Congratulations on your adoption of i-clicker, the easiest-to-use classroom
response system available! The following guide will enable you to quickly start
using i-clicker’s fundamental applications, as well as options to use some of the
more advanced software tools.
Want to learn more about i-clicker software through live training? Visit us at to sign up for a training session, where we review the
software in its entirety. Or email us at to schedule a session.
Have a specific technical question and need help? Email us at or call us (toll free) at 866-209-5698.
Based on user feedback and reviews, we have made a number of changes to i>clicker and
i>grader that are designed to make your experience more robust and more intuitive.
The software upgrade:
• Is not required. If you prefer to use the classic/original software, you can find that
software still on the web site.
• Impacts both the PC and Macintosh
• Is heavily focused on user interface and course management support
• Won’t affect the data in the MyCourse folders
We’ve highlighted and included all of the upgrade features in this User Guide. You may
also consult the “Software Upgrade Conversion Guide” (on our web site and on the flash
drive) for more information.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
i>clicker User Guide (Macintosh Application)
Table of Contents
Section One – Using I>Clicker: How To Poll Your Students In Class ........................................ 5
• Setting Up Your Course Folders ……………………………………………………………..5
• Displaying a graph (or histogram) of responses ............................................................ 7
• Creating a questionlist.csv file in Microsoft Excel ........................................................ 46
• Creating a questionlist.csv file in TextEdit ................................................................... 47
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
Section One-Using i>clicker: How to Poll Your Students in Class
1. Connect the i-clicker receiver (or base) to your computer through the USB port. The LCD screen on
the receiver will light up. If it doesn’t, be sure to plug the receiver directly into the computer (and not
through the keyboard or a non-powered USB hub). Your computer should tell you that it has
recognized new hardware and inform you when it is ready to use it (this takes a few seco nds).
2. Place your i-clicker flash drive (a.k.a. memory stick or thumb drive) in the USB slot on the back of the
receiver. (Your flash drive should arrive with your shipment of the i-clicker receiver.)
3. Locate the flash drive on the Desktop, and double-click on it (often called SanDisk256). The flash
drive will contain folders called MyCoursePC and MyCourseMac. These folders contain course
templates and application software for PC and Mac users respectively.
Note: You can also download the software from the downloads section of the i-clicker web site. If
you use both Windows and Mac computers, you will need to download the zipped files MyCoursePC and
MyCourseMac from the Web site. To download the software, click the Mac Software link and save the file
to your hard drive in an easy-to-remember location. The files will be compressed, in an archive (.ZIP)
format. Double click the icon to un-archive the files. When this process is complete, the uncompressed
files will be displayed with a folder icon like the one shown below, on the right. This folder can be
dragged or copied to the flash drive or to the location where you will run the i-clicker program (see Step 5
and Tip below).
4. The “MyCourse” folders contain course templates and application software for PC and Mac users
respectively. You will need to make a copy of the MyCourseMac folder for each clas s or section for
which you are using i-clicker and rename each new folder with the name (or section) of the course.
Do not delete, rename, or modify the MyCoursePC or MyCourseMac folders – these are templates
that you will need when you create more courses.
5. To copy the folders, control-click on the MyCourseMac folder and select Duplicate (or highlight the
MyCourseMac folder, hold down the Apple key and press D). This will make a copy of the
MyCourseMac folder (“MyCourseMac Copy”). Rename the folder with your course/section name. If
you were teaching two sections of an Introductory Course, for example, your flash drive might look
like this:
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
Tip: i-clicker software can be copied to another computer (or computers) rather than residing only on
your flash drive. For example, many institutions are placing i-clicker on the college network drive (or H
drive) and a number of individual professors are placing the i-clicker software on their laptop computers.
The benefit of the flash drive is that the i-clicker software is fully portable; just insert the flash drive
into any computer to access your course folder. We suggest you store any files associated with your
lectures (your PowerPoint slides, for example) in the course folder on your flash drive – it’s a great
way to keep everything organized. However, you may copy the course folder to any location as long
as you have easy access to that location during your lectures. You must be able to access the
same i-clicker course folder from this location, each time you start polling in class, in order to
track your class’s voting data.
