C257/C357 Series
Machine type A4 Colour Laser Multifunctional
Core functions Print, C opy*, Sca n*, Send*, Sto re and Op tional Fax *
Processor 1.75G Hz Dual C oreProce ssor
Control Panel 10.1” TF T LCD WSVGA Color Touch pa nel
Memory Standard: 3.0GB RAM
Hard Di sk drive Standa rd*: 320GB (availab le disk space: 25 0GB)
Interface Connection NETWORK
Paper Supply Capacity
(A4, 80gsm)
Paper output capacity
(A4, 80gsm)
Finishing capabilities Standard: Collate, Group
Supported media types Multi-purpose tray:
Supported media sizes Multi-purpose tray:
Supported media weights Multi- purpo se tray: 60 to 2 20 gsm
Warm-up Time Q uick Startup M ode: 4 sec onds or le ss *
Dimen sions ( W x D x H) i R-ADV DX C357 i/C257 i: 519 x 65 8 x 638 mm
Insta llatio n Space (W x D) Basic : 852 x 90 8 mm (with Mult i-purp ose tray extended +
Weigh t iR-ADV DX C3 57i/C25 7i: Approx. 48 kg (in cluding toner)
Print Speed* iR-ADV DX C3 57i/DX C 357P
Duplex Print Speed (A4/LTR) C357i: BW 35ipm/36ipm, CL 35ipm/36ipm
Print Resolution (dpi) 600 x 60 0 to 1,20 0 x 1,200 (equiv alent)
Page description languages Standa rd: UFR II, PCL 6, Adobe® Post Script ® 3
Direct Print Suppo rted file t ypes: TIFF, JPEG , PDF, EPS, and XPS
Printing from mobile and cloud AirPri nt, Mop ria, Go ogle Clo ud Print, and Ca non PRI NT
Fonts PS fonts : 136 Rom an
Print Features Secured Print, Secure Watermark, Header/Footer, Page
* Not appli cable to iR-ADV DX C35 7P (Printer model )
* A dieren t initial HDD may be u sed.
Standard: 1000Base-T/100Base-TX/10Base-T, Wireless
LAN (I EEE 802 .11 b/g/n)
Option al: NFC , Bluetooth Low Ene rgy
Standa rd: USB 2.0 (Hos t) x1, USB 3 .0 (Host) x1,
USB 2. 0 (Device) x1;
Optional: Serial Interface, Copy Control Interface
Standard: 650 Sheets
100-sheets Multi-purpose tray
550- sheet s Paper c assette x 1
Maximu m: 2,300 She ets (with Ca ssette Fe eding U nit-AK1)
Standard: 250 Sheets
Maximu m: 500 S heets (with S taple Fi nishe r-Z1)
With Fini sher : Co llate, G roup, O set, Staple
Thin, P lain, H eavy, Recy cled, C olor, Transpa rency,
Pre-punched, Bond, Label, Envelope
Paper Cassette:
Thin, P lain, H eavy, Recy cled, C olor, Pre- punch ed, Bo nd,
Standa rd size: A4, A5, A5 R, A6, B5 ,
Custom S ize: 98. 0 x 148 .0 mm to 21 6.0 x 355 .6 mm
Envelope s: COM10 No.10 , Monarch, DL , ISO- C5
Envelope c ustom size : 98.0 x 1 48.0 mm to 21 6.0 x 355.6 m m
Paper Cassette:
Standa rd size: A4, A5, A5 R, A6, B5 ,
Custom si ze: 98. 0 x 190. 5 mm to 216.0 x 355 .6 mm
Envelope s: COM10 No.10 , Monarch, DL , ISO- C5
Casse tte: 60 to 16 3 gsm
Duplex : 60 to 163 g sm
(applicable to C357i/C257i)
* Time from devi ce power-on to when the co py icon appears an d is
enable d to operate on the touc h panel display.
From Slee p Mode: 10 secon ds or Less
From Power O n: 10 seco nds or Less *
* iR-ADV DX C357i/C 257i: Time from d evice power-on, unti l copy ready
(not p rint res ervat ion)
* iR-ADV DX C357P : Time from device pow er-on, until print r eady
(not p rint res ervat ion)
iR-ADV DX C3 57P: 51 9 x 658 x 525 mm
paper c asset te open)
Fully Con figure d: 1,4 07 x 908 mm (with S taple Fi nishe r-Z1
+ Multi- purpo se tray exten ded + paper cass ette ope n)
iR-ADV DX C3 57P: Ap prox. 41 kg (in cluding toner)
35 ppm (A4), 2 6 ppm (A5R) , 61 ppm (A5 ), 23 ppm (A6 )
iR-ADV DX C2 57i
25 ppm (A4), 2 6 ppm (A5R) , 46 ppm (A5 ), 23 ppm (A6 )
* 1-sided
C257i: BW 25ipm/26ipm, CL 25ipm/26ipm
Business, and uniFLOW Online
A range of s oftwa re and ME AP-based sol utions a re
availab le to provid e printin g from mob ile devi ces or
internet-connected devices and cloud-based services
depending on your requirements.
Please c ontac t your sale s representative f or furt her
PCL font s: 93 Roman, 10 B itmap fon ts, 2 OC R fonts ,
Andal é Mono W T J/K/S/ T*1
(Japanese, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese),
Barcode fonts*2
*1 Optiona l PCL Internation al Font Set-A1 is require d.
*2 Optiona l Barcode Printin g Kit-D1 is required .
