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20 Chapter 2: ES1
20 ES1 overview
21 ES1 oscillator parameters
21 ES1 oscillator parameters overview
22 ES1 oscillator waveforms
22 Use the ES1 sub-oscillator
23 ES1 global parameters
24 ES1 lter parameters
24 ES1 lter parameters overview
25 Drive the ES1 lter to self-oscillate
26 ES1 amplier parameters
27 ES1 envelope parameters
27 ES1 envelope parameters overview
27 ES1 lter cuto envelope modulation
28 ES1 amplier envelope modulation
29 ES1 modulation
29 ES1 modulation parameters overview
29 Use the ES1 router
30 Use the ES1 LFO
31 Use the ES1 modulation envelope
32 ES1 MIDI controllers
33 Chapter 3: ES2
33 ES2 overview
34 ES2 interface
36 ES2 sound sources
36 ES2 oscillator parameters overview
37 ES2 basic oscillator waveforms
38 Use pulse width modulation in ES2
38 Use frequency modulation in ES2
40 Use ring modulation in ES2
41 Use ES2 Digiwaves
41 Use the ES2 noise generator
42 ES2 emulation of detuned analog oscillators
43 Stretch tuning in ES2
44 Balance ES2 oscillator levels
44 ES2 oscillator start points
45 Synchronize ES2 oscillators
46 ES2 global parameters
46 Global parameters overview
47 Set the ES2 keyboard mode
47 Use unison and voices in ES2
48 Set the ES2 glide time
48 Set the ES2 pitch bend range
49 ES2 lter parameters
49 ES2 lter overview
50 ES2 lter conguration
50 Cross-fade between ES2 lters
52 ES2 Filter 1 modes
52 ES2 Filter 2 slopes
53 ES2 lter cuto and resonance
55 Overdrive ES2 lters
56 Modulate ES2’s Filter 2 Frequency
57 ES2 amplier parameters
57 Use ES2’s dynamic stage
57 Sine Level enhanced ES2 sounds
58 ES2 modulation
58 ES2 modulation overview
59 ES2 modulation router
63 ES2 LFOs
65 Use ES2 LFOs
66 ES2 envelopes
69 Use the Vector Envelope
70 Vector Envelope points, times, and loops
76 Use the Planar Pad
77 ES2 modulation target reference
83 ES2 modulation source reference
85 ES2 via modulation source reference
87 ES2 integrated eects processor
89 ES2 macro controls and controller assignments
89 ES2 macro and controller assignment overview
89 ES2 macro controls
90 Make ES2 controller assignments
91 ES2 Surround mode
91 ES2 extended parameters
92 Create random ES2 sound variations
92 Use ES2’s randomization parameters
92 Restriction of ES2 randomization
94 ES2 tutorials
94 Create ES2 sounds from scratch
103 Create ES2 sounds with templates
Contents 4
108 Chapter 4: EFM1
108 EFM1 overview
110 EFM1 modulator and carrier parameters
110 Modulator and carrier overview
112 Set the EFM1 tuning ratio
112 Choose a dierent EFM1 modulator waveform
113 EFM1 modulation parameters
114 EFM1 global parameters
115 EFM1 output parameters
116 Create random EFM1 sounds
116 EFM1 extended parameters
117 EFM1 MIDI controller assignments
118 Chapter 5: ES E
118 ES E overview
119 ES E oscillator parameters
120 ES E LFO parameters
121 ES E lter parameters
122 ES E envelope parameters
122 ES E output parameters
123 Extended ES E parameters
124 Chapter 6: ES M
124 ES M overview
125 ES M oscillator parameters
126 ES M lter and lter envelope
127 ES M level envelope and output controls
127 Extended ES M parameters
128 Chapter 7: ES P
128 ES P overview
129 ES P oscillator parameters
130 ES P LFO parameters
131 ES P lter parameters
132 ES P envelope and level controls
133 Integrated ES P eects processor
133 Extended ES P parameters
189 EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor window
189 EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor overview
190 EXS24 mkII Zones and Groups view
192 Create instruments, zones, and groups
196 Edit EXS24 mkII zones and groups
