Setting the top of form (TOF) /ESC~B ...........................................................................................................7
Setting power OFF time/ESC~O..................................................................................................................... 8
Registering the bit map data/ESC~b ...............................................................................................................9
Printing the bit map data /ESC~b.................................................................................................................. 10
Specifing the font size /ESC~f ...................................................................................................................... 11
Setting in PAGE MODE/ESC~L...................................................................................................................12
Printer power OFF/ ESC~p ...........................................................................................................................33
Selecting the code page/ ESC~P ................................................................................................................... 34
Selecting Windows character/ ESC~s ........................................................................................................... 35
Printing the sequential character/ ESC~¥...................................................................................................... 36
Printing the character/ESC~^........................................................................................................................ 37
Enabling/disabling the black mark function/ ESC~E.................................................................................... 38
Setting the marker detection level/ESC~e.....................................................................................................39
Printer operating status report command 2/ ESC~Y .....................................................................................41
Starting registering the printer command and flash memory/ ESC~CS........................................................ 42
Calling from printer command and flash memory/ ESC~CL........................................................................43
Reading the factory setting/ ESC~SF............................................................................................................ 44
Reading the default setting value/ ESC~SL ..................................................................................................45
Writing the printer’s internal setting to flash memory / ESC~SS .................................................................46
Setting the inside of printer/ESC~SI .............................................................................................................47
Returning to printing/ CR.............................................................................................................................. 54
Line feed/LF.................................................................................................................................................. 55
Forward paper feeding/ ESC J ......................................................................................................................57
Setting page length by line/ ESC C............................................................................................................... 58
Setting page length by inch unit/ESC C NUL............................................................................................... 58
Setting perforated line skip/ESC N ............................................................................................................... 59
Cancelling perforated line skip/ESC O ......................................................................................................... 59
Setting the right margin/ESC Q.....................................................................................................................60
Setting the left margin/ ESC I ....................................................................................................................... 61
Setting the 1/8-inch line feed rate/ESC O ..................................................................................................... 62
Setting the 1/6-inch line feed rate/ESC 2 ......................................................................................................62
Setting the n/60-inch line feed rate/ESC A ...................................................................................................63
Setting the n/180-inch line feed rate/ESC 3 .................................................................................................. 63
Setting the n/360-inch line feed rate/ESC +.................................................................................................. 63
Execution of horizontal tab/HT.....................................................................................................................65
Setting vertical tab positions/ESC B ............................................................................................................. 66
Execution of vertical tab/VT ......................................................................................................................... 66
Specifying the absolute position/ESC $ ........................................................................................................ 67
Specifying the relative position/ESC ¥ .........................................................................................................68
Setting the VFU tab /ESC b ..........................................................................................................................69
Specifying the VFU channel/ESC /............................................................................................................... 69
Back space/BS............................................................................................................................................... 70
Selecting the font style/ESC k....................................................................................................................... 71
Selecting the character code table/ESC t....................................................................................................... 72
Selecting the international character set/ESC R............................................................................................ 73
Collectively specifying a printing mode/ ESC!............................................................................................. 84
Selecting character style/ ESC q ...................................................................................................................85
Setting the spacing of characters/ESC SP ..................................................................................................... 86
Aligning the characters/ESC a ......................................................................................................................87
Specifying the download character set/ESC % .............................................................................................88
Copying character set/ESC : .........................................................................................................................89
Defining the download characters/ESC & ....................................................................................................90
Selecting the bit image mode/ESC *.............................................................................................................92
Setting bit image repeat/ESC * ..................................................................................................................... 94
8-dot single density bit image/ESC K ........................................................................................................... 95
8-dot double density bit image/ESC L .......................................................................................................... 95
8-dot double speed/density bit image/ESC Y................................................................................................ 96
8-dot quadruple density bit image/ESC Z ..................................................................................................... 96
Changing the bit image mode/ESC ? ............................................................................................................97
Initializing the printer/ESC @....................................................................................................................... 98
Cancelling high order side control code/ESC 6 ............................................................................................99
Setting high order side control code/ESC 7 ................................................................................................ 100
Deleting one character/DEL........................................................................................................................ 101
Appendix b: Black Mark Specification....................................................................................................... 102
Citizen original command
Setting the top of form (TOF) /ESC~B
[ASCII] ESC ~ B m n1 n2
[Decimal] 27 7E 66 m n1 n2
[Hexadecimal] 1B 126 42 m n1 n2
[Parameter] m = 1, 3
m = 255: Checking the setting rate
● For setting, only binary data are acceptable.
