Avery 9450 User Manual

Monarch® 9450
Label Design Software
User’s Manual
TC9450UM Rev. A 12/95 ©1994 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate information in this manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later edition of this manual.
Monarch is a registered trademark of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. 9450 is a trademark of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................1-1
About This Manual.......................................................1-1
System Requi rements.................................................1-1
Key Terms....................................................................1- 2
Function Keys..............................................................1-3
2. Installing the Software .....................................................2-1
Before You Install.........................................................2-1
Installing on a Hard Disk..............................................2-2
Configuring the 9450 Software....................................2-5
Moving Within the Font Manager ....................2-8
Adding Fonts and Point Siz es .........................2-8
Deleting Fonts ................................................. 2- 9
Replacing Fonts and Point Sizes....................2-9
Saving Your Fonts and Exiting the
Font Manager................................................2-10
Checking the Printer Connection...............................2-11
3. Using the 9450 Label Design Software..........................3-1
Starting the 9450 Softwa re..........................................3-3
Menu Modes....................................................3-4
Main Menu.......................................................3-5
Menu Selections..............................................3-5
4. Designing Formats ..........................................................4-1
Creating a Format........................................................4-2
Adding a New Field .....................................................4-4
Adding a Bar Code Field .................................4-6
Adding a Text Field..........................................4-6
Adding a Line Field..........................................4-7
Adding a Box Field..........................................4-7
Adding a Graphic Field ...................................4-8
9450 User’s Manual
Adding a Copied Field...................................4-10
Viewing/Modifying a Text or Bar Code Fiel d ..............4-11
Moving a Field...........................................................4-1 2
Deleting a Field.........................................................4-1 3
Changing the Format Size .......................................4-14
Printing a Test Label..................................................4-14
Saving the Format.....................................................4-14
Renaming and Saving the Format............................4 -15
Modifying an Existing Format ...................................4-16
Deleting a Format .....................................................4-16
5. Printing ..............................................................................5-1
Printing a Test Label....................................................5-2
Printing a Batch of Labels...........................................5-3
Entering M ul tiple Lines of Tex t in the
Same Field......................................................5-4
Downloading a Format................................................5-4
Changing Label Data..................................................5-4
Scanning Bar codes....................................................5-5
Printing a Different Format..........................................5-5
Cancelling a Print Job.................................................5-6
6. Batch Functions...............................................................6- 1
Creating a Batch File...................................................6-2
Adding Data to a Batch File............................6-3
Changing Label Data......................................6-4
Choosing a Different Format...........................6-4
Deleting a Batch File...................................................6-5
Printing a Batch File....................................................6-6
Terminating a Batch Print............................................6-7
Viewing the Batch Data Stream..................................6-7
7. Online Commands ...........................................................7-1
Selecting the Stoc k Type.............................................7-2
Selecting the Print Mode.............................................7-2
Selecting the Print Contrast ........................................7-3
Table of Contents
Appendix A. Sample Label..................................................A-1
Sample Label - 9450 Printer........................................A- 1
Appendix B. Format Specification Data.............................B-1
Field Specification Data--Bar Codes...........................B- 2
Field Specification Data--Text Fields...........................B-4
Character Soft Fonts .......................................B-4
Appendix C. Messages .......................................................C-1
9450 User’s Manual
1. Introduction
About This Manual
Read this m anual if you
oversee the generation of labels or tags
design labels or tags
decide what to print on labels or tags.
This manu al tells you how to design and print labels using this software w i th a 9450 printer. For information on how to loa d and use your pr inter, see your
9450 Operat or’s Handbook
System Requirements
To operate the 9450 Label Design Software, you need:
IBM XT-compatible (or later) computer and a monitor
1 Megabyte hard disk space
DOS Version 3.1 or later
IBM RS-232C or compatible asynchronous
communications adapter
Hercules monochrome or IBM color graphics board or
NOTE: Some Terminate and Stay Resident programs (TSR’s)
may cause problems with the 9450 software. You may want to disable TSR’s when running 9450.
Monarch does not recommend running the 9450 software under the Windows shell.
9450 User’s Manual
Key Terms
Y ou need to be familiar with several key terms when using the 9450 softw a re.
Decrement To decrease a field or part of a field by 1. Default Value automatically assigned by the
Field Designated area in a format (for
example, a bar code field).
File Specific set of data. Format Label or tag design. Hot Key Underlined letter on the name of a field
or command on the screen. To use the hot key, press ALT + the underlined key. This action moves the cursor to the field or performs the command.
Increment To increase a field or part of a field by 1. Menu Group of choices displayed at the top of
a screen.
Selection Option presented on a menu.
1. Introduction
Function Keys
Several keys have special meaning in the 9450 Label Design Software. Short descri ptions of their functions follow.
F1 Toggles between full menu display and
single-line menu mode. Use with any menu.
F10 Interrupts the data being sent to the printer.
Use this key to stop the printer so you can change label stock, adjust the labels, etc., without creating a printer error.
F12 Makes all arrow keys move the cursor in .01
inch increments.
ESC Stops the current function. ESC works the
same as Q (for Quit) on most menus. If you press ESC while the 9450 software is sending data to the printer, printing is cancelled. Turn the printer off and then on again to clear the printer buffer.
ENTER Sends inform ation to the software. Various
Move either the cursor or a box representing a field in the direction printed on the key. The field or cursor m oves in 0.20 inch increments. If you use the arrow keys located on the numeric keypad with Num Lock toggled ON, the movement will be in 0.01 inch increments.
prompts use this key to signal a particular selection.
9450 User’s Manual
PgUp/ PgDn
When you are asked to enter a filename, the 9450 software presents a list of available files. If all filenames do not fit on the screen, use PgDn to see the next set of format names. Use PgUp to see the previous set of format names. You can use these keys to view up to 300 format names.
When you display a format, PgUp moves the cursor up 1 inch. PgDn moves the cu rsor down 1 inch.
HOME moves the cursor to the upper left corner of a for m at. END moves the cursor to the lower right corner of a format.
2. Installing the Software
Install i ng the software is a three-s tep process:
1. Run the installation program.
2. Configure the software for use with your printer .
3. Print the test format, which is provided on the installation
disk. This format allows you to verify your printer’s connection to the PC.
Before You Install
Before you install this software on your computer, make sure your:
computer is using DOS 3.1 or later.
AUTOEXEC.BAT file includes DOS in the path
statement (e.g., Path = c:\DOS).
label printer is installed and connected to your
computer’s serial port.
printer’s communication port is set to the following
Baud Rate = 9600
Stop Bits = 1
Parity = None
Word Length = 8
Flow Control = DTR
9450 User’s Manual
Installing on a Hard Disk
To install the so ftware on a hard disk:
1. Insert the installation disk into the appropriate floppy disk
drive and switch to that drive.
2. At the DOS prompt (A or B), type:
and press ENTER. You will see:
Installing the 9450 Bar Code Printing System Software
To install properly...
* the 9450 system program disk must be in drive A: or B: * DOS 3.1 or later must be installed * the path to DOS must be established in AUTOEXEC.BAT
If these conditions are not true, do NOT continue!
Press ENTER to continue installation. Press any other key to exit.
2. Installing t he Sof tware
3. If these conditions have not been met, exit the installation
program by pressing ESC. Complete the conditions before you continue. If you have met these conditions, press ENTER to continue the installation.
You will see:
Default directory: C:\9450 Do you wish to change? (Y/N)
4. If you want your software to reside in the default drive\di rectory (c:\9450) press ENTER.
If C:\9450 contains an older copy of the software, you will see:
9450 already exists in C:\9450 Do you wish to overwrite previous version? (Y\N) N.
a. Press ENTER if you do not want to install over the
previous version of the 9450 soft w are. The installation program stops automatical ly and you return to the DOS prompt.
b. If you want to inst al l over an older version of the
software , type Y and press ENTER.
c. If you want the 9450 software to reside in another
directory, type N and press ENTER.
