BFT VIRGO Installation And User Manual

8 0 2 7 9 0 8 2 2 8 6 8 0
D811415 ver.04 07/03/05
VIRGO Ver. 04
Thank you for buying this product. Our company is sure that you will be more than satisfied with the products performance. Carefully read the WARNINGS pamphlet and the INSTRUCTION BOOKLET which are supplied together with this product, since they provide important information regarding the safety, installation, use and maintenance of the product. This product complies with recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 73/23/ EEC, 89/336/EEC, 98/37/EEC and subsequent amendments.
Low-voltage operator (24Vdc) suitable for residential use. Designed for swing gates having small-sized pillars. The operating arm, with its special antishearing shape, allows the leaves to be manoeuvred even when the operator is positioned well away from their fulcrum. The irreversible electromechanical gearmotor keeps the gate locked in the closing and opening positions. The release lever, fitted to the outside of each operator, allows the manual manoeuvre to be carried out very easily.
WARNING! The installation, the maintenance and the repair should be done by responsible and qualified persons with an updated knowledge of the current safety standards. Its strictly forbidden to service the automation when the power is on. ATTENTION! The VIRGO model controller is not equipped with mechanical torque adjustment. It is compulsory to use a control panel of the same manufacturer, in compliance with the basic safety requirements of directives 73/23/CEE, 89/336/CEE, 98/37/CEE equipped with appropriate electric adjusment of the torque.
In the case where the power supply is off, or any faults are present, the manual emergency manoeuvre can be carried out by operating the external release lever (Fig.1 ref.S).
1) Insert the release key and turn it clockwise (Fig.1 ref.1).
2) Move lever S until the lock is released (Fig.1 ref.2).
3) Keep the lever in the release position by turning the key clockwise (Fig.1 ref.3).
4) Push the leaf slowly to open or close the gate.
To reactivate motor-driven operation, turn the key clockwise to free the lever from its released position, then return it to its initial position for normal operation.
WARNING! Before carrying out the manual manoeuvre make sure that this
operation will not create dangerous situations.
SCRAPPING WARNING! This operation should only be carried out by qualified personnel.
Materials must be disposed of in conformity with the current regulations. In case of scrapping, the automation devices do not entail any particular risks or danger. In case of materials to be recycled, these should be sorted out by type (electrical components, copper, aluminium, plastic etc.).
DISMANTLING WARNING! This operation should only be carried out by qualified personnel.
When the automation system is disassembled to be reassembled on another site, proceed as follows:
Disconnect the power supply and the entire external electrical installation.
In the case where some of the components cannot be removed or are
damaged, they must be replaced.
WARNINGS Correct controller operation is only ensured when the data contained in the present manual are observed. The comp an y i s not to be held responsibl e for any damage resulting from failure to obse rve the installati on standards an d the i nstructions contained in the present ma nu al.
The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding. The Company reserves the right to make any alterations deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product features unchanged, at any time and without undertaking to update the present publication.
Fig. 1
VIRGO Ver. 04
Thank you for buying this product. Our company is sure that you will be more than satisfied with the products performance. Carefully read the WARNINGS pamphlet and the INSTRUCTION BOOKLET” which are supplied together with this product, since they provide important information regarding the safety, installation, use and maintenance of the product. This product complies with recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 73/23/ EEC, 89/336/ EEC, 98/37/EEC and subsequent amendments.
WARNING! An incorrect installation or improper use of the product can cause damage to persons, animals or things.
The Warnings leaflet and Instruction booklet supplied with this
product should be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, use and maintenance.
Scrap packing materials (plastic, cardboard, polystyrene etc) according
to the provisions set out by current standards. Keep nylon or polystyrene bags out of childrens reach.
Keep the instructions together with the technical brochure for future
This product was exclusively designed and manufactured for the use
specified in the present documentation. Any other use not specified in this documentation could damage the product and be dangerous.
The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting
from improper use of the product, or use which is different from that expected and specified in the present documentation.
