Federal Communications Commission
(F.C.C) Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation of this
device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesir ed operation.
Accessories: This device has been tes ted and found to comply with the
limits of a Class B digital device, the accessories associated with this
equipment are as follows:
1. Shielded serial cable. (Can be obtained from multiple retail outlets)
2. Shielded printer cable. (Can be obtained from multiple retail outlets)
3. Shielded video cable. (Can be obtained from multiple retail outlets)
4. Shielded power cord. (Provided by manufacturer)
These accessories are required to ensure compliance with FCC Rules. It
is the responsibility of the user to provide and use these accessories
pro perly.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a
Class B digital device , pur suant of Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide r easonable protection against har mful interference
in a residential i nstall ation. This equipment generates, uses a nd r adiates
rad io fre quency e nergy and, if you did not install ed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference in the radio
communications. There is no guarantee that interference w ill no t occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference in
the radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient / relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet from a different circuit while the
re ceiver is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Caution: Changes or modifi catio ns, whic h are not expressly appr oved by
the manufacturer, could void the user’s authority to operate the
The vendor makes no repr esentations or warranties with respect to the
contents here of and specially the vendor disclaims any implied w arranties
of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. Further the vendor reserves
the right to revise this publ icati on and to make changes of the contents here
of without obli gation to notify any party beforehand.
Dupli ca tion of this publi cation, in p art or i n whole, is not allowed without
first obtaining the vendor’s approval in writing.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise
emissions from digital apparatus to set out of the radio interference regulations of
the Canadian Department of Communications.
Cet appareil numérique n‘émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites
appliquées aux appareils numériques de Class B préscrits dans le réglement du
brouillage radioélectrique edict par le minister Des Communications du Canada.
Thanks for buying this product! This manual was written to help you start using this
pro duct as quick ly an d smoo th ly as possible. Inside you will find adequa te
explanations to solve most problems. In order for this reference material to be of
greatest use, refer to the “expanded table of contents” to find relevant topics.
This board incorporates the system board, I/O, and PCI IDE into one board that
provides a total PC solution. The mainboard, an AMD Athlon
processor based PC Micro ATX system, supports single processors with PCI Local
Bus, and AGP Bus to support upgrades to your system performance. It is ideal for
multi-tasking and fully supports MS-DOS, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Novell,
Windows95/98, Windows ME, Windows XP, LINUX 7.0, UNIX, SCO UNIX etc.
This manual also explains how to install the mainboard for operation, and how to
setup your CMOS configuration with the BIOS setup program.
− Primary and secondary interrupt differentiation for individual channels.
− Dedicated input pins for power and sleep buttons, external modem ring
indicator, and notebook lid open/close for system wake-up.
− Multiple internal and external SMI sources for flexible power
management models.
− One program mable chip s ele ct and one mic rocontrolle r ch ip select.
− Enhanced integrated real time clock (RTC) with date alarm, month
alarm, and century field.
− Thermal alarm on either external or any combination of two internal
temperature sensing circuits.
− I/O pad leakage control.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
Unive rsal Se rial Bus
− Supports two back Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ports and two front
Universal serial Bus (USB) Ports (Optional).
− Supports 48 MHz USB.
Hardware Monitor Function
− CPU Fan Speed Monitor.
− System and CPU Temperature Monitor (Optional).
− System Voltage Monitor.
Dimens ions (Mic ro ATX)
− 22.2cm X 24.4 cm (W x L)
Integrated Savage4 2D/3D/Video Accelerator
− Optimized Shared Memory Architecture (SMA).
− 2 to 32 MB frame buffer using system memory.
− Floating point triangle setup engine.
− Single cycle 128-bit 3D architecture.
− 8M triangles/second setup engine.
− 140M pixels/second trilinear fill ra te.
− Full AGP 4x, including sideband addressing and execute mode.
− S3 DX6 texture compression (S3TC).
− Next generation, 128-bit 2D graphics engine.
− High quality DVD video playback.
− Flat panel monitor support.
− 2D/3D resolutions up to 1920x1440.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.1.2 Software
− AWARD legal BIOS .
− Supports APM1.2.
− Supports USB Function.
− Supports ACPI.
Operating System
− Offers the highest performance for MS-DOS, Windows NT, Windows
2000, Windows 95/98, Windows ME, Windows XP, LINUX 7.0,
Novell, UNIX, SCO UNIX etc.
1.1.3 Attachments
− HDD Cable.
− FDD Cable.
− Flash Memory Writer for BIOS Update.
− USB2 Cable (Optional).
− Rear I/O Panel for ATX Case (Optional).
− Fu lly Setup D river CD.