m = 1: Setting the normal form feed
3. Setting the form feed at marker detection
● Sets the feed rate for auto feeding. The feed rate for normal operation and marker detection can be set.
● Calculation unit for n1, n2 is dot (1 dot=1/8mm). Setting value: “n1+(n2×256)dot”.
● The set values are stored in the flash memory and remain effective even after the power is off.
● Do not use this command together with other print commands because it writes data into the flash memory.
● When setting a feed rate for marker detection, be sure to set a value greater than the mark width (ESC~e).
● After data are stored in the flash memory, the printer power is automatically turned OFF. The set values become
effective when the power is turned ON again.
● Default value for form feed is set at 95 in normal operation and 194 in black mark detection.
● Setting check
Setting can be checked by specifying m=255.
ESC ~ 255 0: Prints the setting
ESC ~ 255 1: Returns the setting (only when the cable interface is used).
(Print result)
VTOP : 95
(Return result)
[Hexadecimal packet]
*1 *2 *3
*1: Return start code
*2: Form feed setting rate in normal operation (word length)
*3: Form feed setting in black mark detection (word length)
* The form feed setting for normal operation is used when auto feed operation is set to enable in the internal
setting of the printer. The form feed setting for marker detection is used when black mark operation is set
to enable in the internal setting of the printer. Refer to the section on internal settings of printer.
Setting power OFF time/ESC~O
[Decimal] 27 126 79 n
[Hexadecimal] 1B 7E 4F n
[Parameter] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
● Specifies the auto power OFF time. If no data is received or operated during a set period of time after the last receive of
data or the last operation of the FEED button, the printer power will be automatically turned off.
● Setting can be set up to 255 minutes in a minute unit. If you wish to set Power OFF setting as invalid, set
the time to 0 minute.
● Default setting is the time set as low power time in the internal setting of the printer.
● The set values are stored and kept in the flash memory.
● Do not use this command together with other print commands because it writes data into the flash memory.
● After data are stored in the flash memory, the printer power is automatically turned OFF. The set values
become effective when the power is turned ON again.
Val ue Tim e
0 No Power OFF
1 1 min.
10 10 min.
100 100 min.
255 255 min.
● During a print wait state (ie. when unprinted data are remaining in the printer due to an error, etc.), the printer power will
not be automatically turned OFF.
● Stores Windows bitmap data into the flash memory. The structure of bitmap data is the same as that of BMP file data.
Refer to Windows-related references for more details about BMP files.
● The structure of parameters is as follows.
{n1, n2, d1, d2, d3 … dn} ……… (1)
‘d1, d2 … dn’ is the same as the data structure of BMP files.
n1, n2 specify the BMP file size.
n1 specifies the remainder of BMP file size divided by 256.
n2 specifies the quotient of BMP file size divided by 256.
Sends the BMP file data after sending n1, n2.
Several BMP file data can be written at a time into the flash memory by repeating the parameter sequence (1). BMP file
data are assigned with a number accordingly in sequence from 0, based on which printing of BMP data is executed.
This sequence is completed by specifying 0 in n1 and n2 (no BMP file data).
● A registration area up to 64KB (64 × 1024 = 65536 bytes) is available.
● BMP file data registered in the flash memory before this command is sent will be all deleted.
● Data writing to the flash memory is available only a limited number of times. Avoid registering BMP files on a regular
● Do not use this command together with other print commands because it writes data into the flash memory.
【Restriction in BMP file】
● BMP files support only two-color materials.
● It does not support color pallets.