208 Save, rename, and export EXS24 mkII instruments
209 Edit samples in the Logic Pro Audio File Editor
210 Use an external instrument editor with EXS24 mkII
211 EXS24 mkII preferences
214 EXS24 mkII memory management
216 Chapter 10: External Instrument
216 External Instrument overview
217 Use the External Instrument
449 Chapter 17: Vintage Electric Piano
449 Vintage Electric Piano overview
450 Vintage Electric Piano interface
451 Vintage Electric Piano Eects window
451 Vintage Electric Piano EQ
452 Vintage Electric Piano Drive eect
452 Vintage Electric Piano Chorus eect
453 Vintage Electric Piano Phaser eect
454 Vintage Electric Piano Tremolo eect
455 Vintage Electric Piano Details window
455 Vintage Electric Piano model parameters
456 Vintage Electric Piano pitch parameters
457 Vintage Electric Piano extended parameters
458 Vintage Electric Piano emulations
458 Rhodes models
459 Hohner and Wurlitzer models
460 Vintage Electric Piano MIDI controllers
Contents 11
461 Appendix A: Legacy instruments
461 Legacy instruments overview
461 Emulated instruments
461 Bass
461 Church Organ
462 Drum Kits
462 Electric Clav(inet)
462 Electric Piano
463 Guitar
463 Horns
463 Piano
463 Sound Eects
463 Strings
464 Tuned Percussion
464 Voice
464 Woodwind
464 Tonewheel Organ
465 Synthesizers
465 Analog Basic
465 Analog Mono
466 Analog Pad
466 Analog Swirl
467 Analog Sync
467 Digital Basic
468 Digital Mono
468 Digital Stepper
469 Hybrid Basic
470 Hybrid Morph
471 Appendix B: Synthesizer Basics
471 Synthesizer basics overview
472 Sound basics
472 Sound basics overview
473 Tones, overtones, harmonics, and partials
473 The frequency spectrum
474 Other waveform properties
475 Synthesizer fundamentals
477 Subtractive synthesizers
477 How subtractive synthesizers work
478 Subtractive synthesizer components
479 Oscillators
482 Filters
485 Envelopes in the amplier
487 Modulation
490 Global controls
Contents 12
491 Other synthesis methods
491 Other synthesis methods overview
491 Sample-based synthesis
492 Frequency modulation (FM) synthesis
493 Component modeling synthesis
494 Wavetable, Vector, and Linear Arithmetic synthesis
495 Additive synthesis
496 Phase distortion synthesis
496 Granular synthesis
497 A brief synthesizer history
497 Precursors to the synthesizer
498 Early voltage-controlled synthesizers
499 The Minimoog
500 Storage and polyphony
501 Digital synthesizers
Contents 13
Edit panelExchange panel
Drum Kit Designer
Drum Kit Designer overview
Drum Kit Designer lets you build c ustom drum kits from a wide selection of drum and
percussion sounds. It also provides controls that change sound characteristics and the level of
each piece in your kit.
Further settings allow you to use dierent microphones and rooms to enhance Producer kits.
Producer kits are identied in the Library by a “+” at the end of the patch name. See “Add
drummers to a project” in Logic Pro Help for information on Producer kits.
Drum kit
Drum Kit Designer’s interface is divided into the following main areas.
Drum kit: Click a drum kit piece to preview its sound and to open the Edit panel and the
Exchange panel if exchange pieces are available for that drum type.
Exchange panel: Shows all drums that are available for exchange (you may need to scroll).
Edit panel: Shows settings that change sound characteristics.
Drum Kit Designer Edit panel
The Edit panel is used to change sound characteristics and the level of each piece in your kit.
Edit panel parameters
Tune knob and eld: Rotate to adjust the pitch.
Dampen knob and eld: Rotate to adjust the sustain.
Gain knob and eld: Rotate to adjust the volume.
