Brocade, the Brocade B-weave logo, Fabric OS, File Lifecycle Manager, MyView, SilkWorm, and StorageX are registered
trademarks and the Brocade B-wing symbol, SAN Health, and Tapestry are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems,
Inc., in the United States and/or in other countries. FICON is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation in the U.S. and other
countries. All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of, and are used to identify,
products or services of their respective owners.
Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning
any equipment, equipment feature, or service offered or to be offered by Brocade. Brocade reserves the right to make changes to
this document at any time, without notice, and assumes no responsibility for its use. This informational document describes
features that may not be currently available. Contact a Brocade sales office for information on feature and product availability.
Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from the United States government.
The authors and Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. shall have no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with
respect to any loss, cost, liability, or damages arising from the information contained in this book or the computer programs that
accompany it.
The product described by this document may contain “open source” software covered by the GNU General Public License or other
open source license agreements. To find-out which open source software is included in Brocade products, view the licensing
terms applicable to the open source software, and obtain a copy of the programming source code, please visit
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Document History
The following table lists all versions of the Web Tools Administrator’s Guide.
Document TitlePublication
Web Tools User’s Guide v2.0 53-0001536-01N/ASeptember 1999
Web Tools User’s Guide v2.2 53-0001558-02N/AMay 2000
Web Tools User’s Guide v2.3 53-0000067-02 N/ADecember 2000
Web Tools User’s Guide v3.0 53-0000130-03N/AJuly 2001
Web Tools User’s Guide v2.6 53-0000197-02N/ADecember 2001
Advanced Web Tools User’s
v3.0 / v4.0
Advanced Web Tools User’s
Guide v4.0.2
Advanced Web Tools User’s
Guide v3.1.0
Advanced Web Tools User’s
Guide v4.1.0
Advanced Web Tools User’s
Guide v4.1.2
53-0000185-02 N/AMarch 2002
53-0000185-03 N/ASeptember 2002
53-0000503-02 N/AApril 2003
53-0000522-02 N/AApril 2003
53-0000522-04 Insistent Domain ID Mode.
Summary of ChangesPublication
October 2003
Port Swapping information. Minor
editorial changes
Advanced Web Tools
Administrator’s Guide,
Advanced Web Tools User’s
Advanced Web Tools
Administrator’s Guide
Web Tools Administrator’s
Web Tools Administrator’s
53-0000522-05 Updates to support new switch
types: Brocade 3250, 3850,
24000. Structural changes,
Support changes, Installation
53-0000522-06 Clarifications on software and
hardware support, minor
enhancements in procedure text,
minor rearranging of content.
53-0000522-07Updates to support new switch
types (3016, 4100) and Fabric OS
v4.4.0, including Ports on
Demand, user administration,
and zoning wizards.
53-0000522-08 Updates to support new switch
types (200E, 48000) and Fabric
OS v5.0.1, including switchAdmin
role, upfront login, and Web Tools
53-0000522-09 Updates to add additional
information about refresh and
polling rates.
December 2003
March 2004
September 2004
April 2005
July 2005
Document TitlePublication
Summary of ChangesPublication
Web Tools Administrator’s
Web Tools Administrator’s
Web Tools Administrator’s
Web Tools Administrator’s
Web Tools Administrator’s
53-1000049-01Updates to support new switch
types (4900, 7500) and Fabric
OS v5.1.0, including FCR, FCIP,
and the FR4-18i port blade. Web
Tools EZ information is moved to
a separate book.
53-1000049-02 Updates to the FCIP chapter to
clarify how to configure tunnels.
53-1000194-01Updates for Fabric OS v5.2.0 and
the FC4-16IP blade. Also new
security for Web Tools, including
Role-Based Access Control and
administrative domains.
53-1000435-01Updates to reflect interface
enhancements, support for new
switch types, IPv6 support, and
other enhancements.
53-1000606-01Updates to reflect updates to
enhanced Access Gateway
support, changes to FCIP
tunneling wizard, and other
This document is organized to help you find the information that you want as quickly and easily as
The document contains the following components:
• Chapter 1, “Introducing Web Tools”, provides some basic information about the Web Tools
interface, including system requirements and installation instructions.
• Chapter 2, “Using the Web Tools Interface”, describes the components of the Web Tools
• Chapter 3, “Managing Fabrics and Switches”, provides information on how to manage your
fabric and switches using the Web Tools interface.
• Chapter 4, “Maintaining Configurations and Firmware”, provides information about uploading
and downloading configuration files and downloading firmware.