You will see:
Enter the drive:
9450 User’s Manual
5. Type the letter corresponding to the drive on which you want the sof tw are to reside. (For example, type C.) Press ENTER.
You will see:
Enter the directory name:
6. Enter the name of the directory where you want the 9450 softwar e to res i de (up to 3 directories deep). Use a backslash ( \) for the first character. (For example, type \labels.) Press ENTER. The installation program places all the necessary files in this directory.
You will see:
Copying 9450 files into
...please wait.
NOTE: Y our 9450 package includes both a 3 1/2 inch and
two 5 1/4 inch diskettes containing the 9450 software. If you are using the 5 1/4 inch diskettes, the installation program prompts you to insert the second disk. When thi s happens, you will see:
Insert Disk 2...
7. Insert the second disk and press ENTER for installation to continue.
When installation is complete, you will see:
2. Installing t he Sof tware
After installing the 9450 software, run the configuration program to select fonts and set communication parameters for your printer.
Configuring the 9450 Software
To configure the 9450 software for use with your printer, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you are in the specified 9450 directory.
2. At the DOS prompt, type:
and press ENTER. You will see:
******************************** * PRINTER CONFIGURATION PROGRAM* ********************************
1) LABEL PRINTER connected to COM1
2) LABEL PRINTER connected to COM2
3) LABEL PRINTER connected to COM3
4) LABEL PRINTER connected to COM4 >>>
3. Enter the num ber that corresponds to the COM port to which your printer is connected (1 for COM1, 2 for COM2, etc).
9450 User’s Manual
You will see:
4. Select an LPT port that is
on your system. Make sure that no printer or other device is attached to it. (The softwar e uses an LPT port during the printing process). Press ENTER. You will see:
Enter letter of drive to be used for labels:>
5. Enter the letter of the drive on which to save your labels. No colon is needed (for example, type C).
You will see:
2) METRIC >>>
2. Installing t he Sof tware
6. Enter 1 for inches. Enter 2 for millimeters. Press ENTER.
You will see:
1) Resend format only if modified
2) Resend format every time >>>
7. Enter 1 to send only mo di fi ed formats before printing. Enter 2 to send all formats before printing. Pr ess ENTER.
You will see:
Do you wish to change the current font selections? (Y/N)>
9450 User’s Manual
8. Enter Y to bring up the Font Manager screen and add new
fonts, delete fonts, or replace fonts. Enter N if you do not want to change your fonts.
If you entered Y, you will see:
Moving Within the Font Manager
Y ou can use either the keyboard or the mouse to get around in the Font Manager screens. To sel ect an item when using a mouse, move the c ursor onto the object and th en press the left mouse button.
If you are using a keyboard, use the TAB key to move from box to box, or press the hot key that corresponds to the box you want to move to. Use the Up Arr ow and Down Arrow keys to move to the item you want to select, and then press the
Spaceba r to select the item.
Adding Fonts and Point Sizes
To add a new font and point size to the li st of selected fonts, follow these steps:
1. Select the font you want to add from the Available Font s list box.
2. From the Points list box, select the poin t size you want the new font to be.
3. Select the library number for the new font in the Selected Fonts bo x .
2. Installing t he Sof tware
4. Select the Add button to add the font to your list of selected
Repeat this pr ocess for each font and poin t siz e you want to add.
Deleting Fonts
To delete a font from the list of available fonts, follow these steps:
1. Select the font you want to delete from the Selected Fonts list box.
2. Select the Delete button to delete the font.
Repeat this process for each font you want to delete.
Replacing Fonts and Point Sizes
To replace a selected font and point size with a new font and point size, follow these steps:
1. Select the new font that you want to use from the Available Fonts list box.
2. From the Points l ist box, select the point size you want the new font to be.
3. Select the font that you want to replace from the Selected Fonts list box.
4. Select the Add button to replace the font.
Repeat this pr ocess for each font and poin t siz e you want to replace.
9450 User’s Manual
Saving Your Fonts and Exiting the Font Manager
To save your font and point size changes, select the Save Fonts button. The new fonts are saved.
