Citizen iDP-3410 User Manual

Manufacturer's Name : Japan CBM Corporation Manufacturer's Address :
Declare the Product
Product Name : Dot Matrix Printer Model Number (s) :
Conform to the following Standards
LVD : EN60950 : 1992+A1+A2+A3+A4 EMC : EN55022 : 1994 Class A
iDP3410 User's Manual
Declaration of Conformity
iDP3410 (iDP3410R/P, iDP3410S/C, iDP3410T/I) (S.NO.98X0001 - )
EN61000-3-2 : 1995 EN61000-3-3 : 1995 EN50082-1 : 1992 IEC801-2 : 1991 4KV CD, 8KV AD IEC801-3 : 1984 3V/m, 26MHz-1000MHz AM1KHz 80% IEC801-4
: 1988 0.5KV Signal Line ± 1KV AC mains
Supplementary Information "The product complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC"
Place : Tokyo, Japan
Date : September1995 Signature:
Full Name : Mikio Moriya Position : General Manager
R & D Department
Europe Contact :
Norco Declaration AB Box 7146 S-250 07 Helsingborg, Sweden
This is a Class A products. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Ce produit de class A. Dans environement domestique, il peut causer des interférences radio. Auquel cas, l’utilisateur sera amené à prendre les mesures adéquates.
Dies ist ein Klasse A Produkt. In einer örtlichen Umgebung kann dieses Gerät Funkstörungen verusachen.
Este es un producto de la clase A. En ambientes domésticos éste producto puede causar radio Interferencias en cuyo caso el usuari o de berá tomar las medldas oportunas.
Dit is een klasse A produkt. Het gebruik hiervan kan radio interferenties veroorzaken die de gebruiker ertoe kunnen dwingen sommige maatregelen te moeten treffen.
iDP3410 User's Manual
Read all of these instructions and save them for future reference.
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use
a damp cloth for cleaning.
Do not use this product near water.
Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand or table. The product may fall, causing serious
damage to the product.
Slots and openings on the back or bottom of the case are provided for ventilation. To ensure reliable
operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, do not block or cover these openings. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug of other similar surface. This product should neve r be placed near or over a radiator or heater. This product should not be placed in an built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.
This product should be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you
re not sure of the type of power available, consult your dealer or local power company.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not place this product where the cord will be
walked on.
If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total of the ampere ratings of the
products plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total of all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 15 amperes.
Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous
voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or e lectric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
Except as explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attempt to service this product by yourself.
Opening and removing the covers that are marked “Do Not Remove” may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing on those compartments to service personnel.
Unplug this product fr om the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the
following conditions: A. When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed. B. If liquid has been spilled into the product. C. If the product has been exposed to rain or water. D. If the product does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed. Adjust
only those controls that are covere d be the operating instructions since improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified
technician to restore the product to normal operation. E. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged. F. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service.
Please keep the poly bag which this equipment is packed in away from children or throw it away to
prevent children from putting it on. Putting it on may cause suffocation.
iDP3410 User's Manual
Lesen Sie die nachfolgenden Anweisungen sorgfältig durch und bewahren Sie sie auf.
Befolgen Sie alle auf dem Drucker vermerkten Hinweise und Anweisungen. Vor dem Reinigen
grundsätzlich Stecker aus der Steckdose ziehen. Ke ine Flüssigkeiten oder Aerosolreiniger benutzen. Nut mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen.
Der Drucker darf nicht in der Nähe von Wasser aufgestellt werden.
Drucker nicht auf einem unstabilen Wagen, Stand oder Tisch aufstellen. Der Drucker könnte
herunterfallen und dabel beschädigt werden.
Schlitze und Öffnungen im Gehäuse, in der Rückwand und im Boden dienen der Belüftung. Sie
dürfen keinesfalls zugedeckt oder blockiert werden, da sich der Drucker sonst überhitzt. Drucker nicht auf ein Bett, Sofa, Teppich oder dergleichen stellen. Drucker nicht in der Nähe eines Heizkörpers aufstellen. Drucker darf nicht eingebaut werden, falls nicht für ausreichende Belüftung gesorgt ist.
Drucker nur mit der auf dem Typschild angegebenen Spannung betreiben. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher
sind, fragen Sie ihren Händler oder ihr zuständiges Elektrizitätswerk.
Nichts auf das Stromanschlußkabel stellen. Kabel muß so verlegt werden, daß man nicht darauftreten
Ein etwaiges Verlängerungskabel muß der Stromstärke aller daran angeschlossenen Geräte
Keine Gegenstände in die Gehäuseschlitze schieben.