Do not install the product in explosive atmosphere.
The construction components of this product must comply with the
following European Directives: 89/336/CEE, 73/23/EEC, 98/37/EEC and subsequent amendments. As for all non-EEC countries, the above­mentioned standards as well as the current national standards should be respected in order to achieve a good safety level.
The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting
from failure to observe Good Technical Practice when constructing closing structures (door, gates etc.), as well as from any deformation which might occur during use.
The installation must comply with the provisions set out by the following
Europe an Directi ves: 89/ 336/CEE, 73/23/EEC, 98/3 7/EEC and subsequent amendments.
Disconnect the electrical power supply before carrying out any work on
the installation. Also disconnect any buffer batteries, if fitted.
Fit an omnipolar or magnetothermal switch on the mains power supply,
having a contact opening distance equal to or greater than 3,5 mm.
Check that a differential switch with a 0.03A threshold is fitted just before
the power supply mains.
Check that earthing is carried out correctly: connect all metal parts for
closure (doors, gates etc.) and all system components provided with an earth terminal.
Fit all the safety devices (photocells, electric edges etc.) which are needed
to protect the area from any danger caused by squashing, conveying and shearing, according to and in compliance with the applicable directives and technical standards.
Position at least one luminous signal indication device (blinker) where it
can be easily seen, and fix a Warning sign to the structure.
The Company declines all responsibility with respect to the automation safety and correct operation when other manufacturers’ components are used.
Only use original parts for any maintenance or repair operation.
Do not modify the automation components, unless explicitly authorised
by the company.
Instruct the product user about the control systems provided and the manual opening operation in case of emergency.
Do not allow persons or children to remain in the automation operation area.
Keep radio control or other control devices out of childrens reach, in order to avoid unintentional automation activation.
The user must avoid any attempt to carry out work or repair on the automation system, and always request the assistance of qualified personnel.
Anything which is not expressly provided for in the present instructions, is not allowed.
Installation must be carried out using the safety devices and controls prescribed by the EN 12978 Standard.
Low-voltage operator (24Vdc) suitable for residential use. Designed for swing gates having small-sized pillars. The operating arm, with its special antishearing shape, allows the leaves to be manoeuvred even when the operator is positioned well away from their fulcrum. The irreversible electromechanical gearmotor keeps the gate locked in the closing and opening positions.
The release lever, fitted to the outside of each operator, allows the manual manoeuvre to be carried out very easily.
WARNING! The installation, the maintenance and the repair should be done by responsible and qualified persons with an updated knowledge of the current safety standards. Its strictly forbidden to service the automation when the power is on. ATTENTION! The VIRGO model controller is not equipped with mechanical torque adjustment. It is compulsory to use a control panel of the same manufacturer, in compliance with the basic safety requirements of directives 73/23/CEE, 89/336/CEE, 98/37/CEE equipped with appropriate electric adjusment of the torque.
Before carrying out the manual manoeuvre make sure that this operation will not create a dangerous situations. Check in the relevant literature that the thermal field in the working area is suitable for the operator. Make sure that the movement of the door does not cause entrapment risks between the movable and fixed parts of the door. If swing gates with built-in doors are used, the motor must not run when the door is left open.
WARNING! The operator must be installed by a qualified technician as special safety components are used for every specific site and therefore safety depends on installation.
