Continuous Length Paper Tape
White Tape DK-22214 12mm x 30.48m
White Tape DK-22210 29mm x 30.48m
White Tape DK-22205 62mm x 30.48m
White Tape DK-22243 102mm x 30.48m
White Tape DK-44205 Removable Adhesive (62mm x 30.48m)
Yellow Tape DK-44605 Removable Adhesive (62mm x 30.48m)
■ Standard Address Labels
DK-11201 400/roll
29mm x 90mm
■ Large Address Labels
DK-11208 400/roll
38mm x 90mm
■ Small Address Labels
DK-11209 800/roll
29mm x 62mm
■ Shipping / Name Badge
DK-11202 300/roll
62mm x 100mm
■ Large Shipping Labels
DK-11241 200/roll
102mm x 152mm
■ Multi-Purpose/Return Labels
DK-11204 400/roll
17mm x 54mm
■ Large Multi-Purpose Labels
DK-11240 600/roll
102mm x 51mm
■ File Folder Labels
DK-11203 300/roll
17mm x 87mm
■ CD/DVD Labels (Film)
DK-11207 100/roll
58mm x 58mm
■ Round Labels
(24mm diameter)
DK-11218 1000/roll
■ Round Labels
(12mm diameter)
DK-11219 1200/roll
DDuurraabbllee FFiillmm TTaappeess
■ Medium Width Tape
Black Print on White
29mm x 15.24M
■ Wide Tape
Black Print on White
62mm x 15.24M
■ Wide Tape
Black Print on Yellow
62mm x 15.24M
■ Wide Tape
Black Print on Clear
62mm x 15.24M
DDuurraabbllee WWhhiittee PPaappeerr TTaappeess
■ Narrow Width Tape
12mm x 30.48M
■ Medium Width Tape
29mm x 30.48M
■ Wide Tape
62mm x 30.48M
■ Extra Wide Tape
102mm x 30.48M
RReemmoovvaabbllee AAddhheessiivvee PPaappeerr TTaappeess
■ Wide Tape
Black Print on White
62mm x 30.48M
■ Wide Tape
Black Print on Yellow
62mm x 30.48M
Technical Information
Print Method Thermal Line Printing
Maximum Label Width 102mm (4")
Maximum Print Height 98.6 mm
Maximum Label Length 3 metres (Windows) / 1 metre (non-Windows)
Print Resolution 300 dpi
Maximum Print Speed 110 mm / sec | 69 labels/minute*
Cutter Sensor Yes
Cover Open Sensor Yes
Roll Size Detection Yes
Interfaces USB, Serial(RS-232C).
Dimensions 170mm(W) x 220mm(D) x 147.5mm(H)
Weight 1.7kg (without DK roll)
Power Internal Switched Power Supply
Colour Black/Silver
Total/User Memory 4MB/2MB
Print Head MTBF** 30km / 1300 die-cut rolls
Cutter MTBF** 150,000 cuts (continuous rolls)
300,000 cuts (die-cut rolls)
Built-In Firmware
Command Types Raster, ESC/P, Label Template
Built in Fonts Bit-map fonts: Helsinki, Brussels, Letter Gothic Bold, San Diego, Brougham
Outline fonts: Helsinki, Brussels, Letter Gothic
Character Size Bitmap fonts: 24dots, 32dots, 48dots
Outline fonts: 33dots - 400dots (22sizes)
Font Style Bold, Outline, Solid, Shadow, Italic, Vertical
1D Barcode Support Code39, EAN13, EAN8, UPC-A, UPC-E, Codabar, ITF, Code128, EAN128
2D Barcode Support QR Code, Micro QR, PDF417
Direct Connection & ESC/P Template Support
Max Templates 99
Max Lines/Template 1,000
Character code set Windows 1252 Western Europe
Windows 1250 Eastern Europe
Standard character code
Changeable Data Text, Barcode
Object Rotation Yes
Multiple line support Yes
Horizontal text alignment Yes
Text layout formatting Shrink to Fit, Clip text, Long text, Automatic length, Free size
Cutter options Auto cut (Including cut at any number of labels) Cut at end
System Requirements
Operating System PC Windows 2000 Pro / XP Pro / XP Home
CPU Minimum Intel Pentium 266 MHz
Recommended 700MHz or higher
Memory (RAM) 128MB or more
Hard Disk Free Space 70MB or more
Interface USB 1.1 or later specification/RS-232 9 pin D-Sub
Monitor SVGA with high colour graphics card
Other CD-ROM drive for installation
Operating System MAC OS 10.1-10.4.7 (PowerPC)
OS 10.4.4-10.4.7 (Intel)
CPU PowerPC or Intel
Interface USB 1.1 or later specification
Other CD-ROM drive for installation