Drucker darf nur da gewartet werden, wo im Handbuch angegeben, Öffnen und. Abnehmen von
Abdeckungen, die mit “Do not remove” gekennzeichenet sind, könnte gefährliche spannungführende Stellen oder sonstige Gefahrenpunkte freilegen. Die War tung solcher Stellen darf grundsätzlich nur von besonders ausgebildetem Fachpersonal vorgenommen werden. A. Wenn das Stromanschlußkabel oder der Stecker beschädigt oder durch-gescheuert ist. B. Wenn Flüssigkeit auf dem Drucker verschüttet wurde. C. Wenn der Drucker im Regen gestanden hat oder Wasser darauf verschüttet wurde. D. Wenn der Drucker trotz genauer Befolgung der Betriebsvorschriften nicht richtig arbeitet. Nur die
in der Bedienungsanleitung angegebenen Einstellungen vornehmen. Ein Verstellen anderer
Bedienungselemente könnte den Drucker beschädigen und macht umständliche Arbeiten eines
qualifizierten Technikers erforderlich, um den Drucker Wieder auf den normalen Betrieb
einzustellen. E. Wenn der Drucker heruntergefallen ist oder das Gehäuse beschädigt wurde. F. Wenn der Drucker in seiner Leistung nachläßt.
Bitte halten Sie den Kunststoffbeutel, in den die Ware verpackt ist, von Kindern entfernt, oder werfen
Sie ihn weg, damit er nicht in die Hande von Kindern gerät. Das Überstülpen des Beutels kann zum Ersticken führen.
Lärmemis sion kleiner 70dBA
iDP3410 User's Manual
IMPORTANT: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 off FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to c orrect the interference.
CAUTION: Use shielded cable for this equipment.
Die Steckdose zum Anschluß dieses Druckers muß nahe dem Grät angebracht und leicht zugänglich sein.
For Uses in Canada
This digital apparatus does not exceed the class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital, apparatus, as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian department of communications.
Pour L’utilisateurs
Cet appareil numérique ne dépasse pas les limites de carégorie a pour les émissions de bruit radio émanant d’appareils numériques, tel que prévu dans les réglements sur l’interférence radio du départment Canadien des communications.
iDP3410 User's Manual
1. Prior to using the equipment, be sure to read this User's Manual thoroughly. Please keep it handy for reference whenever it may be needed.
2. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.
3. Reproduction of part or all of this User's Manual without permission is strictly prohibited.
4. Never service, disassemble, or repair parts that are not mentioned in this User's Manual.
5. Note that we will not be responsible for damages attributable to a user's incorrect operation/ handling or an improper operating environment.
6. Operate the equipment only as described in this User's Manual; otherwise accidents or problems may result.
7. Data are basically temporary; they cannot be stored or saved permanently or for a long time. Please note that we will not be responsible for damages or losses of profit resulting f rom losses of the data attributable to accidents, repairs, tests, and so on.
8. If you have any questions or notice any clerical errors or omissions regarding the information in this manual, please contact our office.
9. Pl ease note tha t, no twiths tandin g Item 8 above, we will not be responsible for any effects resulting from operation of the equipment.
iDP3410 User's Manual
In order to prevent hazards to an operator or other persons and damage to property, be sure to observe the following precautions.
The following describes the degrees of hazard and damages that can occur if the given instructions are
neglected or the equipment is incorrectly operated.
WARNING Negligence of this precaution may result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION Negligence of this precaution may result in injury or damage to property.
This is an illustration mark used to alert your attention.
This is an illustration mark used to indicate such information as an instruction or the like.
iDP3410 User's Manual
Never handle the equipment in the following manners, as it may break, become out of order, or overheat
causing smoke and resulting in fire or electric shock. If the equipment is used in an abnormal condition, such as when broken, then problems, smoke emission, abnormal odor/noise, and fire can result. If an abnormal condition exists, be sure to turn off the power, disconnect the power plug from a plug socket, and contact our dealer. Never repair the equipment on your own - it is very dangerous.
Do not allow the equipment to receive a strong impact or shock, such as kicking, stomping, hitting,
dropping, and the like.
Install the equipment in a well-ventilated place. Do not use it in such a manner that its ventilation port will
be blocked.
Do not install the equipment in a place like a laboratory where chemical reactions are expected, or in a place
where salt or gases are contained in the air.
Do not connect/disconnect a power cord or a data cable, while holding the cable. Do not pull, install, use, or
carry the equipment in such a manner that force will be applied to the cables.
Do not drop or insert any foreign substances, such as clips or pins, into the equipment.
Do not spill any liquid or spray any chemical-containing liquid over the equipment. If any liquid is spilled
on it, turn off the power, disconnect the power cable and power cord from the plug socket, and so on, a nd contact our dealer.
Do not disassemble or remodel the equipment. Negligence of this may cause fire or electric shock.
