Documentation for
Power supply units and I/O interfaces
for CX Embedded PC Systems
CX1100-0002 (K-bus)
CX1100-0003 (IP Link und K-bus)
CX1100-0004 (E-bus)
version: 1.9
date: 2007-03-06
Table of Contents
1. Foreword
Notes on the Documentation3
Safety Instructions4
Documentation issue status5
2. Product overview6
Appropriate use6
System overview7
Memory mapping13
Technical data14
Operating the display15
Operating the display via ADS codes19
Table of Contents
4 + 1 navigation switch20
Operating the switch20
Techical data24
CX1100-0001 architecture 25
Techical data27
CX1100-0002 (K-Bus) architecture30
Techical data33
CX1100-0003 (IP-Link Bus) architecture36
Techical data39
CX1100-0004 (E-Bus) architekture40
3. Transport41
Unpacking, installation and transport41
4. Fitting and wiring 42
Mechanical assembly42
Mechanical installation44
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Table of Contents
Electrical connection46
5. Error handling and diagnostics 48
Bus diagnosis in PLC48
LED CX1100-000152
LED CX1100-000253
LED CX1100-000355
LED CX1100-000458
6. Decommissioning59
Removal and Disposal59
7. Appendix61
ADS errorcodes61
2Embedded PC
1. Foreword
Notes on the Documentation
This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards. It is essential that the following notes and explanations are followed
when installing and commissioning these components.
Liability Conditions
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the requirements for
safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under
development. For that reason the documentation is not in every case checked for consistency with performance data,
standards or other characteristics. None of the statements of this manual represents a guarantee (Garantie) in the
meaning of § 443 BGB of the German Civil Code or a statement about the contractually expected fitness for a
particular purpose in the meaning of § 434 par. 1 sentence 1 BGB. In the event that it contains technical or editorial
errors, we retain the right to make alterations at any time and without warning. No claims for the modification of
products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the data, diagrams and descriptions in this
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the requirements for
safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
State at Delivery
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the application.
Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the documentation are not
permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
Personnel Qualification
This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards.
Description of safety symbols
The following safety symbols are used in this operating manual. They are intended to alert the reader to the
associated safety instructions.
This symbol is intended to highlight risks for the life or health of personnel.
This symbol is intended to highlight risks for equipment, materials or the environment.
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.
4Embedded PC
Documentation Issue Status
1.9Notes on wire installation added
1.8Notes on terminal bus diagnosis with firmware > B7 added
1.7Terminal bus diagnosis in PLC program added
1.6Notes on hardware revision added
1.5Blink codes for IP-Link errors added
1.4Display control via ADS commands added
1.3Changes in GCB – Watchdog Error Counter
1.2Blink codes for CX1100-0004 (EtherCAT) extended
1.1library for 4 + 1 navigation switch added
1.0memory mapping / fieldbus connections
0.2revised version
description of four power supplies
CX10xx architecture description
0.1preliminarily version
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Product overview
2. Product overview
Appropriate Use
The CX1020 device series is a modular control system designed for DIN rail installation. The system is scalable, so
that the required modules can be assembled and installed in the control cabinet or terminal box as required.
6Embedded PC
Product overview
power supply units and I/O interfaces
One of four power supply modules can be selected for a CX10x0 system. The power supply of all other system
components is ensured via the internal PC104 bus; no separate supply lines are required. However, the CX1100
components offer further important characteristics that go beyond a pure power supply: an integrated NOVRAM
enables the fail-safe storage of process data, an LCD display with two lines of 16 characters each is used for
displaying system and user messages. Local I/O signals are connected via the CX1100-0002 power supply variant,
to which all Beckhoff Bus Terminals can be connected, or via CX1100-0003, which in addition to the Bus Terminals
enables the connection of Extension Box IExxxx type Beckhoff Fieldbus Box modules. The option to connect Bus
Terminals or Fieldbus Box modules creates a control system with a very variable, expandable I/O level with large
signal variety. The I/O data are stored in a DPRAM, which is accessible by the CPU via the system bus. The power
supplies of the CX system can be changed in the field: If, for example, local I/O via Bus Terminals is required,
CX1100-0001 can be replaced with CX1100-0002 in the field. Local I/O signals are connected via the CX1020 and
the CX1100-0002 power supply variants (Bus Terminals), CX1100-0003 (Bus Terminals
and Fieldbus Box modules via IP-Link) or CX1100-0004 for EtherCAT Terminals. With CX1100-0004 the I/O data are
stored directly in the main memory of the CPU; a DPRAM is no longer required. The CX1100-0004 power supply unit
for EtherCAT Terminals can only be connected in conjunction with the basic CX1020 CPU module.
