Cisco WLL701X User Manual

Cisco WLL701X User Manual

5G W reless Audio Transcei ver/Receiver M odule

WLL7 010 D1 13 / WLL7011 D113

1.Module dimensio ns and lay ut

2.Antenna info Brand: AMTRAN Antenna type: PCB

Max Peak gain: 5.36 dBi

3.Featur e:

DARR 83 Wireless Audio Proc essor

5.2 / 5 .8 GHz RF ransceiver Embe dded antennas

Digita l audio interfaces (I2S a nd/or S/PD IF) I2C co ntrol interfa ce

26 pins header co nnector for power, di gital audio and control interface and GPIOs Built in 1MB SPI interface Fl ash

4.How to use this m odule

WLL7 010 D113 / WLL7011 113 was d esign to em bedded for SoundBar/Woofer tra nsfer audio signal use, while user turn on the power of the Host device. ( or exampl e, SoundBa r/woofer or other mobile device), WLL70 10 D113 / WLL7011 D 113 will pair automatically, and transfer audio signal by th e radiated signal.

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