Alto Professional STAGEDRIVE+ User Manual [en, es, fr, it, de]

ENGLISH ( 1 - 26 )
ESPAÑOL ( 27 - 52 )
FRANÇAIS ( 53 – 77 )
ITALIANO ( 78 - 103 )
DEUTSCH ( 104 – 128 )
NEDERLANDS ( 129 – 153 )
STAGEDRIVE+ Power cable Software CD Quickstart Guide Safety & Warranty Information Booklet
1. Make sure all items listed in the BOX CONTENTS section are included in the box.
3. Study the connection diagram in this guide.
4. Place all devices in an appropriate position for operation.
5. Make sure all devices are turned off and all faders and gain knobs are set to "zero."
6. Connect all sound sources' outputs to amplifier inputs as indicated in the diagram.
7. Connect the amplifier outputs to speakers.
8. Plug all devices into an appropriate power source.
9. Switch everything on in the following order:
Sound sources (i.e. microphones, turntables, CD players, etc.)
10. When turning powering down, turn everything off in the following order:
Sound sources
1. MODE BUTTON- Selecting one of four modes: PRESET, DELAY, EDIT and UTILITY.
2. DISPLAY- Shows the pages of the various menus and their parameters.
3. DIAL KNOB- Edits the value of the selected parameter.
4. PREV/NEXT BUTTON- Accesses menu pages and/or parameters.
5. NAVIGATION CURSOR KEYS- Selects various parameters.
6. MEMORY CARD SLOT- MMC card slot to store PRESETS.
7. ENTER KEY- Confirms editing of parameters.
8. ESC KEY- Exits the selected editing page or cancels an editing operation.
9. INPUT LEVEL LEDs- Shows the level of input A/B.
10. MUTE SWITCHES- Mutes the signal from any of the six respective outputs.
11. OUTPUT LEVEL LEDS- Shows the output level.
Note: The LIMITER will change the way in which the output level is displayed on the corresponding LED. The level shown on the meter is no longer the "absolute" output level, but the level of the signal at -24dB, -12dB,
-6dB compared to the limiter threshold (indicated by the orange LIMIT LED).
1. AC INPUT AND FUSE HOLDER- Connect the included power cable here. CAUTION: If the fuse needs to be replaced, please refer to a qualified technician. If the fuse continues
to blow after replacing, discontinue use of this unit and seek repair.
2. POWER SWITCH- Turns the main POWER on and off.
3. DIGITAL IN- Connect a balanced XLR-F cable here.
4. RS485 OUT- Allows outgoing communication between a STAGEDRIVE+ and other STAGEDRIVE+ units.
5. RS485 IN- Allows incoming communication between a STAGEDRIVE+ and other STAGEDRIVE+ units.
6. USB PORT- Allows communication via PC.
7. OUTPUTS- Use Balanced XLR-M cables on these outputs.
8. INPUTS- Balanced XLR - ¼” combo jacks.
Adjusting the input signal
1. Keep the STAGEDRIVE+ outputs in MUTE status (LEDs on) by pressing each respective Mute button on the front panel.
2. Feed a signal into the STAGEDRIVE+ input and watch the INPUT LEVEL A-B LED meter.
3. Keep the signal high, but without triggering the CLIP LED continually, adjusting the input gain if necessary.
4. Press the MODE key until the EDIT menu LED lights up. Use the PREV and NEXT keys to go to the Input Gain page and then press ENTER.
5. Use the DIAL to change the gain value and watch the level of the signal on the LED meter until ideal values are reached.
6. Use the PREV and NEXT keys to access to the INB Gain page.
Types of PRESETS
There are 3 categories of PRESETS:
F = Factory PRESETS which cannot be permanently changed. These are the starting points for creating User PRESETS and card PRESETS from scratch.
U = User PRESETS can be programmed by users.
C = Card PRESETS can be programmed by users and stored on a Multimedia Memory Card.
To Load a PRESET:
Use the DIAL to select a Factory PRESET (indicated by the letter F) and press ENTER to load the preset
into memory.