The technical data are as follows:
An overview about architecture with the common system components GCB, ACB, NOVRAM, Display und Taster are
described together in one chapter. Special interfaces are described in the power supply units containing the
Embedded PC7
Product overview
Architecture of the power supply units
The four power supply units for the CX10x0-System accomplish more task than supporting the system with power.
Each module has three basic functions. Additional each model supports different connection to communication
busses. Caused by these different connections the internal architecture differ. At first the common functions are
All power supply feature, except for power supply, the following functions:
1.Display 2 x 16 characters
2.4+1 navigation switch
3.Non Volatile RAM
These functions are managed by the control program via the PC104 bus. The structure of the CX1100-0001 is shown
in the following figure:
"General Control Block" (GCB)
The top 16 byte of the system control area (starting at the physical hex address D0000 + Offset FF0) form the
general control block GCB, which holds the control byte required to start the I/O processing of the K-Bus and IP-Link.
The CPU of the main module controls the whole architecture. With memory mapped I/O regions data can be
exchanged. The data needed to run the system is combined in the "General Control Block" (GCB). Its base address
is "0xD1000". The figure shows the Data and the offset. Some registers are not needed in all units. So only the
requested registers are mapped other addresses are masked out.
8Embedded PC
Product overview
Firmware Version:
These two bytes contain the hex decimally coded version number of the CX1100 firmware. E.g. the first byte could
show B3(hex): this results in firmware version B3.
Firmware Revision:
These two bytes contain the hex decimally coded revision number of the CX1100 firmware. E.g. the byte could show
00: this results in revision 00.
Service Request / Response Bitfield: (nur für CX1100-0002 / -0003)
These two bytes contain a sequence of bits, by which certain service functions may be executed. The service
function is invoked by setting the appropriate request bit, the controller executes and sets the response bit. Before
the same function can be invoked again, the request bit must be set to zero and wait until the response bit is also set
to zero. An execution error is signaled by raising response bit 7.
BitfeldBit 7Bit 6Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0
Request-----Link ImagesRemapReset Node
ResponseError----Images LinkedRemappedReset Done
Reset Node:
with this bit, a software reset of the 80C165 microcontroller can be performed. This is different from the hardware
reset which may be performed in the Auxiliary Control Block (ACB).
with this bit, the two-byte PLC interfaces normally residing in the input/output process areas can be remapped into
the general control block for K-Bus and IP-Link. Thus the input/output process image areas can be kept clean and for
the sole purpose of storing I/O-data.
Link Images:
if set, this bit links the K-Bus logically to the IP-Link in the case of error occurrence - meaning that if one of them
stops operating, the other one is stopped as well. By default, this bit is set so stopping both I/O systems in case of
error is the standard behavior.
Watchdog Time:
With the request of an I/O cycle through "PD cycle request", a watchdog timer with this specified millisecond time ist
started. If the cycle is not being restarted by a next "PD cycle request", the watchdog elapses and as a consequence
the output process image is zeroed. This resets all outputs to a safe state (OFF). If another value than the default
100ms is written to this cell, a "Reset node" is needed to activate the change.
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Product overview
Cycle Time:
This is the time elapsed between the initiation and termination of an I/O process image update (K-Bus + IP-Link ).
The time is recorded in units of microseconds and starts with writing a new cycle request to the field "PD cycle
request" and it stops with the termination response in the field "PD cycle ready". For CX1100-0002 this time reflects
the K-Bus update time, for CX1100-0003 it is the sum of K-Bus update time and IP-Link update time.
Watchdog Error Counter:
If the Watchdog Time exceeds the value in this register is increased by one. In this way the user can get the numbers
of watchdog-time errors. (available since firmware revision B6)
Processdata Error:
This byte contains the information on the error status of the I/O blocks. The possible bit codes are:
BitfeldBit 7Bit 6Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0
Processdata Error------IP-Link ErrorK-Bus Error
The bit is set to "TRUE", if an error occurred. If both bits are zero, there is no error on either bus system. Error
recovery may be attempted by invoking the "Reset bus" service in the corresponding CB of either K-Bus or IP-Link.
