Altera HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Manual

HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
User Guide
101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
Software Version: 7.1 Document Version: 1.0 Document Date: August 2007
ii MegaCore Version a.b.c variable Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User GuidePreliminary August 2007


Chapter 1. About HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1–1
General Description ............................................................................................................................... 1–2
PLL Extraction .................................................. ...................................................... .......................... 1–3
Clock Transfer Report ....... ............................................................................................................... 1–4
Intra-Clock Transfer ................................................................................................................... 1–5
Inter-Clock Transfer .................................................................................................................... 1–5
I/O Transfer ................................................................................................................................. 1–6
Clock Uncertainty Calculator Spreadsheet ................................................................................... 1–6
Instructions .................................................................................................................................. 1–6
Clock Uncertainty Calculator .................................................................................................... 1–7
Advanced Clock Uncertainty Calculator ............................................ ............................. ........ 1–7
Chapter 2. Launching the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
Release Information .................................................... ........................................................................... 2–1
Device Family Support ......................................................................................................................... 2–1
System and Software Requirements ................................................................................................... 2–2
Download and Install the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator ........................... ........ 2–3
Installation of HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator ........................................................ 2–3
Running the Clock Uncertainty Calculator Flow .............................................................................. 2–3
PLL Settings Summary Extraction .................................................................................... ............. 2–3
Syntax ........................................................................................................................................... 2–3
Running get_pll.tcl on the Quartus II Tcl Console .......... ............................. .......................... 2–4
Running get_pll.tcl on the Command Line or UNIX ............................................................. 2–4
Report Clock Transfers Using the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer ........................... ................... 2–5
Run HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator Spreadsheet ........................ .......................... 2–6
Using the Clock Uncertainty Calculator .................................................................................. 2–6
Using the Advanced Clock Uncertainty Calculator ....... ....................................................... 2–8
Create Clock Uncertainty Timing Constraints on a SDC ........................................ ................. 2–11
Chapter 3. Design Case Exceptions
Multiple Clock Uncertainty on a Single Clock Transfer ............. ............................... ...................... 3–1
Various Clock Structures ....................... ................................................................................ ............... 3–2
Clock Gated in Core ......................................................................................................................... 3–2
Clock Divider ........................ ..................................................... ........................... ............................ 3–3
Ripple Clock ...................................................................................................................................... 3–3
Multiple Clock Networks ........................................................... ..................................................... 3–4
Multi-Cycle Clock ....................... ...................................................................................................... 3–4
Altera Corporation iii August 2007
Appendix A. Clock Transfer Examples
Intra-Clock Domain with PLL ............................................................................................................ A–1
Intra-Clock Domain without PLL ...................................................................................................... A–3
Inter-Clock Domain with PLL ............................................................................................................ A–4
Inter-Clock Domain without PLL .................................................................................................... A–10
I/O Interface with PLL ...................................................................................................................... A–11
I/O Interface without PLL ................................................................................................................ A–12
Intra-Clock Domain with Cascaded PLLs ....................................................................................... A–14
Inter-Clock Domain with Cascaded PLLs ....................................................................................... A–16
I/O Interface with Cascaded PLLs .................................................................................................. A–29
iv Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide August 2007

About this User Guide

Revision History

Date/Version Changes Made Summary of Changes
August 2007, v1.0 N/A
How to Contact
The following table shows the revision history for this User Guide.
For the most up-to-date information about Altera® products, refer to the following table.
Contact (1)
Technical support Website Technical training Website
Product literature Website Altera literature services Email Non-technical support (General)
(Software Licensing)
Note to table:
(1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative.
Contact Method
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Altera Corporation MegaCore Version a.b.c variable v August 2007 HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide

Typographic Conventions

This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual Cue Meaning
Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Initial Capital Letters Keyboard ke ys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
“Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc.
Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Command names, dialog box titles, chec kbox options, and dialog bo x options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN
75: High-Speed Board Design.
Examples: t
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Delete key, the Options menu.
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file.
, n + 1.
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it displays is shown in Courier type. For example: actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword Courier.
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
A caution calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can damage or destroy the product or the user’s work.
A warning calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can cause injury to the user.
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
vi MegaCore Version a.b.c variable Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide August 2007
Chapter 1. About HardCopy II
Clock Uncertainty Calculator