To exit the Font Manager, follow these steps:
1. Select the Exit button. You will see:
2. Select Yes to sav e your changes, or No to exit witho ut
saving. Press ESC or click on Cancel to return to the Font Manager program.
After the configuration is complete, you will see:
************************************* * PRINTER CONFIGURATION IS COMPLETE * *************************************
Y ou then return to the directory you selected in the installation program.
NOTE: If you are using an IBM PS/2, you may ha ve to
modify your RUN9450.BA T file to include the statement COPY PRIME COM1 or COPY PRIME COM2 to initialize the communication port. See the manual for your co m puter’s operating system for more informat i on on setting communicat i on ports.
2. Installing t he Sof tware
Checking the Printer Connection
Before you start the software, us e the test format (provided on the installation disk) to verify your printer’s connection to the PC.
1. Make sure your printer cable is connected to a communication port on the PC. Refer to your
2. Set the communi cation values for th e comm unication port attached to the printer. At the DOS prompt, type
mode com
(where x in comx is the number of the communication port to which your printer is attached.)
NOTE: Y our AUTOEXEC.BA T file must include DOS in
for instructions on connecting your printer.
the path statement (e.g., Path = c:\DOS) for the mode command to work correctly.
3. From the installation disk, copy the test batch, to the communication port to which your printer is connected. At the DOS prompt, type
copy test.bch com
(where x in comx is the number of the communication port to which your printer is attached.)
If the test label does not print, mak e sure the communication parameters are correct on the printer and on the PC. (Refer to
9450 Operat or’s Handbook
your parameters on the printer.)
to set comm uni cation
9450 User’s Manual
3. Using the 9450 Label Design Software
The 9450 program is menu-driven. The following charts show how the 9450 software menus are organized.
Main Menu
Create, Modify
or Delete a
Edit Format Menu
Add New
New Field
View or
Add Text
Batch File Functions
Modify Format
Add Line
Online 9450 Commands
Add Box
Print Test
Copy Field
and save
9450 User’s Manual
Print Labels Menu
Create, Modify
or Delete a
Batch File Functions
Batch File Functions Menu
Create, Modify
or Delete a
Create a
New Batch
Batch File Functions
Delete a
Batch File
Online 9450
Online 9450
Print a
Batch File
a Batch
9450 Online Commands Menu
Create, Modify
or Delete a
Batch File Functions
Online 9450 Commands
3. Using the 9450 Label Design Software
Starting the 9450 Software
To start the software:
1. Type:
and press ENTER. NOTE: The RUN9450 command resets your computer’s
communication ports. These ports remain at the values set by the 9450 software unt il the computer is reset. To return your ports to their origina l values, reboot your com puter or run a DOS MODE command. See your computer’s manual for mo re i nformation on operati ng system functions.
The 9450 logo is displayed on the screen.
2. Press any key to acc es s th e Mai n Me nu.
9450 User’s Manual
Each time a menu appears, you can sele ct fr om i t the option or function you wish to perform. You can display menus in either "Full Menu" or "Sin gl e Li ne Menu" mode.
Menu Modes
When you use Full Menu mode (the default), each menu appears at the top of your display, with its options enclosed in boxes with a selection letter above each box. Each box contains a short description of the option. T o select an option, press the le tter shown above the box.
When you use the Single Line Menu mode, each one-word option appears at the top of your display, preceded by the letter used to select the option. The advantage to the single-line mode is that you can see the whole format as you design it.
Y ou can switch back and forth between these two menu display options by pressing the F1 key at any menu.
3. Using the 9450 Label Design Software
Main Menu
The Main Menu displays all the major functions of the software. From this menu you can:
design formats
print labels
perform batch file functions
download online commands to the printer.
Menu Selections
Exit a function by pressing Q (Quit) . To end the current function without finishing it, press ESC. When you press Q or the ESC key, the previous menu is displayed. To quit the Main Menu and exit the program, press X.
9450 User’s Manual
+ 64 hidden pages