Motor: ............................................................................ 24Vd.c. 2500 min
Power: ..................................................................................................40W
Insulation class: ........................................................................................ F
Lubrication: ................................................................... Permanent grease
Reduction ratio: ............................................................................... 1-1224
Output shaft revolutions: ......................................................... 2 min
Opening time 90°: ................................................................................. 14s
Torque supplied: ............................................................................ 170 Nm
Max leaf weight and length: .................. 2000N (~200kg) for 2m long leaf
Impact reaction: ................................................... Integrated torque limiter
................................................................................. on LINX control panel
Motion drive: ...............................................................................Lever arm
Stop: ................. Incorporated electrical limit switches + mechanical locks
Manual manoeuvre: ....................................... Release lever with CLS key
Number of manoeuvres in 24h: .............................................................. 60
Environmental conditions: ............................................ from -15 to +50 °C
Degree of protection: .......................................................................... IPX4
Operator weight: ................. VIRGO:80N (~8kg) - VIRGO SQ:60N (~6kg)
Dimensions: .................................................................................. see fig.1
Power supply: ......................................................... 230Va.c. ±10% 50Hz*
Mains/low voltage insulation: ....................................... > 2MOhm 500Vdc
Working temperature .................................................... from -15 to +50 °C
Dielectric strength: ................................ mains/l.v. 3750Va.c. for 1 minute
Motor output current: ......................................................... 3.5A+3.5A max
Motor relay commutation current: ........................................................ 10A
Maximum motor power: ....................................................... 40W (24Vd.c.)
Power supply for accessories: ............. 24Va.c. (180mA max absorption)
....................................................... (180mA max absorption)
Gate-open warning light: .......................... N.O. contact (24Va.c./1A max)
Blinker: ........................................................................... 24Va.c. 25W max
Dimensions: ............................................................................. see figure 1
Fuses: ...................................................................................... see fig.9-15
(*other voltages available on request)
Allows operation to continue even when the mains power supply is off for a short time.
Charge voltage: ...........................................................................27.2Vd.c.
Charge current: ............................................................................... 130mA
Data detected with external temperature of: ...................................... 25°C
Battery capacity: ................................................................. 2x (12V 1.2Ah)
Exhausted battery protection threshold: ..................................... 20.4Vd.c.
Battery recharge time: .................................................................... 12/14 h
NOTE: In case of operation with battery back up, the outputs to terminals 8-9 (Vsafe 24Va.c.) and 10-11 (Vsafe 24Va.c.) show a voltage of 24Vd.c. polarised as indicated in Fig.16. At the time of installing the VIRGO BAT Kit, check that the safety devices are connected correctly.
VIRGO Ver. 04 -
4.1) Preliminary checks
Check that:
The gate structure is sufficiently sturdy and rigid.
The fixing position must be worked out according to the leaf structure. In any case, the manoeuvring arm must push against a reinforced leaf point.
The leaves can be moved manually along their entire stroke.
If the gate has not been installed recently, check the wear condition of all its components. Repair or replace defective and worn parts. Operator reliability and safety are directly affected by the condition of the gate structure.
The operator is supplied with a fixing bracket and lever arm. Having identified the leaf reinforcement point, with the gate closed, trace an imaginary horizontal line from the centre of the reinforcement point to the pillar (fig. 3-4). Fig. 2 illustrates the most common types of installation:
- with the leaf hinge pivot not aligned with the fixing plate
(90° opening – maximum distance between hinge pivot and plate: 210mm)
- with the hinge pivot aligned with the fixing plate Position the anchoring bracket observing the dimensions shown in fig.3 for opening up to 90°, or in fig.2-4 for opening over 90° up to a max of 120°. The pillar surface, where the bracket is fixed, must be flat and parallel to the leaf. Use screws and expansion plugs adequate for the type of pillar. In the case where the pillar surface is irregular, use expansion plugs with studs, in order to be able to adjust the fixing bracket parallel to the leaf (fig.5).
Assemble the lever arm as in fig.7.
DX = fitting to right leaf SX = fitting to left leaf Choose the most suitable position for fixing bracket F to the leaf.
Insert lever L into the gearmotor output shaft, and fix it using appropriate
pivot P and self-locking nut D (fig.7).
Release the operator by activating the release lever to allow the arm to move easily (see paragraph EMERGENCY MANOEUVRE).
Open the gearmotor cover and fix it to the plate as indicated in Fig.8.
Fix towing angle bar F to the leaf.
The correct position for the operator arm is illustrated in fig.6. The leaf
attachment point can be identified by positioning the arm according to the dimension indicated in fig.6.
