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Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning
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Document History
TitlePublication numberSummary of changesDate
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User
Interface Guide
Displaying the list of templates on the Brocade Virtual ADX .315
Displaying the XML contents of a template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316
Displaying the user-input variables in a template . . . . . . . . . .317
Displaying the status of a template operation. . . . . . . . . . . . .318
viiiBrocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats that may be used
in this document.
Text formatting
The following text formatting conventions may be used in the flow of the text to highlight specific
words or phrases.
bold textIdentifies command names
Identifies keywords
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
italic textProvides emphasis
Identifies variables and modifiers
Identifies paths and Internet addresses
Identifies document titles
Identifies CLI output
Identifies command syntax examples
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guideix
Command syntax conventions
bold textIdentifies command names, keywords, and command options.
italic textIdentifies variables.
[ ]
{ x | y |z }
Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.
A choice of required parameters is enclosed in curly braces separated
byvertical bars. You must select one.
x | y
< >
A vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.
Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle
Repeat the previous element. For example, member [member...].
Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash
separates two lines of a command input, enter the entire command at the
prompt without the backslash.
Notes, cautions, and warnings
The following notices and statements may be used in this document. They are listed below in order
of increasing severity of potential hazards.
A note provides a tip, guidance or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference
to related information.
An Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when traffic might be
interrupted or the device might reboot.
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause
damage to hardware, firmware, software, or data.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely
hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions
or situations.
xBrocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Brocade resources
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and password.
Release notes are available at
White papers, online demonstrations, and data sheets are available through the Brocade website
Select Application Delivery Switches on this page to navigate to the relevant product information.
Contacting Brocade Technical Support
As a Brocade customer, you can contact Brocade Technical Support 24x7 online, by telephone, or
by e-mail. Brocade OEM customers contact their OEM/Solutions provider.
For product support information and the latest information on contacting the Technical Assistance
Center, go to
If you have purchased Brocade product support directly from Brocade, use one of the following
methods to contact the Brocade Technical Assistance Center 24x7.
Preferred method of contact
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• My Cases through
• Software downloads &
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• Knowledge Base
Required for Sev 1-Critical and
Sev 2-High issues:
• Continental US:
• Europe, Middle East, Africa,
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FIBREE (+800 28 34 27
Please include:
• Problem summary
• Serial number
• Installation details
• Environment description
• For areas unable to access
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• Toll-free numbers are
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If you have purchased Brocade product support from a Brocade OEM/Solution Provider, contact
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• OEM/Solution Providers are trained and certified by Brocade to support Brocade® products.
• Brocade provides backline support for issues that cannot be resolved by the OEM/Solution
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guidexi
Document feedback
• Brocade Supplemental Support augments your existing OEM support contract, providing direct
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• For questions regarding service levels and response times, contact your OEM/Solution
Document feedback
Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and
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xiiBrocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Introduction to the Brocade Virtual ADX Web Interface
The Brocade Virtual ADX web interface is a browser-based interface that allows you to configure,
monitor, and maintain an Brocade Virtual ADX. The interface can be used for creating a new
configuration, modifying an existing configuration, monitoring the traffic on a device, maintaining
the logs, managing software images and licenses, and retrieving technical support information.
Supported software
The Brocade Virtual ADX web interface supports Brocade Virtual ADX version 03.0.00.
Required software
To access the web interface for the Brocade Virtual ADX, your device requires the following
• Supported application: Adobe Flash Player 10.2 or later
• Supported browsers:
-Internet Explorer 8.0 or later
-Google Chrome
-Mozilla Firefox
Other browsers that support Adobe Flash Player 10.2 may also work but have not been validated
with this system.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide1
Starting the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface
Starting the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface
After the initial configuration, you can start accessing the web interface using the default
username and password.
To start the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface, perform the following steps.
1. Launch a web browser that has Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
2. Type http://<IP address> in the address bar on the browser.
3. Press Enter.
The Login window is displayed.