Leak switch (Producer kits only): Drag to On to include the sound in the mic of the other
kit pieces.
Overheads switch (Producer kits only): Drag to On to include the drum kit’s overhead mic in
the sound.
Room switch (Producer kits only): Drag to choose between rooms A and B or to turn o the
room emulation.
Chapter 1 Drum Kit Designer 15
Use Drum Kit Designer
Drum Kit Designer shows a 3D representation of the drum kit for the currently loaded patch.
For all kits, you can preview the drums, edit the pitch, sustain, and volume of each drum kit piece,
and exchange the kick and snare drums. When working with Producer kits, you can additionally
exchange toms, cymbals, and hi-hat. Producer kits let you turn dierent microphones, such as
overheads or room mics, on or o.
Note: Producer kits and some drums are only available after you download additional content.
Drum Kit Designer also has additional parameters for adjusting the gain of other instrument
pieces, such as shaker, cowbell, and so on. See Drum Kit Designer extended parameters.
Preview a drum or percussion piece
m Click a drum or percussion piece.
The rst time you click any drum or percussion piece after opening the plug-in, one or two
panes open. You can exchange individual sounds in the Exchange panel to the left and can edit
individual drum or percussion piece settings in the Edit panel to the right.
Adjust kit piece settings (all kits)
1 Click a drum or percussion piece.
The Edit panel opens to the right.
Toms: Click the tab for the tom you want to edit, or click the All tab to adjust the tone of
all toms.
Cymbals: Click the tab for the crash cymbal you want to edit, or click the All tab to adjust the
tone of both crash cymbals. The ride cymbal can be edited directly.
Kicks and snares: There are no tabs, so make your adjustments with the controls.
Chapter 1 Drum Kit Designer 16
2 To adjust settings, do any of the following:
To adjust the pitch: Drag the Tune control vertically, or double-click the eld and enter a
new value.
To adjust the sustain: Drag the Dampen control vertically, or double-click the eld and enter a
new value.
To adjust the volume: Drag the Gain control vertically, or double-click the eld and enter a
new value.
3 To close open panels, click anywhere in the plug-in window background.
Exchange a kit piece
For all kits, you can exchange kick and snare. When working with Producer kits, you can
additionally exchange toms, cymbals, and hi-hat.
Note: Producer kits and some drums are only available after you download additional content.
1 Click a drum or percussion piece.
The Exchange panel opens to the left if exchange pieces are available for that kit piece.
2 Click the Info button of a selected piece to view its description.
3 Click the kit piece that you want to exchange in the Exchange panel. You may need to scroll in
order to nd the piece you want to use.
The piece is exchanged and the respective drum sound is loaded.
Note: The toms and the crash cymbals can only be exchanged as a group.
4 To close the panels, click anywhere in the plug-in window background.
Chapter 1 Drum Kit Designer 17
Adjust mic settings (Producer kits only)
In the Edit panel, do any of the following:
m To include the sound in the mic of the other kit pieces: Turn on the Leak switch.
This turns microphone bleed on or o, where the sound of a kit piece is picked up by the
dierent mics from other kit pieces.
m To include the kit piece’s overhead mic in the sound: Turn on the Overheads switch.
This turns the overhead mic for the selected kit piece on or o.
m To choose a room emulation to use with the sound: Choose between rooms A and B. You can also
turn o the room microphones.
Rooms A and B determine which room mic setup is used with the kit piece.
Drum Kit Designer extended parameters
Drum Kit Designer provides additional parameters that are accessed by clicking the disclosure
triangle at the lower left.
The Input Mapping pop-up menu lets you choose dierent mappings that provide enhanced
control of HiHats. The maps also change the way Drum Kit Designer sounds are assigned across
the MIDI note range. See Drum Kit Designer mappings.
Extended parameters
Input Mapping pop-up menu: Choose a keyboard mapping mode.
GM: Drums are mapped to the GM standard.