Adjusting the input gain
1. Keep the STAGEDRIVE+ outputs in MUTE status (LEDs light on).
2. Feed a signal in on the STAGEDRIVE+'s input and watch the LED meter.
3. To obtain a good signal level, make certain the red INPUT LEVEL A-B CLIP LED does not light up
4. Find out the output level setting for your mixer (or other unit) and connect it to the input of the STAGEDRIVE+.
5. Adjust the STAGEDRIVE+ input gain by pressing the MODE key until the EDIT menu LED lights up.
6. Use the PREV and NEXT keys to go to the Input Gain page:
7. Press ENTER. The display will show the IN A Gain or IN A&B Gain page (according to the
configuration and other utilities loaded in the memory):
8. Use the DIAL to change the gain value and watch the level of the signal on the LED meter until ideal values are reached. Then use the PREV and NEXT keys to access the IN B Gain page (if there is one, which will depend on the configuration and the other utilities loaded in the memory).
To save a PRESET:
1. Use the DIAL to select an area in which the PRESET is to be saved and press ENTER.
2. Use the
alphanumeric value.
3. Edit the PRESET name if desired and press ENTER to save the changes or press ESC to abort.
COMM. SETUP SUBMENU- This submenu allows access to the setting of communication with other units
via the USB port. Note: The ‘Dump Out Preset’ and ‘Incoming Dump’ functions are an exception, as they're controlled directly in the PRESET menu.
Transmit PRESETS- Use this menu page to transmit PRESETS via the RS485 ports to copy PRESETS to another STAGEDRIVE+.
and keys to position the cursor on a character and use the DIAL to enter the
To download a PRESET- Select a PRESET using the DIAL and press ENTER. Note: The menu page remains unchanged to allow other PRESETS to be dumped.
All the Presets data (name, configuration, parameter values, etc.) are immediately transmitted to the units connected to the RS485 port.
Note: In order for the transfer to work, the receiving units must be able to identify and accept Incoming Dump operations. When two or more STAGEDRIVE+ are connected, the PRESET sent by the transmitting STAGEDRIVE+ overwrites the existing PRESET in the same memory position of the receiving STAGEDRIVE +.
Incoming Dump
Accepts or ignores the Dump of a PRESET sent from another STAGEDRIVE+ via the RS485 port or from a computer via USB. Ports settings can be:
Ignore the data that is being sent
Accept the data that is being sent
System Protection
These indications appear when the LOCK function is enabled, (when the LOCK UTILITY system is totally (T) or partially (P) protected against accidental or unauthorized changes). Protection is set by using a password, without which editing cannot be achieved.
Input Delay: Delays the signal of an input (or the sum of the inputs) before sending it to the routing system.
All outputs will be delayed by the same length of time. This is commonly used to compensate for distances between speaker enclosures or large venues.
The Input Delay values can be set in the following ranges:
The measurement unit can be chosen with the function Delay Unit (UTILITY menu-Units submenu).
Output Delay: Delays the signal only from a specific output. This is used to compensate for the distance
between different speakers in the same sound system (ie. speaker clusters) or to correct internal alignment of speaker enclosure components.
The Output Delay values can be set in the following ranges:
The Output Delay values can be set in the following ranges:
Input Noise Gate- Allows reduction of background noise generated by a unit connected to the processor's
inputs (a mixer, for example). The filter is active when the input signal is below a certain threshold and reduces its level, cutting undesired background noises.
The following editable parameters are available, in two different pages:
a. Noise Gate ON/OFF
b. Reaction times- Sets the Noise Gate attack and
release times.
- ATTACK (AT): The time needed by the filter to bring back the signal to its normal level when
it goes above the threshold.
- RELEASE (RL): The time needed by the filter to cut the signal once it goes below the
Threshold- If the signal goes below the set threshold level, the Noise Gate reduces the signal. The editing values are within the following ranges: +8dBu -60dBu, with 2dBu steps. Range- Sets the amount of the signal level reduction. The editing values are within the following ranges: 0dBu -80dBu, with variable steps.