The default user name is admin and default password is brocade. After logging in, you must
change the default password to ensure security. The password must contain alphanumeric
4. Enter the user name and password, and click OK.
To change or re-enter the user name or password, click Clear.
You have three attempts to log in to the web interface. If all the three login attempts fail, you
will be locked out for 30 minutes. During the locked out period, you cannot log in even if you
provide the correct password.
To recover a lost password from the console, refer to the Brocade Virtual ADX Administration Guide.
The home page of the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface is displayed. To terminate a session at any
time, click Logout on the login bar in the top right corner.
2Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
The web interface allows you to configure, monitor, and maintain the Brocade Virtual ADX using a
standard web browser over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Within the web interface you can perform the following primary tasks:
• Configuring the system — This includes configuring basic system settings, network, traffic, and
security features in the Brocade Virtual ADX, and view the current configuration on the Brocade
Virtual ADX. For more information on configuring tasks, refer to “Navigating the configuration
tab” on page 15.
• Monitoring the system — Monitor status and statistics for various features, and maintain logs.
For more information on monitoring tasks, refer to “Navigating the monitor tab” on page 171.
• Maintaining the system — Manage software images and licenses, and allow reboots, CLI
access and retrieval of technical support information for the Brocade Virtual ADX. For more
information on the maintenance tasks, refer to “Navigating the maintain tab” on page 237.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide3
The web interface of the Brocade Virtual ADX has the following features, as shown in Figure 1 and
described in Table 1.
FIGURE 1Brocade Virtual ADX home page
1Menu bar 5Page tab
2Sidebar6Login bar
3Button bar7Main page
4Task bar8Control bar
4Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
TABLE 1Brocade Virtual ADX web interface features
Brocade Virtual ADX home page features Description and options
Login barIncludes information regarding your login session along with the links to
get additional help.
The following options are displayed on the login bar:
• Hostname — Host name and the model of the Brocade Virtual ADX.
• User — Username that was used to log in to the Brocade Virtual ADX.
• Context — Context corresponding to the username.
• Role — Role of the user.
• Help — Link to the Brocade Virtual ADX Community website.
• Log out — Ends the current session and returns to the login page.
Task barIncludes tabs for each of the primary GUI tasks:
The following tabs are displayed on the task bar:
• Dashboard — Displays a summary of the system and its state along
with the information about the traffic flowing through the Brocade
Virtual ADX.
• Configure — Allows you to configure the Brocade Virtual ADX features
on the Brocade Virtual ADX.
• Monitor — Displays detailed statistics and status information for the
Brocade Virtual ADX.
• Maintain — Provides the ability to manage licenses, upload software,
reboot the Brocade Virtual ADX, and retrieve information for technical
Menu barAllows you to navigate to specific subsections within a primary tab. The
menu bar is currently displayed when Dashboard, Configure, and Monitor
tabs are selected.
The following options are available from the menu bar depending on the
primary tabs selected:
• System — Displays information related to the system status and
configurations including system settings, system limits, high
availability, and user management.
• Network — Displays information related to the network status or
configurations including interface and routing information.
• Tra ffic — Displays information related to the traffic status or
configurations including virtual servers, real servers, real server
groups, and scripts.
Side barProvides the basic navigation within a given task and subsection allowing
you to view or configure the various entities within the selected task.
Main pageDisplays the fields associated with the item that you have selected in the
• Control bar — Displays the buttons associated with the operations
permitted on the current page along with status information about
the most recent action taken.
• Page tab — Is displayed each time an entity is created or modified or
additional details must be configured for the current page. To close a
page tab, click the Close button in the top corner of the respective
• Button bar — Is displayed when additional parameters must be
configured for the feature. Click the respective buttons to provide the
• Red asterisk (*) — Indicates a required field.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide5
From the task bar, select a primary task (tab) you want to perform. Selecting the tab displays the
related subsections in the menu bar. When you select a subsection, the related entities are
displayed in the sidebar. By default, the system is set to open the first entity in the sidebar and
displays its related fields in the main page.