Processdata Cycle Overrun:
This byte contains a counter, which is incremented each time a new process data cycle is requested although the
previous cycle has not yet completed. This can happen only due to a handshake programming error or if the user
task cycle time is shorter than the time for I/O update.
PD Cycle Ready / PD Cycle Request:
These two bytes contain the request value and the ready value for operating a process data (PD) I/O cycle. The user
program is supposed to write a pattern (e.g. an up-counter value ) to the request byte, thus triggering the I/O cycle.
Once the I/O cycle is finished, the microcontroller will set the ready byte to match the request byte. A new request
can then be written to the request byte.
"Auxiliary Control Block" (ACB)
The Auxiliary Control Block of CX1100 is a block of 16 bytes and starts at address D1000 (hex). It is a miscellaneous
control block for controlling:
- the 2x16char FSTN LCD Display
- the navigation switch
- the hardware reset of the 80C165 microcontroller
The following schematic shows the layout of the ACB and is followed by a description of the single bits contained in it.
10Embedded PC
Product overview
Display Cmd Register:
Bit 0 R/#W
Bit 2 EN
Bit 7 BL OFF
R/#W:This bit control the Read or Write operation for programming the display2x16 char LCD display.
DATA/#CMD: This bit controls whether the byte "Display Data Reg" holds a command or display data.
EN:This is the enable bit for executing the operation with the display controller.
BL OFF:If set, this bit turns of the backlight of the LCD Display. This feature may be used for blinking with the
backlight, thus attracting the users attention to an important message on the display. It may also be
used to save power in the case of power loss and UPS operation.
Display Data Register:
These are the data bits for issuing commands or reading/writing data to the display controller. These bits are
operated in conjunction with bits 0,1,2 of the Display Cmd Reg. For more detailed information please refer to the
display controller documentation.
In Register:
These bits reflect the contact status of the 4+1 direction navigation switch on the front side of the CX1100 unit. These
events may be used by a software for implementing a menu driven data input/output together with the LCD display.
Bit 0 UP
Bit 1 DOWN
Bit 2 LEFT
Bit 5 PWR-FAIL (reserved for future use - do not use)
An example for access the switch is given in the detailed description of the switch.
Out Register:
Bit 0 RES C165
This bit resets the microcontroller 80C165 and restarts the initialization of the K-Bus and IP-Link circuit. For doing the
reset, this bit must be set high and then set back to low. There is no need for an explicit hold time.
This bit may be used to recover from K-Bus faults such as removing a terminal during operation. It needs to be set at
least once at startup or initialization of the user software before operating the k-Bus.
Bit 1 IRQ0 (reserved for future use - do not enable)
Bit 2 IRQ1 (reserved for future use - do not enable)
Bit 3 IRQ2 (reserved for future use - do not enable)
Memory region 0xD1004 to 0xD1008:
In this region the type of the power supply module is encoded. By adding the four registers the type description is
CX1101CX1100-0001 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch and NOVRam
CX1102CX1100-0002 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch, NOVRam and K-bus connection
CX1103CX1100-0003 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch, NOVRam, K-bus-connection and
CX1104CX1100-0004 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch, NOVRam and E-bus connectio.
Das Non Volatile RAM
The NOVRAM is one of the most important functions of the power supply unit. The access is realized via the PC104
bus. The mapping to PLC is realized by TwinCAT System Manager. Here needed variables can be defined and
mapped to memory. Further details are given in the TwinCAT documentation.
K-BUS and IP-LINK Operation
This section describes how to trigger the K-Bus (and in the case of CX1100-0003 also the I/O-boxes connected to IP-
Embedded PC11
Product overview
Link) in order to read input values and write output values. The procedure is the same for IP-Link, the description
limits itself to K-Bus for textual simplicity.