Input/Output EQ: Five band parametric EQ filters. Allows you to alter the overall tone of the signal.
The following editable parameters are available for each filter:
Type of filter- Select the filter to be Peaking, Low or High Shelving with a slope of 6 or 12 dB per octave
and Notch filter.
Center/Cutoff Frequency- Selects the center frequency of the Peaking curve and Notch filter, or the
cutoff frequency of Shelving curves.
• Bandwidth- Sets the width of the Peaking or Notch type curve. This does not apply to Shelving curves
Gain- Allows boost or cut of the selected frequencies. This does not apply when using the Notch Filter
The filter values can be set in the following ranges:
Xover- Low-pass and high-pass filters.
Each Xover has 2 slightly different pages (one for each filter), where the name of the output it affects and the type of filter shown:
Low pass Filter - Allows all the frequencies below a specific range to pass and cuts all other frequencies
above it.
High Pass Filter- The high-pass filter allows all the frequencies above a specific range to pass, and cuts
all other frequencies below it.
Crossover frequency - Adjusts the filter cutoff frequency.
Phase - Allows control of the signal's phase.
Note: This control is only available in the Low-Pass Filter window.
The Xover values can be set in the following ranges:
Output Pol- Controls the output's polarity. Allows you to invert the phase of the signal on individual outputs. The effect operates with 5 steps in a range of between 0 and 180. In this way it's possible to set the phase of each individual output with 5 steps within a complete 360 revolution. This function is useful when assembling arrays of speaker enclosures, in the control of the interpolation between various enclosures or between sections of the same system.
Output Limiter- Keeps the signal of each individual output within a set level.
Reaction times- Adjusts between 3 types of Limiter reaction speeds:
Fast- Suited for rapid Limiter operation, normally for signals dedicated to high frequencies. Normal- Suited for the majority of applications with signals dedicated to mid frequencies or full-range
systems. Slow- Suited to avoid jumps in the level and for signals dedicated to low frequencies.
Threshold- Sets the level above which the Limiter activates.
IMPORTANT! Enabling the LIMITER on a specific output also changes the way in which the level is
displayed on the corresponding LED. The level will no longer be the "absolute" output level, but the level of the signal at -24dB, -12dB, -6dB compared to the LIMITER's threshold (orange LIMIT LED), no matter what the threshold value is.
UTILITY MENU- Allows access to system options such as the control of the Multimedia Memory Card or protection against accidental or unauthorized changes.
GANGING SUBMENU- Allows you to group together inputs and/or outputs. For example, this can be used to adjust the right and left sections of a stereo signal to the same Delay value or equalization on both inputs with just one operation; or set identical Xover parameters for the various outputs fed to a stereo sound system. The Ganging function can be enabled separately for both groups of input and groups of outputs.
Input Ganging- Enables/disables the Ganging function on the inputs. The settings are:
Output Ganging- Enables/disables the Ganging function on the outputs.
The settings are:
IMPORTANT: As soon as Inputs and/or Outputs are ganged, the various menu pages only show the values that can actually be used.
UNITS SUBMENU Choose the measurement units to be used with certain functions.
Delay Unit- Sets the measurement in which Delays are expressed.
The options include: m = meters - mm = millimeters - ms = milliseconds - ms = microseconds
Lim. Thresh. Unit- Sets the measurement units for the threshold of the Limiter (EDIT menu - Output
The options include: dBu = decibel (0 dBu = 0.775 V rms) - V = volt
Temperature Unit- Sets the measurement units for the Temperature function (UTILITY menu - Misc.
Setup submenu). The options include: C = degrees Centigrade - F = degrees Fahrenheit
MISC. SETUP SUBMENU- Sets a series of system options.
• Input Select- Choose the inputs which STAGEDRIVE+ should use, digital or analog.
• Output Meters- Choose whether to display the output signal before or after MUTE.
