Bio-Rad Personal Molecular Imager System User Manual

Hard ware Instruction Man ual
for Catalog Number
For Technical Service, Call Your Local Bio-Rad Office or, in the US, Call 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723)
P er sonal Molecular
Dear Customer, On behalf of Bio-Rad Laboratories, we would like to thank you for investing in the Personal
Molecular Imager (PMI) system and we are sure that it will provide you with many years of high quality imaging.
One of the best ways to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your new PMI system is to read this manual. In it you will learn how to set up the system and operate all hardware components. It is also recommended that you read the accompanying software manual, to familiarize yourself with general acquisition functions and data analysis. After reading this manual, please keep it close to your PMI system so that it can be conveniently referred to.
Your PMI system is protected by a comprehensive instrument warranty agreement. Please read this manual thoroughly, so that you fully understand the coverage it provides and you are aware of your rights and responsibilities. One of the responsibilities of system ownership is regular maintenance. Following the maintenance instructions provided with this manual will help to keep your system and peripherals functioning optimally and will protect your investment. Please also keep in mind that Bio-Rad offers a range of comprehensive service agreements that can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Bio-Rad Laboratories is dedicated to your total satisfaction and would be pleased to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
How to Contact Bio-Rad Laboratories
In the United States you can reach Bio-Rad Laboratories at the following numbers: For general information Toll free: 1-800-4BIORAD
1-800-424-6723 Fax: 1-510-741-5802 e-mail:
For service or technical assistance Toll free: 1-800-424-6723 Fax: 1-800-741-5802
Outside the United States, contact your local Bio-Rad Laboratories office. For information concerning Bio-Rad Laboratories and its products, visit our web site at
Table of Contents
Section 1 General Information......................................................................1
1.1 About this Manual......................................................................................1
1.2 Safe t y I nf o r m at i o n......................................................................................1
1.2.1 General Cautions...........................................................................1
1.2.2 General Warnings..........................................................................2
1.2.3 Power Safety Information...............................................................2
1.2.4 Laser Safety Information ................................................................2
1.2.5 Screen Eraser Safety Information...................................................3
Section 2 Introduction...................................................................................3
2.1 System Capabilities ...................................................................................3
2.2 System Description....................................................................................3
2.3 Theo r y o f O p e r at i o n...................................................................................7
2.3.1 Storage Phosphor Detection Mechanism .......................................7
2.3.2 Data Processing and Analysis........................................................7
2.4 Overview of the Imaging Process...............................................................8
2.4.1 Steps in Storage Phosphor Imaging...............................................8
Section 3 System Installation .......................................................................9
3.1 Operating Requirements............................................................................9
3.1.1 System Location.............................................................................9
3.1.2 AC Power Requirements..............................................................10
3.1.3 Host Computer Recommendations...............................................10
3.2 Setting Up Your PMI System ...................................................................11
3.2.1 Shipping Check............................................................................11
3.2.2 Unpacking....................................................................................11
3.2.3 Electrical and Communication Connections..................................13
3.2.4 Quantity One Software Installation ...............................................13
Section 4 System Operation ......................................................................13
4.1 Starting the Scanner................................................................................13
4.2 Detailed Operating Procedures................................................................14
4.2.1 How to Prepare Imaging Screens.................................................14
4.2.2 How to Erase Imaging Screens....................................................15
4.2.3 How to Prepare Samples .............................................................15
4.2.4 How to Use the Exposure Cassette..............................................18
4.2.5 How to Scan the Imaging Screen.................................................18
4.3 Scanning Unit Precautions.......................................................................20
Section 5 Care and Maintenance................................................................20
5.1 Scanner Maintenance..............................................................................20
5.2 Care for PMI Accessories ........................................................................21
5.2.1 General Care of Imaging Screens................................................21
5.2.2 Radioactive Contamination Check................................................21
5.2.3 Cleaning Imaging Screens ...........................................................21
5.2.4 Storage of the Imaging Screens...................................................21
5.3 Exposure Cassette Maintenance .............................................................21
5.4 Screen Eraser Maintenance.....................................................................21
5.4.1 Changing Bulbs............................................................................21
Section 6 Troubleshooting..........................................................................24
6.1 Factors Affecting Image Quality...............................................................24
6.2 Problem Solving Guide............................................................................24
Appendix 1System Specifications ................................................................25
Appendix 2Warranty Information..................................................................26
Appendix 3Purchasing Information..............................................................27
Section 1 General Information
1.1 About this Manual
This manual provides instructions for installing, operating and maintaining the Personal Molecular Imager (PMI) system. This manual uses certain conventions to facilitate understanding of the text material and to assist operators in using the PMI system.