Layout, Two-s ided Pr inting, Ton er Redu ction, P oster
Printing, Forced Hold printing, Print Date, Scheduled
Printing, Printing Using a Virtual Printer
Operating System UFRII: Windows® 7/8.1/10/Server2008/Server2008 R2/
Copy Speed* (BW/CL) iR-ADV DX C3 57i
First- Copy- Out Tim e
(A4; BW/ CL)
Copy resolution (dpi) 600 x 6 00, 30 0 x 600
Multiple Copies Up to 999 copies
Copy Den sity Automati c or Manu al (9 Levels)
Magnification Variabl e zoom: 25% to 4 00% (1% Incr ement s)
Copy Features Preset R /E Ratios by Area, Two-S ided, D ensity
Standard type Single-pass Duplexing Automatic Document Feeder*
Document Feeder Paper
Capacity (80 gsm)
Acceptable originals and
Supported media sizes Platen sc anning size: up to 2 16.0 x 355. 6 mm
Scan Speed (ipm: BW/CL, A4)
Scan Resolution (dpi) Scan fo r Copy: up to 6 00 x 600
Pull Scan Specifications Colour N etwork S canG ear2 . For both T WAIN and WI A
Scan Method Pus h Scan, P ull Scan, Sca n to Box, Sc an to Advan ced
Destination Stand ard: E-m ail/I nternet FA X (SMTP), S MB3.0, FTP,
Address Book LDAP (2 ,000)/L ocal ( 1,60 0)/Spe ed dial (200)
Send resolution (dpi) Push: up to 6 00 x 600
Communication protocol File: FT P(TCP/IP), SMB 3.0 (TC P/IP), WebDAV
File For mat Standard: TIFF, JPEG, PDF (Compact, Searchable, Apply
Universal Send Features Origin al Type Sele ction , Two-sided O rigina l,De nsity
Server2012/Server2012 R2 /Server2016 /Server2019,
Mac OS X( 10.10 o r later)
PCL: Windows® 7/8.1/10/Server2008/Server2008 R2/
Server2012/Server2012 R2 /Server2016 /Server2019
PS: Windows® 7/8.1/10/Server2008/Server2008 R2/
Server2012/Server2012 R2 /Server2016 /Server2019,
Mac OS X( 10.10 o r later)
PPD: Wi ndows® 7/8. 1/10 , Mac OS X( 10.9 o r later)
McAfee Embedded Control Software
As of Feb. 2 020
35 ppm (A4), 2 6 ppm (A5R) , 61 ppm (A5 ), 23 ppm (A6 )
iR-ADV DX C2 57i
25 ppm (A4), 2 6 ppm (A5R) , 46 ppm (A5 ), 23 ppm (A6 )
* Single-sided
iR-ADV DX C3 57i: App rox. 5.1 /6.9 se conds or l ess
iR-ADV DX C2 57i: App rox. 6. 9/9.4 seco nds or less
Preset re ducti on/enlar gemen t: 25% , 50%, 70 %, 10 0%(1:1),
141%, 2 00% , 400%
Adjustm ent, Original Type S election, In terrupt Mode,
Two-sided O riginal, Job B uild, N o n 1, Page N umbering,
Copy Set N umber ing, Sh arpne ss, Eras e Frame, Secure
Watermar k, Print Date, Copy I D Card, Skip Bl ank Pages,
Color M ode, Re served c opy, Copy Sam ple
[2-sided to 2-sided (Automatic)]
* Detect Fe eder Multi Shee t Feed is supporte d.
100 Sh eets
Platen: S heet, Book, a nd 3-D imensi onal Object s
Docum ent Feed er media weight :
1-sid ed scan ning: 42 to 1 28 gsm (BW ), 64 to 128 gsm (CL)
2-sided s canning: 50 to 12 8 gsm (BW), 64 to 128 g sm (CL)
Busines s card: 80 to 220 gs m
Origina l width narrower tha n A6 except business c ard: 50 to 128 gsm
Document Feeder media size:
A4, A5R , A6, B5,
Custom si ze: 48.0 x 128 .0 mm to 216.0 x 35 5.6 mm
Busin ess card: 48. 0 x 85.0 mm to 55 .0 x 91.0 mm
Send (300 x 30 0 dpi):
up to 95/1 90 when Automati c Colou r Selec t “OFF”
1-sided Scanning: 95
2-sided Scanning: 190
Automati c Color S elect “ ON”:
1-sided Scanning: 50
2-sided Scanning: 100
Scan Sp eed pri ority (3 00 x 600 dpi):
1-sided Scanning: 50
2-sided Scanning: 100
Image Q ualit y priorit y (60 0 x 600 dpi ):
1-sided Scanning: 30
2-sided Scanning: 50
Scan fo r Send: ( Push) up to 60 0 x 600
(S MB /F TP/We bDAV/I FAX) , (Pull) up to 60 0 x 600
Scan fo r Fax: up to 60 0 x 600
Suppo rted OS: W indows ®7/ 8.1/ 10/ S erver 2008 /
Server2008 R2/ Server2012/ Server2012 R2/ Server 2016
As of Feb. 2 020
Space, S can to Network, S can to USB Memor y Key, Sca n
to Mobil e devices , Scan to cl oud (uniFLOW O nline - Opti onal)
WebDAV, Mail Box
Option al: Super G3 FAX , IP Fax (for iR-ADV DX C35 7i/C257i)
Pull: up to 6 00 x 60 0
E-mail /I-Fax : SMTP, POP 3
policy, O ptimize for We b, PDF A /1-b , Trace & Smoot h,
Encry pted, Dev ice Sign ature, Us er Sign ature), XPS
(Compact, Searchable, Device Signature, User Signature),
Oce Op en XML (P owerPoi nt, Word)
Adjustm ent, Sharpne ss, Eras e Frame, J ob Build, Delaye d
Send, P review, Jo b Done No tice, Fil e Name, S ubjec t/
Messa ge, Rep ly-to, E-m ail Prio rity, TX Re port, O riginal
Content O rientation, S kip Bla nk Pages