The options include:
PreMute- the signal is always shown no matter what the MUTE status PostMute- the signal is only shown if the output is not in MUTE
Temperature- Sets the value of the environmental temperature at the place of installation to compensate
for differentials due to the varying speed of sound transmission due to the air temperature. The editing values are in the following ranges: +60 C ~ -30 C with 1 C steps 140.0 F ~ -22.0 F with 1.8 F steps
Note: The measurement units can be chosen between C (degrees Centigrade) and F (degrees Fahrenheit) by means of the Temperature Unit function (UTILITY menu - Units submenu).
Wake Up- Sets the mode in which MUTE functions are restored when the STAGEDRIVE+ is switched on.
The options include:
Normal- When switched on, the system restores the last MUTE configuration before switching off Mute- When switched on, the system automatically sets all the outputs in MUTE
LCD Contrast- Adjusts the Display contrast.
LOCK SUBMENU- Used to enable or disable the protection of the system against accidental or unauthorized
How to enable protection
1. Choose a protection mode (Partial or Total).
2. Use the
3. The password can be made up of four alphanumerical characters, obtainable using the
4. After entering the password, press ENTER.
Note: Confirmation is only accepted if the cursor is positioned on one of the four password characters. This
prevents the accidental enabling of protection without having seen the password.
How to disable protection
1. Access the LOCK submenu.
2. The display shows the prompt for entering the password to unlock the protection.
3. Enter in the password using the combination of the < and > keys and the DIAL, then press ENTER.
Note: in the event of an incorrect password, the display prompts again, encrypting all the characters.
and keys to access the area in which the password is entered.
and keys
and editable with the DIAL.
IMPORTANT! If you cannot remember the password, turn the unit on while pressing the "PREV" and "
keys. Now the protection is unlocked.
Note: Alongside the symbol of Total or Partial protection, the letter ‘M’ may also appear. This means that the
system is protected, but the PRESET in question has undergone one or more changes that have not yet been stored. You can however switch the system on and off without any problems, as the current settings are kept in the buffer memory. Nevertheless, if this is your primary setup, it's advisable to store it in a PRESET.
MEMORY CARD SUBMENU- Allows formatting (erasing) of the Multimedia Memory Card. A card cannot be properly used by the system unless it is first formatted in the unit.
How to format the Card
1. Insert a Multimedia Memory Card in the slot.
2. In the Memory Card submenu, press ENTER
3. Press ENTER again to start formatting.
4. The system formats the card until it communicates that it has completed.
Note: in the event of an error or a Card fault, if there is no Card in the slot or if the Card is removed during formatting, the display shows the following message:
During formatting, the system automatically stores the *Default* PRESET in all the 128 CARD memory areas. Note: since the system must always be configured, there are no empty memory areas. All the User and Card areas not yet used by stored user data are automatically occupied by the *Default* PRESET, which contains a standard start configuration with all the values of the various parameters at zero.
This submenu allows access to the setting of communication with other units via the RS485 ports. Note: Dump Out Preset the and Incoming Dump functions are an exception, as they're controlled directly in the PRESET menu.
Allows you to accept or ignore the PRESET Change command sent via a computer’s USB port or another STAGEDRIVE+ when it loads a PRESET. The settings can be:
Ignore PRESET Change commands received.
Accept and execute PRESET Change commands.
1. Insert the included software CD into your computer’s disc drive.
2. Navigate to the MaxiDrive3.4 DPA software/USB Driver folder to locate and install the PL-2303 Driver
Installer.exe associated with your version of Windows.
3. Once the driver is installed, power on the STAGEDRIVE+ and connect the USB cable from the
STAGEDRIVE +’s USB port to your PC's USB port.
4. Right click on MY COMPUTER then click PROPERTIES.
5. Click the HARDWARE tab, then select DEVICE MANAGER.
6. Double click PORTS (COM & LPT), and look for PROLIFIC USB-to-SERIAL Com Port
7. Double click PROLIFIC USB-to-SERIAL Com Port, then click PORT SETTINGS, then click
8. Change the COM PORT NUMBER to COM1 (or any other com port not in use) and click Ok.
The software editor can be setup as seen below:
1. Once the software driver has been installed (with the STAGEDRIVE+ powered on and connected to the
computer via USB), launch the software editor program.