Should you drop or break this AC adapter by any chance, unplug it immediately and contact our office.
Using it in that condition may result in fire or electric shock.
Should water enter inside the equipment by any chance, unplug it and contact our offic e. Using it in that
condition may result in fire or electric shock.
Use the equipment only with the specified commercial power supply. Negligence of this may result in fire,
electric shock, or problems.
Do not damage, break, process, bend/pull by force, twist, or bundle an AC adapter cord. Also, do not put a
heavy substance on it or heat it. The AC adapter could be broken, resulting in fire, electric shock, or trouble. If the AC adapter cord is damaged, contact our office.
Do not connect/disconnect the AC adapter with wet hands. It may result in electric shock or other problems.
Do not overload a single electrical outlet, using a table tap or a current tap socket. It may result in fire or
electric shock.
An equipment packing bag must be discarded or kept away from children. A child can suffocate if the bag
is placed over the head.
iDP3410 User's Manual
Do not use or store the equipment in a place exposed to fire, moisture, or direct sunlight, or in a place near a
heater or a thermal device where the prescribed operating temperature and humidity are not met, or in a place exposed to much oil, iron powder, or dust. The e quipment may become out of order, emit smoke, or catch fire.
Do not install the equipment in a place like a laboratory where chemical reactions are expected, or in a place
where salt or gases are contained in the air. There is a danger of fire or electric shock.
Do not put any object on the printer. It may cause trouble.
Do not use the equipment near a radio or TV receiver. Do not share the power from a plug socket a radio or
TV receiver is connected to. It may cause a reception problem.
Use the equipment only at the specified voltage and frequency. Otherwise, it may emit smoke and catch fire
or cause other problems.
Confirm that a plug socket used for connection has sufficient capacity.
Do not overload a single electrical outlet in connecting the power cable. It may result in the cable catching
fire or a power outage. Also, do not stamp or put any object on the cable.
Never connect a grounding cable to a gas pipe. There is a danger of explosion. When connecting or
disconnecting the grounding cable, be sure to disconnect the power plug from the plug socket.
When connecting/disconnecting the cables, be sure to turn off the power first, including the connected side,
and then connect/disconnect them, holding a plug and a connector. Do not pull or carry the equipment with a load applied to the cable.
Connect a connector cable securely. If a reverse-polarity connection is made, internal elements may be
broken or a mating device may be adversely affected.
Use a shielding wire or twisted pair wire for a signal line, in order to minimize noise effect. Avoid
connecting to a device that is likely to generate noise.
When a drawer kick connector is provided, do not connect any device other than the prescribed solenoid
specifications. Negligence of this could cause trouble.
Use the equipment in a n environment where there is a plug socket near the main body and you can easily
disconnect the power plug from it, to shut off the power.
When the equipment will not be used for a long period of time, unplug it.
When transporting the equipment, remove the rolled paper from it.
Install the equipment on a flat, stable desk in a well-ventilated place free from vibrations. (Do not block the
ventilation port.)
iDP3410 User's Manual
Do not handle the equipment in the following manners, because problems may result.
Do not use a power supply other than the specified AC adapter.
Do not print when there is no recording paper or ink ribbon set in the e quipment. The print head may be
Be careful not to drop foreign substances, such as clips, pins, and screws, into the main body.
Do not spill any liquid or spray any chemical-containing liquid over the equipment.
Do not stamp on, drop, hit, or give a strong shock to the equipment.
Never use a pointed object, such as a pen, to operate the operation panel.
Do not use Scotch tape to fasten paper together for continuous use.
Never pull the set paper forcibly. When opening/closing the printer cover, take care that the p aper will not
be caught.
To Prevent Injury and Spreading of Damage
Do not touch the printing part of the print head.
When turning on the power, do not touch the moving parts, such as a cutter and gear inside the main body,
or electric parts.
Be careful to avoid bodily injure or damaging other objects with an edge of sheet metal.
Should any error occur while operating the equipment, stop it immediately and disconnect the power plug
from the plug socket.
Should a problem occur, leave solving it to our serviceman. Do not disassemble the e quipment on your
When opening/closing the cover, and so on, be careful not to catch your hand or finger on the equipment.
iDP3410 User's Manual
Prior to starting maintenance work, be sure to turn off the main body.
Use a dry soft cloth to wipe off stains and dust from the surfaces of the main body case. For severe soiling,
dip the cloth in water and wring it, for wiping off the soil. Never use organic solvents, such as a lcohol, thinner, trichlene, benzene, ketone, or chemical dusters.
If the equipment is contaminated with paper powder, use a soft brush to clean it.
iDP3410 User's Manual