Printing the bit map data /ESC~b
[ASCII] ESC ~ b n
[Decimal] 27 126 98 n
[Hexadecimal] 1B 7E 62 n
[Parameter] 0 ≤ n ≤ 254
● Prints out BMP file data registered in the flash memory.
● Specify the number of the BMP data to be printed in the parameter ‘n’.
● When an unregistered number is specified, the command will be ignored.
● BMP images are printed in a printable area. When an image lies across right side areas, the image will not
be fully printed.
Specifing the font size /ESC~f
[ASCII] ESC ~ f m n
[Decimal] 27 126 102 m n
[Hexadecimal] 1B 7E 66 m n
[Parameter] m=0 or 30h
n=0,2 or 30h, 32h
● m=0: ANK font
● n= 0: 24 dot size character font
2: 16 dot size character font
● Default is 24 dot size font.
● Fonts of various sizes are selected for printing.
n1: Specify 1 for line printing mode (normal mode). Specify 3 for page printing mode or line print page-length setting
n2: Specify 0.
d1: Specify 0 for portrait line printing mode (normal mode). Specify 1 for landscape page printing mode. Specify 2 for
portrait page printing mode. Page length can be set with d2 and d3 parameters after specifying 3 (specifying n1 = 3) to
call up line printing mode.
d2, d3: Specify this parameter for switching to page printing mode or when 3 is specified in d1. Specify print width (actual
paper length) in dots. One dot is 1/203 inch. Divide the value by 256, and specify the remainder in d2 and the
quotation in d3. Up to 2374 dots can be specified. When d1 = 3, up to 4466 dots can be specified.
● Portrait line printing mode (normal print mode - The printer is in this mode at power-ON.)
Data are printed horizontally with the paper feed direction pointing upwards. A Feed command actually feeds a paper.
Upon receiving of a Terminate command (such as CR, LF), the printer starts printing immediately.
● Landscape page printing mode
Data are printed vertically with the paper feed direction pointing upwards. A Feed command does not actually feed a
paper, but moves the printing position horizontally. Actual printing starts when page feed (FF, ESC FF) is selected. The
page format is maintained even after form feed.
● Portrait page printing mode
Data are printed horizontally with the paper feed direction pointing upwards. A Feed command does not actually feed a
paper, but moves the printing position vertically. Actual printing starts when page feed (FF, ESC FF) is selected. The page
format is maintained even after form feed.
● Specifying the page length in line printing mode
Page length can be specified with line printing mode. Normally page length is specified with ESC C
command in ESC/P mode. With this command, however, page length can be set in dots.
● When page printing mode is specified, previous line print data that remain unprinted will be all printed. On the other hand,
when line printing mode is specified, previous page print data that remain unprinted will be all deleted.
● We recommend initializing the printer with ESC @ when switching to page printing mode or line printing
<Restriction in page printing mode>
The maximum logical paper length is 832 dots in landscape page printing mode. Maximum printing width is
11.69 inches (2374 dots/203 dpi).
● The maximum logical paper length in portrait page printing mode is the value specified in d2 and d3
parameters. Printing width is 832 dots.
Logical paper
length: 2374
dots max
Print width: 832 dots
Print width:
2374 dots max
Logical paper length: 832 dots
● At power-ON, page printing mode is canceled and the printer is switched to line printing mode.
● Printing density cannot be set by line in page printing mode. Sets the printing density for the entire page.
● In page mode, decoded data and the page format are maintained until a Form Feed command (FF, ESC FF)
is received. However, if page printing mode setting is executed again before a form feed, all previous data
will be lost.
● ESC @ Initialize command clears data decoded internally on the memory. Page printing mode itself cannot be
● In page printing mode, barcodes that lie across logical papers lengths are not printed.
● In page printing mode, when a print data is specified at a position that exceeds a logical paper length, the
data is decoded after automatic form feed.
● In page printing mode, when ANK double-height character printing (ESC w) is executed at the head of a page, the
double height characters cannot be fully printed, with their top area missed. In such a case, leave a one-line space before
printing double height characters.