2. Select New
3. Select your interface from the list.
4. Select Network Scan
5. If the Network Scan fails, check the Device ID number. Select New Unit, selecting the Interface. Make
sure the STAGEDRIVE+ ID number is 1 or matches the Device ID number.
6. Select OK, entering the next interface:
7. Select the Options icon, entering the next interface:
8. Select Rs232 with the COM setting that you chose during the software driver setup for the Port and 38400
(or 19200) for Baud Rate.
NOTE: Make sure the settings on the computer match what is set in the STAGEDRIVE+
9. Select the On/Off Line on the main interface after selecting OK.
10. It will display the interface. Select OK then it will link to the equipment.
11. When the link is connected, it will display ONLINE.
The following examples will help you connect and use STAGEDRIVE+.
A13 B24 S56 2-WAY STEREO+2 MONO AUX [2 2W+2MAX]
A135 B246 3-WAY STEREO [2X3W]
A1324 S56 4-WAY 4 MONO + 2 MONO AUX [4W+2MAX]
A135 B246 3-WAY STEREO [2x2W]
STAGEDRIVE+ Cable de alimentación CD de software Guía de inicio rápido Folleto de información sobre la seguridad y la garantía
1. Asegúrese de que todos los artículos indicados en CONTENIDO DE LA CAJA estén incluidos en la misma.
3. Estudie el diagrama de conexión incluido en esta guía.
4. Coloque todos los dispositivos en una posición adecuada para su funcionamiento.
5. Asegúrese que todos los dispositivos estén apagados y que todos los atenuadores (faders) y perillas de ganancia estén en posición “cero".
6. Conecte las salidas de todas las fuentes de sonido a las entradas del amplificador, como se indica en el diagrama.
7. Conecte las salidas del amplificador a los altavoces.
8. Enchufe todos los dispositivos a un suministro eléctrico apropiado.
9. Encienda todo en el siguiente orden:
Fuentes de sonido (por ejemplo, micrófonos, giradiscos, reproductores de CD, etc.)
10. Al apagar los equipos, apague los mismos en el siguiente orden:
Fuentes de sonido
1. BOTÓN DE MODO- Permite seleccionar uno de cuatro modos: PRESET (Preprogramación), DELAY (Retardo), EDIT (Edición) y UTILITY (Utilidad).
2. PANTALLA- Muestra las páginas de los diversos menús y sus parámetros.
3. PERILLA DEL DIAL- Se utiliza para editar el valor del parámetro seleccionado.
4. BOTÓN ANTERIOR/SIGUIENTE- Permite acceder a las páginas y/o parámetros de menú.
5. TECLAS DEL CURSOR DE NAVEGACIÓN- Permiten seleccionar diversos parámetros.
6. RANURA PARA TARJETA DE MEMORIA- Ranura para tarjeta MMC usada para almacenar los PRESET.
7. TECLA ENTER- Permite confirmar la edición de parámetros.
8. TECLA DE ESCAPE- Permite salir de la página de edición seleccionada o cancelar una operación de edición.
9. LED DE NIVEL DE ENTRADA- Muestran el nivel de la entrada A/B.
10. INTERRUPTORES DE SILENCIAMIENTO- Permiten silenciar la señal de cualquiera de las seis salidas respectivas.
11. LED DE NIVEL DE SALIDA- Muestran el nivel de salida.
Nota: El LIMITADOR cambia la manera en que se muestra el nivel de salida en el LED correspondiente. El nivel mostrado en el medidor no es más el nivel de salida "absoluto" sino el nivel de la señal a -24 dB, -12 dB y -6 dB comparado con el umbral del limitador (indicado por el LED anaranjado LIMIT [Límite]).
1. ENTRA DE CA Y PORTAFUSIBLE- Conecte aquí el cable de alimentación incluido.
PRECAUCIÓN: Si es necesario reemplazar el fusible, solicite la asistencia de un técnico calificado. Si
el fusible continúa quemándose después del reemplazo, deje de usar esta unidad y solicite su reparación.