GM + ModWheel controls HiHat opening level: The keyboard Mod Wheel is mapped for
hi-hat control. Additional sounds are also mapped to keyboard zones above and below the
standard GM note mapping range.
V-Drum: Drums are mapped to work with V-Drum hi-hat, cymbal, and drum triggers.
Gain sliders: Drag the slider (or drag vertically in the eld) to adjust the level of the
corresponding sound (if available in the kit).
Shaker Gain
Tambourine Gain
Claps Gain
Cowbell Gain
Sticks Gain
Chapter 1 Drum Kit Designer 18
Drum Kit Designer mappings
GM StandardGM + ModWheel
Drum Kit Designer is compatible with the GM standard. You can also choose GM+, which maps
the keyboard ModWheel for hi-hat control. This means that you can use the keyboard ModWheel
to adjust the degree to which the hi-hat opens and closes during the drum performance.
Drum Kit Designer is also compatible with the V-Drum standard.
The image shows how drum sounds are remapped when dierent modes are chosen with the
Input Mapping pop-up menu in the extended parameters.
Note: A number of alias drums sounds are included for GM compatibility purposes.
Ride In
Ride Out
Crash Left
Hi-Hat Open Edge
Hi-Hat Foot
Hi-Hat Closed Tip
Snare Sidestick
Snare Edge
Rimshot Edge
Crash Right
Ride Bell
Ride Edge
High Tom
High Tom
High Mid Tom
Low Mid Tom
Low Tom
Low Tom
Snare Rimshot
Snare Center
Hi-Hat Foot Close
Hi-Hat Foot Splash
Ride Out
Crash Left
Hi-Hat Edge
Hi-Hat Shank
Hi-Hat Tip
Snare Sidestick
Snare Edge
Rimshot Edge
Ride In
Crash Right
Ride Bell
Ride Edge
High Tom
High Tom
High Mid Tom
Low Mid Tom
Low Tom
Low Tom
Snare Rimshot
Snare Center
Hi-Hat Foot Close
Hi-Hat Foot Splash
Crash Right Stop
Crash Left Stop
Crash Right Stop
Crash Left Stop
Chapter 1 Drum Kit Designer 19
Amplifier parameters
Filter parameters
Oscillator parameters
ES1 overview
ES1 emulates the circuits of analog synthesizers in a simple, streamlined interface.
ES1 produces sounds using subtractive synthesis. It provides an oscillator and sub-oscillator
that generate harmonically rich waveforms. You subtract (cut, or lter out) portions of these
waveforms and reshape them to create new sounds. The ES1’s tone-generation system also
provides exible modulation options that make it easy to create punchy basses, atmospheric
pads, biting leads, and sharp percussion.
If you’re new to synthesizers, see Synthesizer basics overview on page 471, which will introduce
you to the terminology and give you an overview of dierent synthesis systems and how
they work.
Modulation parameters
Envelope parameters
Global parameters
ES1 is divided into six main areas.
Oscillator parameters: Located in the upper left, the oscillators generate the basic waveforms
that form the basis of your sound. See ES1 oscillator parameters overview on page 21.
Global parameters: Located in the bottom green/gray strip, global sound control parameters
are used to assign and adjust global tuning, activate the in-built chorus, and so on. You can
use the chorus to color or thicken the sound. See ES1 global parameters on page 23.
Filter parameters: Located in the upper-middle section with the circular Filter area as well as the
Drive and Key scaling parameters, the lter is used to contour the waveforms sent from the
oscillators. See ES1 lter parameters overview on page 24.
Amplier parameters: Located in the upper right, the amplier parameters allow you to ne-
tune the behavior of your sound’s level. See ES1 amplier parameters on page 26.
Envelope parameters: Located to the right in the dark green/gray area, the ADSR sliders
are used to control both lter cuto and the amplier level over time. See ES1 envelope
parameters overview on page 27.
Modulation parameters: Located to the left and middle in the dark green/gray area, the
modulation sources, modulation router, modulation envelope, and amplitude envelope
are used to modulate the sound in a number of ways. See ES1 modulation parameters
overview on page 29.