For 1.2GHz CPU, we recommend the user to add a
“Chipset Fan” in order to reduce the excess thermal dissipated
from Northbridge Chipset.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.2 Motherboard Installation
1.2.1 Layout of Motherboard
Model No.M7VKG
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.3 Motherboard Quick Reference
A. ATX Power Connector (JATXPWR1) L. Front USB Connector (JUSB2)
B. Back Panel I/O Connectors M. Wake-On-LAN Header (JWOL1)
C. Telephony Header (JTAD1)
D. AU X Audio-In He ader (JAUX1*) O. System Fan Header (JSFAN1)
E. CD Audio-In Header (JCDIN1-2) P. FDD Connector (FDD1)
F. PCI BUS Slots (PCI1-3) Q. IDE Connectors (IDE1-2)
G. Front Audio Connector (JF_AUDIO) R. CPU Ratio Selection (JCLK2)
H. CNR Slot (CNR1) S. CPU Frequency Selection (JCLK1)
I. AGP BUS Slot (AGP1) T. CMOS Function Selection (JCMOS1)
J. Chipset Fan Header (JSFAN3*) U. DIMMs (DIMM2-3)
K. Front Panel Connector (JPANEL1-2) V. CPU Fan Header (JCFAN1)
N. Wake-On MODEM Header (JWOM1*)
NOTE: The “ * “mark represent the function is optional.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.3.1 Front Panel Connectors (JPANEL1 / JPANEL2)
Pin Pin
1 +5V 2 +5V VCC
3 No Connection Speaker 4 Ground Ground
5 Ground Connector 6 No Connection No Connection
7 Speaker 8 Power LED(-) PWR LED
Pin Pin
Assignment Function
Assignment Function
Assignment Function
Assignment Function
1 HDD LED (+) Hard Drive 2 Power LED (-)
3 HDD LED (-) LED 4 Power LED (+)
5 Ground Reset 6 P owe r Button ATX Power
7 Reset Control Button 8 Ground Button
9 +5V 10 Sleep Control
11 Ir-In IrDA 12 Ground
SLP Button
13 Ground Connector 14 No Connection No Connection
15 Ir-Out 16 +5V VCC
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
17 No Connection No Connection 18 No Connection No Connection
Speake r Conne ctor
An offboard speaker can be installed on the motherboard as a manufacturing option.
An offboard speaker can be connected to the motherboard at the front panel
connector. The speaker (onboard or offboard) provides error beep code information
during the Power On Self-Test when the computer cannot use the video interface.
The speaker is not connected to the audio subsystem and does not receive output
from the audio subsystem.
Reset Button
This connector can be connected to a momentary SPST type switch that is
normally open. When the switch is closed, the motherboard resets and runs the
Power LED Connector
This connector can be connected to an LED that will light when the computer is
pow ere d on .
Hard Drive LED Connector
This connector can be connected to an LED to provide a visual indicator that data is
being read from or written to a hard drive. For the LED to function properly, an
IDE drive must be connected to the onboard hard drive controller.
Infrared Connector
After the IrDA interface is configured, files can be transferred from or to portable
dev ices such as la pt ops, PD As, an d printers us ing application s of tware.
Sle e p Butt on
When APM is enabled in the system BIOS, and the operating system’s APM driver
is loaded, the system can enter sleep (standby) mode in one of the following ways:
• Optional front panel SMI button
• Prolonged system inactivity using the BIOS inactivity timer feature
he 2-pin header located on the front panel I/O connector supports a front panel
SMI switch, which must be a momentary SPST type that is normally open.
Closing the SMI switch sends a System Management Interrupt (SMI) to the
processor, which immediately goes into System Management Mode (SMM).While
the computer is in sleep mode it is fully capable of responding to and servicing
external interrupts (such as an incoming fax) even though the monitor turns on only
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
if a keyboard or mouse interrupt occurs. To reactivate or resume the system, the
SMI switch must be pressed again, or the keyboard or mouse must be used.
Power On Button
This connector can be connected to a front panel power switch. The switch must
pull the Power Button pin to ground for at least 50 ms to signal the power supply to
switch on or off. (The time requirement is due to internal debounce circuitry on the
motherboard) . At least two se conds m us t p ass before the po wer supply will
recognize another on/off signal.
1.3.2 Floppy Disk Connector (FDD1)
The motherboard provides a standard floppy disk connector (FDC) that supports
360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88M floppy disk types. This connector supports
the provided floppy drive ribbon cables.
1.3.3 Hard Disk Connectors (IDE1/IDE2)
The motherboard has a 32-bit Enhanced PCI IDE Controller that provides PIO
Mode 0~4, Bus Master, and Ultra DMA / 33, Ultra DMA / 66, Ultra DMA / 100
(optional) functionality. It has two HDD connectors IDE1 (primary) and IDE2
(secondary). You can connect up to four hard disk drives, a CD-ROM, a 120MB
Floppy (reserved for future BIOS) and other devices to IDE1 and IDE2. These
connectors support the IDE hard disk cable provided.