2. INTERRUPTOR DE ENCENDIDO- Se utiliza para encender y apagar la unidad.
3. ENTRADA DIGITAL- Conecte aquí un cable XLR-F balanceado.
4. SALIDA RS485- Permite la comunicación saliente entre una unidad STAGEDRIVE+ y otras unidades STAGEDRIVE+.
5. ENTRADA RS485- Permite la comunicación saliente entre una unidad STAGEDRIVE+ y otras unidades STAGEDRIVE+.
6. PUERTO USB- Permite la comunicación vía PC.
7. SALIDAS- Use en estas salidas cables XLR-M balanceados.
8. ENTRADAS- Conectores combo XLR balanceado - ¼”.
Cómo ajustar la señal de entrada
1. Mantenga las salidas de STAGEDRIVE+ en estado MUTE (Silenciamiento) (LED encendidos) pulsando cada botón MUTE respectivo en el panel frontal.
2. Aplique una señal a la entrada del STAGEDRIVE+ y observe el medidor de LED INPUT LEVEL (Nivel de entrada) A-B.
3. Mantenga alta la señal pero sin disparar el LED CLIP (Recorte) continuamente, ajustando la ganancia de entrada si es necesario.
4. Pulse la tecla MODE (Modo) hasta que se encienda el LED de menú EDIT (Edición). Use las teclas
PREV (Anterior) y NEXT (Siguiente) para ir a la página Input Gain (Ganancia de entrada) y pulse ENTER.
5. Use el DIAL para cambiar el valor de ganancia y observe el nivel de la señal en el medidor de LED hasta que se alcancen los valores ideales.
6. Use las teclas PREV y NEXT para acceder a la página INB Gain (Ganancia de la entrada B).
Menú PRESET (Preprogramación)
Tipos de PRESET Hay 3 categorías de PRESET:
F = PRESET (valores predeterminados) de fábrica que no se pueden cambiar permanentemente. Son los puntos de partida para crear PRESET del usuario y PRESET de tarjeta desde cero.
U = PRESET del usuario, que éste puede programar.
C = PRESET de tarjeta, que el usuario puede programar y guardar en una tarjeta de memoria
Para cargar un PRESET:
Use el DIAL para seleccionar un PRESET de fábrica (indicado por la letra F) y pulse ENTER para cargar
el preset en la memoria.
Cómo ajustar la señal de entrada
1. Mantenga las salidas del STAGEDRIVE+ en estado MUTE (LED encendidos).
2. Aplique una señal a la entrada del STAGEDRIVE+ y observe el medidor de LED.
3. Para obtener un nivel de señal correcto, asegúrese de que el LED CLIP de INPUT LEVEL A-B no se encienda continuamente.
4. Busque el ajuste de nivel de salida correspondiente a su mezclador (u otra unidad) y conéctelo a la entrada del STAGEDRIVE+.
5. Ajuste la ganancia de entrada del STAGEDRIVE+ pulsando la tecla MODE hasta que se encienda el LED de menú EDIT.
6. Use las teclas PREV y NEXT para ir a la página Input Gain:
7. Pulse ENTER. La pantalla muestra la página IN A Gain (Ganancia de la entrada A) o IN A&B Gain (Ganancia de las entradas A y B) (de acuerdo a la configuración y otras utilidades cargadas en la memoria):
8. Use el DIAL para cambiar el valor de ganancia y observe el nivel de la señal en el medidor de LED hasta que se alcancen los valores ideales. Use entonces las teclas PREV y NEXT para acceder a la página IN B Gain (si existe, lo que depende de la configuración y las demás utilidades cargadas en la memoria).
Para guardar un PRESET:
1. Use el DIAL para seleccionar el área donde se va a guardar el PRESET y pulse ENTER.
2. Use las teclas alfanumérico.
3. Edite el nombre del PRESET si lo desea y pulse ENTER para guardar los cambios o pulse ESC para cancelar.
y para posicionar el cursor en un carácter y use el DIAL para ingresar el valor
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