• Chapter 5, “Managing Your Ports”, provides information about managing FC and GbE ports.
• Chapter 6, “Administering ISL Trunking”, provides information on managing the optionally
licensed ISL Trunking feature.
• Chapter 7, “Managing Administrative Domains”, provides information on managing Admin
• Chapter 8, “Administering Zoning”, provides information on how to use the Brocade Advanced
Zoning feature to partition your storage area network (SAN) into logical groups of devices that
can access each other.
• Chapter 9, “Monitoring Performance”, provides information on how to use the Brocade
Advanced Performance Monitoring feature to monitor your fabric performance.
• Chapter 10, “Using the FC-FC Routing Service,” provides information on using the FC-FC
Routing Service to share devices between fabrics without merging those fabrics.
• Chapter 11, “Working With Diagnostic Features,” provides information about trace dumps,
viewing switch health, and interpreting the LEDs.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guidexi
• Chapter 12, “Administering Fabric Watch,” provides information on how to use the Fabric
Watch feature to monitor the performance and status of switches and alert you when problems
• Chapter 13, “Administering Extended Fabrics,” provides information on how to configure a port
for long distance.
• Chapter 14, “Administering the iSCSI Target Gateway,” provides information on how to
configure and manage the iSCSI Target Gateway.
• Chapter 15, “Using the Access Gateway,” provides information on how to configure and
manage the Brocade Access Gateway.
• Chapter 16, “Routing Traffic,” provides information on how to configure routes.
• Chapter 17, “Using the FCIP Tunneling Service,” provides information on setting up a Fibre
Channel over Internet Protocol (FCIP) Tunneling Service.
• Chapter 18, “Configuring Standard Security Features,” provides information on managing user
accounts, SNMP, and RADIUS server.
• Chapter 19, “Administering FICON CUP Fabrics,” provides information on how to administer
and manage FICON CUP fabrics. You can enable FMS mode, edit and create configurations,
and edit FMS parameters.
• Chapter 20, “Limitations,” discusses limitations of and provides workarounds for using Web
Supported hardware and software
In those instances in which procedures or parts of procedures documented here apply to some
switches but not to others, this guide identifies exactly which switches are supported and which are
Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. for 6.0.0, documenting all possible configurations and
scenarios is beyond the scope of this document.
The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of Web Tools:
• Brocade 200E switch
• Brocade 4012
• Brocade 4016
• Brocade 4018
• Brocade 4020
• Brocade 4024
• Brocade 4100 switch
• Brocade 5000 switch
• Brocade 4900 switch
• Brocade 7500 switch
• Brocade 7600 switch
• Brocade 48000 director
• Brocade DCX Director
xiiWeb Tools Administrator’s Guide
What’s new in this document
The following changes have been made since this document was last released:
• Information that was added:
-The Access Gateway chapter was updated to provide information about Web Tools support
of Port Group Policy configurations.
-Support for Active Directory (LDAP) security.
• Information that was changed:
-Screens and procedures were changed to reflect the changes to the interface.
-Various grammatical and typographical changes were made to improve quality
• Information that was removed:
-Information in this guide that was unnecessarily duplicated from Fabric OS Administrator’s
For further information, refer to the release notes.
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
bold textIdentifies command names
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies keywords and operands
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
italic textProvides emphasis
Identifies variables
Identifies paths and Internet addresses
Identifies document titles
code textIdentifies CLI output
Identifies command syntax examples
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in mixed
lettercase: for example, switchShow. In actual examples, command lettercase is often all
lowercase. Otherwise, this manual specifically notes those cases in which a command is case
Notes, cautions, and warnings
The following notices and statements are used in this manual. They are listed below in order of
increasing severity of potential hazards.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guidexiii
A note provides a tip, guidance or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference
to related information.
An Attention statement indicates potential damage to hardware or data.
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely
hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions
or situations.
Key terms
For definitions specific to Brocade and Fibre Channel, see the Brocade Glossary.
For definitions of SAN-specific terms, visit the Storage Networking Industry Association online
dictionary at:
Additional information
This section lists additional Brocade and industry-specific documentation that you might find
Brocade resources
To get up-to-the-minute information, join Brocade Connect. It’s free! Go to
and click Brocade Connect to register at no cost for a user ID and password.
