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ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
List of Tables
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This guide provides detailed information about installation, configuration, and how to work
with ViewCheck. The following table gives the list of chapters described in this document.
About this ManualLists all conventions and abbreviations used in this manual and
IntroductionProvides detailed overview and features of ViewCheck.
Concepts of ViewCheckDescribes the concepts of ViewCheck.
License ManagementProvides information about ViewCheck license management.
Installation of ViewCheckProvides instructions to install ViewCheck.
Commands ExecutionDescribes about the various tests that can be executed in
outlines the revision history.
Appendix A, Related
The following tables lists the abbreviations used throughout the document.
ATCAAdvanced Telecom Computing Architecture
BSFBlade Services Framework. A derivative of System Services
CLICommand Line Interface
ClientThe applications used to Access ViewCheck via the various
Lists the relevant manuals and provides additional information.
Interfaces (CLI and XML)
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
INSMIn Service Monitoring. Functional module in ViewCheck
OOSDOnline Out of service Diagnostics. Functional module in
XMLExtensible Markup Language
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
About this Manual
About this Manual
framework handling the monitoring functionality of
various critical parameters in the blade.
ViewCheck framework that manages Test Management
requests related to Out of Service Diagnostics.
0x00000000Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits are
0 through F), for example used for addresses and
0b0000Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
boldUsed to emphasize a word
ScreenUsed for on-screen output and code related elements
or commands in body text
Courier + BoldUsed to characterize user input and to separate it
from system output
ReferenceUsed for references and for table and figure
File > ExitNotation for selecting a submenu
<text>Notation for variables and keys
[text]Notation for software buttons to click on the screen
and parameter description
...Repeated item for example node 1, node 2, ..., node
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
About this Manual
..Ranges, for example: 0..4 means one of the integers
|Logical OR
Omission of information from example/command
that is not necessary at the time being
0,1,2,3, and 4 (used in registers)
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a property damage message
No danger encountered. Pay attention to important
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
Summary of Changes
Part NumberDateDescription
About this Manual
About this Manual
6806800S49BDecember, 2013Changed the title of the manual.
6806800S49CMay 2014R2.6 Release.
October, 2013Initial version
Added new commands in Generic
Commands on page 49. Added new tests in
CPU on page 87, Memory on page 88, and
NETWORK on page 89.
Updated ViewCheck Service OS Image on
page 31.
Re-branded to Artesyn template.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
ViewCheck is a comprehensive software service that can be used to diagnose, manage, and
monitor Artesyn ATCA blades. The diagnostic utilities of ViewCheck help in identifying,
detecting, and locating hardware issues on a blade. ViewCheck also provides mechanism to
monitor status of CPU temperature, Storage devices, Ethernet counters and errors.
ViewCheck can be accessed locally using CLI and XML interfaces provided via Blade Services
Framework (BSF) service.
ViewCheck can provide both:
InService diagnostics
Out of Service diagnostics
InService Diagnostics
In this mode, the diagnostics service can run while the blades are instantiated with customer
applications and providing service.
Chapter 1
ViewCheck can monitor key hardware parameters like CPU temperature, Network Counters,
Network errors, and in addition to watching out for kernel critical errors logged by various
hardware devices and device drivers.
Out of Service Diagnostics
In this mode, a service OS is provided with various Out of Service Diagnostics tests and utilities.
This Service OS has to be loaded and diagnostics utilities can be executed. To execute these
tests, CLI /XML access is provided.
Both InService and Out of Service are provided as binary images. For more information on
Binary images and installation procedures, refer Installation of ViewCheck on page 29.
For more information on commands supported for InService and OOS, refer Commands
Execution on page 49.
In case blades are upgraded from ATCA-7470 to ATCA-7475, FRU info needs to be updated.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
1.2ViewCheck Access Methods
This section explains the different methods to access ViewCheck services on the Artesyn ATCA
You can access ViewCheck using the following interfaces.
Using these interfaces, you can
Initiate a diagnostic test
Query available diagnostic tests
Query status of a particular diagnostic test
Start and stop monitoring
Stop a diagnostic test
CLI is one of the interfaces provided to access the ViewCheck capabilities on the blade. Using
CLI, you can start, stop, and query kind of primitives at this prompt. The ViewCheck CLI can be
accessed via a console using SSH.
Blade Services Framework, a proprietary service of Artesyn, is used to provide the CLI access to
ViewCheck service. BSF binaries are provided along with the ViewCheck binaries.
For more information on BSF RPMs and Installation procedures, refer Installation of ViewCheck
on page 29.
XML is also one of the primary interfaces to access ViewCheck capabilities on the blade. XML
interface supports methods, classes, and event notification mechanism. Using XML, you can
start, stop, query, and configure the parameters related to tests and monitors. XML interface
can be accessed in the same manner as CLI and is provided by BSF.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
In addition, XML notifications are generated with details:
State changes about the diagnostic test under execution
Pre-determined monitor crossing set Threshold value
Occurrence of any pre-determined hardware device error/warning generated by the
device driver (or) the kernel on the blade.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
Concepts of ViewCheck
Terminology and keywords used extensively in ViewCheck services and available via the
commands are explained briefly here.