Notes, Cautions and Warnings
Notes, cautions and warnings are used to highlight certain operating procedures and recommendations.
A note indicates a special procedure, an exception to normal operation or something else of specific interest to the reader. Notes are preceded by the word “Note” in italics.
A caution precedes an operational step that could damage the instrument or destroy data unless the operator takes certain precautions. Cautions are located in the main text, are preceded by a Caution: statement and are accompanied by a caution symbol in the left margin.
A warning precedes an operating procedure that could cause injury to the operator if not followed correctly. Warnings are located in the main text, are preceded by a Warning: statement and are accompanied by a warning symbol in the left margin.
1.2 Safety Information
Your safety and the safety of others is very important to us. To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided comprehensive operating procedures and safety information in this manual and on labels affixed to instrumentation. This information will alert you to any potential hazards.
1.2.1 General Cautions Caution: Always install the scan head locking screw before moving the PMI and avoid
subjecting the PMI system to vibration (see section 3.2.2). Caution: After transport, always remove the scan head locking screw before supplying
power to the PMI scanner (see section 3.2.2). Caution: Other than emission filter wheel access port, do not remove instrument covers.
There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer all servicing to qualified Bio-Rad personnel or their agents. If you experience technical difficulties with the instrument, contact Bio-Rad to schedule a service appointment.
Caution: The instrument should not be modified or altered in any way other than moving or changing emission filters. Alteration of this instrument voids the manufacturer's warranty and may create a potential safety hazard for the user.
Caution: Bio-Rad is not responsible for any injury or damage caused by the use of this instrument for purposes other than that for which it is intended or by the modification of this instrument when not performed by qualified Bio-Rad personnel or an authorized agent.
1.2.2 General Warnings Warning: There are hazardous voltages inside the PMI scanner. Do not attempt to defeat
the door interlock or remove the instrument's cover. These are designed to prevent user injury.
1.2.3 Power Safety Information
The PMI system is designed and certified to meet both IEC 61010 safety standards and Center for Devices, Radiological Health (CDRH) laser safety standards. Certified products are safe to use when operated in accordance with the instruction manual. This safety certification does not extend to uncertified equipment or accessories, even when connected to the PMI system.
This instrument and its accessories should not be altered or modified in any way. Alteration of the PMI or its accessories will void the manufacturer's warranty, void the IEC 61010 and CDRH certification, and create a potential safety hazard for the user.
Bio-Rad Laboratories is not responsible for any injury or damage caused by the use of this instrument for purposes other than for which it is intended or by modifications of the instrument not performed by Bio-Rad or an authorized agent.
Figure 1.1 shows two serial number certification labels. These are found at the rear of the PMI system and the rear of the External Laser. This label provides manufacturing data about the instrument, its voltage settings and CDRH compliance information. .
Note: For easy customer access, serial number information for the PMI scanner is also located on the right hand side of the overlay located behind the scanner door.
Fig. 1.1a. Instrument serial number information on the rear of the PMI scanner.
1.2.4 Laser Safety Information
This instrument and its accessories are certified according to 21 CFR 1040 of the CDRH, as a Class I laser device and IEC/EN 60825-1+A1+A2 as a Class 1 Laser Device (Figure 1.1a).
The laser contained within the PMI and PharosFX™ Plus scanning unit is configured with a laser that generates energy up to 10 MW at 635 nm. The cover of the scanner has redundant interlocks and is designed to protect the user.
Warning: Do not remove the cover for any reason or defeat the interlock. Attempting to
operate the unit with the cover removed may damage the instrument and expose the operator to energy from the laser.
Warning: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous laser energy exposure.
Caution: The top cover should only be removed by trained service personnel. Do not attempt to operate the product with the cover removed. The PMI system should be serviced only by Bio-Rad or its trained representatives.
Laser warning labels (Figure 1.2) are located externally on the top cover and rear of the instrument and internally on the top surface of the mounting plate, at the rear right-hand corner and the top of the laser module.