For practical discussions about SAN design, implementation, and maintenance, you can obtain
Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches through:
For additional Brocade documentation, visit the Brocade SAN Info Center and click the Resource
Library location:
Release notes are available on the Brocade Connect Web site and are also bundled with the Fabric
OS firmware.
xivWeb Tools Administrator’s Guide
Other industry resources
• White papers, online demos, and data sheets are available through the Brocade Web site at
• Best practice guides, white papers, data sheets, and other documentation is available through
the Brocade Partner Web site.
For additional resource information, visit the Technical Committee T11 Web site. This Web site
provides interface standards for high-performance and mass storage applications for Fibre
Channel, storage management, and other applications:
For information about the Fibre Channel industry, visit the Fibre Channel Industry Association Web
Getting technical help
Contact your switch support supplier for hardware, firmware, and software support, including
product repairs and part ordering. To expedite your call, have the following information available:
1. General Information
• Switch model
• Switch operating system version
• Error numbers and messages received
• supportSave command output
• Detailed description of the problem, including the switch or fabric behavior immediately
following the problem, and specific questions
• Description of any troubleshooting steps already performed and the results
• Serial console and Telnet session logs
• syslog message logs
2. Switch Serial Number
The switch serial number and corresponding bar code are provided on the serial number label,
as illustrated below.:
The serial number label is located as follows:
• Brocade 200E—On the nonport side of the chassis
• Brocade 4100, 4900, and 7500—On the switch ID pull-out tab located inside the chassis
on the port side on the left
• Brocade 5000—On the switch ID pull-out tab located on the bottom of the port side of the
Web Tools Administrator’s Guidexv
• Brocade 7600—On the bottom of the chassis
• Brocade 48000—Inside the chassis next to the power supply bays
• Brocade DCX—On the bottom right on the port side of the chassis
3. World Wide Name (WWN)
Use the wwn command to display the switch WWN.
If you cannot use the wwn command because the switch is inoperable, you can get the WWN
from the same place as the serial number, except for the Brocade DCX. For the Brocade DCX,
access the numbers on the WWN cards by removing the Brocade logo plate at the top of the
nonport side of the chassis.
Document feedback
Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a
topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. Forward your feedback to:
Provide the title and version number of the document and as much detail as possible about your
comment, including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for improvement.
xviWeb Tools Administrator’s Guide
Introducing Web Tools
Brocade Web Tools is a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables administrators to monitor and
manage single or small fabrics, switches, and ports from a standard workstation. It is an
optionally-licensed product that runs on Brocade Fabric OS.
Web Tools provides the administrative control point for Brocade Advanced Fabric Services,
including Advanced Zoning, ISL Trunking, Advanced Performance Monitoring, and Fabric Watch.
Web Tools also provides an interface to telnet commands to perform special switch functions and
diagnostics that are available only through the telnet interface.
For some switch models, Web Tools provides a simplified interface, EZSwitchSetup, that allows
less-experienced users to perform basic management tasks. See the EZSwitchSetup Administrator’s Guide for information about the EZSwitchSetup interface.
Before you install Web Tools on your workstation, verify that your switches and workstation meet
the Web Tools requirements listed in this chapter.
Web Tools requires any browser that conforms to HTML version 4.0, JavaScript version 1.0, and
Java Plug-in 1.6.0 or higher.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guide1
System requirements
Brocade has certified and tested Web Tools on the platforms shown in Table 1.
TABLE 1Certified and tested platforms
Operating SystemBrowserJava Plug-In
Solaris 10Firefox
Linux Red Hat AS4Firefox
Windows 2003 Server, SP1Internet Explorer
Windows XP, SP2Internet Explorer
TABLE 2Supported platforms
Operating SystemBrowserJava Plug-In
RH Enterprise Linux AS3Firefox
Windows 2000, SP4Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer
Windows 2003 Server, SP1Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer
Windows XP, SP2Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer
Some browsers must be configured to work with Web Tools.
Adequate RAM is required on Windows systems:
• 256 MB or more RAM for fabrics comprising 15 switches or less
• 512 MB or more RAM for fabrics comprising more than 15 switches
A minimum of 8 MB of video RAM is also recommended.
Setting Refresh Frequency for Internet Explorer
Correct operation of Web Tools with Internet Explorer requires specifying the appropriate settings
for browser refresh frequency and process model. Browser pages should be refreshed frequently to
ensure the correct operation of Web Tools.
1. Click Tools > Internet Options in the browser.
2. Click the General tab and click Settings under “Temporary Internet Files.”
3. Click Every visit to the page under “Check for newer versions of stored pages,” as shown in
Figure 1 on page 3.
2Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
System requirements
Configure your browser to check
for newer versions of stored pages
every visit to the page.
FIGURE 1Configuring Internet Explorer
Deleting temporary internet files used by Java applications
For Web Tools so operate correctly, you must delete the temporary internet files used by Java
1. From the Control Panel, open Java.
2. Click the General tab and click Settings.
FIGURE 2Temporary Internet Settings dialog box
3. Click the Delete Files button to delete the temporary files used by Java applications.
4. Click OK on the confirmation dialog box.
You can clear the Trace and Log files check box if you want to keep those files.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guide3
Installing Java on the workstation
5. Click OK.
6. On the Java Control Panel, click the View button to review the files that are in the Java cache.
If you have deleted all the temporary files, the list is empty.
Installing Java on the workstation
Java Plug-in must be installed on the workstation. If you try to open Web Tools without any Java
Plug-in installed:
• Internet Explorer automatically prompts and downloads the proper Java Plug-in.
• Firefox downloads the most recently released Java Plug-in.
If you try to open Web Tools with an earlier version Java Plug-in installed:
• Internet Explorer might prompt for an upgrade, depending on the existing Java Plug-in version.
• Firefox uses the existing Java Plug-in.
Installing the JRE on your Solaris or Linux client workstation
1. Locate the JRE on the Internet, at the following URL:
This URL points to a non-Brocade Web site and is subject to change without notice.
2. Follow the link to download the patch, and exit the browser when done.
3. Install the patch and reboot the system.
4Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
Installing the Java plug-in on Windows
1. Click Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel and select the Java Plug-in Control Panel.
2. Click the About tab.
3. Determine whether the correct Java Plug-in version is installed:
• If the correct version is installed, Web Tools is ready to use.
• If no Java Plug-in is installed, point the browser to a switch running Fabric OS 5.2.0 or later
to install JRE 1.5.0_06. Web Tools will guide you through the steps to download the proper
Java Plug-in.
• If an outdated version is currently installed, uninstall it, reboot your personal computer,
re-open the browser, and enter the address of a switch running Fabric OS 5.2.0 or later to
install JRE 1.5.0_06. Web Tools will guide you through the steps to download the proper
Java Plug-in.
Configuring the Java plug-in
If you are managing fabrics with more than 10 switches or 1000 ports, or if you are using the iSCSI
Gateway module extensively, you should increase the default heap size to 256 MB to avoid
out-of-memory errors.
Configuring the Java plug-in
If you are using a Mozilla family browser (Firefox, Netscape), you should set the default browser in
the Java control panel.
The following procedures instruct you in increasing the default heap size in the Java Control Panel
and in setting the default browser.
Configuring the Java plug-in for Windows
1. From the Start menu button, select Settings > Control Panel > Java.
2. Click the Java tab.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guide5
Configuring the Java plug-in
FIGURE 3Java Control Panel
3. In the section Java Applet Runtime Settings, click View
The Java Runtime Settings dialog box appears.
FIGURE 4Java Runtime Settings
4. Double-click in the Java Runtime Parameters field and type the following information to set the
minimum and maximum heap size:
-Xms256m -Xmx256m
In this example, the minimum and maximum sizes are both 256 MB.
5. Click Apply to apply your settings and close the Java Control Panel.
Configuring the Java plug-in for Mozilla family browsers
1. From the Start menu button, select Settings > Control Panel
2. Click the Advanced tab and expand the Default Java for browsers option.
6Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
FIGURE 5Default Java for browsers option
Installing a Web Tools license
3. Select Mozilla family and click OK.
4. Click Apply to apply your settings and close the Java Control Panel.
Installing a Web Tools license
You can install a Web Tools license either through telnet or over the Web. License keys are provided
on a per-chassis basis, so for products that support multiple logical switches (domains), a license
key applies to all domains within the chassis.
Use the instructions in “Installing a Web Tools license through telnet” to determine whether a
license is already installed on a switch. If a license is not installed, contact your switch supplier to
obtain a license key.
Installing a Web Tools license through telnet
Use the following procedure to determine whether a Web Tools license is installed on your switch
and, if not, install it.
1. Log in to the switch via telnet (see the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide for more information),
using an account that has administrative privileges.
2. To determine whether a Web Tools license is already installed on the switch, type licenseShow
on the telnet command line.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guide7
Installing a Web Tools license
3. On the command line, type the following command:
4. Verify that the license was added by typing the following command:
A list displays all the licenses currently installed on the switch:
switch:admin> licenseshow
Zoning license
SES license
QuickLoop license
]—This is the license key (excluding the colon). The installed feature is listed below.