• IDE1 (Primary IDE Connector)
The first hard drive should always be connected to IDE1. IDE1 can connect a
Master and a Slave drive. You must configure the second hard drive on IDE1 to
Slave mode by setting the jumper accordingly.
• IDE2 (Secondary IDE Conne ctor)
The IDE2 controller can also support a Master and a Slave drive. The configuration
is similar to IDE1. The second drive on this controller must be set to slave mode.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.3.4 ATX 20-pin Power Connector (JATXPWR1)
This connector supports the power button on-board. Using the ATX power
supply, functions such as Modem Ring Wake-Up and Soft Power Off are
supported on this motherboard. This power connector supports instant power-on
fu nc tionality, which mean s that the system will boot up instan tly w hen the p ower
connector is inserted on the board.
Pin No. Assignment Pin No. Assignment
1 +3.3V 11 +3.3V
2 +3.3V 12 -12V
3 Ground 13 Ground
4 +5V 14 PS_ON
5 Ground 15 Ground
6 +5V 16 Ground
7 Ground 17 Ground
8 PW_OK 18 -5V
9 5V_SB 19 +5V
10 + 12V 20 +5V
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.4 Back Panel Connectors
Game Port
1.4.1 PS/2 Mouse / Keyboard CONN.: JKBMS1
The motherboard provides a standard PS/2 mouse / Keyboard mini DIN connector
for attaching a PS/2 mouse. You can plug a PS/2 mouse / Keyboard directly into
this connector. The connector location and pin definition are shown below:
Pin 4 VCC
Pin 2 NC
Pin 6 NC
Pin 4 VCC
Pin 2 NC
Pin 6 NC
PS / 2 Mouse
Pin 5 Mouse Clock
Pin 3 GND
Pin 1 Mouse DATA
Pin 5 KBD Clock
Pin 3 GND
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
PS/2 Mouse / Keyboard Connectors
Pin No. Signal Name
1 Data
2 No connection
3 Ground
4 +5 V (fused)
5 Clock
6 No connection
1.4.2 USB Connector: JUSB1
The motherboard provides a OHCI (Op en Ho st Co ntroller I nte rfac e) Un iv ersa l
Serial Bus R o ot s for attaching USB devices such as: keyboard, mouse and other
USB device.
Stacked USB Connectors
Pin No. Assignment
1 +5 V
2 USBP0- [USBP1-]
3 USBP0+ [USBP1+]
4 Ground
Signal names in brackets ([]) ar e for USB Port 1 .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.4.3 Monitor Connector: JVGA1
Th is motherboa rd has built in v ideo facilities. Your mon itor will attach dire ctly to
JVGA1 connector on the motherboard.
1 Red 2 Green
3 Blue 4 +5V
5 Ground 6 Ground
7 Ground 8 Ground
9 +5V 10 Ground
11 +5V 12 DDC/Data
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.4.4 Front USB Connector: JUSB2
1 +5V 2 Ground
3 USBP2- 4 Ground
5 USBP2+ 6 USBP3+
7 Ground 8 USBP3-
9 Ground 10 +5V
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
1.5 Serial and Parallel Interface Ports
This system comes equipped with one serial port and one parallel port. Both types
of interface ports will be explained in this chapter.
The Serial Interface: CN1
The serial interface port is sometimes referred to as an RS-232 port or an
asynchronous communication port. Mice, printers, modems and other peripheral
devices can be connected to a serial port. The serial port can also be used to
connect your computer with another computer system. If you wish to transfer the
contents of your hard disk to another system it can be accomplished by using each
machine’s serial port.
The serial port on this system has one 9-pin connector. Some older computer
systems and peripherals used to be equipped with only one 25-pin connector.
Should you need to connect your 9-pin serial port to an older 25-pin serial port, you
can purchase a 9-to-25 pin adapter.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
The serial port can be used in many ways, and it may be necessary to become
familiar with the pin-out diagram. The following chart gives you the function of
each pin on the 9-pin connector and some of the 25-pin connector. This information
can be used when configuring certain software programs to work with the serial
Signal Name DB9 PIN DB25 PIN
DCD Data Carrier Detect 1 8
RX Receive Data 2 3
TX Transmit Data 3 2
DTR Data Terminal Ready 4 20
GND Signal Ground 5 7
DSR Data Set Ready 6 6
RTS Request to Send 7 4
CTS Clear to Send 8 5
RI Ring Indicator 9 22
Chapter 1 Motherboard Description
Parallel Inte rf ace Port : CN2
Unlike the serial port, parallel interface port has been standardized and should not
present any difficulty interfacing peripherals to your system. Sometimes called
Centronics port, the parallel port is almost exclusively used with printers. The
parallel port on your system has a 25-pin, DB25 connector (see picture below). The
pinouts for the parallel port are shown in the table below.
Signal Pin
-Strobe 1
Data 0 2
Data 1 3
Data 2 4
Data 3 5
Data 4 6
Data 5 7
Data 6 8
Data 7 9