5. Double-click on the folder for the course/section in which you are about to use i-clicker and you will
see the following:
Tip: You can easily check for new updates to i-clicker and i-grader via the WebUpdate tool. These
updates will not override your current course data but will provide you with key functional
enhancements to the polling/grading software. We highly recommend you check for revisions and
updates to the software on a regular basis. For more about using WebUpdate, please see Section 6 on
page 45.
6. Double-click the i-clicker icon in your course folder to
start the i-clicker classroom application.
When you open the i-clicker application, you will see
the following Welcome Screen (though the version
number displayed at the top may be different).
New upgrade! i-clicker can now include your course
name (and section number, if you so choose) on the
opening welcome screen. You may title your course
through Settings and Preferences (see pages 34-35 for
detailed instructions). You may also manually loan i-clicker remotes right from the welcome screen (before
launching the i-clicker program).
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
7. Click on Start Session in the center of the Welcome Screen. The Welcome Screen will disappear
and you will see the following floating menu bar appear in the top left corner of your computer
desktop. You can move the menu bar anywhere you choose on your desktop.
Results Graph
New Options Tool Display/Hide
New upgrade! The overall menu bar is smaller and also has a minimize option. It has also been revised
and has three functions: start/stop, hide/display, and “options” (marked with an arrow so the toolbar is
This floating menu bar indicates that i-clicker is active and running. It allows you to operate i-clicker
with your presentation application(s). For example, if you use PowerPoint, open a presentation and
select “View Slide Show.” Both your PowerPoint presentation and the i-clicker menu bar will be
activated (example below).
A screen shot is captured each time you poll your students. These screen captures are saved and
are accessible from i-grader. If you select a presentation application and display each question at the
time you begin polling, your questions will be saved for review along with scoring and polling information.
The screen shot below shows i-clicker floating above a PowerPoint slide. It would similarly float above
any other application, such as Keynote, Word, Adobe, Mathematica, etc. If you are not worried about
capturing the question for later review and points assignment, then you don’t need to worry about
displaying the question on your screen.
Questions? Contact us at
or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
Tip for Keynote users: In order for the i-clicker menu bar to float over your presentation, be sure
Keynote is set to allow other programs to share the screen. In the Keynote Preferences menu, please
follow the below steps:
New upgrade! By default, the i-clicker floating menu bar appears in the top left hand corner of your
screen. However, if you move the bar, the system will now remember its placement and retain the new
location until you change it again—for the rest of the session and from session-to-session. This new
feature gives you more flexibility to organize and design your questions (or slides) so that the floating
menu bar never obstructs your question text or images.
8. Select the START button on the menu bar when you are ready to ask students to vote on a question.
On the left, a timer will
appear on the menu bar and
timing will start. This
indicates polling is now
On the right, a counter will
display how many students
have voted thus far.
Tip: You can easily enable the major functions of i-clicker without having to stand near your computer by
using the instructor’s remote feature. This makes it easy to move around the room and lecture while still
using i-clicker. See page 37 for instructions on enabling this function.
Students can turn on their i-clickers and vote any time while a question is active (i.e. as long as
you’ve selected Start to begin polling) by pressing the On/Off button on the remote. We recommend
students keep their remotes on during the lecture. (This is particularly important if a frequency other than
the default AA is in use. More details regarding this on page 34.) The remotes will automatically shut off
after 90 minutes of inactivity to save battery power.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
9. Click on the STOP button on the menu bar when you feel that enough time has elapsed.
New upgrade! The floating menu bar will be restored to the smaller size after polling has stopped. The
counter and timer will disappear so the floating menu bar will become less obtrusive.
Note: i-clicker will only begin collecting your students’ votes after you’ve clicked Start and will stop
collecting votes after you’ve clicked Stop. If you have not selected Start, the i-clicker will not accept or
record any votes.