With the operator released, check the arm for correct movement.
Repeat the same procedure for the other leaf.
The VIRGO operator is provided with mechanical end-of-stroke backstops, which make the installation of ground stop plates redundant. With reference to Fig. 10 proceed as follows:
- Identify the opening and closing end-of-stroke points and fix the backstops accordingly.
- Fix protection cover C.
Arrange the electrical installation as shown in fig.11. Keep the mains voltage connections definitely separate from the very low voltage connections (24V). For this purpose, the operator is provided with appropriate fittings, indicated in Fig.9, for a spiral flexible raceway with an inside diameter of 20:
- P1 input for mains power supply + GND.
- P2/P3 inputs for safety devices and accessories.
For the mains power supply, use the appropriate cable clamp (Fig.9 -S), the terminal bar with an incorporated protection fuse (Fig.9 -L-N) and the GND terminal. Connect the yellow/green cable to the earth terminal. Fig.16 shows the cross-section and the number of connections.
NOTE: The VIRGO operators provided with incorporated LINX control panels are preset for fitting to the left leaf, whereas the operators without panels (VIRGO-SQ) are preset for fitting to the right leaf, as illustrated by the example given in Fig.11.
Should it be necessary to reverse the operator opening direction, proceed as follows: 1 – Reverse motor polarity (JP1 terminals 1-2) 2 – Reverse motor polarity (JP2 terminals 14-15)
WARNING – During the wiring and installation operations, refer to the
current standards as well as principles of good technical practice. The (24V) very low voltage conductors must be physically separated from the low voltage conductors or otherwise be adequately isolated by means of an additional insulation of at least 1 mm. The wires must be clamped by an extra fastener near the terminals, for example by bands. All the connection cables must be kept at an adequate distance from the dissipator(Fig.15 D).
WARNING! For connection to the mains, use a multipolar cable with a minimum of 3x1.5mm2 cross section and complying with the previously mentioned regulations. For example, if the cable is out side (in the open), it has to be at least equal to H07RN-F, but if it is on the inside (or outside but placed in a plastic cable cannel) it has to be or at least egual to H05VV-F with section 3x1.5mm2.
1-2 Motor 2 connection (VIRGO with LINX panel): 3-5 Opening limit switch SWO M2 (N.C.) 4-5 Closing limit switch SWC M2 (N.C.) 6-7 24 Va.c. power supply input from the transformer
8-9 24Va.c. Vsafe 180mA max output – power supply for photocell
transmitters with check (Fig.17)
10-11 24Va.c. 180mA max output – power supply for photocells or other
12-13 Blinker connection (24Va.c. 25W max)
14-15 Motor 1 connection (VIRGO-SQ – without LINX panel -): 16-18 Opening limit switch SWO M1 (N.C.) 17-18 Closing limit switch SWC M1 (N.C.) 19-24 Pedestrian opening button PED (N.O.). Controls partial opening
of Motor M2.
20-24 Fault input (N.O.). Input for photocells or safety devices provided
with an N.O. check contact. 21-24 Photocell input (N.C.). If not used, leave bridged (Fig.17). 22-24 STOP button (N.C.). If not used, leave bridged. 23-24 START button (N.O.).
25-26 Output for gate-open warning light (N.O. contact (24Va.c./1A
max) or alternatively for 2nd radio channel (see configuration -
logics menu) 27-28 Antenna input for incorporated radio-receiver board (27 braid - 28
The control panel provided with a microprocessor is supplied with function parameters preset by the manufacturer, suitable for standard installations. The predefined parameters can be altered by means of either the incorporated display programmer or UNIPRO. In the case where programming is carried out by means of UNIPRO, carefully read the instructions relating to UNIPRO, and proceed in the following way. Connect the UNIPRO programmer to the control unit through the UNIFLAT and UNIDA accessories (See fig. 18). The LINX control unit does not supply the UNIPRO programmer with power, and therefore requires an appropriate supply unit. Enter the CONTROL UNITS menu, and the PARAMETERS submenu, then scroll the display screenfuls using the up/down arrows to set the numerical values of the parameters listed below. For the function logics, refer to the LOGIC submenu. In the case where programming is carried out by means of the incorporated programmer, refer to Fig. A and B and to the paragraph on “Configuration”.