Fig. 1.2. Laser warning label.
1.2.5 Screen Eraser Safety Information Warning: The screen erasers must be plugged into a grounded electrical outlet. Warning: The screen eraser must be unplugged and adequate time allowed for the bulbs
to cool before the unit is opened and bulbs are replaced.
Section 2 Introduction
2.1 System Capabilities
The PMI system detects a broad range of isotopes, including 32P, 33P, 35S, 14C, and 3H. The PMI uses storage phosphor screen technology that is at least ten times more sensitive to isotopic emission than X-ray film. The system is compatible with most available phosphor imaging screens based on BaFBr:Eu storage phosphor chemistry.
2.2 System Description
Fig. 2.1. The PMI scanner and peripherals.
The PMI system (170-9400) is shipped together with following components as shown on the Fig. 2.1.
PMI laser scanner
Quantity One software for image acquisition and 1D analysis
Sample tray
Phosphor screen templates
PMI Laser Scanner
The PMI has an internal laser that emits light at a wavelength of 635 nm. The scanner can scan at resolutions of 50, 100, 200, and 800 um and has a linear dynamic range that extends over 4.8 orders of magnitude (1:65536). In contrast, x-ray film has a linear dynamic range that is limited to only 1.5 orders of magnitude.
For complete phosphor imaging workflow the following accessories should be added to the PMI system:
1. Storage phosphor imaging screens
2. Sample exposure cassettes
3. Screen eraser
4. Multi-sample tray
(1) Storage Phosphor Imaging Screens
Bio-Rad offers a range of storage phosphor screens to match different user requirements. Table 2.1 summarizes the key features of each screen.
The screens are composed of a barium fluorobromide matrix doped with europium (BaFBr:Eu). They can be used with traditional autoradiography cassettes without a darkroom, are easy to handle, and are used solely for the detection of isotopic emissions. All phosphor screens are reusable and unharmed by repeated exposure to radioactivity. Screens are sensitive to ß particles and X-rays. All screens are flexible and easy to handle. Exposure takes place in standard X-ray cassettes. All phosphor screens require erasure prior to re-exposure, and their lifetime is extended when they are cared for properly.
Imaging Screen-K
This is a general-purpose screen designed for all common radioisotopic emitters, such as
P, 33P, 35S, and 14C. These screens are available in 35 x 43 cm and 20 x 25 cm formats.
Screens are guaranteed for 1 year.
Imaging Screen-K/Tritium
This is a special imaging screen available for imaging
H. These screens require special care and handling and are reusable only if cared for properly. These screens are 29 x 24 cm and are covered by a 6-month warranty.
Table 2.1. Imaging Screen Specifications and Recommended Applications
(2) Sample Exposure Cassettes
The sample exposure cassettes ensures that close contact is made between the sample and imaging screen. The cassettes contain a grid-marked exposure area, to which the sample is mounted. This allows the sample to be firmly pressed against the imaging screen to generate a high quality image.
Fig. 2.2. Sample exposure cassette and phosphor screen.
(3) Sample Tray
The glass sample tray that is included with the PMI system, is used as a scanning platform for all K-type screens. The multi-sample tray can be purchased to accommodate metal backed storage phosphor screens (170-7812 multi-sample tray).
(4) Screen Eraser
The screen eraser removes any residual signal or background from the imaging screen. The complete erasure process “zeros” or “blanks” the screen to a basal level, which is critical for maximizing sensitivity, linear response, quantitative accuracy, and image quality. The screen eraser-K is used with the K-type screens and any other commercially available phosphor screens which are based on the BaFBr:Eu chemistry (Fig. 2.3).
Application Key Features Sizes
BaFBr:Eu formulation
Easy-to-use format
Compatible with standard X-ray cassettes
More durable
BaFBr:Eu formulation
Sensitive to weak signal
Easy-to-use format Compatible with standard X-ray cassettes
35 x 43
20 x 25
20 x 25 170-7845
Catalog Number
170-7841 170-7842
170-7843 170-7844
Fig. 2.3. External Laser Module
(5) Sample Tray
The glass sample tray that is included with the PMI system, is used as a scanning platform for all K-type screens. The multi-sample tray can be purchased to accommodate metal backed storage phosphor screens (170-7812 multi-sample tray).
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