Once you select Start from the floating menu bar, students may vote. A green Vote Status light on your
students’ remotes indicates their vote has been successfully recorded. After you’ve selected Stop, votes
for each question will no longer be accepted. If your students vote before you’ve clicked Start (or after
you’ve clicked Stop), the Vote Status light on their remotes will flash red three times, indicating their votes
were not received.
10. You can click on the DISPLAY button at any time on the i-clicker menu bar to see a graph (or
histogram) of student responses for the current question. The graph displays both the percentage and
number of votes for each choice.
New upgrades!
The graph is now resizable. To resize the
graph, simply drag the bottom right corner
of the graph.
The graph also displays the both the exact
count and percentage of the votes.
If you move the graph, the system
remembers its placement and retains that
location until you change it again.
You may also display two graphs (the current graph and any previous graphs) side-by-side by
clicking on Compare Graphs in the graph window. The second graph will display underneath your
current graph. You may select Previous or Next to toggle between graphs in choosing your second
graph to display. So, for example, if you wanted to compare the graph from Question 4 with the graph
from Question 1, you would simply need to use the Previous button to move back to the graph from
Question 1. To close the comparison graph, click on the Compare Graphs link again.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
Tip: You may designate one answer in the graph as correct by simply pointing your mouse to and clicking
on the correct letter that appears when you mouse-over the graph. This will change your sele cted bar (i.e.
the answer you’ve designated as correct) to green and the remaining bars to red to clearly delineate the
question’s ‘correct’ answer. See the example below. Similarly, clicking the “?” on the far left will clear the
correct answer selection and the display will return to the default mode. ALSO, you can designate a
correct answer by cycling through the choices with the "E" button on the Instructor's Remote.
Your designated correct answer will then be saved into i-grader (and all points adjusted accordingly, if
you have chosen to award students points for answering questions ‘correctly.’)
You can also designate a correct answer by cycling through the choices with the “E” button on the
instructor’s remote.
New upgrade! You can designate a correct answer now for any letter, even if no student selected that
choice. The letter and percentage will become green and all other choices will turn red. So, even if none
of your students voted for the correct answer, you can still designate the correct choice on the graph (and
it will be recorded in i-grader).
To stop displaying the graph, simply click on the Display button on the menu bar (which now says Hide).
The same information (for the current question only) is also displayed on the LCD screen of the i-clicker
base (see below), which is a useful tool to monitor student voting progress and choices without displaying
the graph to the whole class. Information is updated every second, and includes the timer (on the upper
left), the total vote count (on the upper right), and the distribution (by percentage) of votes across the 5
choices is displayed across the bottom.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 (and 11 if you want to display the results) for each question you ask in class.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
New upgrade! Floating Menu bar OPTIONS
The floating menu bar now is revised to have three functions: start/stop, hide/display, and OPTIONS
(marked with ). Roll your mouse over and select the to review and use the menu bar OPTIONS.
Currently, there are three options you may access:
1. By selecting Loan/Register Clickers, you can manually register an individual clicker (permanently or
for just one session) or start In-Class/Roll-Call registration. For more information on in-class and
manual registration options, see pages 11-16 of this Guide.
2. By selecting “Question On the Fly,” you can ask a question spontaneously (“on the fly”) and have it
recorded in a screen capture, without closing out of your presentation application. For example, you
could be using PowerPoint in slide show mode, decide to ask an unplanned question mid-lecture, and
ask it using the “On the Fly” option without ever having to exit or close your PowerPoint slide show.
To use this feature, hit the key from the floating menu bar, select Question On The Fly and a
textbox will appear. Type in a question title in the “Question Title” field, your question in the “Question”
field, and if so desired, the “correct” answer in the “Answer” field. Select “Start” from either the floating
menu bar or using your instructor’s remote.
A screenshot will be taken when polling begins and will be saved in i-grader, along with the question
title and the correct answer (if you chose to designate one). Hit the “Close” button at the bottom of the
textbox to close the question.
