This appliance has been designed for preserving and freezing
food, preserving deep-frozen food and producing ice cubes. Any
other use would be inappropriate.
Your appliance must be installed in accordance with the instructions in this manual; faulty installation could result in damage to
the appliance.
For any problems regarding the appliance’s operation, please
always only contact the approved After-Sales Service centres or a
suitably qualified professional.
Disconnect your appliance prior to performing any maintenance
operation. Unplug it; do not pull on the power cable.
If this freezer is replacing another one with a catch, spring, lock or
other closing system, remember to destroy the closing mechanism
or, better still, remove the door from your old appliance to avoid
anyone becoming trapped inside (children playing, animals, etc.).
Once you have unpacked the appliance, ensure that it is not damaged. If it is, any damage must be notified to the retailer witching 24
hours of delivery. The materials used for the packaging are 100%
recyclable (cardboard, PE bubble wrap, EPS, etc.). Keep these
materials out of children’s reach..
For your appliance to operate optimally, install it away from any heat
sources and ensure that air can circulate well all around it (see
“Installing your appliance”).
CCaauuttiioonn ::
YYoouurr aapppplliiaannccee’’ss rreeffrriiggeerraattiioonn cciirrccuuiitt iiss ffiilllleedd wwiitthh iissoobbuuttaannee rreeffrrii--
ggeerraanntt ((RR660000aa)),, aa n
naattuurraall,, nnoonn--ppoolllluuttiinngg ggaass tthhaatt iiss,, hhoowweevveerr,,
iinnffllaammmmaabbllee.. EEnnssuurree tthhaatt nnoonnee ooff tthhee ccoommppoonneennttss iinn yyoouurr
apppplliiaannccee’’ss rreeffrriiggeerraattiioonn cciirrccuuiitt iiss ddaammaaggeedd dduurriinngg ttrraannssppoorrtt oorr
iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. IIff yyoouu ddeetteecctt aannyy ddaamma
aggee,, kkeeeepp yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee aawwaayy
ffrroomm ffllaammeess aanndd aannyy ssoouurrcceess ooff iiggnniittiioonn aanndd vveennttiillaattee tthhee rroooomm iinn
h iitt iiss llooccaatteedd..