1. OUTLINE...............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Features.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Unpacking...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. BASIC SPECIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................2
2.1 Model Classification....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Basic Specifications........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Paper Specification......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 Recommended Paper............................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Printing Position...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Cutter Layout........................................................................................................................................... 4
3. OUTER APPEARANCE AND COMPONENT PARTS .........................................................................5
4. OPERATION..........................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Connecting AC Adapter................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Connecting Interface Cable............................................................................................................................ 7
4.3 Connecting Drawer Kick-Out Connector....................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Setting the Cassette Ribbon............................................................................................................................ 8
4.5 Inserting the Paper.......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.6 How to Remove Remaining Paper Roll........................................................................................................ 11
4.7 Removing Paper Jam.................................................................................................................................... 11
4.8 Operation Panel and Display of Error .......................................................................................................... 12
4.9 Operation Flow at Power-on......................................................................................................................... 13
5. DIP SWITCH SETTING.......................................................................................................................14
5.1 Location of DIP Switch................................................................................................................................ 14
5.2 DIP Switches Setting.................................................................................................................................... 15
6. PRESET JUMPER SETTING..............................................................................................................17
6.1 Location of Preset Jumper............................................................................................................................ 17
6.2 Preset Jumper Table...................................................................................................................................... 17
7. MODE SETTING METHOD.................................................................................................................18
8. INPUT BUFFER BACKUP FUNCTION..............................................................................................19
8.1 Buffer Size.................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 Input Buffer Backup..................................................................................................................................... 19
8.3 Clearing the Input Buffer.............................................................................................................................. 19
9. PARALLEL INTERFACE.....................................................................................................................20
9.1 Specifications............................................................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Connector's Pin Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 20
9.3 Input and Output Signals.............................................................................................................................. 21
9.3.1 Input and Output Signals....................................................................................................................... 21
9.3.2 Electrical Characteristics....................................................................................................................... 22
9.3.3 Timing Chart......................................................................................................................................... 23
9.3.4 Data Receiving Control......................................................................................................................... 23
10. SERIAL INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................24
10.1 Specifications............................................................................................................................................. 24
10.2 Connector's Pin Configuration ................................................................................................................... 25
10.3 Input and Output Signals............................................................................................................................ 26
10.3.1 Input and Output Signals..................................................................................................................... 26
10.3.2 Data Configuration............................................................................................................................. 28
10.3.3 Error Detection.................................................................................................................................... 29
10.3.4 Data Receiving Control....................................................................................................................... 29
10.3.5 Buffering ............................................................................................................................................. 29
10.3.6 Electrical Characteristics..................................................................................................................... 30
iDP3410 User's Manual
11. DRAWER KICK-OUT CONNECTOR AND POWER CONNECTOR................................................31
11.1 Specifications of Drawer Kick-Out Connector...........................................................................................31
11.2 Connector's Pin Configuration ................................................................................................................... 31
11.3 Drive Circuit............................................................................................................................................... 31
11.4 Specifications of Power Supply Connector................................................................................................ 32
12. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE ......................................................................................................33
13. PRINT CONTROL FUNCTIONS.......................................................................................................34
13.1 CBM Mode................................................................................................................................................. 34
13.1.1 Command List..................................................................................................................................... 34
13.1.2 Description of Items............................................................................................................................ 35
13.2 STAR Mode................................................................................................................................................ 52
13.2.1 Command List..................................................................................................................................... 52
13.3 ESC/POS Commands................................................................................................................................. 83
13.3.1 Command List..................................................................................................................................... 83
14. CHARACTER CODES TABLE .......................................................................................................104
14.1 CBM (Domestic)...................................................................................................................................... 104
14.2 CBM (International)................................................................................................................................. 105
14.3 STAR (Domestic)..................................................................................................................................... 106
14.4 STAR (International)................................................................................................................................ 107
14.5 Code Page 437.......................................................................................................................................... 108
14.6 Katakana................................................................................................................................................... 109
14.7 Code Page 850.......................................................................................................................................... 110
14.8 Code Page 860.......................................................................................................................................... 111
14.9 Code Page 863.......................................................................................................................................... 112
14.10 Code Page 865........................................................................................................................................ 113
14.11 Code Page 852........................................................................................................................................ 114
14.12 Code Page 866........................................................................................................................................ 115
14.13 Code Page 857........................................................................................................................................ 116
14.14 Windows Code ....................................................................................................................................... 117
14.15 International Character Codes Table ...................................................................................................... 118
APPENDIX 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM........................................................................................................119
APPENDIX 2. OUTLINE DRAWING.....................................................................................................120
iDP3410 User's Manual
4. BETRIEB...........................................................................................................................................128
4.1 Anschluß des Netzteils............................................................................................................................... 128
4.2 Anschluß des Schnittstellenkabels ............................................................................................................. 129
4.3 Anschluß des Ausschubmechanismussteckers der Geldschublade ............................................................ 129
4.4 Einsetzen der Farbbandkassette.................................................................................................................. 130
4.5 Einlegen der Papierrolle............................................................................................................................. 131
4.6 Entfernen des restlichen Druckpapiers....................................................................................................... 133
4.7 Beseitigung von Papierstaus....................................................................................................................... 133
4.8 Bedienfeld und Fehleranzeigelämpchen..................................................................................................... 134
4.9 Betriebsfluß beim Einschalten.................................................................................................................... 135
5. DIP-SCHALTER-EINSTELLUNG.....................................................................................................136
5.1 Lage der DIP-Schalter................................................................................................................................ 136
5.2 DIP-Schalter-Einstellungen........................................................................................................................ 137
6. EINSTELLUNG DER VORWAHL-JUMPERSTECKER....................................................................139
6.1 Lage der Vorwahl-Jumperstecker............................................................................................................... 139
6.2 Vorwahl-Jumperstecker-Tabelle................................................................................................................. 139
7. METHODE FÜR MODUSEINSTELLUNG........................................................................................140
12. WARTUNG UND DIENST ...............................................................................................................141
CITIZEN, CITIZEN logo are registered trademark of CITIZEN WATCH CO., LTD. ESC/POS and EPSON are a trademark and registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON Corporation. STAR is a registered trademark of Star Micronics Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
iDP3410 User's Manual