Getting guidance
The web interface provides help throughout the web interface.
To get help in the web interface, perform one of the following actions:
• Move the cursor over the fields for which you want more information. The tooltip displays
field-specific information to assist you when entering configuration data.
• On any screen of the web interface, click the blue Help icon, on the furthest right corner of the
menu bar.
FIGURE 2Help Icon - Blue icon on the far right
Clicking the Help icon on any screen of the web interface, displays a Help page with content
specific to that particular screen. For example, the help page for the System screen under the
Dashboard tab displays the System view help page.
The content available on help pages can include:
• Instructions to navigate to the screen.
• Summaries describing the screen’s topic.
• Explanations of the information displayed on the screen you are viewing.
• How you can use the screen you are viewing to perform certain functions.
• Options to navigate to related topics.
6Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Use the Dashboard tab to monitor the health and performance of the system based on statistical
counters specific to the Brocade Virtual ADX or to the traffic flowing through the Brocade Virtual
ADX. See Figure 3.
FIGURE 3Dashboard tab
From the menu bar, you can view either System or Traffic dashboard. The System dashboard
provides a summary of the entire system and includes device information such as CPU utilization,
memory utilization, throughput, and system state. The Traffic dashboard provides a summary of the
virtual servers and real servers configured on the Brocade Virtual ADX and the related traffic
information such as connections per second, average response times per service and overall traffic
distribution. By default, the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface displays the System dashboard after
you log in.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide7
Dashboard overview
Both the System and Traffic dashboards have six panes that can be viewed, hidden, resized, and
reorganized. The information in the dashboard is automatically updated based on the autorefresh
interval that you set. By default, the autorefresh interval is set to 30 seconds. You can change the
autorefresh time interval by selecting an interval option from the Auto Refresh list. To disable
autorefresh, you can select the On Demand option from the list.
You can view the counters in the dashboard in either graphical or tabular format based on your
preference. To change the format, click the graph or table icon in the top corner of selected pane.
Graphical view is restricted only to some of the panels in the dashboard.
For more information on the icons, refer to “Navigating the monitor tab” on page 171. You can also
view more detailed information about the Dashboard counters by clicking the Details link located at
the bottom of each pane. This link directs you to the corresponding detailed counters under the
Monitor tab.
You can customize the dashboard panels using the following methods:
• Use the drag and drop operation to reorganize the panels to the desired area on the
• In graphical view, select or clear the check box next to the corresponding legend to view or hide
a line that represent a legend on the graph.
• Click the maximize or minimize button at the top right of the panel to maximize or minimize the
• Click the arrow next to the each individual header column to sort the data in ascending or
descending order.
8Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Dashboard overview
Dashboard pod controls
The Dashboard pods support variable data display, time-period selection, and data export on a
case-by-case basis.
FIGURE 4Dashboard pod controls
1Display pod data in graph format
2Display pod data in a spreadsheet
3Toggle data display
4Export data
5Jump to source page
Displaying dashboard pod line graph data
Some pods allow you to select the data to be displayed. Clicking on the check boxes inside the pods
toggles the display of the value on and off. It does not stop the collection of that data.
Changing dashboard pod line graph data time period
Some pods allow you to change the time period for the data being displayed.
See the Historical Statistics status in the bottom left corner of the Dashboard tab. To enable the
time period controls:
1. Click Turn ON to toggle the display of the pods time period controls for those pods.
2. Each pod’s time period display is independent of any other. Select the time period you want
displayed for each pod.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide9
Dashboard overview
The Historical Statistics status is retained between sessions, but time period selections and data
display selections are not.
Exporting pod line graph data
Some pods allow you to export whatever data has been collected for the graph. Clicking Export… in
the pod opens a standard windows file dialog that allows you to save the data as a CSV file.