2.2Test Identification
Unique Test identification is based on following triple key:
< Device Category, Test ID, Device Instance >
2.3Device Category
The Device Category is an enumerated value, reused from similar enumeration already defined
in HPI-B Standard specification.
Chapter 2
Expresses commonly known device categories like Storage, Network, Serial, CPU, Memory,
and so on, which are available on all blades irrespective of function and architecture. This
category is used in commands as one of the key fields to identify uniquely a particular test.
Device Category allows for:
Grouping of test cases per category for display and statistical purposes
Allows reuse of Test IDs across device categories
2.4Test ID
Test ID is an integer value that uniquely identifies the actual test that could be invoked or
executed on a Hardware Device Instance, which belongs to a specific Device Category already
defined above and available on the blade.
Following are the example of tests that can be executed on the devices:
Ping Flood test
Network connectivity test in case of Network Device Category
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
Bad Blocks test in case of Storage Device category
Temperature tests in case of CPU categories
Each of these tests would be associated with a unique Test Identifier (Test ID).
These Test IDs start with value of (0) and would increase linearly for various sub-tests in a device
Some tests may be applicable to all device instances in a particular Device category. The
combination of <Device category, Test ID, Device Instance> would be unique and shall provide
capability to control, execute, and manage the test on a Device Instance in a Device category.
With this mechanism, same test can be simultaneously started or triggered on multiple Device
Instances under that device category, thus providing parallel execution of tests.
2.5Device Instance
Concepts of ViewCheck
Hardware devices uniquely identified and recognized by the drivers and OS on the blade are
treated as device instances. A device instance can belong to a particular device category
described above. Tests can be invoked and executed on this device instance. OS and Driver
support to access the device is assumed to be readily available.
For example, device instances eth0, eth1, eth2 or Base 0, Base 1, Base 2 are used to identify
unique devices in networking devices category. Similarly, hda1, hda2, and so on can identify
unique instances of devices in the storage category. Device instances use the standard
nomenclature already defined by the OS (for instance Linux) on the blade.
A diagnostic test identified by triple < Device Category, Test ID, device Instance> would be
invoked (or) executed on the unique device instance.
The Enumerations mentioned below are used extensively in the context of InService
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
2.6Monitor ID
ViewCheck Service monitors pre-identified parameters for hardware devices. These
parameters are CPU Core temperature, Network Device counters, Network Device errors etc.
To periodically poll and check these parameters the ViewCheck service uses CLI and XML
configuration. For each parameter of interest, a Monitor ID is an enumerated constant that
uniquely represents the Monitoring entity. This value shall be used by the ViewCheck, to
control monitoring and also while reporting events via XML on these monitors.
2.7Error ID
This is an attempt to provide identification to list the pre-determined hardware device
errors/warnings generated by the device driver (or) the kernel on the blade. These critical and
error messages are an indication of abnormal behavior on part of the kernel or the hardware
device on the blade. ViewCheck functionality attempts to detect all such errors and would
provide suitable information to external high-level software intelligence to act upon.
Concepts of ViewCheck
The list of messages that constitute these errors is not standardized by the hardware device
Vendor (nor) the Linux Kernel Community. Error ID attempts to standardize all such messages
on Artesyn supported blades. These messages would be OS and driver specific. Mostly, the
same ERROR ID would be associated with the same category of error, across blades and OSs.
For more information on commands, refer to Commands Execution on page 49.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
Concepts of ViewCheck
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
License Management
The permissions to use any Artesyn value-added software module is granted based on the
licenses installed on ATCA-7470/7475. To purchase license for a particular software module
and to get required instructions to use that module, contact Artesyn Sales team.
A license is node or blade locked, that is, it cannot be copied and used on another blade to
enable the value-added software module. You can obtain license for a module on a specific
blade and place the license on that blade. On reboot, the license is authorized and the module
is functionally enabled.
ViewCheck is available with two licenses:
1.Standard License: This is valid for 33 years.
2.Evaluation License: This is valid for 30 days.
Chapter 3
Figure 3-1Product Activation Work Flow
1.Sales enters the order to buy "N" number of licenses.
2.This triggers configuration of licenses in License Server and generates the product key. You
will receive a product key via E-mail.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
3.Use the product key to create finger-print.
4.Upload the finger-print information to the server to get the activation record (license key).
5.Place the activation record at a predefined persistent location on the board.
6.Application checks the local activation record every time it runs to obtain the license limits
and the locking parameters.
3.2Orion License RPM Installation
Using the following command, you can install the Orion License RPM on Board or Redhat x86
After you purchase the licenses for a value-added software module, follow the steps
mentioned in this section to obtain the activation record.