This is a small-size dot impact printer developed for various data communication terminals, POS terminals, kitchen-use printers, bank card, terminals, and so on. Its abundant built-in features allow you to widely use this printer for different applications. Prior to using it, rea d and understand this manual thoroughly.

1.1 Features

(1) Small size, light weight, and low price (2) High-speed print (Bi-directional) (3) Red and black print (4) Very easy paper loading by the auto loading function (5) Paper end detecting function (6) Power supply through an AC adapter

1.2 Unpacking

(1) When unpacking the printer, confirm that the following parts are provided.
Printer body 1 unit
Cassette ribbon 1 piece
Sample paper roll 1 roll
AC adapter 1 piece
User's manual 1 copy
CAUTION : • Install the printer on a flat and stable desk.
Do not install the printer near a heater or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.
Do not use the printer in a high-temperature, high-humidity, and contaminated
Do not allow dew condensation on the printer. If dew is condensed on it, leave the
power turned off until dew condensation is gone.


2.1 Model Classification

The printer model is classified by the following designation method.
iDP3410 - R F 120
Model Name
AC adapter 120: For 120 V AC 230: For 230 V AC
iDP3410 User's Manual
Character Set F: International
Interface CBM Mode R: Serial(RS-232C D-Sub) P: Parallel(CENTRONICS-based) STAR Mode S: Serial(RS-232C mini DIN) C: Parallel(CENTRONICS-based) ESC/POS Mode T: Serial(RS-232C D-S ub)
I: Parallel(CENTRONICS-based)
Exclusive AC Adapter Types and Power Cords
34AD-U (120 V 2-core cord)
34AD-E (230 V 2-core cord)
iDP3410 User's Manual

2.2 Basic Specifications

iDP3410-*F120 iDP3410-*F230
Item Printer mechanism DP-410 Series (CITIZEN) Print method Serial dot impact method (Bi-directional print) Print width 64 mm Print head 9 pins Print speed Approx. 3 lines/sec. (At single-color continuous print) Print columns 40 columns or 42 columns (Selectable with the DIP switch) Character size Character types Alphanumeric, International characters, Code page 850, 860, 863, 865, 852, 866,
Line spacing 4.23 mm(1/6 inch) or 2.82(1/9 inch);
Ink ribbon Special purpose ribbon cartridge, Red/black or single color(black) Interface Serial (RS-232C), Parallel (CENTRONICS compliant)
Command system Print function Provided by operating the on-line, self-test, hex dump print function power
Input buffer 6 KB or 256 bytes (Selectable with the DIP switch) Buffer backup Within 24 hours (After 10 minutes or more of printer operation) Drawer 2-drawer or 1-drawer switch Auto loading Paper end detection Equipped (Stops printing when the paper runs out.) Supply voltage 120 V AC +/- 10 %,
Power consumption Not printing: Approx. 8 W Printing: Approx. 30 W W eight Main body: 1.25 kg AC adapter: 0.95 kg Outer dimensions
Operating temperature and humidity Storage temperature and humidity Reliability Print head: 80,000,000 characters
EMI standard
Safety Standard *1 TUV GS
*1.The AC adapter alone has acquired the Electric Appliances Control Act, UL Standard, C-UL Standard, and
TUV GS Standard.
1.31 mm (W)×3.1 mm (H)
857; Windows code
Minimum paper feed pitch 1.41 mm(1/18 inch) Ordinary paper and non-carbon paper 76+/-0.5 mm (W)×φ83 mm (O.D.); Single-sheet paper: 45 to 55 kg/1,000 sheets/1,091×788 mm
Copying paper: Non-carbon paper, 1 original + 1 copy, Total thickness 0.2 mm or less
CBM mode, STAR mode, ESC/POS mode The user can select the mode with the DIP switches and preset jumpers.
switches and FEED switch
Equipped (Automatically feeds the paper by several lines when it is inserted.)
230 V A C +/- 10 %,
50/60 Hz
34AD-U 34AD-EAC adapter
Output: 26 V DC, 1.15 A
144 (W) × 233 (D) × 121 (H) mm 040 °C, 3585 % RH (No dew condensation)
-20∼60°C, 10∼90 % RH (No dew condensation)
Mechanism: MCBF 2,500,000 lines
50/60 Hz
EN55022 Class-A
CE Marking

