Fire Alarm Systems | D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels
D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels
Four detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20
two-wire smoke detectors per zone
Built-in DACT
Two notification appliance circuits (NACs) on board
with an internal 24 VFWR, 4 A NAC power supply
Easily converts to addressable with the addition of a
D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module
Programmable through front panel interface, remote
D7033 Liquid-crystal Display (LCD) Keypads, or remote
programming software (RPS)
The D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs) can be used
in commercial and public building applications such as
schools, universities, manufacturing plants, and health care
facilities. They are listed by UL for central station, local,
auxiliary, and remote station systems.
The D7024 FACPs support four on-board initiating zones
that can be expanded to eight using the D7034. Each
initiating zone supports two-wire and four-wire detectors
configurable as Class A, Style D (with D7014) or Class B,
Style B loops. Each zone can support up to 20 two-wire
detectors, or any number of four-wire detectors depending
on available power. Each FACP has a built-in digital fire
alarm communicator transmitter (DACT).
Enhance the D7024 conventional system features when
running version 2.02 or higher firmware by adding a D7039
Multiplex Expansion Module. Adding a D7039 Multiplex
Expansion Module to the D7024 turns the conventional
FACP into an addressable FACP. The D7039 adds up to 247
addressable points to the base system and adds an
additional 400 events to the history buffer for a total of 499
events. The D7039 also increases the number of
programmable relay outputs from 18 to 58 and allows up to
100 system users (an addition of 84 PINs to the base
Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs)
Two on-board Class B, Style Y or Class A, Style Z (with
D7015) NACs provide up to 4 A of 24 VFWR power to
operate horns, strobes, bells, and other notification
appliances. Each NAC can be programmed to provide
Temporal Code 3, steady, pulsed, and synchronized output
for Wheelock™ and Gentex™ notification appliances.
User Interface
A viewing port in the keyed control panel enclosure door
shows the system status light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and
LCD display while maintaining system keypad security.
Unlocking the enclosure door provides access to the system
controls for silencing off-normal conditions, zone
bypassing, detector resetting, testing, other fire functions,
and programming. These functions are also available on all
D7033 LCD Keypads connected to the system. All D7036
LCD Annunciators provide custom text annunciation on a
32-character, backlit, two-line LCD display. All system
keypads and annunciators have built-in sounders. Back-light
intensity and sounder volume are programmable.

2 | D7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)
There are 16 PINs available for accessing system control.
Assign each number an authority level to limit access to the
system control functions.
Note The number of PINs increases to 100 with the
addition of a D7039 Multiplex Expansion
History Buffer
The system stores events in a 99-event history buffer.
Note The number of events that can be stored in the
history buffer increases to 499 with the
addition of a D7039 Multiplex Expansion
Central Station Reporting
The D7024 FACPs send reports to two telephone numbers
with full single, double, and backup reporting. They
communicate in BFSK, SIA, Contact ID, Modem IIIa2, and
4/2 and 3/1 Tone Bursts.
Dirty Smoke Detector Monitoring
All on-board zones and D7034 zones are continuously
monitored for smoke detectors signaling a dirty condition
using the Bosch Chamber Check® feature and CleanMe®
protocol. If a detector's smoke chamber is dirty, the
detector sends a CleanMe signal on the two-wire loop or a
dirty detector signal on the addressable loop. The control
panel annunciates that there is a dirty detector on the loop
or the address. The Chamber Check feature signals a dirty
smoke chamber using the LED on the detector head.
The D7024 enclosure has space for additional accessory
modules and two D1218 (18 Ah) batteries or two D126
(7 Ah) batteries.
Category Product ID Product Description
Batteries and D126 12 V, 7 Ah battery
Power Supplies D1218 12 V, 18 Ah battery
D7038 Remote NAC power supply
Detectors For two-wire detectors, refer to D7022-D7024 Com-
patibility List Technogram (P/N: 34445)
Keypads and
Modules D132B Smoke detector reversing relay mod-
NAC Devices Refer to D7024 NAC Compatibility List Technogram (P/
The following additional products are compatible with the
D7024 Addressable FACPs:
D7030X Eight-point LED annunciator
(eight red)
D7030X-S2 Eight-point LED annunciator
(two yellow, six red)
D7030X-S8 Eight-point LED annunciator
(eight yellow)
D7032 Eight-zone LED annunciator expander
(eight red)
D7033 LCD fire system keypad
D7036 LCD annunciator
D184A Auxiliary local energy interface kit
D185 Reversing polarity module
D275 EOL power supervision module
D7014 Zone converter module
D7015 Class B to Class A NAC converter
D7031 Silence reset module
D7034 Four-point expander
D7035 Octal relay module
D7035B Octal relay module in box
D7039 Multiplex expansion module
D7039R Multiplex expansion module retrofit kit
N: 34950)
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
CSFM 7165-1615: 147 July 2008
NYC-MEA 12-92-E, Vol. VII
12-92-E, Vol. 14
Canada IC 1249 7703 A
Hong Kong HKFSD
Installation/Configuration Notes
Compatible Products
The following products are compatible with the D7024
Category Product ID Product Description
Detectors and
Detector Bases
Modules D7042 Multiplex eight-input remote module
Pull Stations FMM-7045 Single-action manual station
D7050 Addressable photoelectric smoke
D7050TH Addressable photoelectric smoke
and heat detector
D7050-B6 Addressable detector base
D7042B Multiplex eight-input remote module
in box
D7044 Multiplex single-input module
D7044M Mini multiplex single-input module
D7048 Multiplex octal driver
D7048B Multiplex octal driver in box
D7052 Multiplex dual-input module
D7053 Multiplex input-output module
FMM-7045-D Double-action manual station