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ATCA-7350 - Integrating with Workbench User Guide (6806800H90D)
List of Tables
ATCA-7350 - Integrating with Workbench User Guide (6806800H90D)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This manual provides an introduction for building the Linux kernel and root file system for an
ATCA-7350 with Wind River PNE2.0 using Workbench. The Workbench Linux Support Package
(LSP) layer delivered as part of this release should be used for the same. This manual however
does not claim to provide complete working instructions on Wind River PNE2.0.
This manual is divided into the following chapter and appendices.
Building Kernel and Root File System Images describes the set up of the kernel and root file
system with Wind River PNE 2.0.
Appendix A, Packaging describes files in board support package.
Appendix B, Utilities describes copying of files for installation purpose.
Appendix C, Related Documentation lists the related documents of ATCA-7350.
This document uses the following abbreviations:
BSPBoard Support Package
DRBDDistributed Replicated Block Device
LHCLink Health Check
LSPLinux Support Package
PNE-LinuxPlatform Network Equipment Linux
ATCA-7350 - Integrating with Workbench User Guide (6806800H90D)
About this Manual
About this Manual
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
0x00000000Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits are
0 through F), for example used for addresses and
0b0000Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
boldUsed to emphasize a word
ScreenUsed for on-screen output and code related elements
or commands in body text
Courier + BoldUsed to characterize user input and to separate it
from system output
ReferenceUsed for references and for table and figure
File > ExitNotation for selecting a submenu
<text>Notation for variables and keys
[text]Notation for software buttons to click on the screen
and parameter description
...Repeated item for example node 1, node 2, ..., node
..Ranges, for example: 0..4 means one of the integers
|Logical OR
ATCA-7350 - Integrating with Workbench User Guide (6806800H90D)
Omission of information from example/command
that is not necessary at the time being
0,1,2,3, and 4 (used in registers)
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a property damage message
No danger encountered. Pay attention to important
About this Manual
Summary of Changes
This manual has been revised and replaces all prior editions.
Files in Board Support Package, A.3 Driver and
Module Patches, and B.1 Copying Files for
Installation sections.
6806800H90CMay 2010Updated Prerequisites on page 11, Project Setupon
page 11, Files in Board Support Package on page
21, Kernel Patches on page 25.
6806800H90DSeptember 2014Re-branded to Artesyn template.
ATCA-7350 - Integrating with Workbench User Guide (6806800H90D)
About this Manual
About this Manual
ATCA-7350 - Integrating with Workbench User Guide (6806800H90D)
Chapter 1
Building Kernel and Root File System Images
This section describes how to setup and create Kernel and root file system, with Wind River PNE
2.0, that is suitable to use on an ATCA-7350 blade.
The local RedHat Linux (version 4 or above) system should have the following software
Wind River PNE2.0 Service Pack 4 (PNE2.04) toolchain
Wind River Workbench 3.0.
To integrate the Workbench with ATCA-7350:
extract the ATCA-7350 BBS release 1.1 build 1.1.2 to the /home directory
extract <centellis_untarred_location>/ATCA_7350/disk/bsp.tar.bz2
file to the /home/wind directory. This directory is used to pick layers. You should have
read and write permissions for this directory.
After extracting the bsp.tar.bz2 file the following directory structure is created.