ES1 oscillator parameters
ES1 oscillator parameters overview
ES1 includes a primary oscillator and a sub-oscillator. The primary oscillator generates a
waveform that is sent to other parts of the synthesizer for processing or manipulation.
The sub-oscillator generates a secondary waveform one or two octaves below that of the
primary oscillator.
Oscillator parameters
Wave knob: Rotate to select the waveform of the primary oscillator, which is responsible for the
basic color of the tone. See ES1 oscillator waveforms on page 22.
Mix slider: Drag to set the level relationship between the primary and sub-oscillator signals.
(When the sub-oscillator is switched o, its output is completely removed from the signal
Sub knob: Rotate to generate square, pulse, and white-noise waveforms with the sub-oscillator.
The sub-oscillator also allows you to route a side-chain signal through the ES1 synthesizer
engine. See Use the ES1 sub-oscillator on page 22.
2’, 4’, 8’, 16’, and 32’ buttons: Click to transpose the pitch of the oscillators up or down by octaves.
The lowest setting is 32 feet and the highest is 2 feet. The use of the term feet to determine
octaves comes from the measurements of organ pipe lengths. The longer and wider the pipe,
the deeper the tone.
Modulate ES1 pulse width
m Rotate the Wave knob to a position between the square wave and pulse wave symbols.
The pulse width can also be automatically modulated in the modulation section (see Use the ES1
router on page 29). Modulating the pulse width with a slowly cycling LFO, for example, allows
periodically mutating, fat bass sounds.
Chapter 2 ES1 21
ES1 oscillator waveforms
The table outlines the basic tones of the oscillator waveforms—how they aect your
synthesizer sound.
WaveformBasic toneComments
SawtoothWarm and evenUseful for strings, pads, bass, and
brass sounds
TriangleSweet sounding, softer than
SquareHollow and “woody” soundingUseful for basses, clarinets, and
Pulse“Nasal” soundingGreat for reed instruments, synth
Useful for utes, pads
blips, basses
Use the ES1 sub-oscillator
The ES1 sub-oscillator is used to make your sound richer. Its pitch matches the frequency of the
main oscillator. You can choose from the following sub-oscillator waveform options:
A square wave that plays one or two octaves below the frequency of the primary oscillator
A pulse wave that plays two octaves below the frequency of the primary oscillator
Variations of these waveforms, with dierent mixes and phase relationships, resulting in
various sounds
White noise, which is useful for creating percussion sounds as well as wind, surf, and rain
OFF, which allows you to disable the sub-oscillator
EXT, which allows you to run an external channel strip signal through the ES1 synthesizer
engine, by using a side chain
Process a channel strip signal through the ES1 synthesizer engine
1 Set the Sub knob to EXT.
2 Choose the side-chain source channel strip from the Side Chain pop-up menu in the upper-right
corner of ES1.
Chapter 2 ES1 22
ES1 global parameters
The global parameters aect the overall sound, or behavior, of the ES1 and are found primarily in
the strip that spans the lower edge of the ES1 interface. The Glide slider is displayed above the
left end of the strip.
Global parameters
Glide slider: Drag to set the amount of time it takes to slide between the pitches of each
triggered note. The Glide trigger behavior depends on the value set in the Voices eld (see
Tune eld: Drag to tune the instrument in cents. One cent is 1/100th of a semitone.
Analog eld: Drag to slightly, and randomly, change the pitch of each note and the cuto
frequency. This emulates the oscillator detuning and lter uctuations of polyphonic analog
synthesizers, due to heat and age.
If you set the Analog parameter to 0%, the oscillator cycle start points of all triggered voices
are synchronized. This can be useful for percussive sounds, when you want to achieve a
sharper attack characteristic.
If you set the Analog parameter higher than 0%, the oscillators of all triggered voices can
cycle freely. Use higher values if you want a warm, analog type of sound—where subtle sonic
variations occur for each triggered voice.
