imageRUNNER ADVANCE DX C478 Series
The future of business is digital. Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE DX is a new generation of smart multifunction devices, designed to
support and accelerate every step of your digital transformation. Built with Canon’s imageRUNNER ADVANCE DNA , state-of-the-art
technology and software work hand-in-hand to digitise, automate and optimise content-centric workflows.
Canon’s imageRUNNER ADVANCE DX C478 Series oers fast and productive colour A4 multifunction devices to accelerate document
digitisation and digital workflows. Eco-conscious operation delivers improved sustainability, meeting hybrid oce needs with eortless
device maintenance and a compact design: an all-in-one toner cartridge increases device uptime, while the small footprint ensures a
natural fit, even in oces where space is at a premium.
Advanced finishing options and innovative technologies provide streamlined workflows for high productivity, with device and data
protected by security encryption including McAfee Embedded Control. Further enhance cloud connectivity and document digitisation
by upgrading to uniFLOW Online*.

imageRUNNER ADVANCE DX C478 Series
• Clou d backup of address boo ks, dev ice settings an d
inform ation en sures rapid res toratio n in the even t that dat a
is lost
• Coll abora te secure ly and a ccess re -usable doc ument
format s from any wher e, at any tim e, on any d evice
• Clou d-ba sed uni FLOW Onli ne Exp ress com es as sta ndard ,
simpli fyin g print ma nage ment an d enha ncing d evice
• Reduce repe titive man ual tasks and i mprove wor kflows
with enh anced f eature s, such a s Filing Assist, from
uniFLOW On line*
• Opti mise workflows wi th integr ated doc ument c aptur e and
output management applications, including uniFLOW
Onlin e*, AirPrint, Mo pria, U nivers al Prin t by Micros oft an d
Cano n PRIN T Busin ess App
• Qui et ADF operati on minimises o ce disr uption , ideal f or
hybrid work environments
• Dig ital workflows su ppor t pape rless o r paper-l ite oces
• Red uce waste w ith high -qua lity sc annin g, including digita l
deskewing and advanced stain-resistant glass
• Low energy consumption and reduced emissions reduce
carbo n footpr int and r unnin g costs
*uniF LOW Onlin e is available as a De vice Base d Cloud Subscri ption for Docum ent Output an d Capture Man agement. Ba sed on business n eeds, users c an upgrade to uni FLOW Online to un lock a range of adva nced benefit s
includ ing: increas ed security wit h user authent ication meth ods; persona lised workflow s to enhance prod uctivity; re duced was tage by releasi ng jobs at the devic e; an intuitive cl oud dashboa rd to leverag e real-time d ata; greater
contro l over access and usa ge to reduce prin t costs.
NOTE – Cer tain features a re only enable d with the c ombination of i R-ADV DX and uniFL OW Online
• Reduce downtime with easy devic e mainte nance f rom a
mess-f ree, al l-in- one ton er car tridg e, cons umabl e life
prediction and user maintenance videos
• Innovative paper feeding mechanism and automatic
removal o f blank p ages de liver fa st, hig h-qu ality s cann ing
at 190 i pm (A4)
• Autom ated sca n, stor e and sea rch work flows im prove user
experience, process speed and accuracy
• Eci ent doc ument h andli ng come s from re -usab le form ats,
automa tic file na mes fro m barco de data , Oce fo rmat
conversions, a nd clou d and dev ice OCR wi th IRIS
• Suit able fo r high- produ ctivit y enviro nment s, inc ludin g
educational, governmental, legal and real estate bodies
• Encrypted S SD dat a storag e ensure s infor mation
confidentiality and sec urity
• 360 ° secu rity includes IPsec a nd firewa ll func tiona lity to
safeguard against external attacks
• McAfee Emb edde d Contro l and Verif y System at s tart-u p
also minimise device vulnerability
• Device authentication, two-factor authentication and
device f unction restriction s control user acc ess on- device
and in the cloud
• TPM 2 .0 provides stro nger en cryption tech nolog y to
protec t critical data
• Upg rade to un iFLOW Onl ine* for e nhan ced secu re print ing,
mobil e printing, and g uest printing f rom any device
• Form at: Colour A4
• Paper Supply Capacit y (Max) : 2,100 sheets
• Warm -up t ime: 4 se conds or less
(Quick St art Mode)
• Finishing Capabilities: Collate, Group, Oset*,
Staple* (*only availab le with C478 iZ)
• Sup ported File Types: PDF, EPS, TIF F, JPEG,
and XPS
• Print speed: 47 ppm (A4)
• Scan speed: 190 ipm (A4)
• Print Languages: UFR II , PCL6, Adobe®
PostScript 3™
• Print Resolution: 600 x 600 to 1,200 x 1,20 0
• Full se curit y func tional ity with out the n eed for a n
additi onal at tachm ent tha nks to bu ilt-in feat ures like
the IC Card Read er for us er auth entica tion
• Com pact de sign fit s unobtr usivel y in any typ e of
space , either c ounter-top o r floor-s tandi ng
• 360 ° securi ty incl udes en crypte d SSD dat a storage , TPM 2. 0 and
McAfe e Embed ded Cont rol to protec t docum ent, ne twork an d device
• Accur ate, high -spee d scann ing is fa cilitate d by Cano n’s innovat ive
paper feeding mechanism and stain-resistant glass
• Digi tal work flows ena ble ec ient and i ntuitive s canni ng, sea rching ,
storing a nd shar ing of doc ument s, throu gh One Drive, S harePo int,
Concur and Dropbox applications
• Simp le device m ainten ance red uces down time, th anks to an a ll-in -one
toner ca rtrid ge, cons umabl e life pred iction a nd user m ainten ance
• Cent rally ma nage pri nt setti ngs and d evice usa ge analy sis with
cloud-based uniFLOW Online Express, as standard
• Secu re colla boratio n and acce ss to re-u sable d ocume nt forma ts from
anywhere via enhanced cloud connectivity
• Smal ler envi ronmen tal imp act sati sfies su staina bility a nd cost
requirements with low energy consumption and reduced emissions
• Qui et ADF ope ration m inimis es oce di sruptio n in hybri d work
• Comp act de sign with o ptions fo r counter-top o r floor st andin g
placem ent to fit any t ype of spa ce
Enhanced Services
Advan ced Services
Core Services
Canon’s Digital Transformation Services (DTS), bring together our leading hardware and software into an integrated technology ecosystem,
designed to support your transformation journey. This of fering combines Managed Print Services and Workspace Collaboration solutions, to help
you gain transparency and control over the entire document lifecycle.
Process Automation Solutions
Advan ced Services
Advanced Capture Solutions
Cloud Connectivity Solutions
© Canon Europa N.V.,2021
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English edition