• The export will include data from ALL data sets (lines) in the pod, even if the display of some (or
all) of the data set lines in that pod have been turned off.
• The first line of the exported file is text with symbolic names for all the data fields.
• Each text line in the exported file ends with the fields TIME and DATE, which provide timestamp
information in the formats of integer and string.
Sample CSV output:
8,2,0,4,0,12,1337718524371,Tue May 22 13:28:44 GMT-0700 2012
8,3,0,5,11,4,1337718563651,Tue May 22 13:29:23 GMT-0700 2012
12,0,5,4,8,11,1337718565933,Tue May 22 13:29:25 GMT-0700 2012
12,0,0,5,4,12,1337718568104,Tue May 22 13:29:28 GMT-0700 2012
8,11,12,0,0,12,1337718597994,Tue May 22 13:29:57 GMT-0700 2012
5,8,11,11,12,5,1337718628244,Tue May 22 13:30:28 GMT-0700 2012
4,12,8,5,12,0,1337718658759,Tue May 22 13:30:58 GMT-0700 2012
10Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Dashboard overview
Viewing Line Graph data details
Some pods allow you to jump to the page that provided the information in the pod. If the pod
supports this, click Details… to jump to the appropriate page in the application. For example,
clicking the Details… link in the Throughput pod displays the Interfaces page on the Monitor tab.
FIGURE 5Navigate to the Interfaces page from the Throughput pod
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide11
System view
System view
The System dashboard displays various system information including general summary,
throughput, log messages, established connections, and sessions.
To vi ew the System dashboard, select the Dashboard tab in the task bar and click System on the
menu bar. The System dashboard page is displayed, as shown in Figure 6.
FIGURE 6System dashboard
The System Dashboard contains six pods. See Table 2.
TABLE 2System Dashboard pods
System SummaryDisplays system details including:
• Model
• Version
• System IP
• Serial Number
• System Health
• HA Mode
• Interfaces
• Uptime
ThroughputAllows you to monitor the total number of packets received and
transmitted by the Brocade Virtual ADX.
SessionsAllows you to monitor the total number of sessions created with respect to
System LogAllows you to monitor the system log messages and errors in the Brocade
Virtual ADX
MP/Core Resources Allows you to monitor the memory and CPU utilization in the Brocade
Virtual ADX
Total ConnectionsAllows you to monitor the total number of connections established with the
Brocade Virtual ADX.
12Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
Traffic view
Traffic view
The Traf fic dashboard displays network traffic information including traffic distribution, sessions
and connections for service, and service response time.
To vi ew the Traffic dashboard, select the Dashboard tab in the task bar and click Tra ff ic on the
menu bar.
The Traf fic dashboard page is displayed, as shown in Figure 7.
FIGURE 7Traffic dashboard
The Traf fic dashboard contains six pods. See Table 3.
TABLE 3Traffic dashboard pods
Traffic SummaryAllows you to monitor the status of the virtual servers, real servers, and
ports configured on the Brocade Virtual ADX in a tabular format. You can
also monitor the following:
• Total count of virtual servers, real servers, and ports.
• Maximum number virtual servers, real servers, and ports that can be
configured on the Brocade Virtual ADX.
• Number of virtual servers, real servers, and ports that are disabled.
Throughput by ServiceAllows you to monitor the transmission and reception of packets in bits per
seconds (BPS) over time based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
Hypertext Transfer Protocol secure (HTTPS), Domain Name System (DNS).
Connections by ServiceAllows you to monitor the sessions over time based on HTTP, HTTPS, and
Traffic Distribution - IPv4 vs IPv6Allows you to monitor the client traffic based on IPv4 versus IPv6.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide13
Traffic view
TABLE 3Traffic dashboard pods (Continued)
HTTP Traffic - Content SwitchingAllows you to view the HTTP traffic request response.