Bender Range eld: Drag to set the sensitivity of the pitch bender, in semitone steps.
Neg Bender Range slider (Extended Parameters area): Drag to set the negative (downward)
pitch bend range in semitone steps. The default value is Pos PB (positive pitch bend), which
essentially means that there is no downward pitch bend available. (Click the disclosure triangle
at the lower left of the ES1 interface to access the Extended Parameters area.)
Out Level eld: Drag to set the ES1 master volume.
Voices eld: Drag to set the maximum number of notes that can be played simultaneously—up
to 16 voices.
When Voices is set to Legato, the ES1 behaves like a monophonic synthesizer—with single
trigger and ngered portamento engaged. This means that if you play legato, a portamento—
glide from one note to the next—will happen. If you release each key before pressing a
new one, the envelope is not triggered by the new note, and there is no portamento. Use
this feature to create pitch bend eects, without touching your keyboard’s pitch bender, by
choosing a high Glide parameter value when using the Legato setting.
Chorus eld: Click to choose a classic stereo chorus eect, an ensemble eect, or to disable the
eects processor.
O disables the built-in chorus circuit.
C1 is a typical chorus eect.
C2 is a variation of C1 and is characterized by a stronger modulation.
Ens(emble) uses a more complex modulation routing, creating a fuller and richer sound.
Chapter 2 ES1 23
ES1 lter parameters
ES1 lter parameters overview
This section outlines the lter parameters of the ES1.
Filter parameters
Cuto slider: Drag to set the cuto frequency of the ES1’s lowpass lter.
Resonance slider: Drag to cut or boost the portions of the signal that surround the frequency
dened by the Cuto parameter. Boost can be set so intensively that the lter begins to
oscillate by itself (see Drive the ES1 lter to self-oscillate on page 25).
Tip: You can simultaneously adjust the cuto frequency and resonance parameters by
dragging vertically (cuto) or horizontally (resonance) on the word Filter, found in the center
of the black circle.
Slope buttons: The lowpass lter oers four dierent slopes of band rejection above the cuto
frequency. Click one of the buttons to choose a slope (amount of rejection, expressed in
decibels (dB) per octave):
24 dB classic: Mimics the behavior of a Moog lter. Turning up the resonance results in a
reduction of the low end of the signal.
24 dB fat: Compensates for the reduction of low frequency content caused by high
Resonance values. This resembles the behavior of an Oberheim lter.
12 dB: Provides a soft, smooth sound that is reminiscent of the early Oberheim
SEM synthesizer.
18 dB: Resembles the lter sound of Roland’s TB-303.
Drive slider: Drag to change the behavior of the Resonance parameter, which eventually
distorts the sound of the waveform. Drive is actually an input level control, which allows you
to overdrive the lter.
Chapter 2 ES1 24
Key slider: Drag to set the eect that keyboard pitch (the note number) has on lter cuto
frequency modulation.
If Key is set to zero, the cuto frequency does not change, no matter which key you strike.
This makes the lower notes sound comparatively brighter than higher notes.
If Key is set to maximum, the lter follows the pitch, resulting in a constant relationship
between cuto frequency and pitch. This mirrors the properties of many acoustic
instruments, where higher notes sound both brighter in tone and higher in pitch.
ADSR via Vel sliders: Drag to determine how note velocity aects modulation of the lter cuto
frequency with the envelope generator. See ES1 envelope parameters overview on page 27.
Filter Boost button (Extended Parameters area): Turn on to increase the output of the lter by
approximately 10 decibels. The lter input has a corresponding decrease of approximately 10
decibels, maintaining the overall level. This parameter is particularly useful when applying high
Resonance values. See Drive the ES1 lter to self-oscillate. (Click the disclosure triangle at the
lower left of the ES1 interface to access the Extended Parameters area.)
Drive the ES1 lter to self-oscillate
If you increase the lter Resonance parameter to higher values, the lter begins to internally
feed back and, as a consequence, begins to self-oscillate. This results in a sine oscillation—a sine
wave—that is actually audible.