2.3 Paper Specification

2.3.1 Recommended Paper

Type : Normal paper and non-carbon paper
Paper width : 76 +/- 0.5 mm
Paper thickness : Single-sheet paper --- 4555 kg / 1,000 sheets / 1,091 x 788 mm;
Copying paper --- Non-carbon paper, 1 original + 1 copy,
Roll diameter : φ83 mm or less
Core : φ12 mm (Inner Diameter), φ18 mm (Outer Diameter)

2.3.2 Printing Position

iDP3410 User's Manual
Total thickness 0.2 mm or less

2.3.2 Cutter Layout

Cutting Position
Approx. 20 mm


iDP3410 User's Manual
iDP3410 User's Manual


4.1 Connecting AC Adapter

(1) Turn off the Power switch. (2) Connect the cable connector of the AC adapter to the power connector located on the back of the printer. (3) In order to prevent disconnection of the cable connector, put it through a wire saddle, as shown in the
figure below.
(4) Connect the AC power cord plug to a plug socket.
CAUTION : • Use only the specified AC adapter.
Use a different AC power supply from one used for any noise-generating device.
Do not use the accessory AC adapter for another device or application be sides this
When disconnecting the AC adapter, be sure to hold the AC adapter itself or the plug.
Do not pull its cord.
Pulling an AC adapter cord will damage it and may result in fire, electric shock, or
snapping of the wire.
If lightning is occurring in the area, disconnect the AC adapter from the plug socket
and do not use the equipment. A lightning strike could result in fire or electric shock.
Do not put the AC adapter cord near any thermal device. The coating of the power
cord can melt, resulting in fire or electric shock.
When the printer is not used for a long period of time, be sure to disconnect the AC
adapter from the plug socket, for safety.

4.2 Connecting Interface Cable

(1) Turn off the power. (Mating side included) (2) Check the top and bottom of the cable terminals, and connect to the interface connector. (3) Fix the cable terminals.
Serial Interface: Tighten screws, to fix.
Parallel Interface: Turn a stopper, to fix.
(4) Connect the cable to a computer.

4.3 Connecting Drawer Kick-Out Connector

iDP3410 User's Manual
(1) Turn off the power. (2) Chec k the top and bottom of the drawer kick-out cable connector, and connect it to the drawer kick-out
connector located on the back of the printer.
(3) Screw the grounding cable of the drawer to the grounding terminal of the printer.
CAUTION : Connect only the prescribed drawer (Solenoid) to the drawer kick-out connector.
iDP3410 User's Manual

4.4 Setting the Cassette Ribbon

(1) Open the printer cover. (2) I f the ribbon is slackened, turn the knob in the arrow-indicated direction to give the tension to it before
(3) W hile putting the ribbon in between the head cover and platen, push the locking claws into the holder of
the printer. (4) Turn the knob of the cassette ribbon in the arrow-indicated direction to eliminate slackness of the ribbon. (5) To remove the cassette ribbon, lift it while tilting the locking claws on both sides toward the inside.
iDP3410 User's Manual

4.5 Inserting the Paper

(1) Put your hands in the concave parts on both sides of the printer cover, and open it until it comes to a stop. (2) Cut the end of the paper roll at close to a right angle.
CAUTION : • Be sure to use the specified paper roll.
Use of unspecified paper may adversely affect print quality, printer service life, and so
The printer cover is not detachable. Do not apply an excessive force beyond its
stopping position.
Do not insert a frayed or bent end of paper into the printer.
(3) Check the winding direction of the paper roll. (4) Opening the paper holder, support the center of the paper roll correctly. (5) Turn on the printer. (6) Insert the end of the paper roll straight into the paper inlet slot (Indicated by an arrow on the case). (7) The paper is automatically fed in and comes out of the paper outlet slot of the printer. (8) Close the printer cover and cut the surplus paper with a tear bar.
CAUTION : • If the paper is slack, rewind it, to remove the slack.
If the paper is set slantwise, operate the paper-free lever, to correct the paper position.
While printing, do not hold the paper. This can cause a paper jam.
iDP3410 User's Manual

4.6 How to Remove Remaining Paper Roll

(1) Open the printer cover. (2) Pushing the paper-free lever in the arrow direction, pull out the paper roll.
CAUTION : When pulling out the paper (Forward/Reverse direction), be sure to operate the paper-
free lever.
iDP3410 User's Manual

4.7 Removing Paper Jam

(1) Open the printer cover. (2) Cut off the paper near the paper inlet slot. (3) Push the paper-free leve r in the arrow dir ection. The paper feed roller is disengaged, to free the paper,
allowing you to eliminate the jammed paper. (4) Eliminate completely the paper remaining in the paper route.
CAUTION : When pulling out the paper (Forward/Reverse direction), be sure to operate the paper-
free lever.