"Clock uncertainty" is the interval of confidence around the ideal clock value, such that the measured value is always within the stated interval. Common sources of clock uncertainty include clock jitter, duty cycle distortion, and phase shift error. Due to these sources, clock uncerta int y must be factored in to guard against deep submicron effects that are not explicitly reflected in the timing models. The HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator HardCopy® II devices based on PLL phase error, PLL jitter, I/O buffer, clock network noise, and core noise. Therefore, timing constraints that consider clock uncertainty are required for the HardCopy II devices. You must prepare the clock uncertainty timing constraints before starting HardCopy II migration.
provides the clock uncertainty values for
Altera Corporation 1–1 August 2007

General Description

General Description
Figure 1–1 shows the HardCopy II developm ent fl ow, including the
HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator flow.
Figure 1–1. Top-level Flow for HardCopy II Development Flow
FPGA Quartus II Database
Run Clock
Calculator Flow (1)
(based on FPGA database)
Generate CU
Constraint File
Create HC II
Compile for
HardCopy II
Note to Figure 1–1:
(1) Initially, run clock uncertainty calculator flow on FPGA database; all subsequent
times are found in the HardCopy II database.
Timing Analyzer
Calculator Flow (1)
(based on FPGA database)
Fix Timing
Recompile for
HardCopy II
Re-run Clock
Revised CU
Constraint File
f Refer to the Quartus II Support of HardCopy Series Device chapter in the
Quartus II Handbook for more details.
After the Stratix generated successfully, Altera® recommends that you run the clock uncertainty (CU) calculator flow. Although the Stratix II FPGA database may not be migrated to a HardCopy II companion device, the source used to calculate the clock uncertainty in Strat ix II devices is same sour ce us ed in the initial stage of HardCopy’s clock uncertainty calculati on. In addition, creating and applying the clock uncertainty constraints during the HardCopy II compilation and static timing analysis will increase efficiency.
1–2 Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide August 2007
II FPGA design is compiled and the database is
About HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
P p
All timing violations that are reported during HardCopy II comp ilation and static timing analysis must be resolved. When you have PLL setting changes that cause new PLL jitter and/or static phase error on the design, you are required to re-r un the clock uncertainty calculator flow to acquire new clock uncertainty constraints.
Altera’s HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator flow can be separated into three parts:
PLL extraction
Clock transfer report
Clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet
Figure 1–2 shows PLL extraction, the clock transfer report, and the clock
uncertainty calculator spreadsheet within the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator flow.
Figure 1–2. HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator Flow

PLL Extraction

(Tcl Script)
LL_Names.txt ll_settings_summary.txt
Clock Uncertainty
PLL Extraction
Clock T r ansfer Report
(TimeQuest Timing Analyzer)
Advanced Clock
Uncertainty Calculator
All of the PLLs’ settings and names must be extracted to two separated output files by using a Tcl script, get_pll.tcl. One of the output files, pll_settings_summary.txt, contains the PLL settings summary, which is
Altera Corporation 1–3 August 2007 HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
General Description
used as the input file for clock uncertainty calculators. The other file, PLL_Names.txt, contains the PLL indices and the associated PLL names. Even if the design does not contain a PLL, you still must run the Tcl script.

Clock Transfer Report

Before continuing on to the clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet, you must generate the clock transfer report using TimeQuest Timing Analyzer. The clock transfer report covers the clock-to-clock transfer in the design if a path exists between two registers that are clocked by two clocks. The two clocks are source and destination clocks, and they may be the same or different clocks. This report of clock transfer from the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer is not an input file for the clock uncertainty calculator, but rather provides useful information you may need when setting the clock uncertainty timing constraints (SDC) for the design. For example:
set_clock_uncertainty –setup –from clk_source –to clk_destination 0.150
where clk_source is source clock name, and clk_destination is the destination clock name.
Clock uncertainty is based on I/O buffer noise, clock network noise, core noise, PLL jitter , or static phase error. Thus, the clock transfer information plays an important role in the clock uncertainty calculator flow. There are three types of clock transfers that clock uncertainty calculator flow covers:
Intra-clock transfer
Inter-clock transfer
I/O transfer
f Refer to the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer chapter in volume 3 of the
Quartus II Handbook for more information about report clock transfer.
1–4 Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide August 2007
About HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
Intra-Clock Transfer
Intra-clock transfer occurs when the source and destination clocks come from the same PLL/I/O clock pin, as shown in Figure 1–3.
Figure 1–3. Intra-Clock Transfer
Source Register
Destinatio Register
Inter-Clock Transfer
Inter-clock transfer occurs when the source and destination clocks come from different PLLs and I/O clock pins, as shown in Figure 1–4.
Figure 1–4. Inter-Clock T ransfer
Destinatio Register
Altera Corporation 1–5 August 2007 HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
General Description
I/O Transfer
I/O transfer occurs when the clock transfer from an off-chip to the destination clock (input) or, clock transfer from the source clock to an off-chip (output), as shown in Figures 1–5 and 1–6.
Figure 1–5. Input Transfer
Destinatio Register
Figure 1–6. Output Transfer
Refer to Appendix A, Clock Transfer Examples for more examples of clock transfer cases.