You can make the ES1 lter output a sine wave by following the steps below. This lets you play
the lter-generated sine wave with the keyboard.
Output a sine wave from the lter
1 Switch the Sub knob to O.
2 Drag the Mix slider to the very bottom (Sub).
3 Drag the Resonance slider to the maximum position (full).
4 If you want, click the disclosure triangle at the lower left to open the extended parameters, then
click the Filter Boost button.
Filter Boost increases the output of the lter by approximately 10 decibels, making the self-
oscillation signal much louder.
Chapter 2 ES1 25
ES1 amplier parameters
The parameters in the ES1 Amplier section allow you to ne-tune the behavior of your sound’s
level. These are separate from the global Out Level parameter, which acts as the ES1’s master
volume control. See ES1 global parameters on page 23.
Amplier parameters
Level via Vel slider: Drag to determine how note velocity aects the synthesizer level. The
greater the distance between the arrows (indicated by the blue bar), the more the volume is
aected by incoming velocity messages.
Drag the upper arrow to set the level when you play hard (velocity=127).
Drag the lower arrow to set the level when you play softly (velocity=1).
To simultaneously adjust the modulation range and intensity, drag the blue bar—between
the arrows—and move both arrows at once.
Amplier envelope selector buttons: Click one of the buttons—AGateR, ADSR, or GateR—to
determine the ADSR envelope generator used for control of the amplier envelope. See ES1
envelope parameters overview on page 27.
Chapter 2 ES1 26
ES1 envelope parameters
ES1 envelope parameters overview
ES1 provides an attack, decay, sustain, and release (ADSR) envelope that can shape lter cuto
and the level of the sound over time.
Envelope Parameters
A(ttack) slider: Drag to set the time it takes for the envelope to reach the initial desired level.
D(ecay) slider: Drag to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall to the sustain level, following
the initial attack time.
S(ustain) slider: Drag to set the sustain level, which is held until the key is released.
R(elease) slider: Drag to set the time it takes the envelope to fall from the sustain level to a level
of 0.
ES1 lter cuto envelope modulation
The envelope generator modulates the lter cuto frequency over the course of a note’s
duration. The modulation intensity—and response to velocity information—is set by the arrows
on the ADSR via Vel slider in the Filter section.
ADSR via Vel slider
The modulation range is determined by the two arrows.
The lower arrow indicates the minimum amount of modulation.
The upper arrow indicates the maximum amount of modulation.
The blue bar between the arrows shows the dynamic range of this modulation. You can
simultaneously adjust the modulation range and intensity by dragging the blue bar.
Tip: If you’re unfamiliar with these parameters, set the Cuto parameter to a low value,
Resonance to a high value, and move both ADSR via Vel arrows upward. Constantly strike a note
on the keyboard while changing the arrows to learn how these parameters work.
Chapter 2 ES1 27
ES1 amplier envelope modulation
The AGateR, ADSR, and GateR buttons in the Amplier section determine which of the ADSR
envelope controls aect the amplier envelope. All ADSR parameters remain active for the lter.
The letters A, D, S, and R refer to the attack, decay, sustain, and release phases of the envelope
(see ES1 envelope parameters overview on page 27).
Gate refers to a control signal used in analog synthesizers that is sent to an envelope generator
when a key is pressed. As long as an analog synthesizer key is pressed, the gate signal maintains
a constant voltage. When Gate is used as a modulation source in the voltage-controlled amplier
(instead of the envelope), it creates an organ-type envelope without any attack, decay, or release
phase—in other words, an even, sustained sound.
Amplifier Envelope
Selector buttons
The ES1 amplier envelope selector buttons have the following eect on played notes:
AGateR: The Attack and Release sliders of the ADSR envelope control the attack and release
phases of the sound. In-between these phases, the Gate control signal is used to maintain a
constant level while a note is held. As soon as you release the key, the release phase begins.
The Decay and Sustain sliders of the ADSR Envelope have no impact on the sound’s level.