● To return from page printing mode to line printing mode, turn off the power and then turn it on again, or specify line
printing mode separately.
Restriction on page length in line printing mode
● Page length can be specified up to 22 inch (22×203=4466 dots)
<Setting the Line Printing Mode>
Default is line printing mode. The following shows an example of program (BASIC) for switching from page printing
● Can be set by line unit (except in page printing mode).
● The initial value at power-on (default) is the value that is set as print density in the internal setting of the printer.
● Print density setting values return to default when an Initialize command is executed or print mode is changed.
Printer operating status report command / FS G
[Decimal] 28 71
[Hexadecimal] 1C 47
● When using the command, set the printer operating status return control to enable in the internal setting of
the printer.
● This command prints the printer operation status.
● Data to be returned are 2 bytes and are FBh + content (30h to 3Fh).
Paper-in 0
Paper-out 1 9
Battery normal 0
Battery needs recharging 1
printer head temperature
printer head temperature
Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 1 1
● Printing cannot be continued when printer head temperature becomes abnormal. Stop printing and leave
the printer for a while, or turn off the power and turn it on again after a while.
● When the data in the receiving buffer becomes full, a communication will be temporarily halted. In case of an error such
as paper-out, no printing will be executed. Therefore, the receiving buffer of the printer becomes full in a short time,
which may lead to a temporary communication halt. In such case, the printer may not be able to receive this command
from the host and the return function may not work properly.
● When using this command, do not send the command and print data at the same time. Whenever possible, execute each
command separately.
● In PD24, since received data in the buffer will not be processed under offline status such as paper out, the printer
monitors and returns the printer operating status report command at data receive level. Therefore, when the printer
status return control is set to enable in the internal setting of the printer, and if data, such as a bit image, contains a
character sequence which is the same as the printer operating status report command, the printer may identify the data
as this command and return the data. Since character sequences identified as the printer operating status report
command are directly sent to the receive data analysis part, these data will not be lost.
● During infrared communication, printer status is returned within the infrared connection at the time of
receive of the printer operating status report command. When the connection with the other station is
disconnected, printer status return data will be cleared.
Printing the compressed bit image/ ESC~G
[ASCII] ESC ~ G data
[Decimal] 27 126 71 data
[Hexadecimal] 1B 7E 47 data
[Data format]
There are following 4 types of data.
● String image data
● Repeat image data
● EOL (End Of Line)
● EOD (End Of Data)
(1) String image data
String image data prints the desired bit map data.
Format: c, d1, d2, d3, d4 … dn
‘c’ indicates data length and that the data in the following format is string data. Specify an image data with subsequent ‘dn’.
Data length can be specified from 1 to 127.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data length
O: String image
‘dn’ is 1-byte bitmap data and specifies a bitmap image in the raster direction.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Left← →Right
An example is shown below.
Data 05h
12h 34h 56h 78h 9Ah
Print result
dn 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(2) Repeat image data
Repeat image data repeats printing of the same bitmap data on a 1-byte basis.
c d
‘c’ indicates that the data in the following data format is repeat data and specifies the number of repetition of the data.
Specify an image data with the following ‘d’ value.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of repetition
1: Repeat image
The number of repetition can be specified from 1 to 127. ‘d’ is 1-byte bitmap data and specifies a bitmap
image in the raster direction.
Specifies the y1, y2Y coordinates.
Specifies in y1 the remainder of Y-coordinate value divided by 256.
Specifies in y2 the quotient of Y-coordinate value divided by 256.
Specifies the x1, x2X coordinates.
Specifies in x1 the remainder of X-coordinate value divided by 256.
Specifies in x2 the quotient of X-coordinate value divided by 256.
● Specifies the printing position with X, Y coordinates in landscape printing and portrait page printing mode.
● Unit for coordinate is 1/203.
● Cannot be used in normal printing mode (portrait line printing)
● With ESC~X, printing data can be overlapped.
● Position exceeding the right-left margin cannot be specified.