The I/O operation is done through the bytes named "PD cycle ready" and "PD cycle request" in the GCB. The K-Bus
cycle is triggered by a write operation to the byte "PD cycle request". Although the value being written to this byte
does not matter (it is only the write operation which is important), it is recommendable write a counter-up value to this
byte. The microcontroller for the K-Bus will react to the write operation by performing a K-Bus cycle and gathering the
I/O data. Once the cycle is completed and the electrical signal input data are written to the DP-RAM, the
microcontroller will set the content of byte "PD cycle ready" equal to the content of "PD cycle request", thus signaling
the completion of the I/O cycle. The time required to run a K-Bus cycle depends on the number of terminals attached
to CX1100: it is minimum 700 microseconds and typically well below 5 milliseconds. The K-Bus cycle time can be
viewed by using the TwinCAT System Manager tool, by entering the exact terminal configuration.
At startup of the user program, before going into cyclic operation, it is mandatory to reset the K-Bus controller by
triggering the "RES C165" bit in the Auxiliary Control Block section of CX1100. Please refer to the description of the
ACB for how to do this.
The sequence of operating the K-Bus can be explained by assuming a cyclic automation task executed each 10 ms
on the main CX1000 CPU:
Task cycle "n":
- check if K-Bus operation of previous cycle has finished: is "PD cycle ready" = "PD cycle request" ? Proceed if yes,
issue error message and abort cyclic task operation if not, because a K-Bus cycle does not need 10 milliseconds to
finish !
- read the input data from the DP-RAM (these are the input data gathered by the previous cycle "n-1" )
- write the output data to the DP-RAM (these are the outputs calculated by the previous cycle "n-1" ).
- increment and write the new value to "PD cycle request"
- perform task user code
Task cycle "n+1":
- check if K-Bus operation of previous cycle has finished: is "PD cycle ready" = "PD cycle request" ? Proceed if yes,
issue error message and abort cyclic task operation if not, because a K-Bus cycle does not need 10 milliseconds to
finish !
- read the input data from the DP-RAM (these are the input data gathered by the previous cycle "n" )
- write the output data to the DP-RAM (these are the outputs calculated by the previous cycle "n" ).
- increment and write the new value to "PD cycle request"
- perform task user code
Of course only the I/O bytes needed should be copied to or from the DP-RAM, since each read or write operation
over PC104 is time consuming. Please note that the terminal outputs need a K-Bus refresh no later than 100
milliseconds, otherwise the watchdog in each terminal will shut off the outputs. This means that the task cycle time
should be below 100 milliseconds. Also, if more than one cyclic automation task needs access to K-Bus I/O, it is
important that only one task operates the K-Bus and the other tasks implement an I/O buffering in order to have a
consistent I/O image. In this scenario, the task with the highest priority has the shortest cycle time and will trigger the
Please note also that it is assumed that in each cycle the integrity of the K-Bus is being checked by examining the
"Processdata error" field in the GCB. Cyclic operation should be aborted in the case of an I/O error and user should
be prompted for corrective actions. Cyclic operation can be resumed after resetting the faulty bus over the service
request fields of the control block.
12Embedded PC
Product overview
Adapter RAM Hardware address overview
available memory addresses CX1020: D0000-DFFFF (hex)
Base Address
D0000D0FFF1000R/WCX1100-0002/3 Dual Ported RAM
D1000D100F 10R/WCX1100 Auxiliary Control Block( LCD
For some fieldbus connections (all Slave modules) the base addresses are mapped in the memory region upper
DFFFF(hex). So this modules must be ordered with other base addresses. The same situation takes place if more
than two or more master modules of same type are used (for more see note below). The order numbers for the
modules are:
order numberalternative ISA-Adresse
Master connection
Slave connection
Replace xxx with the following number for the requested fieldbus system:
End Address
Display, misc. registers)
200 for Lightbus
310 for Profibus
510 for CAN-open
520 for DeviceNet
750 for Sercos (only Master connection available)
Two connection modules (master or slave) can be used simultaneously.
If more than two connections are needed call Beckhoff Automation GmbH for further information.
Embedded PC13
Product overview
Display setup
The display built-in the CX1100-000x units, is a LCD display. It features 2 lines with 16 characters. Each character
has a resolution of 5 x 8 pixel. The font is named SPLC780C-11 and is fixed. The following figure shows the the font
with all available characters.
For easy reading a background illumination is integrated to the display. The illumination can be switch on and off.
This blinking can be used to attract the user in certain situations. The state can be set via the controller. The
controller reads the registers in "Auxiliary Control Block" and addresses the display in the desired manner.