ADSR: The standard operating mode of most synthesizers, where the level of the sound over
time is controlled by the ADSR Envelope.
GateR: The Gate control signal is used to maintain a constant level while a note is held. As soon
as you release the key, the release phase begins. The Attack, Decay, and Sustain sliders of the
ADSR Envelope have no impact on the sound’s level.
Chapter 2 ES1 28
ES1 modulation
ES1 modulation parameters overview
ES1 oers a number of simple yet exible modulation routing options. You use modulation to
add animation to your sound over time, making it more interesting, lively, or realistic. A good
example of this type of sonic animation is the vibrato used by orchestral string players.
Modulation EnvelopeRouterLFO parameters
Modulation parameters
LFO parameters: Used to modulate other ES1 parameters. See Use the ES1 LFO on page 30.
Router: Enables you to choose the ES1 parameters that are modulated. See Use the ES1
router on page 29.
Modulation Envelope: A dedicated modulation control source that can be used to control
various ES1 parameters, or it can be used to control the LFO level. See Use the ES1 modulation
envelope on page 31.
Use the ES1 router
The router determines the ES1 parameters (targets) that are modulated by the LFO and by the
modulation envelope. The buttons in the left column set the target for LFO modulation. The
buttons in the right column set the target for the modulation envelope.
Parameter target
Router parameters
Pitch buttons: Click to modulate the pitch—the frequency—of the oscillators.
Pulse Width buttons: Click to modulate the pulse width of the pulse wave.
Mix buttons: Click to modulate the mix between the primary oscillator and the sub-oscillator.
Cuto buttons: Click to modulate the cuto frequency of the lter.
Resonance buttons: Click to modulate the resonance of the lter.
Volume buttons: Click to modulate the main volume.
Filter FM button (modulation envelope only): Click to use the triangle wave of the oscillator
to modulate lter cuto frequency. This modulation can result in a pseudo-distortion of the
sound, or it can create metallic, FM-style sounds. The latter occurs when the only signal you
can hear is the self-oscillation of the resonating lter (see Drive the ES1 lter to self-oscillate on
page 25).
LFO Amp (modulation envelope only): Click to modulate the overall amount of LFO modulation.
Chapter 2 ES1 29
Use the ES1 LFO
The LFO (low frequency oscillator) generates an adjustable, cyclic waveform that you can use to
modulate other ES1 parameters.
LFO parameters
Wave knob: Rotate to set the LFO waveform. Each waveform has its own shape, providing
dierent types of modulation.
You can choose the following waveforms: triangle; ascending and descending sawtooth;
square wave; sample & hold (random); and a lagged, smoothly changing random wave.
You can also choose EXT to assign a side-chain signal as a modulation source. Choose the
side-chain source channel strip from the Side Chain pop-up menu in the upper-right corner
of ES1.
Rate slider and eld: Drag to set the speed—the frequency—of the LFO waveform cycles.
If you set values to the right of 0, the LFO phase runs freely.
If you set values to the left of 0, the LFO phase is synchronized with the tempo of the host
application—with phase lengths adjustable between 1/96 bar and 32 bars.
When set to 0, the LFO outputs at a constant, full level, which allows you to manually control
the LFO speed with your keyboard’s modulation wheel. This can be useful, for example, if
you want to change the pulse width by moving your keyboard’s modulation wheel. You
would choose the pulse width as the LFO modulation target, using a button in the left
router column, and set the modulation intensity range using the Int via Whl slider.
Int via Whl slider: The upper arrow denes the intensity of LFO modulation if the modulation
wheel is set to maximum. The lower arrow denes the amount of LFO modulation if the
modulation wheel is set to 0. The distance between the arrows—shown as a green bar—
indicates the range of your keyboard’s modulation wheel.
You can simultaneously adjust the modulation range and intensity by dragging the green
bar, thus moving both arrows at once. Note that as you do so, the arrows retain their relative
distance from each other.
Chapter 2 ES1 30
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