3500/64M Dynamic Pressure Monitor
Bently Nevada Machinery Condition Monitoring
The 3500/64M Dynamic Pressure Monitor is a single slot, fourchannel monitor that accepts input from high temperature
pressure transducers and uses this input to drive alarms. The
monitor’s one measured variable per channel is bandpass
dynamic pressure.
You can use the 3500 Rack Configuration Software to
configure the bandpass corner frequencies along with an
additional notch filter. The monitor provides a recorder
output for control system applications.
The primary purpose of the 3500/64M Dynamic Pressure
Monitor is to provide the following:
l Machinery protection by continuously comparing
monitored parameters against configured alarm
setpoints to drive alarms
l Essential machine information for operations and
maintenance personnel
Each channel, depending on configuration, conditions its input
signal to generate various parameters called measured
variables. You can configure alert and danger setpoints for
each active measured variable.
Document: 141536
Rev. L
3500/64M Dynamic Pressure Monitor
Update rate approximately 100 ms or less
Input Impedance
3 wire transducer 10 kΩ
2 wire 1.5 MΩ to 3.5 MΩ typical
Dynamic pressure 100 mV/psi (1.45 mV/mBar)
Front Panel LEDs
Bypass LED
Buffered Transducer
Transducer Supplies
3 wire -24 Vdc
2 wire 3.3 mA current source @ 22 Vdc (nominal)
Indicates when the 3500/64M Dynamic
Pressure Monitor is operating properly.
Indicates when the 3500/64M is
communicating with other modules in the
3500 rack.
Indicates when the 3500/64M is in Bypass
The front of each monitor has one coaxial
connector for each channel.
Each connector is short-circuit protected.
The Cascade Mode does not cascade the
buffered transducer outputs.
550 Ω
+4 to +20 mA
Values are proportional to monitor full-scale.
The monitor provides individual recorder
values for each channel.
Monitor operation is unaffected by short
circuits on recorder outputs.
0 to +12 Vdc range across load
Load resistance is 0 to 600 Ω.
0.3662 µA per bit
±0.25% error at room temperature
-0.66 to +0.70% error over temperature range
Accepts from 1 to 4 pressure
transducer signals
Signal Conditioning
Dynamic Pressure - Direct Filter
5 Hz to 4 KHz
Low mode
High mode
If no LP filter is chosen, the range
extends to approximately 5.285 KHz
10 Hz to 14.75 KHz
Fixed low pass
Low and high filtering modes are options for a
channel pair. Channels 1 and 2 form a pair, and
channels 3 and 4 are the other pair. You may
select different band pass options on each
channel of a channel pair. However, the channels
within the pair must operate in the same
filtering mode.
You can set up the signal processing so that the
monitor feeds only the channel 1 input to all
four channels. This feature is called Cascade
Mode and is denoted as 1 >ALL in the 3500
Rack Configuration Software.
In Cascade Mode, you can select filter mode
options for a channel pair only. One transducer
provides input to four channels for different
filtering requirements. As a result, you can
configure four separate bandpass filter options
and four separate full-scale ranges with one
transducer input.
The two modes of filtering provide different
qualities of filtering.
Low Mode
Filter Quality
High pass
Low pass (LP)
Fixed low pass
LP = none
10-pole (200dB per decade, 60 dB per
10-pole (200dB per decade, 60 dB per
-78 dB minimum attenuation in the
stop band.
2/9 141536 Rev. L
3500/64M Dynamic Pressure Monitor
High Mode
Filter Quality
6-pole (120 dB per decade, 36 dB per
High pass
Low pass
Line rejection
(notch) filter
Filter quality
-65 dB minimum attenuation in the
stop band
The line rejection filter has two
settings, 50 or 60 Hz. Filter response
and center frequency selections are
valid for both settings.
-0.175 dB (98%) of Full Scale at
Center Frequency of +2 Hz and
-0.175 dB (98%) of Full Scale at
Center Frequency of –2 Hz and below
-35 dB (1.8%) of Full Scale from –0.5
Hz of Center Frequency to +0.5 Hz of
Center Frequency
Measured Variables
Dynamic pressure
The primary value for each channel
Use the 3500 Rack Configuration
Software to set alert and danger
levels for the direct values measured
by the monitor.
Alarm Setpoints
Accuracy of alarm
Alarm Time Delays
You can program alarm delays using the 3500
Rack Configuration Software from one to 60
seconds in one second intervals.
Alarms are adjustable from 0 to 100%
of full-scale for each measured value.
However, when the full-scale range
exceeds the range of the transducer,
the range of the transducer will limit
the setpoint.
Within 0.13% of the desired value
From one to 60 seconds in one
second intervals
0.1 seconds or from one to 60
seconds in 0.1 second intervals
Monitor Module (Main Board)
(Height x Width x
Weight 0.82 kg (1.8 lb)
I/O Modules (non-barrier)
(Height x Width x
Weight 0.20 kg (0.44 lb)
I/O Modules (with barrier)
(Height x Width x
Weight 0.46 kg (1.01 lb)
241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x 241.8 mm
(9.50 in x 0.96 in x 9.52 in)
241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x 99.1 mm
(9.50 in x 0.96 in x 3.90 in)
241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x 163.1 mm
(9.50 in x 0.96 in x 6.42 in)
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