3. By selecting Settings and Preferences, you may return to the program’s Settings/Preferences
screens so you can edit your preferences directly from i-clicker. For more information about these
options, see pages 34-45 of this Guide.
Questions? Contact us at
or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
When your class is over, click on the small white square at the top right corner of the menu bar to exit iclicker. You will be asked if you really want to quit i-clicker and, if so, click on OK. Each student’s
response to each question will be saved in your course folder. Remember: You must run the i-clicker
program from the same folder each time in order to keep a complete record of your students’
Tip: The next time you begin i-clicker, click the “Start New Session” button to begin a new session. If you
want the data for two sessions to be stored together, or if you accidentally close the program, use
“Resume Last Session” instead.
The rest of this manual will tell you how to assign grades based on the responses of your
students as well as outlining the many other features and options available to you.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
Section Two - Registering Your Students: How To Give Your
Students Credit
The i-clicker system may be used as a simple tool to give you instant, anonymous feedback in
class, in which case no registration is ne cessary. However, if you (like most instructors) want to go
a bit further and give credit to your students for class participation and/or performance, you will
need to:
1. Associate each of your students with the unique serial number on their i-clicker remotes (i.e.
2. Decide on the grading details for each session of your class (see Section 3 on i-grader).
Note: Students do not need to be registered in order for i-clicker to collect votes. For
unregistered students, responses will be stored in your course folder and associated with the
unique serial ID number on the student’s remote. After students register, all their previo usly
recorded responses will be retroactively assigned to them.
You can elect to use i-clicker as a completely anonymous system, but you may have a difficult
time with student compliance if you don’t assign even a few points for participation. We’ve found that
making i-clicker an option but not tying it to any points/grading results in very few students using iclicker in class.
IMPORTANT: Course Management Systems (CMS) Integration
If you wish to integrate i-clicker voting data with your CMS system, such as Blackboard or
ANGEL, you will not use a Roster.txt file. You may need to perform some additional steps not
outlined in this document. The exact steps will vary depending on the version of your CMS. Please
read and follow the directions located in the documentation for your course management system
(available on
registration data is consistent with your course management system. This will eliminate potential future confusion and ensure your
Each student remote has a unique serial number printed on the back.
This number is referred to as the remote ID. The association (or
registration) of a student with the remote ID is required before a
student can receive individual credit for voting in class. To register your
students, you must first create a file containing student information in
your course folder. If you are not planning to integrate voting data with
your course management system (CMS), you will need to create a text
file named Roster.txt. Please note that various Course Management
systems require different file names and types. Please refer to the
CMS documentation on
The Roster file must have one line for each student in your class, with
each line containing the student’s Last Name, First Name, and Student
ID, separated by commas. The Student ID may be a college ID number, email alias, or any other easily
readable text string—as long as it is guaranteed to be unique for each student. We recommend that you
use an ID number or naming convention that you currently use (personally or as required by your
institution) to record your students’ other grades, for easiest import of i-grader data into your course
grade book.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698. for more information.
The application (or any other plain text editor) can be used to easily create the Roster.txt
file. To create a txt file using TextEdit:
1. Go to the “Applications” folder and open“TextEdit.”
2. Enter the student information, or Copy and Paste it from an existing roster file into TextEdit. Note: If
you copy/paste the file, you may still need to modify the contents so that each line contains student
information in the correct format.
3. Save this as “Roster.txt” within your course folder.
You will need to do this for each section or course in which you are using i-clicker. A sample Roster.txt
file is provided in your class folder. You may wish to simply edit this file rather than creating a new one.
Tip: The most common registration mistake involves students entering the wrong student ID (as
many institutions have 1-3 different IDs). To avoid this mistake, please consider the following
•Add i-clicker instructions to your syllabus so your students follow the proper registration protocol (and
will understand why they are purchasing the clickers). We have provided sample text below.
