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This document describes the procedure for installing the BBS software on the PrAMC7211blade in 4440 chassis.
While performing the netboot Installation procedure, all the existing software on hard disk
will be completely replaced. All the data previously kept on these drives will be lost and the
data cannot be retained. So backup your data to a server prior to performing these
DHCP Server - Boot configuration required for software installation is provided through
DHCP configuration.
Extract the BBS image in the /tftpboot directory of the external TFTP Server.
2.2PrAMC-7211 Software Packages
The PrAMC-7211 installation software is packaged in a single tar file PrAMC721x-WR-3.0BBS-RM01-1.0.2.tar.bz2. Extract this tar file in the /tftpboot directory of the external
TFTP server.
Chapter 2
After extracting the tar, PrAMC721x-WR-3.0-BBS-RM01-1.0.2 directory will be created
with the following files/directories:
Table 2-1 PrAMC-7211 Software Packages
Contains files
for disk based
files.sha1sumList of packages with their checksum. During
controller card installation, installation script
downloads and validates all the packages in the list.
rootfs.tar.bz2Root file system
modules.tar.bz2Kernel modules for rootfs
minrootfs.cpio.gz Installation rootfs (used only for disk installation)
Initramfs.cpio.gzRoot file system
pxelinux.0Pxelinux binary image
pxelinux.cfg/defaultPxelinux configuration file
Minrootfs.cpio.gzInstallation image
Contains IPMC firmware image
Contains BIOS image
Contains Switch configuration util
It is not mandatory to extract the BBS tar ball in /tftpboot directory only. It can be
extracted any where but keep the following in mind:
1.The TFTP server should be able to send the files from that extracted location.
2.After extracting the BBS tar ball, the contents of PrAMC721x-WR-3.0-BBS-RM01-
1.0.2 directory should not be altered.
3.The DHCP configuration should pick pxelinux images from the respective directories,
that is, from xyz/ PrAMC721x-WR-3.0-BBS-RM01-1.0.2/disk/pxelinux.0
for disk installation and
from xyz/ PrAMC721x-WR-3.0-BBS-RM01-1.0.2/usb/pxelinux.0 for usb
2.For disk based installation, modify the filename parameter in dhcpd.conf to
As part of linuxrc, we assume that for disk installation the files that need to be picked will
be located in blades/7211/disk, that is, pxelinux.0 directory.
3.For usb based installation, modify the filename parameter in dhcpd.conf to
2.3Installation Procedure
This section describes the installation procedure for PrAMC- 7211 BBS software. The following
ways of installations are supported:
Disk based
USB based
2.3.1Disk Based Installation
For installing the BBS software on PrAMC-7211 blade in 4440 chassis, perform the following:
1.Setup DHCP configuration, see Setting Up DHCP Configuration on page 17.
2.Modify the contents of PrAMC721x-WR-3.0-BBS-RM01-
1.0.2/disk/pxelinux.cfg/default file
The PrAMC-7211 software installation is done through terminal console using netboot. This
needs change to BIOS configuration. The procedure to configure netboot option in the BIOS is
explained below.
1.During boot-up, enter into BIOS setting by pressing the F2 (remote connection) function
2.In the BIOS Setup Utility screen, go to the Boot tab and select PCI BEV: IBA FE Slot 2100
v4121 as the boot device.