14Embedded PC
Product overview
Representing text on the display
The display can be controlled in two ways with the aid of TwinCAT. One version is programming through the System
Manager. A second possibility is for the display to be written by a function block directly from the PLC program.
Settings in the System Manager
When the TwinCAT system starts, the text specified in the configuration can be written to the display. This text is set
in the System Manager.
This is done by selecting the CX10x0 device in the hierarchy browser. Under the CX1100 tab it is possible to write
both lines of the display in the "Display settings" area. This requires the fields at the location for initialisation and
writing to be selected. The changes only take effect after the configuration has been written. When TwinCAT restarts,
the set text is then displayed.
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Product overview
The display can be controlled directly through the Display tab. The corresponding functions are carried out
immediately through the switches. It is possible to execute the following functions:
Switch the display on/off (text is displayed/hidden)
Background illumination on/off
Clear the display (text is cleared, and must be re-entered)
Cursor on/off (the cursor is displayed)
Cursor flash on/off (the cursor flashes)
The desired text is entered into the text input field. The "Write current" switch inserts the text at the current position of
the cursor.
16Embedded PC
Product overview
Using the "Write At" switch, the numerical input box and the "Second Line" check box, it is possible to write to a
specified position on the display. The useful range of values for the position extends from 0 to 15. The user should
also, however, consider the length of the text. (Each line has 16 characters!) In the example illustrated below, the text
"CX1100-000x" is written to Position 0 (the start of the line) on Line 2.
Settings in the PLC program
The function block FB_CX1000SetTextDisplay is provided in the library for the CX family (TcCX1000System.lib) in
order to operate the display from a PLC program. All the functions of the display can be manipulated from this
function block. The library must, however, be integrated through the library administrator. If this has been done, the
block is available as a function block. It is instanced as such in the declarations part of the program.
Display_0 : FB_CX1000SetTextDisplay;
It is then called from the program with its parameters. There are five parameters for this function block:
bExecute : BOOL
nMode: E_CX1000_DisplayModes
stLine: STRING(20)
nCursorPos : DWORD
The command is executed in response to a rising edge at "bExecute". "nDevID" provides the Device ID of the
CX1100 that is to be written to. The ID is displayed in the System Manager. (The General tab for the CX1100, top
right). The parameter "stLine" is used to pass a text of at most 20 characters. Only the first 16 of these characters,
however, will be displayed. The writing position of the text uses quoted through "nCursorPos". 0 to 15 is a useful
range for this value. "nMode" selects the operating mode of the function block. The modes are:
e_CX1000_DisplayNoAction: No action.
e_CX1000_DisplayOn: Switch on the display.
Embedded PC17
Product overview
e_CX1000_DisplayOff: Switch off the display.
e_CX1000_CursorOn: Switch on the cursor.
e_CX1000_CursorOff: Switch off the cursor.
e_CX1000_CursorBlinkOn: Switch on the cursor flashing.
e_CX1000_CursorBlinkOff: Switch off the cursor flashing.
e_CX1000_BackLightOn: Switch on the background illumination.
e_CX1000_BackLightOff: Switch off the background illumination.
e_CX1000_ClearDisplay: Clear the content of the screen.
e_CX1000_WriteLine1: Write to the first line.
e_CX1000_WriteLine1: Write to the second line.
The call then looks like this:
bExecute := write_now, (*write_now is a bool, function: switch)
nDevID:= 1,(*DeviceID of the CX1100*)
nMode:= e_CX1000_WRITELine1,(*Write to the first line of the display*)
stLine:= 'Beckhoff CX1100',(*Fixed text or variable*)
nCursorPos := 0(*Writing position, e.g. 0 for start line*)
The block supplies a few status signals for evaluating the program environment. These can be used to provide
feedback to the PLC program. There are three response signals from the function:
bBusy : BOOL
bErr : BOOL
nErrorID : UDINT
"bBusy" indicates that the command is at present being transferred by ADS. No new command will be accepted as
long as "bBusy" remains TRUE. "bErr" reports an error in a call to a function block. (The signal becomes TRUE).
"nErrorID" permits the error that has occurred to be analysed by means of an error number. The error number refers
to an error in the ADS protocol.
18Embedded PC
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