The display programmer is used to set all the LINX control panel functions. The programmer is provided with three pushbuttons for menu scrolling and function parameter configuration: + menu scrolling/value increment key
- menu scrolling/value reduction key OK Enter (confirm) key The simultaneous pressure of the + and - keys is used to exit the active menu and move to the preceding menu. The modifications made are only set if the OK key is subsequently pressed. When the OK key is pressed for the first time, the programming mode is entered.
VIRGO Ver. 04
The following pieces of information appear on the display at first:
- Control unit software version
- Number of total manoeuvres carried out (the value is expressed in thousands, therefore the display constantly shows 0000 during the first thousand manoeuvres)
- Number of manoeuvres carried out since the latest maintenance operation (the value is expressed in thousands, therefore the display constantly shows 0000 during the first thousand manoeuvres)
- Number of memorised radio control devices.
When the OK key is pressed during the initial presentation phase, the first menu can be accessed directly. Here follows a list of the main menus and the respective submenus available.The predefined parameter is shown between square brackets [ 0 ]. The writing appearing on the display is indicated between round brackets. Refer to Figures A and B for the configuration procedure.
- Automatic Closing Time (TCA) [ 10s ]
Set the numerical value of the automatic closing time from 3 to 60 seconds.
- Motor 1 torque (m1 t) [ 50% ]
(UNIPRO ⇒ Advanced parameters ⇒ address 3)
Set the numerical value of the motor 1 torque between 1% and 99%.
- Motor 2 torque (m2 t) [ 50% ]
(UNIPRO ⇒ Advanced parameters ⇒ address 4)
Set the numerical value of the motor 2 torque between 1% and 99%.
- Motor 1 slow-down torque (m1 t slow) [ 45% ]
(UNIPRO _ Advanced parameters _ address 8) Set the numerical value for slow-down torque of motor 1 between 1% and 99%.
- Motor 2 slow-down torque (m2 t slow) [ 45% ]
(UNIPRO _ Advanced parameters _ address 9) Set the numerical value for slow-down torque of motor 2 between 1% and 99%. NOTES: In case of obstacle detection, the Ampere-stop function stops the leaf movement, reverses the motion for 1 sec. and then halts in the STOP status. The motor slow-down torque represents the maximum torque supplied to the motor during the slow-down phase. It must be set to a lower value with respect to the motor torque, in order to allow the Ampere-stop function to be also activated during the slow-down phase.
WARNING: Check that the impact force value measured at the points established by the EN 12445 standard is lower
than that specified in the EN 12453 standard.
Incorrect sensitivity setting can cause injuries to persons or animals, or damage to things.
- Opening delay time (open delay time) [ 1s ]
Set the opening delay time for motor 2 relative to motor 1, between 1 and 10 seconds.
- Closing delay time (cls delay time) [ 1s ]
Set the closing delay time for motor 1 relative to motor 2, between 1 and 10 seconds.
- Motor 1 Normal Speed Time (m1 fast time) [ 5s ]
(UNIPRO Advanced parameters address 6) Set the time to normal speed (not slowed down), ranging from 1 to 30 seconds.
- Motor 2 Normal Speed Time (m2 fast time) [ 5s ]
(UNIPRO Advanced parameters address 7) Set the time to normal speed (not slowed down), ranging from 1 to 30 seconds. Note: The slow-down time, on closing and on opening, is obtained by timing one manoeuvre, and setting a lower value within this parameter. If, for example, one manoeuvre lasts 25 seconds, set normal speed time to 20s to obtain 5s of slow-down time, both on closing and on opening.
