Installing Your Software
The following information is intended to get you up and running as quickly as possible
and covers these topics:
About the Final Cut Express Installation Disc (p. 2)
Upgrading Mac OS X and QuickTime (p. 3)
Installing Final Cut Express (p. 4)
Registering Final Cut Express (p. 7)
About Onscreen Help (p. 8)
Contacting AppleCare Support (p. 9)
Make sure to also review the
Final Cut Express installation disc. For the latest information about Final Cut Express,
go to the Final Cut Express website at http://www.apple.com/finalcutexpress.
Before You Install Final Cut Express
document on the

About the Final Cut Express Installation Disc
The Final Cut Express installation disc contains the files necessary to install
Final Cut Express 4 and LiveType 2.1.4, including LiveFonts, templates, objects, and
textures for use with LiveType. It also contains the following files and folders:
Before You Install Final Cut Express:
things to do before you install the applications. Make sure to read this before
installing Final Cut Express.
Install Final Cut Express icon:
Documentation folder:
Final Cut Express and LiveType applications. Many of the PDF documents contain an
access page with links to additional documents and related Apple websites.
LiveType Extras folder:
This disc contains the files required to install Final Cut Express and LiveType on
either PowerPC-based or Intel-based Macintosh computers. The installation process is
identical for both.
This folder contains PDF documentation for the
This folder contains documentation and sample LiveFont scripts.
This document provides system requirements and
Double-click this icon to begin the installation process.

Upgrading Mac OS X and QuickTime
Before you install Final Cut Express, update your system software to make sure that you
have the latest version of Mac OS X installed. You also need to upgrade to the latest
version of QuickTime. QuickTime is an industry standard for working with digital video
and is required for Final Cut Express.
For minimum software requirements, see the
document on the Final Cut Express installation disc.
Mac OS X v10.3 Panther or an earlier version.
To update your system software:
Choose Apple menu > Software Update.
A dialog appears showing new or updated software available for your computer.
If necessary, follow the onscreen instructions to update Mac OS X and QuickTime to the
latest versions.
You must purchase Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger or later if you’re upgrading from
Before You Install Final Cut Express