Clock Uncertainty Calculator Spreadsheet

The clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet consists of three parts:
Clock uncertainty calculator
Advanced Clock Uncertainty (ACU) calculator
The clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet is a Microsoft Excel-based file. The first worksheet provides quick-start instructions for using the calculators. Both the clock uncertainty and advanced clock uncertainty
1–6 Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide August 2007
About HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
calculators require the PLL settings summary file, pll_settings_summary.txt, as input data to calculate the clock uncertainty values.
Clock Uncertainty Calculator
The clock uncertainty calculator is on the second worksheet. It operates with a single green button and supports all designs, except designs with a cascading PLL structure. When the clock uncertainty values are calculated, they are displayed on the spreadsheet, and simultaneously written to a text file, CU_Values.txt. The clock uncertainty values are for worst-case scenarios, and account for I/O buffer noise, clock network noise, core noise, PLL jitter, and static phase error.
Advanced Clock Uncertainty Calculator
The advanced clock uncertainty calculator is different than the clock uncertainty calculator. The clock uncertainty values from the advanced clock uncertainty calculator are considered more precise than the clock uncertainty calculator, because it accounts for each dedicated PLL’s utilization within the design. The advanced clock uncertainty calculator requires the input of PLLs’ indices for both the source and destination clock. Therefore, entering the PLLs’ indices on the advanced clock uncertainty calculator should be relied on for both the PLL_Names.txt file and the clock transfer report to generate the clock uncertainty values. Also, you should use this calculator if there are cascading PLLs in the design. After clock uncertainty calculation, the clock uncertainty values are displayed on the spreadsheet and written to a text file, CU_Advanced_Values.txt.
Both the advanced clock uncertainty and clock uncertainty calculators can calculate and display the setup and hold uncertainty results for different types of clock transfers. You can apply these clock uncertainty constraints to model jitter and noise to ensure integrity with clock signals. When a clock uncertainty constraint exists for a clock signal, the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer performs the most conservative setup and hold checks. For a clock setup check, the setup uncertainty is subtracted from the data time requirement. For the clock hold check, the hold uncertainty is added to the data time requirement. Figure 1–7 on page 1–8 shows examples of clock sources with a clock setup uncertainty applied and clock sources with clock hold uncertainty applied.
Altera Corporation 1–7 August 2007 HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
General Description
0.0 ns
Figure 1–7. Clock Uncertainty Set-up and Hold Check
Clock hold check
with uncertainty
5.0 ns 10.0 ns
To obtain the clock uncertainty values from HardCopy II devices, you should use the Altera HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator which consists of the Tcl-based script for obtaining the PLL setting summary and the Microsoft Excel-based spread sheet of clock uncertainty calculators. Both utilities are packaged in the Altera HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator, which is available on the Altera web site (
Clock steup check
with uncertainty
Clock Hold Uncertain
Clock Setup Uncertain
1–8 Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide August 2007
Chapter 2. Launching the
HardCopy II Clock
Uncertainty Calculator

