles, see “Working with text styles” on page 123.
A template is a preformatted document that can be used as a guide for creating a new document. Every document created in WordPerfect is based on a template or a project template. When you open WordPerfect, the blank document you see is based on the default template. Project templates can include fax cover sheets, memos, invoices, and budgets. For more information about templates, see “Using project templates” on page 527.
Macros are used to automate application tasks. For example, you can use WordPerfect macros to set margins, select a font, or create a merge file. For more information about macros, see “Recordings, macros, and automation features” on page 551.
Creating and opening documents
You can start a document in WordPerfect by opening a blank Document Window. Every document you create is based on a template. Even a blank document is based on the default template, which includes formatting elements, such as the margins, tab settings, and toolbars. You can change the default template so that each time you create a new document, your settings are used. WordPerfect also includes ready-made project templates that you
20 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 2
can open and use to create a wide range of documents, including letters, fax cover sheets, calendars, and business cards. For more information about templates, see “Using project templates” on page 527.
You can open documents created in WordPerfect or in other applications. The advantages of opening a document created in another application (rather than importing text) are that many of the formatting attributes in the original document, such as page size, margins, font properties, bullets, and underlining, are preserved. Some of the features not supported include:
embedded pictures
hidden text
interline spacing
multiple page layouts (the first one in the document is used throughout)
OLE objects
Creating new documents
You can create a new document using the default template or a project template. The default template is created the first time you open WordPerfect and includes formatting elements, such as the margins, tab settings, and toolbars.
Project templates, which are provided with WordPerfect, are professionally designed layouts that you can use to create a document. For example, you can use a project template to create a fax cover sheet or expense report. The template provides the layout for your document and you provide the content, making the creation of documents faster and easier. For more information about templates, see “Using project templates” on page 527.
To create a document using the default template
Click File, New.
You can also create a new document by clicking the New Blank Document
button on the WordPerfect 9 toolbar or by pressing CTRL + N.
To create a document using a project template
1 Click File, New From Project.
Getting started
2 Choose the type of project you want to create from the Create New list
3 Click the Create button.
4 Click the appropriate buttons on the PerfectExpert panel.
Opening WordPerfect documents
You can retrieve a document and open it in the Document Window.
To open a document
1 Click File, Open.
2 Choose the drive where the document is stored from the Look In list box.
3 Double-click the folder in which the document is stored.
4 Choose the file format you want to open from the File Type list box.
All Files displays files of all types.
5 Double-click the document name.
You can also open a document by clicking the Open button on the
WordPerfect 9 toolbar.
If you know where a file is located, you can type the full path and filename
in the File Name box.
To select from a list of recently opened files, click the arrow located next
to the File Name box.
Opening documents created in other applications
You can open text files and other word processing documents that were not created in WordPerfect. For example, you can open Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF) file formats in WordPerfect. For more information about opening Microsoft Word documents, see “Opening Microsoft Word documents” on page 54.
The advantages of opening a document (rather than importing text) are that many of the formatting attributes in the original document, such as page size, margins, font properties, bullets, and underlining, are preserved. For more information about importing, see Import and export file formats for WordPerfect 9 in the Reference Information section of the online Help.
22 WordPerfect 9: Chapter 2
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