If the Web Tools license is not included in the list or is incorrect, continue with step 3.
licenseadd key
Where key is the license key value, is case-sensitive, and must be entered exactly as given.
If the Web Tools license is listed, the feature is available. If the license is not listed, repeat
step 3.
Installing a Web Tools license through a Web site
If you open Web Tools from any nonlicensed switch, the software automatically displays the license
dialog box. If the fabric already contains at least one licensed switch, you can use Web Tools to view
and license other switches from the licensed switch.
If you do not have a switch that has a Web Tools license installed on it, Web Tools is active for only
30 days from the date that the switch is activated. After the 30 day period, the Web Tools
functionality is disabled, and error messages appear in the logs and on the console to inform you
that you must have a Web Tools license to access the feature.
1. Open the Web browser and type the IP address of the switch in the Location/Address field:
2. Press Enter.
If a Web Tools license is already installed on the switch, Web Tools opens. If no license is
installed, a license dialog box appears.
3. If the license dialog box appears, follow the instructions provided.
Installing other licenses through the Web
1. Open the Web browser and type the IP address of the licensed switch in the Location/Address
2. Press Enter.
3. On Web Tools Switch Explorer, click the switch to which you want to add a license.
4. On the licensing window, follow the instructions that are provided.
8Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
Value line licenses
If your fabric includes a switch with a limited switch license and you are opening Web Tools using
that switch, if the fabric exceeds the switch limit indicated in the license, Web Tools allows a 30-day
“grace period” in which you can still monitor the switch through Web Tools. However, Web Tools will
display warning messages periodically.
These messages warn you that your fabric size exceeds the supported switch configuration limit
and tells you how long you have before Web Tools will be disabled. After the 30-day grace period,
you will no longer be able to open Web Tools from the switch with the limited switch license if that
switch is still exceeding the switch limit.
Web Tools is part of the Fabric OS of a switch. When you open Web Tools on a switch, you can
manage other switches in the fabric that have lower or higher firmware versions. It is important to
note that when accessing these switches you are opening the remote switch’s version of Web
Tools, and the functionality available for those switches might vary.
Opening Web Tools
You can open Web Tools on any workstation with a compatible Web browser installed. For a list of
Web browsers compatible with Fabric OS 6.0.0, see Table 1. Web Tools also supports HTTPS
protocol, if that protocol is enabled for the switch. For more information on enabling the HTTPS
protocol on your switch, see the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.
Value line licenses
1. Open the Web browser and type the IP address of the licensed switch in the Address field:
2. Press Enter.
A browser window opens to open Web Tools. A Login dialog box opens. See “Logging in” on
page 10 for more information. The browser window is left open. You can close it anytime after
the Login dialog box appears.
What happens next depends on the switch type:
• For the Brocade 200E, 4012, 4016, 4018, 4020, 4024, 4100, 4900, and 5000 switches, one
of the following opens, depending on the switch configuration:
-EZSwitchSetup Switch Manager
This interface opens if the switch has already been set up and is configured with
EZSwitchSetup. See the EZSwitchSetup Administrator’s Guide for information about the
EZSwitchSetup interface.
If you want to use Web Tools instead of EZSwitchSetup, click Advanced Management in the
lower-left corner of the window to open the Web Tools interface.
-Web Tools (see Figure 6 on page 10)
The interface opens if the switch is configured with the command line interface (CLI) or
Web Tools.
Web Tools Administrator’s Guide9
Opening Web Tools
• For the Brocade AP7420, the Web Tools—AP Edition interface opens. See the Web Tools—AP
Edition Administrator’s Guide for information on using the Web Tools—AP Edition interface for
the Brocade AP7420.
• For all other switches, the Web Tools interface opens.
This book describes only the Web Tools interface.
FIGURE 6Web Tools interface
Logging in
When you use Web Tools, you must log in before you can view or modify any switch information.
This section describes the login process.
Prior to displaying the login window, Web Tools displays a security banner (if one is configured for
your switch), which you must accept before logging in. The security banner displays every time you
access the switch.
When you are presented with the login screen you must provide a user name and a password. Your
home Admin Domain is automatically selected. You can choose to log into an Admin Domain other
than your home domain.
You must log in before you can view Switch Explorer (shown in Figure 6 on page 10).
1. Click Run on the signed certificate applet
If you select the check box Always trust content from this publisher, the dialog box is not
displayed when you open Web Tools again.
10Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
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