Release Information

Device Family Support

Table 2–1 provides information about the version of HardCopy® II Clock
Uncertainty Calculator spreadsheet docu m ented in this user guide.
Table 2–1. HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator Spreadsheet Version
Device Family
HardCopy II 2.2 and later
The HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator supports the following HardCopy II devices in Commercial and Industry temperature ranges:
HC210W (Use HC210 clock uncertainty value for HC210W)
The HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator was developed for calculating the clock uncertainties caused by clock jitter, duty cycle distortion, and phase shift error. With different interfaces of the clock transferring on the chip, you may have different outcomes for the clock uncertainty.
As shown in Figure 2–1, the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator covers clock transfer at the following locations:
HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty
Calculator Spreadsheet Version
Within core
Between the core and I/O
Between the core and SERDES/DDR blocks
Altera Corporation 2–1

System and Software Requirements

Figure 2–1. HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator Coverage
Note to Figure 2–1:
(1) Transfer covered by DTW. (2) Transfer covered by SERDES. (3) Transfer covered by Altera HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator.
DDR (1)
DDR (1)
System and
The Altera® HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator spreadsheet requires the following hardware and software:
Software Requirements
2–2 Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
A PC running the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system
Microsoft Office 2003 SP-1 or higher
II software version 6.0 or higher
Launching the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator

Download and Install the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator

The HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator includes a Tcl script for PLL extraction and a clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet, and is available from the Altera web site ( After reading the terms and conditions, and clicking I Agree, you can download the package in .zip format to your hard drive.

Installation of HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator

After you download the .zip file of the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator package, unzip the file to extract the following files:
HCII_CU_Calculator.Rev<version number>.xls
Copy or move these two files into the design’s Quartus II working directory.

Running the Clock Uncertainty Calculator Flow

This section provides detailed procedures for the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator flow. It includes PLL extraction, clock transfer report, and instructions for running the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator spreadsheet.

PLL Settings Summary Extraction

Before starting the PLL settings summary extraction, you should have the generated FPGA design database ready in the Quartus II software. Even if your design does not contain any PLLs, you must still run the design through the Quartus II software. PLL settings summa ry extraction requires the Tcl script, get_pll.tcl, within the working directory.
Use the following syntax for the PLL settings summary extraction:
$QUARTUS_HOME/bin/quartus_sh –t get_pll.tcl
where $QUARTUS_HOME is the installation directory of the Quartus II software.
Altera Corporation 2–3
HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
Running the Clock Uncertainty Calculator Flow
Running get_pll.tcl on the Quartus II Tcl Console
Figure 2–2 shows the PLL settings summary extraction using the
Quartus II software.
Figure 2–2. Example for Getting PLL Settings on the Quartus II Tcl Console
Running get_pll.tcl on the Command Line or UNIX
Figure 2–3 shows the PLL settings summary extraction using the
command line or UNIX.
Figure 2–3. Example for Acquiring PLL Settings on UNIX Prompt
After you complete the PLL extraction, you will have generated two files, pll_settings_summary.txt and PLL_Names.txt, in the working directory. You should also check the log file to confirm that the PLL extraction job has completed without any errors.
The pll_settings_summary.txt file contains PLL indices, PLL names, feedback counter (M) values, charge pump current, loop filter resistances, voltage controlled oscillator (V
) frequency, and phase frequency
detector frequency, that are required for running the clock uncertainty calculators. Y o u will need pll_settings_summary.txt to continue the clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet.
2–4 Altera Corporation HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
Launching the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator
1 If the above parameters in pll_settings_summary.txt changed
during the HardCopy II design development, you should re-run the HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator and update the clock uncertainty constraints.
PLL_Names.txt is an optional file for the clock uncertainty calculator spreadsheet. However, it provides useful information when using the advanced clock uncertainty calculator worksheet, as it helps to identify the corresponding PLL index for each PLL name.

Report Clock Transfers Using the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer

After you confirm that all clock assignments are correct, run report_clock_transfers, or, in the Tasks pane on the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer’s GUI, double-click Report Clock Transfers. The command generates a summary table with the number of paths between each clock domain, as shown in Figure 2–4.
Figure 2–4. TimeQuest Timing Analyzer's Report Clock Transfers
Y ou can also use the report_clock_transfers command to generate a report that details all clock-to-clock transfers in the design, as s hown in
Figure 2–5 on page 2–6. A clock-to-clock transfer is reported if a path
exists between two registers measured by two different clocks.
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HardCopy II Clock Uncertainty Calculator User Guide
+ 43 hidden pages