2.3 Additional Required Equipment
The following additional material is required:
1. 1 ml and 10 ml syringes
2. Sample loading syringes, use a 20–100 µl Hamilton syringe because sample
volumes can go up to 100 µl, sample reservoir accommodates a maximum of
200 µl of solution).
3. Intramedic tubing, 0.011" x 0.024" (American Scientific Products catalog number
4. Parafilm laboratory film
5. Tube gel casting stand (catalog number 165-2020) or ring stand and clamp, to
hold the casting tube vertical
6. Power supply: Bio-Rad's PowerPac 3000 or 1000 power supply are
7. Combs and 1.0 mm spacers are needed for the second-dimension. These
parts are supplied with the Mini-PROTEAN 2-D cell (catalog number 165-2960),
but must be purchased separately if the tube cell or tube cell module (catalog
numbers 165-2961 or 165-2965) is being used.
2.4 Accessories for the Mini Electrophoresis System
Number Product Description
165-2966 Capillary tubes (200) with casting tube
165-2967 Mini 2-D tube gel ejector
165-2968 Mini-PROTEAN Tube Gel sample reservoirs, 8
165-2969 Mini-PROTEAN Tube module stoppers, 8
165-2970 Mini-PROTEAN Tube module capillary tube connectors, 50
170-3930 Mini Trans-Blot®Electrophoretic Transfer Cell, includes 2 gel
holder cassettes, 4 fiber pads, 1 package of precut blot absorbent
filter paper (thick), modular electrode assembly, Bio-Ice cooling
unit, lower buffer chamber, lid with power cables, instructions.
170-3935 Mini Trans-Blot Module, same as 170-3930 without lower buffer
chamber and lid.
165-2976 Model 422 Electro-Eluter, includes electro-eluter module, 12
Membrane Caps (molecular weight cut off of 12,000-15,000 daltons), 6 Glass Tubes with Frits, 6 Silicone Adaptors, 6 Grommets
and Stoppers, lower buffer chamber with lid and cables, and
165-2977 Model 422 Electro-Eluter Module, same as 165-2976 without
lower buffer chamber and lid.