Setting the printing position of barcode character/GS H
[Decimal] 29 72 n
[Hexadecimal] 1 48 n
[Parameter] n = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 30h, 31h, 32h, 33h
● Selects the printing position of barcode character when printing the barcode
● “n” means as follows:
n printing position
0, 30h Cannot print
1, 31h Upper area of barcode
2, 32h Lower area of barcode
3, 33h Upper and lower area of barcode
● The initial value is n=0
● Changing the font size will not change the size of barcode character
● Returns to default value with initializing command.
Setting/Cancelling the turning of barcode/GS r
[ASCII] GS r n
[Decimal] 29 114 n
[Hexadecimal] 1D 72 n
[Parameter] n = 0, 1
● When n = 0, barcodes are positioned horizontally.
When n = 1, barcodes are positioned vertically.
● Default at power-ON is n = 0.
● When vertical positioning of barcodes is specified, barcode symbols turn around 90 degrees counterclockwise.
● Returns to default value with initializing command.
Setting the height of barcode/GS h
[ASCII] GS h n
[Decimal] 29 104 n
[Hexadecimal] 1D 68 n
[Parameter] 1 ≤ n ≤ FFh
● Selects the height of barcode.
● “n” indicates the number of dots in vertical direction.
The initial value is n=A2h (162 dots)
● Returns to default value with initializing command.
Setting the width of barcode/ GS w
[ASCII] GS w n
[Decimal] 29 119 n
[Hexadecimal] 1D 77 n
[Parameter] n = 2, 3, 4
● Selects the width of barcode
● “n” indicates the number of dots for narrow barcode in horizontal direction.
The initial value is n=3
● Returns to default value with initializing command.
Selecting the type of l barcode/ GS k
[Decimal] 29 107 n Dn NUL
[Hexadecimal] 1D 6B n Dn NUL
[Parameter] 1 ≤ n ≤ FFh
● Code: [1D] h + [6B] h + n + Ds + [00] h ..........1
0 ≤ n ≤ 6
● Code: [1D] h + [6B] h + n + s + Ds .............................2
41h ≤ n ≤ 49h Selects a barcode system and prints out the barcode.
● The beginning of line becomes the next print start position.
● “n” means as follows:
In case of 1:
n Barcode system Definition area of sDefinition area of D
0 UPC - A Bh ≤ s ≤ Ch 30h ≤ D ≤ 39h
1 UPC – E Bh ≤ s ≤ Ch 30h ≤ D ≤ 39h
2 JAN13 (EAN13) Ch ≤ s ≤ Dh 30h ≤ D ≤ 39h
3 JAN8 (EAN8) 7h ≤ s ≤ 8h 30h ≤ D ≤ 39h
4 CODE39 1 ≤ s
6 CODEBAR 1 ≤ s
1≤s (even
● This command is terminated by a NULL code. For UPC-A and UPC-E, upon input of 12-byte barcode data, the
barcode is printed out and subsequent data are processed as normal data.
● For JAN13, upon input of 13-byte barcode, the barcode is printed out and subsequent data are processed as normal data.
For JAN8, upon input of 8-byte barcode, the barcode is printed out and subsequent data are processed as normal data.
Be sure that the number of data of ITF barcode is always an even number. When the number of data is an odd number,
the last data will be ignored.
30h ≤ D ≤ 39h, 41h ≤ D ≤ 5Ah, 20h
24h, 25h, 2Bh, 2Dh, 2Eh, 2Fh
30h ≤ D ≤ 39h
30h ≤ D ≤ 39h, 41h ≤ D ≤ 44h, 24h
2Bh, 2Dh, 2Eh, 2Fh, 3Ah
In case of 2:
Barcode system Definition area of sDefinition area of D
41h UPC - A Bh≤ s≤ Ch 30h≤ D≤ 39h
48hCODE931 ≤ s ≤ FFH
49hCODE1282 ≤ s ≤ FFh0h ≤ D ≤ 7Fh
UPC - C Bh
JAN13 (EAN13) Ch
JAN8 (EAN8) 7h
≤ s≤ Ch 30h≤ D≤ 39h
≤ s≤ Dh 30h≤ D≤ 39h
≤ s≤ 8h
≤ s≤ FFH 30h≤ D≤39h
≤ s≤ FFH (even
≤ s≤ FFH
30h ≤ D ≤ 39h, 41h ≤ D ≤ 5Ah, 24h
25h, 2Bh, 2Dh, 2Eh, 2Fh
≤ D≤ 39h
30h ≤ D ≤ 39h, 41h ≤ D ≤ 44h, 24h
2Bh, 2Dh, 2Eh, 2Fh, 3Ah
≤ D≤ 7Fh
● ‘s’ indicates the number of data and processes ‘s’ bytes from the next data as barcode data.
