This user guide is only for legacy designs as it describes the specifications and
functional descriptions of the ALTMEMPHY megafunctions that are common to
non-Altera PHY interface (nonAFI) variations. This user guide also describes the
implementation of the QDR II+ and QDR II SRAM interfaces for legacy designs
targeted for Arria
The ALTMEMPHY megafunction is an interface between a memory controller and
memory devices and performs read and write operations to the memory. The
megafunction is available as a stand-alone product or as an integrated product with
high-performance memory controllers. As a stand-alone product, use the
ALTMEMPHY megafunction with either custom or third-party controllers.
The ALTMEMPHY megafunction for DDR3, DDR2, and DDR SDRAM offers two
different PHY-to-controller interfaces: Altera PHY interface (AFI) and nonAFI. The
AFI is supported for all variations of ALTMEMPHY for DDR3, DDR2, and DDR
SDRAM. ALTMEMPHY for DDR3 SDRAM only support the AFI. The AFI results in a
simpler connection between the PHY and controller, so Altera recommends that you
use the AFI for new designs; only use the nonAFI for legacy designs.
GX, Stratix®II, and Stratix II GX devices.
fFor information about using the external memory interfaces (DDR3, DDR2, and DDR
SDRAM) with AFI and the ALTMEMPHY megafunction, refer to Volume 3:
Implementing Altera Memory Interface IP of the External Memory Interface Handbook.
fFor more information about the ALTMEMPHY megafunction features, refer to Volume
3: Implementing Altera Memory Interface IP of the External Memory Interface Handbook.
fFor information about issues on the ALTMEMPHY megafunction in a particular
II software version, refer to the Quartus II Software Release Notes
This section describes the memory preset settings for the ALTMEMPHY (nonAFI)
megafunction with the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM interfaces only.
fFor information about using the MegaWizard
Plug-In Manager or the SOPC Builder
flow to implement the ALTMEMPHY megafunction, refer to the Getting Started
chapter in Volume 3: Implementing Altera Memory Interface IP of the External Memory
Interface Handbook.
The ALTMEMPHY Parameter Settings page in the ALTMEMPHY MegaWizard
interface (Figure 2–1) allows you to parameterize the following settings:
■ Memory Settings
■ PHY Settings
■ Controller Interface Settings
1The options for PHY Settings tab are editable if they apply to the Altera device that
you have chosen for your interface. Otherwise, the options are disabled. The options
for Controller Interface Settings tab are disabled when you are creating an
ALTMEMPHY (nonAFI) megafunction for QDR II+/QDR II SRAM interface.
fFor more information about the PHY Settings and the Controller Interface Settings,
refer to the Parameter Settings chapter in Volume 3: Implementing Altera Memory Interface
The text window at the bottom of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager displays
information about the memory interface, warnings (for example, if you are creating
an interface above the maximum frequency supported), and errors if you are trying to
create something that is not supported. The Finish button is disabled until you fix all
the errors indicated in this window.
The following section describes the Memory Settings tab for QDR II+/QDR II SRAM
interface in more detail.
Memory Settings
In the Memory Settings tab, you can choose the frequency of operation for the device
and a particular memory device for your system. Under General Settings, you can
choose the device family, speed grade, and clock information. In the middle of the
page (left-side), you can filter the available memory device listed on the right side of
the Memory Presets dialog box, refer to Figure 2–1. If you cannot find the exact device
that you are using, choose a device that has the closest specifications, then manually
modify the parameters to match your actual device by clicking Modify parameters,
next to the Selected memory preset field.
Tab le 2– 1 describes the General Settings available on the Memory Settings page of
the ALTMEMPHY MegaWizard interface.
Table 2–1. General Settings
Parameter NameDescription
Device familyTargets device family. The device family selected here must match the device family selected on
MegaWizard page 2a.
Speed grade Selects a particular speed grade of the device (for example, 2, 3, or 4 for the Stratix III device
PLL reference clock
Determines the clock frequency of the external input clock to the PLL. Ensure that you use three
decimal points if the frequency is not a round number (for example, 166.667 MHz or 100 MHz) to
avoid a functional simulation or a PLL locking issue.
