Makes it easy for anyone to create a wide variety of custom labels in
complex layouts by using fonts, templates, and clip art.
Lets you print labels from the connected P-touch labeller when using
P-touch Editor on your PC.
The P-touch Address Book is a software program for creating a computer
based address book and printing durable pre-sized labels. With this easyto-use software, address labels and visitor name badges can quickly be
created. Data from other applications (CSV files or Microsoft Outlook
contact data) can also be imported. A predefined set of label layout styles
are available. Additionally users may create their own layouts.
X CD-ROM Precautions
• Do not scratch the CD-ROM.
• Do not subject the CD-ROM to extremely high or extremely low temperatures.
• Do not put heavy objects on the CD-ROM or apply force to the CD-ROM.
• The software contained on the CD-ROM is meant for use with your purchased
machine only. It may be installed on multiple PCs for use at an office, etc.
• Do not connect the USB cable to your PC until the software has been
installed and you are instructed to connect.
System Requirements
X Operating environment
Before installation, check that your system configuration meets the following
System (OS)
Hard Disk
otherCD-ROM drive
*1 The computer should meet the Microsoft® recommendations for the OS
*2 Required available space when installing the software with all of the options.
*3 The RS-232C interface is required when printing with ESC/P commands.
*4 QL-650TD/QL-1050 only
• Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows Server and Windows are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
• Apple, Macintosh and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United
States and other countries.
• The names of other software or products used in this document are trademarks or
registered trademarks of the respective companies that developed them.
Windows® XP/Windows Vista®/Windows® 7
Mac OS® X 10.3.9 - 10.6
Disk space 70 MB or more
Disk space 100 MB or more
USB port (USB Spec. 1.1 or 2.0 protocol)
USB port (USB Spec. 1.1 or 2.0 protocol)
Installing The Software And Printer Driver (for Windows®)
The printer names in the following screens may differ from your printer name.
The procedure for installing them varies depending on the OS of the computer.
Install procedure is subject to change without notice.
Do not connect the printer to the computer until directed to do so.
This section explains how to install the P-touch Editor 5.0, P-touch Address Book 1.1,
Printer Driver, and Software User's Guide as a whole.
The following is the example for Windows Vista
1 Start the computer and put the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
If it does not start up automatically, open the files on the CD-ROM and double
click on "Setup.exe".
2 Click "Standard Installation".
Installation items:
Standard Installation
P-touch Editor 5.0, P-touch Address
Book 1.1, Printer Driver, and Software
User's Guide (PDF)
Custom Installation
P-touch Editor 5.0, P-touch Address
Book 1.1, Printer Driver and Software
User's Guide (PDF) can all be installed
Display User's Guide
The Software User's Guide (PDF)
Adobe Reader Download
Link to the download page for Adobe
Reader® will be displayed.
3 Read the licence agreement and click [Yes] if you agree with the terms and
4 Follow the on-screen instructions.
5 Put a check mark in the box next to the Add-In
programs you want to install, and click [Next].
Make sure that all Microsoft® Office applications are
For details of the Add-in, see the "Software User's Guide
6 Select the desired model, and then click [OK].
Follow the on-screen instructions of the
driver installation.
7 When instructed, connect the
printer to finish the printer driver
• For USB installation, it is important you
do not connect the printer to the
computer until directed to do so.
• Before connecting the USB interface
cable, remove the caution label affixed
to the USB port of the machine.
Connect to QL USB
Connect to personal
computer USB port.
8 Select a registration method and click [Next].
• If you choose "Yes, display the page", you will go to the online user registration
page before finishing the installation. (recommended)
• If you choose "No, do not display the page", you will continue the installation.
9 Click [Finish].
The software installation is now complete.
When you are asked to restart the computer, choose "Restart" and click [Finish].