● If ‘s’ is beyond the definition area, the command processing will be canceled and subsequent data will be processed as
normal data.
● If ‘D’ is beyond the definition area, only paper feed will be executed and subsequent data will be processed as normal
● If a character code ‘Dn’ is an unprintable character, subsequent data will be treated as normal characters.
● If the width of a barcode is beyond the printing area of the line, the barcode will not be printed and only paper feed will
be executed. Regardless of the line-feed rate set in ESC 3, ESC 2, etc., paper feed will be executed for the barcode
height (including characters when barcode characters are specified).
● After the printing of barcode, beginning of line becomes the next print start position.
● Barcode characters are not affected by emphasized printing, overlapped printing, underline, character size,
character decoration, etc.
● In page printing mode, barcodes positioned across logical paper lengths are not printed.
* CODE-128 supplementary explanation
● The head of barcode data must be a code set select character (one of CODE-A, CODE-B, or CODE-C). Select the first
code set from them.
● Specify special characters with ‘{’ and the subsequent 1 character, 2 characters in total. Specify the ASCII
character ‘{’ itself by sending ‘{’ twice consecutively.
● Refer to barcode-related books, etc. for the code set character structure of CODE-A, CODE-B, and CODEC.
● As an example, a case for printing 10-digit data in CODE 128 is shown.
When CODE A is specified and the barcode data is 1234567890, to send data to the printer:
[1D] [6B] [49] ---------- GS k n
[0C] ---------- s
[7B] [41] ---------- CODE A
[31] [32] [33] [34] [35] ---------- '12345'
[36] [37] [38] [39] [40] ---------- '67890'
[0D] [0A] ---------- CR LF
In this case, the parameter ‘s’ (data length) consists of 2 bytes indicating CODE A and 10 bytes indicating
the data ‘1234567890’, 12 bytes in total.
Selecting the type of two-dimensional barcode/GS~ k
[ASCII] GS ~ k n
[Decimal] 29 126 107 n
[Hexadecimal] 1D 7E 6B n
[Parameter] n = 0, 1
● Two-dimensional barcode is selected from ‘n’
● n = 0: PDF417
1: QR
● Detail of each barcode is illustrated as follows
PDF417 command format
GS ~ k n t e a1 a2 h w dl dh data
● n: PDF417 specification
n = Fixed at 00h
● t: PDF417 type
t = 00h: Normal type, default
01h: Omission type
● e: Error correction level
s = 00h to 08h (error correction level: 0 to 8). Default: 01h
a1, a2: Aspect ratio
a1 = 00h to 09h (vertical). Default is 01h.
a2 = 00h to 09h (horizontal). Default is 03h.
● h: Number of vertical symbol columns
h = 00h, 03h to 5Ah (90); 00h is automatically calculated; default is 00h
● w: Number of horizontal symbol code words.
w = 00h, 01h to 1Eh (30); 00h is automatically calculated; default is 00h
● dl, dh: Number of data
0 ≤ dh × 256 + dl bytes ≤ FFFFh
● data: barcode data
● A “code word” is a basic unit of symbol characters to be encoded. With PDF417, barcodes larger than 928 code words
cannot be printed. Depending on the error correction label selected, error correction code words may be added.
Therefore, code words of data to be printed need some space.
● A higher level of error correction level improves its correction performance, but at the same time, it also makes the size
of barcodes bigger.