Memory clock
Determines the memory interface clock frequency. If you are operating a memory device below its
maximum achievable frequency, ensure that you enter the actual frequency of operation rather than
the maximum frequency achievable by the memory device. Also, ensure that you use three decimal
points if the frequency is not a round number (for example, 333.333 MHz or 400 MHz) to avoid a
functional simulation or a PLL locking issue.
Controller data rateSelects the data rate for the memory controller. Sets the frequency of the controller to equal to
either the memory interface frequency (full-rate) or half of the memory interface frequency
Local interface clock
This field’s value depends on the memory clock frequency and controller data rate, and whether or
not you turn on the Enable Half Rate Bridge option.
Local interface widthThis field’s value depends on the memory clock frequency and controller data rate, and whether or
not you turn on the Enable Half Rate Bridge option.
Tab le 2– 2 describes the options available to filter the Memory Presets that are
displayed. This section is where you indicate that you are creating a datapath for
Table 2–2. Memory Presets List
Parameter NameDescription
Memory typeYou can filter the type of memory to display. For the ALTMEMPHY megafunction with nonAFI, select
Memory vendor You can filter the memory types by vendor. JEDEC is also one of the options, allowing you to
choose the JEDEC specifications. If your chosen vendor is not listed, you can choose Other for QDR
II+/QDR II SRAM interfaces. Then, pick a device that has similar specifications to your chosen
device and check the values of each parameter. Make sure you change the each parameter value to
match your device specifications.
Memory formatYou can filter the type of memory by format (for example, components or DIMM packages). This
option is only available for DDR3, DDR2, and DDR SDRAM interfaces.
Maximum frequencyYou can filter the type of memory by the maximum operating frequency.
Use the Preset Editor to Create a Custom Memory Preset
Pick a device in the Memory Presets list that is closest or the same as the actual
memory device that you are using. Then, click the Modify Parameters button to
parameterize the following settings in the Preset Editor dialog box:
■ Memory attributes—These are the settings that determine your system's number of
DQ, DQS, address, and memory clock pins.
■ Memory initialization options—These settings are stored in the memory mode
registers as part of the initialization process.
■ Memory timing parameters—These are the parameters that create and
time-constraint the PHY.
1Even though the device you are using is listed in Memory Presets, ensure that the
settings in the Preset Editor dialog box are accurate as some parameters may have
been updated in the memory device datasheets.
You can change the parameters with a white background to reflect your system. You
can also change the parameters with a gray background so the device parameters
match the device you are using. These parameters in gray background are
characteristics of the chosen memory device and changing them creates a new custom
memory preset. If you click Save As (at the bottom left of the page) and save the new
settings in the <quartus_install_dir>\quartus\common\ip\altera\altmemphy\lib\
directory, you can use this new memory preset in other Quartus II projects created in
the same version of the software.
When you click Save, the new memory preset appears at the bottom of the Memory Presets list in the Memory Settings tab.
1If you save the new settings in a directory other than the default directory, click Load
Preset in the Memory Settings tab to load the settings into the Memory Presets list.
Figure 2–2 shows the Preset Editor page for the ALTMEMPHY variation for
QDR II+/QDR II SRAM interfaces.
Figure 2–2. Preset Editor for QDR II+/QDR II SRAM Interfaces
Tab le 2– 3 through Ta bl e 2 –5 describe the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM parameters
available for memory attributes, initialization options, and timing parameters.
The QDR II+ SRAM devices have the same parameters as QDR II SRAM devices, but
their value ranges can differ. Confirm that the value you have chosen is valid in the
ALTMEMPHY MegaWizard interface.
Enabled or Disabled—Allows the ALTMEMPHY megafunction to derate the timing
calculation when creating ×36 QDR II+/QDR II SRAM
interfaces by using two ×18 DQS/DQ groups. For more
information on ×36 emulation, refer to “Creating an Emulated
page 2–7.
Output clock pairs
from FPGA
1–16pairsSelects the number of differential clock pairs driven from the
FPGA to the memory. More clock pairs reduce the loading of
each output when interfacing with multiple memory devices.
Memory clock pins use the signal splitter feature in Stratix III
and Stratix IV devices for differential signaling.
Memory depth
Memory interface
D/Q data bits
1–2chipsPicks the number of chip selects of memory supported. This
option is for memory depth expansion.
8–288bitsDefines the width of external memory read and write data bus.
Multiply the number of devices with the number of DQ pins
per device when you create width-expanded memory
interfaces. Even though the GUI allows you to choose 288-bit
DQ width, the interface data width is limited by the number of
pins on the device. For best performance, have the whole
interface on one side of the device.
Memory vendorOthers—Displays the name of the memory vendor for all supported
memory standards.The ALTMEMPHY megafunction only has
generic QDR II+/QDR II SRAM data sheet information listed
under vendor as Other.
Maximum memory
See the memory device
MHzDefines the maximum frequency supported by the memory.
data sheet
Yes or No—Enables the use of the write select pins for write operations
when set to Yes.
from FPGA
DQ bits per chip8, 9, 18, 36bitsDefines the width of D and Q data bus on each QDRII SRAM
Address width15–25bitsSets the number of address bits.
I/O standardQDR II+ SRAM: 1.5 V
HSTL Class I;
—Selects the I/O standard to be applied to the memory interface
Class I or 1.5 V HSTL
Class I
Note to Table 2–3:
(1) The range values depend on the actual memory device used.
Table 2–4. QDR II+/QDR II SRAM Initialization Options
Parameter NameRangeUnitsDescription
Memory burst
4beatsSets the memory burst length for the interface. As the
QDR II+/QDR II SRAM ALTMEMPHY megafunction only
supports half-rate designs, only a memory burst length of four
is supported, which equates to a local burst length of one.
Memory latency
1.5 (QDR II
SRAM) or 2.5
CyclesSets the memory latency. Altera devices only support latency of
2.5 for QDR II+ SRAM and 1.5 for QDR II SRAM. QDR II+
SRAM with latency of 2.0 is not supported with Altera devices,
even though the ALTMEMPHY MegaWizard interface shows
this as an option.
Table 2–5. QDR II+/QDR II SRAM Timing Parameter Settings
Parameter NameRangeUnitsDescription
(1)0–2,000psEcho clock high to inverted echo clock high.
(1)0–2,000psEcho clock high.
Note to Table 2–5:
(1) This parameter is available for QDR II+ SRAM interfaces only.
200–500psAddress setup time to K clock rise.
200–500psControl setup time to K clock rise.
200–500psAddress hold time to K clock rise.
200–500psControl hold time after K clock rise.
200–500psD setup time to K clock rise.
200–500psD hold time to K clock rise.
200–500psEcho clock high to data valid.
200–500psEcho clock high to data invalid.
Creating an Emulated x36 QDR II+/QDR II SRAM ALTMEMPHY Variation
From software implementation point of view, creating a ×36 emulated QDR II+/QDR
II SRAM interface is exactly the same as implementing an interface with two ×18
QDR II+/QDR II SRAM devices. In the Memory Settings page of the ALTMEMPHY
MegaWizard interface, select a ×18 QDR II+/QDR II SRAM with the same timing
specifications as ×36 QDR II+/QDR II SRAM device (see Figure 2–3).
For more information about ×36 emulation for QDR II+/QDR II SRAM interfaces,
refer to the Exceptions for ×36 Emulated QDR II and QDR II+ SRAM Interfaces in Arria II
GX, Stratix III and Stratix IV Devices section in Volume 2: Device, Pin, and Board Layout
Guidelines of the External Memory Interface Handbook.
2. For Derate ×18 timing for ×36 emulation mode, select Enabled. This setting tells
the report_timing.tcl script to use the derating factor for ×36 emulation. If you
have modified the board such that the slew rate of the ×36 emulated (doubleloaded) CQ/CQn signal is comparable to a non-emulated (single-loaded)
CQ/CQn signal, you can leave this option as Disabled, as there is no slew rate
degradation in your design.
3. For Output clock pairs from FPGA select 1. Only one mem_clk and mem_clk_n
pair connect to the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM device's K and Kn ports..
4. Memory interface D/Q data bits select 36, which is the data bus width for ×36
QDR II+/QDR II SRAM interfaces.
After generation, for devices with F780 and F1152 packages that do not have ×18 DQ
groups necessary to fit the write data bus, follow these steps to modify the
<variation_name>_pin_assignments.tcl file to change the assignments to use ×9 DQ
1. Remove the memory interface data pin group assignment of 18 for write data bus
and DM pins in the Assignment Editor.
2. Find the following assignments in the <variation_name>_pin_assignments.tcl.
This chapter describes the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM calibration process, the typical
PHY-to-Controller interfaces that are connected to the ALTMEMPHY variation and
the signal name prefixes each module uses for nonAFI variations.
1Altera recommends that you use the AFI for new designs; only use the nonAFI for
existing designs.
QDR II+/QDR II SRAM Calibration Process
1This section describes the calibration process for QDR II+/QDR II SRAM interfaces
only. For information about the calibration process for DDR2 and DDR SDRAM, refer
to the Calibration section in the DDR and DDR2 SDRAM High-Performance Controllers
and ALTMEMPHY IP User Guide.
The calibration process of a QDR II+/QDR II SRAM device is considerably simpler
than that of a calibration process for a DDR2/DDR SDRAM device. The calibration
process involves selecting the right phase of the resynchronization clock to capture
the read data at half rate. Figure 3–1 shows the generation of the resynchronization
clock which then clocks the HDR registers in the IOE. During calibration, the
sequencer determines whether to use the half-rate clock or the inverted half-rate clock
to capture the half-rate data.
Figure 3–1. Resynchronization Clock in QDR II+/QDR II SRAM ALTMEMPHY Megafunction
The clock CQ coming from the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM is delayed and is divided by
two to generate a half-rate clock (resync_clk_1x). Data is captured on the rising
edges of the shifted CQ and shifted CQn signals. There is one resync_clk_1x per
DQS group. QDR II+/QDR II SRAM devices can only have one DQS group per
device, which means that there is one resync_clk_1x signal associated with each
memory device. This signal clocks the registers doing the full-rate to half-rate
conversion. It also clocks the front side of the read datapath clock-crossing FIFO.
There is one FIFO per DQS group (or memory device).
The resync_clk_1x signal can be inverted or not inverted. You can transfer data in
the correct byte order with one of these options. The main objective of calibration is to
find out whether the resync_clk_1x signal requires inversion, which is done by
loading the shift register, see Figure 3–1 (at most twice per QDR II+/QDR II SRAM
device). Each memory device is calibrated one after the other.
Figure 3–2 shows the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM calibration flowchart.
Figure 3–2. QDR II+/QDR II SRAM Calibration Flowchart
During the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM calibration, the sequencer first writes all 0s to
address space 3 in the external memory, followed by all 1s to address space 5. It then
loads the scan chain for the first time, to program the first setting for
The sequencer then starts reading 0s from address space 3 several times, followed by a
single read from address space 5 and starts the latency counter. If a pattern of all 0s
followed by all 1s is read before the latency counter reaches its time-out value (31
clock cycles), the latency value for that memory device is stored.
If all 0s followed by all 1s is not found when reading back from memory and the
latency count has reached the time-out value, the sequencer loads the scan chains a
second time to invert the resync_clk_1x signal. The sequencer then starts reading
from address space 3 several times, followed by a single read from address space 5 as
before and starts the latency counter again. If all 0s followed by all 1s are read back
from memory, the latency value for that memory device is stored.
1The training pattern must be read back correctly on this second iteration (if it was not
already read correctly on the first iteration). If it is not read back correctly, it indicates
an underlying problem in the system.
The previous process is repeated until all memory devices are tested and a latency
value obtained for each device.
The latency values found for the different devices are compared with each other. If
necessary, they are aligned to the worst case latency (or to the user-requested
deterministic latency value if this option is used), which done by adjusting address
pointers in order to add latency to some of the read datapath RAMs inside the
ALTMEMPHY megafunction until the latency associated with all of the memory
devices is aligned to the worst case latency measured.
1You cannot have a latency difference of more than two PHY clock cycles between all
the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM devices in non-deterministic latency mode.
When calibration has finished, the sequencer hands over control to the driver/user
logic, and generates the p_rdata_out_valid flag to indicate when read data is
valid. The sequencer also outputs the following signals upon completion of
■ p_ready—Indicates completion of the calibration process (but does not mean
calibration was successful). This signal is renamed as the ctl_usr_mode_rdy
signal at the ALTMEMPHY top-level file.
■ p_calibration_successful—Indicates calibration was successfully
completed. This port is renamed resynchronisation_successful port at the
ALTMEMPHY top-level file.
■ p_user_defined_latency_ok—Indicates that the read latency requested by
the user was achievable, when using deterministic latency. This port is not
instantiated at the top-level of the file. Currently this signal exists at the
sequencer_wrapper file level only.
■ p_detectedlatency—Specifies the read latency achieved in phy_clk clock
cycles. This port is renamed ctl_rlat port at the ALTMEMPHY top-level file.
VT tracking is not required because the read strobe from the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM
memory is continuous. So all registers in the I/O to the read RAM path are clocked
using a clock that is derived from the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM read clock.
1For more information about the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM signals, refer to “QDR
II+/QDR II SRAM Signals” on page 3–20.
PHY-to-Controller Interfaces
The nonAFI’s autocalibration logic relies on the services of the memory controller to
perform its calibration writes, reads, and memory initialization, so it must have
control of the controller's local interface during the initial calibration stage. The
ALTMEMPHY megafunction has four interfaces that all must be connected
appropriately. Figure 3–3 shows the four interfaces.
1As an SRAM, the PHY for QDR II+/QDR II SRAM lacks most of the ctl_ and
local_ ports as you can use a driver that acts as a controller to generate read and
write commands and data in the QDR II+/QDR II SRAM PHY.
Figure 3–3. The Four ALTMEMPHY Megafunction Interfaces
The four ALTMEMPHY interfaces, from left to right, are:
1. The local interface is the interface between the user logic and the memory
controller. The signals between user logic and the controller traverse through the
ALTMEMPHY megafunction. This can either be an Avalon
slave interface or a Native interface. All the ports on this interface have their
names prefixed with local_; for example, local_init_done. During the initial
calibration period, the auto-calibration logic takes control of this interface and
issues the write and read requests that the memory controller requires. When the
calibration process is complete, control is handed back to the user logic and
normal operation occurs. The ALTMEMPHY megafunction auto-calibration logic
does not require any further access to the memory controller when the initial
autocalibration is complete.
2. The ALTMEMPHY-controller local interface is the interface between the
ALTMEMPHY megafunction and the controller local interface. All the port names
on this interface are prefixed with ctl_; for example, ctl_init_done. This
interface connects the ALTMEMPHY megafunction to the controller’s local
interface and is of the same type as the local interface, either an Avalon-MM
interface or a native interface. When the calibration process is complete, this
connection becomes a straight-through connection and you have complete control
of the memory controller.
3. The ALTMEMPHY-controller command interface is the interface between the
controller and ALTMEMPHY. All the ports on this interface are prefixed with
ctl_mem_; for example, ctl_mem_rdata. They are clocked by the phy_clk.
This interface contains the memory control and address signals from the controller
to the memory. The controller also sends write data to, and receives read data
from, the external memory through this interface. All the signals on this interface
are clocked at the phy_clk rate. The ALTMEMPHY megafunction converts
between this clock and the memory interface clock.
4. The fourth interface is between the ALTMEMPHY megafunction and the external
memory devices and consists of the memory address, command, and data pins.
These must be connected directly to the external pins of your Altera FPGA.
Initialization Timing
DDR SDRAM initialization timing is different to DDR2 SDRAM initialization timing.
DDR SDRAM Initialization Timing
fFor DDR2 SDRAM initialization timing, see “DDR2 SDRAM Initialization Timing” on
page 3–7.
The DDR SDRAM high-performance controller initializes the SDRAM devices by
issuing the following memory command sequence:
■ NOP (for 200 µs, programmable)
■ Extended LMR (ELMR)
■ NOP (for 200 clock cycles, fixed)
Figure 3–4 on page 3–6 shows a typical initialization timing sequence. The length of
time between the reset and the first PCH command should be 200 µs. The value that
you specify for the Memory initialization time at power up (tINIt) setting in the
MegaWizard interface is only used for hardware that you generate. The controller
simulation model is created with a much shorter t
The following sequence corresponds with the numbered items in Figure 3–4.
1. A PCH command is sent to all banks by setting the precharge pin, the address bit
a[10], or a[8] high.
2. An ELMR command is issued to enable the internal delay-locked loop (DLL) in the
memory devices. An ELMR command is an LMR command with the bank address
bits set to address the extended mode register.
3. An LMR command sets the operating parameters of the memory such as CAS
latency and burst length. This LMR command also resets the internal memory
device DLL. The DDR SDRAM high-performance controller allows 200 clock
cycles to elapse after a DLL reset and before it issues the next command to the
4. A further PCH command places all the banks in their idle state.
5. Two ARF commands must follow the PCH command.
6. The final LMR command programs the operating parameters without resetting the
After issuing the final LMR command, the memory controller hands over control of
the memory to the ALTMEMPHY megafunction to allow it to carry out its calibration
When the ALTMEMPHY megafunction has finished calibrating, the memory
controller asserts the local_init_done signal, which shows that it has initialized
the memory devices.
The DDR2 SDRAM high-performance controller initializes the memory devices by
issuing the following command sequence:
■ NOP (for 200 µs, programmable)
■ ELMR, register 2
■ ELMR, register 3
■ ELMR, register 1
■ ELMR, register 1
■ ELMR, register 1
Figure 3–5 shows a typical DDR2 SDRAM initialization timing sequence, which is
described below. The length of time between the reset and the clock enable signal
going high should be 200 µs. The value that you choose for the Memory initialization time at power up (tINIt) setting in the MegaWizard interface is only used for
hardware that you generate. The controller simulation model is created with a much
shorter t
The following sequence corresponds with the numbered items in Figure 3–5 on
page 3–7.
1. The clock enable signal (CKE) is asserted 200 µs after coming out of reset.
2. The controller then waits 400 ns and then issues the first PCH command by setting
the precharge pin, the address bit a[10] or a[8] high. The 400 ns is calculated by
taking the number of clock cycles calculated by the wizard for the 200 µs delay and
dividing this by 500. If a small initialization time is selected for simulation
purposes, this delay is always at least 1 clock cycle.
3. Two ELMR commands are issued to load extend mode registers 2 and 3 with
4. An ELMR command is issued to extend mode register 1 to enable the internal DLL
in the memory devices.
5. An LMR command is issued to set the operating parameters of the memory such
as CAS latency and burst length. This LMR command is also used to reset the
internal memory device DLL.
6. A further PCH command places all the banks in their idle state.
7. Two ARF commands must follow the PCH command.
8. A final LMR command is issued to program the operating parameters without
resetting the DLL.
9. 200 clock cycles after step 5, two ELMR commands are issued to set the memory
device off-chip driver (OCD) impedance to the default setting.
After issuing the final ELMR command, the memory controller hands over control of
the memory to the ALTMEMPHY megafunction to allow it to carry out its calibration
When ALTMEMPHY megafunction has finished calibrating, the memory controller
asserts the local_init_done signal, which shows that it has initialized the memory
This section describes the ALMEMPHY megafunction signals for the following
■ DDR2 and DDR SDRAM signals
■ QDR II+ and QDR II SRAM signals
DDR2 and DDR SDRAM Signals
Tab le 3– 1 through Table 3–10 show the signals for DDR2 and DDR SDRAM nonAFIs.
The signal lists include the following signal groups:
■ I/O interface to the external memory device
■ Clock and reset signals
■ PLL reconfiguration signals
■ External DLL signals
■ User-mode calibrated on-chip termination (OCT) control signals
■ Interface to the memory controller
■ Local interface signals
■ Datapath interface for the controller
■ ALTMEMPHY megafunction calibration status interface
■ Additional calibration signals from the sequencer
1 Ports with the prefix “mem_” connect the PHY with the memory device; ports with the
prefix “ctl_” connect the PHY with the controller. Ports with prefix “ctl_mem_”
indicate the datapath for the controller; ports with the prefix “local_” indicate the
signal to be connected with the example driver or user logic.
1 Signals with suffix _n are active low; signals without suffix _n are active high.
Table 3–1. I/O Interface for DDR2 and DDR SDRAM—nonAFI (Note 1) (Part 1 of 2)
Signal NameTypeWidthDescription
mem_addroutputMEM_IF_ROWADDR_WIDTHThe memory row and column address bus.
mem_baoutputMEM_IF_BANKADDR_WIDTHThe memory bank address bus.