Average Response Time by ServiceAllows you to monitor response over time based on HTTP, HTTPS, or DNS.
14Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
The Configure tab is the second tab in the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface.
FIGURE 8Configure tab
You can use the Configure tab to configure the system, network, traffic, or security settings on an
Brocade Virtual ADX. When you click the Configure tab, the following menus are displayed in the
menu bar. See Table 4.
TABLE 4Configure tab menu bar
SystemAllows you to configure the features specific to basic system settings and
limits, High Availability (HA), and user management.
NetworkAllows you to configure the features specific to interfaces, static routes,
and Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs).
TrafficAllows you to configure the features specific to virtual server, real server,
health checks, content switching, and OpenScripts.
GSLBAllows you to configure the feature specific to the Global Server Load
Balancing (GSLB) site.
SecurityAllows you to configure the features specific to Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
and certificate management.
By default, the Brocade Virtual ADX web interface displays the System menu after you click the
Configure tab.
Click a menu that represents the primary task that you want to perform from the menu bar, the
corresponding entities specific to the menu are displayed in the sidebar. From the sidebar, select
an entity that represents a configuration feature. The corresponding Summary page with a list of
configured entities specific to the feature in tabular format is displayed in the main page. For
example, when you select the Real Servers entity from the sidebar, the main page displays a
summary page with the list of real servers configured in the Brocade Virtual ADX. The list displays
up to 30 configuration entries. You can navigate to view the next or previous set of configuration
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide15
Saving the configuration
information by clicking Next or Previous at the bottom of the Summary page. Click First or Last to go
to the most recent or least recent entries. Also, you can select the page number from the list, to go
to a specific page. The main page displays the buttons that are used to perform configuration
actions. See Tab le 5.
TABLE 5Configuration actions
NewAllows you to create a new instance of the currently selected entity.
EditAllows you to modify the attributes of the currently selected entity.
DeleteAllows you to delete a configured entity from the Brocade Virtual ADX. All
nested configurations within the deleted configured entity are also
ApplyApplies changes to the running configuration.
ResetReverts the configuration on the current page to the previous configured
Common icons
The main page displays the common icons on the top right corner for all the configuration tasks.
See Tab le 6.
TABLE 6Configuration icons
FilterAllows you to filter the data currently displayed in theSummarypage. Click
RefreshRefreshes the current page based on the most recent changes made to
SaveSaves the running configuration to the startup configuration.
Saving the configuration
When you change the current configuration or add any new configuration, the Brocade Virtual ADX
stores the configuration data in the running configuration. To permanently save the configuration to
the startup configuration of the Brocade Virtual ADX, click the Save button at the top right corner of
the main page.
the Filter icon and select the criteria from the Filter Criteria list to filter the
the running configuration. Includes an option to set the interval at which
you want the page has to refreshed.
16Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
After logging in to the web interface, configure the basic system information to identify your device
in the network and set the system limits to control the memory usage.
Configuring basic system settings
Configure the basic system settings including the host name. To configure the basic system
settings on the Brocade Virtual ADX, perform the following steps within the Configure tab.
1. Click System on the menu bar.
2. From the sidebar, click General.
Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide17
General settings
The System Configuration page is displayed. See Figure 9.
FIGURE 9System Configuration page
3. Under System, provide the following information:
• Hostname: Enter a host name for the Brocade Virtual ADX; for example, ADXHost. When
you configure a host name, the name replaces the default system name. The name can
contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
• Serial Number: Displays the serial number of the Brocade Virtual ADX. The field is editable.
All the configuration changes performed in the web interface are stored in the running configuration.
Click the Save icon to save the running configuration to the startup configuration.
For more information on the basic system settings, refer to the Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide.
You can use the links under Quick Links to helpful Tasks, to navigate to real servers, virtual servers,
health checks, and content switching policy configurations.
18Brocade Virtual ADX Graphical User Interface Guide
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