● When printing barcode symbols by aspect ratio, specify 0 for both the number of vertical symbol columns ‘h’ and the
number of horizontal symbol code words ‘w.’
● When the number of vertical symbol columns ‘h’ is set to 00h, the number of vertical columns is determined based on
the number of horizontal symbol code words ‘w’ and the number of all data code words. At this time, if the number of
vertical columns exceeds 90, add some horizontal code words and obtain the number of vertical columns again. Repeat
this procedure until all code words fall into place. If the number of horizontal cord words exceeds 30, the data will be
treated as an error and will not be printed.
● When the number of horizontal symbol code words is set to 00h, the number of horizontal code words is determined
based on the number of vertical symbol columns and the number of all data code words. At this time, if the number of
horizontal code words exceeds 30, add some vertical columns and obtain the number of horizontal code words again.
Repeat this procedure until all code words fall into place. If the number of vertical columns exceeds 90, the data will be
treated as an error and will not be printed.
QR command operation
<Auto setting mode>
GS ~ k n a c p m e k i data NUL
<Manual Mode>
GS ~ k n a c p m e k i s (t data NUL) s
● n: QR specification
n = Fixed at 01h
● a:Division function. Prints the QR Division code at maximum of 16 units
a=00h:Default value-Division function unavailable 01h:Division function available
● c: Code number. Ignored when the division function is not used. Specifies the code number for dividing.
c = Upper 4 bits: Specify the code number from 1 to 16 (00h to 0Fh) Lower 4 bits: Specify the dividing number from 1 to 16 (00h to 0Fh)
Example) When the code number is 1 and the dividing number is 2: c = 01h
When the code number is 12 and the dividing number is 15: c = BEh
● p: Parity data. Ignored when the division function is not used. Functions as XOR value of all data.
● m: Model number
m-00h: Model 1 Version 1to 14 01h: Model 2 Version 1to 40 Default value
● e:Error correction level
e=00h: High density level [L] -Default value
01h: Standard level [M]
02h: Reliable level [Q] 03h: Highly reliable level [H]
● k: Mask number
k=00h to 07h: Mask 0 to 7
08h: No mask
09h: Auto selection -Default
● i: Data input mode
i=00h:Auto setting mode
01h: Manual mode
● Specifying data at Auto setting mode: The following manual mode data (numbers, alphanumeric characters, binary data,
and KANJI characters) can be specified freely. Add a NUL code (00h) at the end of data to indicate termination.
● Specifying data at Manual mode: ‘Character mode + data + NUL’ of ‘s’ units can be specified as a block of characterstring data.
● t: Character code mode
t = N (4Eh): Numbers and ASCII numbers 0 to 9 are supported.
A(41h):Alphanumeric characters 0 to 9, A-Z, space, $, %, *, +, −, /, :
B(42h): Binary 4 byte size character(n)+ (data) n
Example: 0003 (ASCII) + abc
0010 (ASCII) + 1234567890
● s: Size of character-string data repetition
Example) When s = 3:
3 <t + data + NUL > <t + data + NUL > <t + data + NUL>
● Division mode 1 and division mode 2 can be specified in QR division mode of the internal setting menu. Use division
mode 1 when the user divides data in advance before sending the data. In such cases, the printer only symbolizes this
data and information of a given code number. Use division mode 2 when dividing operation is left to the printer. The
printer divides and symbolizes the given data in the printer at the same time based on the code number specification of
the code number and information of the dividing number specification. Note that, in either mode, the parity value of all
data must be always specified for parity data. Especially in division mode 1, where the user divides data, the parity code
reader will fail to combine QR codes unless the parity value of all data before data are divided is set for parity data.
● Choose an appropriate error correction level in accordance with the use environment. When using the
printer in an environment where printed QR codes may easily get dirty, you can improve the reading ratio
of the barcode reader by employing a higher error correction level.
● Use a mask number in such cases that reading is adversely affected by, for example, uneven symbols or a
pattern similar to the position detection pattern at a state where symbol data are allocated. Auto selction is
normally acceptable.
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