4.8 Operation Panel and Display of Error

(1) POWER lamp(Green)
Illuminated when the power is turned on. (2) ERROR lamp(Red)
Illuminated when the printer is out of paper or has a printer mechanical error or communication error.
<Details of Errors>
Paper end ----- If the paper runs out, the paper sensor located in the paper course near the print
head detects a paper end, turning on the ERROR LED, thus stopping the printer. If the paper is inserted into the paper course, it is loaded.
Printer mechanism error ----- If the printer mechanism is abnormally loaded due to a paper jam,
etc., the ERROR LED is illuminated, to stop the printer.
(3) FEED switch
The paper is fed by one line by pressing this switch for a short time, and it is fed continuously by holding
down the switch.
(4) FEED switch and Power switch
Self-print is performed by turning on the Power switch while pressing the FEED switch.
iDP3410 User's Manual

4.9 Operation Flow at Power-on

Feed SW ?
iDP3410 User's Manual
Buffer data
1 Sec. Passed
Prints" =H exadecimalDu mp =
Dump Mode
"Clear Data in Buffer"
Yes(FEED SW) and Enlarged
Red Print
Test Print
Buffer Data
1 Sec. Passed
Input Buffer Clear
rints "Power Down(Data i
uffer)" in Red, Followed b uffer Contents.
Waits for Data Input


5.1 Location of DIP Switch

(1) Turn off the power. (2) Remove a cassette ribbon. The DIP switches are located as shown in the figure below.
(Only DS1 provided for the parallel interface)
iDP3410 User's Manual

5.2 DIP Switches Setting

1) DIP Switch 1 No. Function ON OFF
DS1-1 Auto cutter Yes No OFF DS1-2 DS1-3 DS1-4 DS1-5 Paper used 2P 1P OFF DS1-6 CR mode See the Table below OFF DS1-7 Number of columns 42 40 ON DS1-8 Buffer size 6K bytes 256 bytes ON DS1-9 Operation mode OFF *3
*1, *3 : Depends on the type. *2 : Depends on the destination.
International Character Selection Character Code Selection
U.S.A. ON ON ON Code 437 France OFF ON ON Code 850 Code 850 Code 850
Germany ON OFF ON
Denmark ON ON OFF
Japan OFF OFF OFF Katakana
International characters
DS1-2 DS1-3 DS1-4
iDP3410 User's Manual
Upon Shipment from F acto ry
ON *2
″ ″
See the Table below
See the table below
CBM mode Star mode
″″ ″ ″″ ″ ″″ ″ ″″ ″ ″″ ″
ON *2 ON *2
OFF *3
See the International Character Codes Table and Character Codes Table.
CR mode(DS1-6) Operation Mode DS1-9 DS1-10
2) DIP Switch 2
No. Function ON OFF Factory Setting DS2-1 Bit length 8 bits 7 bits ON DS2-2 Parity No Yes ON DS2-3 Odd/Even Odd Even ON DS2-4 Communication mode DTR/DSR XON/XOFF ON
DS2-5 Baud rate ON DS2-6 ON DS2-7
DS2-8 Unused
See the table below
Baud rate
Baud ra te(bps)
DS2-5 DS2-6 DS2-7 150 OFF OFF OFF 300 OFF OFF ON 600 OFF ON OFF
1200 OFF ON ON 2400 ON OFF OFF 4800 ON OFF ON 9600 ON ON OFF
19200 ON ON ON
iDP3410 User's Manual
The DIP switch 2 is used only for the serial interface.
(Note) Setting of the paper used simply changes the drive pulse width to the printing head; it does not
mean that 2 ply paper is not available for the 1 ply setting. The same applies to when 1 ply paper is used for the 2 ply setting.
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