•Decide upon a policy for students who cannot or do not register their clickers successfully. Do you
want them to find you after class? In your office hours? Email you their remote ID and student ID for
manual registration? Inevitably, a small percentage of students will struggle with the registration
process; to save yourself aggravation, you may want to include some directions in your syllabus to
anticipate this problem and avoid a lot of manual work on your end.
Sample Syllabus Inserts:
"You are required to purchase an i>clicker remote for in-class participation. i>clicker is a response
system that allows you to respond to questions I pose during class; you will be graded on that feedback
and/or participation. In order to receive this credit, you will need to register your i>clicker remote in class.
I will project a Registration screen with 3 steps to follow (look for your [student ID], which will
alphabetically scroll down the screen). Once your remote is registered, your [student ID] will no longer
appear on that scrolling list and you are registered for the entire semester. If for some reason, you can’t
follow these steps, I will need to register you by [alternative policy] by [date]. i>clicker will be used every
day in class, and you are responsible for bringing your remote daily." (Note to the instructor: [student ID]
= the type of student ID that you have chosen to use, as noted in the instructions in step #10.)
"You are required to purchase an i>clicker remote for in-class participation. i>Clicker is a response
system that allows you to respond to questions I pose during class, and you will be graded on that
feedback and/or participation. In order to receive this credit, you will need to register your i>clicker
remote online within the first [amount of time set by instructor] of class. You must have come to class at
least once and voted on at least one question, in order to complete this registration properly. Once you
have voted on a question in my class, go to Complete the fields with your
first name, last name, student ID, and remote ID. Your student ID should be [student ID]. The remote ID
is the series of numbers and sometimes letters found on the bottom of the back of your i>clicker remote.
The i>clicker response system will be used every day in class, and you are responsible for bringing your
remote daily." (Note to the instructor: [student ID] = the type of student ID that you have chosen to use,
as noted in step #10.)
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
i-clicker offers you three straightforward registration options: an in-class option (for your entire
class), a manual option (for individual students), and an “online/web” option. Minimal information is
required of your students and all registration options are tied to your class roster. There are no site
license or registration fees for i-clicker software.
Tip: In-class and online registrations are not mutually exclusive, and both can be used to regi ster
students in one class. For a small class, roll call is recommended, while a combination (or on-line
exclusively) is recommended for larger classes.
Option One -In Class (or “Roll Call”) Registration:
To use Roll Call, your computer screen needs to be projected so all students can easily see it.
Open i-clicker by double-clicking the iclicker application icon in your course folder and selecting “start
session” from the Welcome Screen. From your floating menu bar, click on the down arrow to open the
Options menu and select “Loan/Register Clickers.”
From the Loan/Register Clickers window, select Roll Call.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
The ROLL CALL screen will appear as below. Your student’s information (from the Roster.txt file you
have placed into your course folder) will begin scrolling as shown below:
The instructions for students to register are outlined on the screen and are easy to follow.
1. Step One: The student
locates his/her name or ID
as read from the
Roster.txt file.
2. Step Two: The student
must wait until his/her ID
has scrolled down into the
central blue region of the
Step Two screen. A letter
will then appear to the
right of his/her ID or
name. The student must
press the displayed letter
on his/her i-clicker remote,
at which point a second
(different) letter appears to
the right of his/her name
or ID.
3. Step Three: The student should press the second letter on their keypad to complete the registration
process. This is the final step in tying each individual student to his/her unique remote. Once the second
letter is selected, the boxes to the right of the name disappear and the student is registered for the
duration of the course. His/her name will no longer appear on the scrolling roster list.
In the example shown here, the
student C Brown has pushed
the first button and is now being
prompted to push the second
button (letter D.) Once the
student has pressed “D,” her
student ID and her i-clicker
remote ID/serial number
(#0028ECF, shown to the left of
her name) will be tied together
for the rest of the course.
If a student’s name scrolls off
the screen before completing
Steps 2 or 3, s/he should simply
wait for his/her name to appear
again. Names will continue to
scroll on the screen until you
click on the Close button (on
the bottom right screen) or until
all students have registered.
Questions? Contact us at or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.
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