- Slow-down speed (slov speed) [ 2 ]
(UNIPRO ⇒ Advanced parameters ⇒ address 5)
Set the slow-down speed by choosing from the following values: 0 – slow-down disabled 1 – slow-down to 50% of normal speed 2 – slow-down to 33% of normal speed. 3 – slow-down to 25% of normal speed.
10.2) LOGIC MENU (logic.)
- TCA (TCA) [ OFF ]
ON Activates automatic closing OFF Excludes automatic closing
- 3 Steps (3 step) [ OFF ]
ON Enables 3-step logic. A Start impulse has the following effects:
door closed: opens on opening: stops and enters TCA (if configured) door open: closes on closing: stops and reopens
OFF Enables 4-step logic. A Start impulse has the following effects:
door closed: opens on opening: stops and enters TCA (if configured) door open: closes on closing: stops and does not enter TCA (stop) after stopping: opens
- Impulse lock (ibl open) [ OFF ]
ON The Start impulse has no effect during the opening phase. OFF The Start impulse becomes effective during the opening or closing
- Rapid closing (fast cls) [ OFF ]
ON Closes the gate after photocell disengagement, before waiting for
the end of the TCA set.
OFF Command not entered.
- Photocells on opening (photc. open) [ OFF ]
ON: In case of obscuring, this excludes photocell operation on opening.
During the closing phase, it immediately reverses the motion.
OFF: In case of obscuring, the photocells are active both on opening and
on closing. When a photocell is obscured on closing, it reverses the motion only after the photocell is disengaged.
- Photocell test (test phot) [ OFF ]
(UNIPRO ⇒ Advanced logics ⇒ address 14)
ON Activates photocell check OFF Deactivates photocell check
If this setting is not activated (OFF), it inhibits the photocell checking function, allowing connection of devices not provided with additional checking contact.
- Gate-open or 2nd radio channel warning light (SCA 2ch) [ OFF ]
ON The output between terminals 25 and 26 is configured as Gate-open
warning light, in this case the 2nd radio channel controls pedestrian opening.
OFF The output between terminals 25 and 26 is configured as 2nd radio
- Motors in operation (1 mot ON) [ OFF ]
ON Only motor 2 is in operation (terminals 1 and 2).
With this configuration, the pedestrian input is disabled.
OFF Both motors are in operation.
- Lock hold (bloc persist) [ OFF ]
ON To be used when opening and closing mechanical backstops are
fitted. This function activates leaf pressure on the backstop, without this being considered as an obstacle by the ampere-stop sensor. Then the leaf continues its stroke for another 0,5s, after intercepting the limit switches. Therefore the limit switches are triggered slightly in advance, and the leaves will stop perfectly on the end stop plate.
OFF To be used when no mechanical backstops are fitted.
Movement is exclusively stopped by the limit switches being triggered; in this case it is necessary to set the opening and closing limit switch triggering point with precision.
- Prealarm (preal) [ OFF ]
ON The blinker comes on about 3s before the motors start. OFF The blinker comes on at the same time as the motors start
- Fixed code (fixed code) [ OFF ]
(UNIPRO ⇒ Advanced logics ⇒ address 13)
ON The receiver is configured for operation in fixed-code mode, see
paragraph on Radio Transmitter Cloning.
OFF The receiver is configured for operation in rolling-code mode, see
paragraph on Radio Transmitter Cloning.
- Radio transmitter programming (radio prog) [ ON ]
(UNIPRO ⇒ Advanced logics ⇒ address 15)
ON This enables transmitter storage via radio:
1 – First press the hidden key (P1) and then the normal key (T1, T2, T3 or T4) of a transmitter already memorised in standard mode by means of the radio menu. 2 – Within 10s press the hidden key (P1) and the normal key (T1, T2, T3 or T4) of a transmitter to be memorised. The receiver exits the programming mode after 10s, other new transmitters can be entered before the end of this time. This mode does not require access to the control panel.
OFF This disables transmitter storage via radio.
The transmitters can only be memorised using the appropriate Radio menu.
+ 10 hidden pages