New Style Mechanical Stop for all ELI250 Motors - ZZELI25
The Stop Kit will consist of:
1 x linkage arm
2 x 60 x 8mm threaded rod
2 x Linkage locking nuts
2 x Domed head Allen key bolts
2 x 15 x 4mm self threading screws
Screw the 60 x 8mm threaded rod into the
turrets on the underside of the linkage arm
as shown above.
Grease and Insert the linkage locking nut
into the gearbox rotation lever from the
underside as shown
Grease and Insert the linkage locking nut
into the load lever arm from the underside
as shown above
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Fit the linkage arm to the load lever and
the gearbox rotation arm. Grease the
threads and fit the domed Allen head
With the 19mm spanner hold the linkage
locking nut on the underside of the load
lever and the gearbox rotation arm.
Tighten the two domed Allen key bolts to
fix the linkage arm in place
Adjust the VRO & VRC so that the gate
stops in the required open and closed
Once this has been completed screw down
the 2 x 15x4mm locking screws which will
secure the VRC and VRO threaded rods in
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