Figure 3-2Obtaining Activation Record
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
License Management
1.On purchasing a license, you will be sent an e-mail with the product key.
2.Using the product key, create a finger-print of the blade. Execute the platform specific
makeSystemPrint binary placed at /opt/bladeservices/bin/license/ with
the following commands.
If you are generating the finger-print on a blade, then pick up the makeSystemPrint
binary from /opt/bladeservices/bin/license/.
If you are generating the finger-print on Redhat x86 machine, then pick up the
makeSystemPrint binary from /opt/bladeservices/bin/license/redhatx86/ to the Redhat x86 machine.
Run the following command before generating the finger-print on the blade using
-pProductName Name of the product for which you want to obtain the license. For
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475, the product name is SL-DG7470-
01-001-STD. This is a mandatory parameter.
-uUsername *Username. Optional, if default user is chosen.
-aPassword *Password. Optional, if default user is chosen.
-kpubkey Public Key. The public key for ViewCheck is acpjEMw6Q6lDWL81.
This is a mandatory parameter.
-ddomkey *Domain key. This is a mandatory parameter.
-bSerialNumberBoard SerialNumber. Optional, if on-blade finger-print is being
-mMACAddressBase MAC Address. Optional, if on-blade finger-print is being
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
License Management
The information about parameters marked with ’*’ is provided to you upon placing the
order for ViewCheck software. For more information, please contact Artesyn’s sales
As license manager keeps track of the system time, tampering with the system date and time
hampers the functionality of the licensed software module.
Redirect the output of these commands to fp.key file as shown above. This is the fingerprint of the blade software module for which license should be granted.
3.Upload the finger-print to the license server to obtain the activation record. The web link
of the server to obtain license key is given below:
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
When you access this link, the following screen is displayed:
License Management
4.In the Product Name box, type name of the product. For example, SL-DG7470-01-001STD.
5.Select the Finger-print file using the Browse button.
6.In the Image Text box, type the text that is displayed in the box.
7.Click Generate Activation Record to obtain the activation record.
8.Copy the activation record on to the blade at /opt/bladeservices/etc/license/
in the following format actrec_<PRODUCT IN CAPS>.key
For example, if the product is SL-DG7470-01-001-STD, then rename the file as
actrec_SL-DG7470-01-001-STD.key and copy it to the above location.
Take a backup of the activation record.
3.4Verifying the Installation of a Value-added
Software Module
To confirm that the activation record is accepted and the functionality is enabled, check the log
file at /var/log/emerson_license.log.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
When the license is granted for a module, the log message is as follows:
<Date and time> <Log priority>: <PRODUCT> : <PID>: License is valid
There are sufficient logs in the log file to know the status of the licensed software module. If the
functionality of a software module is not enabled, then the log file is updated with the reason
for rejecting the license.
3.5Returning the License
You can return the license when:
A value-added software module is not required on a blade any longer.
The blade is not usable and the license need to be migrated to newer blade.
The following procedure describes how to return license of a software module on a blade:
License Management
Figure 3-3Returning the License
1.To generate the receipt, execute the platform specific makereceipt binary placed in
If you are generating receipt on blade, then pick up the makereceipt binary from
If you are generating a receipt from Redhat x86 machine, then pick up the
makereceipt binary from /opt/bladeservices/bin/license/redhatx86/.
Command Syntax
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
When you access this link, the following screen is displayed:
License Management
4.In the Product Name box, type name of the product. For example, SL-DG7470-01-001-
5.Select the return receipt file using the Browse button.
6.In the Image Text box, type the text that is displayed in the box.
7.Click Return License. If successful, a message "License Returned Successfully" is displayed.
ViewCheck on ATCA-7470/7475 Installation and Use (6806800S49C)
Installation of ViewCheck
This section explains the ViewCheck release modules and installation procedures to install and
run ViewCheck service on the Artesyn ATCA blade.
ViewCheck service is released as a set of two distinct images.
ViewCheck RPM Image
This is packaged as part of BBS release. The License Manager and BSF service RPMs are also
distributed along with the ViewCheck RPMs. BSF service RPMs provide access to CLI and
ViewCheck Service OS image
You can download this image from SWORDS.
Chapter 4
4.2ViewCheck RPM Image
The ViewCheck RPM Image functionally comprises Diagnostics Framework, specific test cases,
and test suites. The ViewCheck RPM always use same OS variant and compile time
environment based on the BBS release of the target blade. For ATCA-7470/7475 blades, the
ViewCheck RPM is created for PNE 4.x environment. The ViewCheck RPM comes along with
latest BBS release of the blade.
This ViewCheck Service RPM contains:
Diagnostics Core - Daemon
Static Test Suite Configuration files for the Specific Blade
Start/Stop Scripts for Diagnostics Core
Using the following command, you can install the ViewCheck RPM Image: