Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual

101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
DDR Timing Wizard
User Guide
Document Version: 3.0 Document Date: November 2007
Copyright © 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their re-
101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
Technical Support:
Literature Services:
spective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in a ccordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserve s the right to make chang­es to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any pub­lished information and before placing orders for products or services.
Table of Contents
About this User Guide .............................................................................. v
Revision History .................................................................................................................................... 1–v
How to Contact Altera .......................................................................................................................... 1–v
Typographic Conventions .................................................................................................................. 1–vi
Chapter 1. About the DDR Timing Wizard
Release Information ............................................................................................................................... 1–1
Device Family Support ......................................................................................................................... 1–2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1–2
Background ....................................................................................................................................... 1–2
DDR Timing Wizard ........................................................................................................................ 1–3
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1–6
Chapter 2. Getting Started
System and Software Requirements ................................................................................................... 2–1
Design Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 2–1
Launching the DDR Timing Wizard ................................................................................................... 2–5
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW ........................................................................................... 2–6
Import Flow for the Altera Legacy Memory Controller IP Core or Recommended Data Path
.............................................................................................................................................................. 2–7
Manual Flow for Other External Memory Interfaces or Source Synchronous Systems ...... 2–14
The DTW Pages for DDR/DDR2 SDRAM ............................................................................ 2–14
The DTW Pages for QDRII+/QDRII SRAM & RLDRAM II ............................................... 2–45
DTW Limitations ................................................................................................................................. 2–46
Chapter 3. Using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl Script
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3–1
Running dtw_timing_analysis.tcl Script ....................................................................................... 3–3
The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl Script Results .................................................................................. 3–6
Timing Closure Process ...................................................................................................................... 3–12
Timing Closure Differences in DDR2/DDR SDRAM, QDRII+/QDRII SRAM, and RLDRAM II
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 3–14
DDR2/DDR SDRAM Interfaces ............................................................................................. 3–14
QDRII+/QDRII SRAM Interfaces ........................................................................................... 3–14
RLDRAM II Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 3–15
Selecting Initial Phase Shifts ......................................................................................................... 3–16
Re-run DTW After First Compile When Using Classic Timing Analyzer ............................. 3–18
Ensure the Changes Made Outside Legacy Controller MegaWizard Are Not Erased When the
Core is Regenerated ....................................................................................................................... 3–19
Decide When to Change Clock Phase Shift ................................................................................ 3–21
Altera Corporation iii November 2007
Table of Contents DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Changing Clock Phase Shift .......................................................................................................... 3–23
Adjusting Clock Cycle Selections ................................................................................................. 3–25
Changing Clock Cycles .................................................................................................................. 3–27
Changing the Address/Command Clock Connection and Phase Shift ................................. 3–28
Moving the Data Path Registers Closer to the Pins ................................................................... 3–30
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 3–32
November 2007

About this User Guide

Revision History

Chapter Date
All November 2007 3.0 Replaced all references to “IP Tool Bench” to “legacy controller
All July 2007 2.1
All December 2006 2.0
All May 2006 1.0

How to Contact Altera

The table below displays the revision history for the chapters in this user guide.
MegaWizard” and “altmemphy” to “ALTMEMPHY”.
Updated the Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW section in
Chapter 2. Getting Started for Quartus II 7.2 support.
Added Chapter 3. Using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl Script to
replace the Performing Timing Analysis section.
Changed title of referenced document to: AN 413, Using Legacy
Integrated Static Data Path and Controller Megafunction with Hardcopy II Structured ASICs.
Updated document for Quartus II version 6.1 software.
Added design flow.
Introduced dtw_timing_analysis.tcl and usage.
Introduced the clock uncertainties option.
Initial version of the document.
Changes Made
For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, go to the Altera world-wide web site at For technical support on this product, go to For additional information about Altera products, consult the sources shown below.
Information Type USA & Canada All Other Locations
Technical support
Product literature (1) (1)
Altera literature services
FTP site
Note to table:
(1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative.
Altera Corporation v November 2007 Preliminary

Typographic Conventions DDR Timing Wizard User Guide

This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual Cue Meaning
Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
“Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc.
Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN
75: High-Speed Board Design.
Examples: t
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Delete key, the Options menu.
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file.
, n + 1.
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword Courier.
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
The caution indicates required information that needs special consideration and understanding and should be read prior to starting or continuing with the procedure or process.
The warning indicates information that should be read prior to starting or continuing the procedure or processes
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
vi Altera Corporation
Preliminary November 2007

1. About the DDR Timing Wizard

Release Information

Table 1–1 shows the first Quartus® II software version that supports the
DDR Timing Wizard (DTW) Tcl script for each device family. The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script supports Quartus II version 6.0 SP1 and higher.
Table 1–1. DTW Release Information
Device Family Quartus II Version
Stratix®III (1)
Stratix II 5.1
Stratix II GX 6.0
Note to Ta b l e 1– 1 :
(1) Stratix III support is only for migration of legacy PHY designs from Stratix II
devices. Any new Stratix III designs containing a memory interface must use the ALTMEMPHY-based controllers. DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script do not support ALTMEMPHY.
Use DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script to constrain and report your memory interface timing when using the legacy integrated static data path and controller.
1 The legacy integrated static data path and controller is referred
to as the legacy controller from this point onwards in this document.
f Altera
also offers memory interfaces with dynamically calibrated resynchronization using the ALTMEMPHY megafunction. For more information about ALTMEMPHY-based memory controllers, refer to the
ALTMEMPHY Megafunction User Guide.
Altera Corporation 1–1 November 2007

Device Family Support

Device Family Support


The DTW Tcl script provides full support for the target Altera device families and memory interfaces listed in Table 1–2. In Quartus II software version 6.0 SP1, the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script was created to supplement DTW. The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script supports the same device family and external memory interface combinations as the DTW.
Table 1–2. Device Family and External Memory Support for Quartus II version 7.2
Device Family External Memory Supported (2)
Notes to Ta b l e 1– 2
(1) DTW support for Stratix III devices is only for design migration from Stratix II
devices. Any new Stratix III designs containing a memory interface must use the ALTMEMPHY solution. DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script do not support ALTMEMPHY.
(2) DTW constrains the data path timing for these memory interfaces. The example
driver and the controller are not constrained by the DTW.
External memory interfaces have timing requirements that must be met for both the FPGA and the memory devices. Some timing requirements, such as controller f
, can be analyzed by the Quartus II software and
easily met, but some timing requirements need further analysis or manual handling. To meet these timing requirements, you should constrain the placements of the registers or specify timing constraints for the Quartus II software to optimize during compilation.


Previously, the legacy controller MegaWizard generated a script to constrain critical registers for the system called
auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl. This script was used with the verify_timing.tcl script, which was run to verify the system timing based
on these constraints. The verify_timing.tcl script, however, made some assumptions that may not have been true for your design. For example, the verify_timing.tcl script assumed that all clocks used for the memory interface were using the global clock networks, so if you used a regional clock network, some of the timing reported by the verify_timing.tcl script may not have been accurate.
1–2 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
About the DDR Timing Wizard
1 The new ALTMEMPHY megafunction, introduced in Quartus II
version 6.1 uses timing constraints generated by the ALTMEMPHY MegaWizard, so that you do not need to use DTW to constrain the design. DTW does not support ALTMEMPHY-based memory controllers.
In addition to possible inaccurate assumptions of the design, placement constraints did not work well for designs migrating to HardCopy II or other FPGA devices. When migrating designs, especially to a HardCopy II device, you would need two different sets of placement constraints: one for the FPGA prototype device and one for the HardCopy production device. This also applies when migrating designs to a different FPGA device.

DDR Timing Wizard

The DDR Timing Wizard (DTW) is a Tcl-based GUI that calculates timing constraints based on the FPGA and memory device chosen. It simplifies the process of constraining your design by using timing assignments, which the Quartus II software uses to place and route the design in the target device. These timing constraints are applicable for FPGAs and their HardCopy-equivalent devices, eliminating the need to convert assignments for the different device families (as you would have previously done with the placement constraints from legacy controller MegaWizard). Some critical register placements can be constrained by using LogicLock region assignments, but other than the pin location, output pin load, and I/O standards assignments, you do not need any hard placement constraints. Instead, the timing-driven compilation of the Quartus II software ensures that all DTW timing constraints are met in both FPGA-prototype and HardCopy-production devices.
DTW also gives you the ability to change the pin names of the memory interface to use regional clock networks, and to use TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to analyze the design, which are not supported by the verify_timing.tcl script. DTW constraints also lead to a more accurate timing analysis, as all the information used are based on your particular design, instead of general assumptions made by the MegaWizard. Furthermore, the timing verification script does not report write timing margin. DTW, on the other hand, constrains timing for the write path, allowing Quartus II to analyze the write timing margin. You can then use the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script to report read, write, address/command, resynchronization, and postamble timing margins that are applicable to your memory interface design. DTW constraints provide more accurate timing results compared to the verify_timing.tcl script.
Altera Corporation 1–3 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
1 Critical resynchronization register placement constraints
provided by the legacy controller MegaWizard can still be used even when DTW is used. You can use LogicLock regions in lieu of hard placement constraints.
1 The results reported by the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script have
no correlation with the verify_timing.tcl script. You should rely on the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl report, as it is more accurate due to the design-specific constraints created by the DTW. The verify_timing.tcl script may have some assumption that does not apply to your particular design.
To use the DTW, you must enter the memory device parameters and your board information correctly in the legacy controller MegaWizard. The Quartus II Fitter uses timing-driven compilation to route the design to meet the timing constraints set by the DTW.
Because the DTW is primarily a constraining tool, the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script is provided to help you analyze and close timing with a minimum number of compilations. The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script extracts the system timing margin by re-running timing analysis if needed, adjusting the clock cycles in the DTW (with the -auto_adjust_cycles switch) if required, and suggesting the ideal phase shifts for the system. The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl is backwards-compatible with designs constrained with an older version of DTW. Both DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl scripts are available in the Quartus II installation directory.
1 If you use the default installation directory, the DTW and
dtw_timing_analysis.tcl scripts are available in the
c:\altera\<version>\quartus\common\tcl\apps\ gui\dtw directory.
1–4 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
Figure 1–1 shows the typical Quartus II external memory design flow
using DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script.
Figure 1–1. Quartus II External Memory Design Flow
Instantiate PHY and Controller in a Quartus II Project
About the DDR Timing Wizard
Compile Design
Run add_constraints.tcl
(Pin Locations,
I/O Standards, and Loading)
(Timing Constraints)
Add Assignments for Clock,
Command, and Address Pin
Locations, and Other Pertinent
Assignments for the Interface
Run dtw_timing_analysis.tcl
to Get Margin and
Recommended Settings
Interface Timing
Adjust Constraints Using the MegaWizard, the Assignment Editor,
or the DTW
Ye s
Note to Figure 1–1:
(1) It may be necessary to modify the controller and PHY settings (such as the clock cycles and clock phase shifts) using
the legacy controller or the altpll MegaWizard, based on dtw_timing_analysis.tcl results.
This user guide explains how to constrain designs using DTW, how to analyze the memory interface timing using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script, and how to adjust design constraints using the MegaWizard, the Assignment Editor, or DTW to achieve timing closure.
Altera Corporation 1–5 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide


The DDR Timing Wizard has the capability to:
Constrain a design with one or multiple memory controllers that
may reside in subdirectories of the main project.
Calculate all of the timing constraints based on your chosen FPGA or
HardCopy device, and memory device.
Import timing information from the legacy controller MegaWizard.
Enable timing driven compilation.
Allow the Quartus II software to analyze and report the
post-compile timing analysis for both fast and slow timing models in one panel.
Create both classic timing analyzer and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
assignments for memory interface timing paths.
The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script complements the DTW with the ability to:
Extract and report system timing margin for both fast and slow
model timing.
Re-run timing analysis using either the Classic Timing Analyzer or
TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
Adjust resynchronization and postamble clock cycles in DTW.
Calculate ideal PLL phase shifts.
Import legacy controller MegaWizard settings into DTW (with the
option to compile the design after the import).
Update design t
information in DTW.
1–6 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007

2. Getting Started

System and Software Requirements

Design Flow

The instructions in this section require Quartus II software version 7.2 or higher. DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script can be found in the Quartus II installation directory. You can either run the script from that directory or copy the script to your project directory.
1 If you use the default installation directory, the DTW and
dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script are available in the
c:\altera\<version>\quartus\common\tcl\apps\ gui\dtw directory.
The design flow when creating a system with external memory interfaces is as follows:
1. Create a memory interface PHY with Altera’s legacy memory controller MegaWizard.
f For more information about how to create a memory
controller, refer to the DDR & DDR2 SDRAM Controller
Compiler User Guide, QDRII SRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide, and RLDRAM II Controller MegaCore Function User Guide. Follow the instructions up to
generating the core, but do not compile the design yet.
f To create an example design, follow the Instantiate PHY
and Controller in a Quartus II Project step of the
"Example Walkthrough for 267-MHz DDR2 SDRAM Interface using the Legacy PHY" section in AN328:
Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II, Stratix II GX, and Arria GX Devices.
If you are not using the Altera memory controller, remove the encrypted controller produced by the legacy controller MegaWizard and connect the Altera-recommended data path from the legacy controller MegaWizard with your memory controller.
2. Run the auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script produced by the legacy controller MegaWizard for pin location, I/O standard, output pin load, and register placement assignments for the resynchronization and postamble registers in DDR2/DDR SDRAM interfaces.
Altera Corporation 2–1 November 2007
Design Flow
1 You do not need to remove these location assignments
when using DTW even though DTW makes the correct timing constraints for the paths to these registers.
To locate the auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script, on the Tools menu, click Tcl Scripts. The script is under the Project folder. (Figure 2–1).
Figure 2–1. Add Constraints TCL Script
After running the auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script, assign the other pin locations, I/O standards, and loading for the design. The legacy controller MegaWizard does not make pin location constraints for the command, address, input, and output clock pins. You can add those constraints using the Quartus II Pin Planner or the Quartus II Assignment Editor.
1 Place address, command, and clock pins in the same bank
as the DQS/DQ pins to minimize output skew.
3. Specify timing requirements using DTW.
Because the controller is generated by the legacy controller MegaWizard, you can import the memory and board specifications and pin names entered into the legacy controller MegaWizard instead of manually entering them into the DTW. Also, DTW extracts
2–2 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
Getting Started
the names of the PLL clocks and registers (as needed) for the timing requirements. It also extracts the phase shifts of synthesized PLLs. The step-by-step instructions are listed in “Import Flow for the
Altera Legacy Memory Controller IP Core or Recommended Data Path” on page 2–7.
1 You may need to re-run DTW and compile the design
multiple times before achieving timing closure. You can close timing within two compiles if you do not need to change the intermediate registers option in the legacy controller MegaWizard.
4. Add other assignments for the design.
Add the following assignments in the Assignment Editor (unless indicated otherwise) to the project before you compile the design:
If you are using classic Timing Analyzer:
In the Settings tab of the Assignment menu, uncheck the
Optimize hold timing option.
In the Settings tab of the Assignment menu, uncheck the
Optimize fast corner timing option.
This disallows the Quartus II Fitter from optimize placement each time the project is recompiled. Having these options enabled may render your phase shift changes invalid because the Quartus II Fitter has the priority to optimize for hold timing and fast cornering.
You can re-enable the Optimize hold timing and Optimize fast corner timing options for the remainder of the design after you close timing on your memory interface. To ensure the memory interface part of the design has similar timing, back-annotate placements and routing for that portion of the design before re­enabling the options.
If you are using TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, add the
DTW-generated .sdc file to the project.
Set the delay from Output Register to Output Pin to 0 for the
CK/CK# (clk_to_sdram*) clock outputs and fedback clock output.
Assign pin constraints for all the CK/CK# and feedback output
pins and ensure that the feedback output pins use the same I/O
Altera Corporation 2–3 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Design Flow
standard as the CK/CK# pins, and are placed on the same side as the DQS/DQ pins.
Assign pin location, I/O standard, and output pin load
constraints for clock_source, feedback input pins, and address and command pins.
For RLDRAM II memory interfaces created in Quartus II
version 7.2 and higher, add the <variation_name>_controller.sdc file to the project
For QDRII+/QDRII SRAM memory interfaces using TimeQuest
Timing Analyzer, convert the setup_relationship and hold_relationship MegaWizard-generated constraints to SDC constraints. The setup_relationship and hold_relationship assignment can be directly converted to set_max_delay and set_min_delay assignments, as shown
in the below example:
set_max_delay -0.2 -from * -to <resync_registers*> set_min_delay -1.6 -from * -to <resync_registers*>
5. Compile the design.
6. Check the timing analysis results.
After completing a DTW design compilation, refer to Chapter 3,
Using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl Script for information about
analyzing the memory interfaces.
If problem paths are reported, locate and fix them to maximize setup and hold slack. For example, you can:
Adjust PLL clock phases with the legacy controller or the
altpll MegaWizard.
1 Note that some clock phases can only be changed in the
legacy controller MegaWizard, especially for shared PLL outputs. For example, if your postamble clock was set to 90° initially, but you want to change it to use either a dedicated clock or a 180° phase shift.
Insert or remove intermediate resynchronization and/or
postamble registers in the legacy controller MegaWizard.
2–4 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
Getting Started
1 You need to insert intermediate resynchronization registers
when you have negative margin in the transfer between resynchronization registers and the registers clocked by the system clock. The dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script will tell you when to add or remove the intermediate postamble registers.
Change the data path resynchronization and/or postamble
clock cycles in the legacy controller MegaWizard.
Change location assignments to the problem PLL clocks, I/O
pins, or registers.
f Refer to Chapter 3, Using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl
Script for information on how to fix your timing violations
using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script.
1 If you need to change any PLL phase shifts, re-run the
Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis to refresh the PLL settings before importing the new phase shift in the DTW. You can click on the Start Analyze & Synthesis button manually or use the –after_iptb import option in the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script. You can also enter the PLL phase shifts manually in the DTW to bypass Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis. However, DTW will not be able to confirm if the phase shift entered is the correct phase shift that is implemented in the design.
If there are no failing paths, your design is complete. Otherwise, go back to step 5 after making the necessary timing requirements changes until the design achieves timing closure.
Launching the
To launch the DDR Timing Wizard from the Quartus II software, follow these steps:
DDR Timing Wizard
Altera Corporation 2–5 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
1. On the Tools menu, click Tcl S c r i pt s.
2. In the Tcl Scripts dialog box, under Libraries, expand the
<installation_directory>/quartus/common/tcl/apps/gui/dtw folder, select dtw (Figure 2–2).

Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW

Figure 2–2. Launching the DDR Timing Wizard
3. Click Run.
1 You can also launch the DTW from the command line with
the following command:
<quartus_ii_installation_directory>/bin/quartus_sh --dtw
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW
2–6 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
If you use the Altera legacy controller MegaWizard as a starting point for your memory interfaces, follow the import flow described below to enter and edit inputs to the DTW. The legacy controller MegaWizard is the recommended tool, and simplifies entry of the essential design requirements. If you have an interface that is not supported by the legacy controller MegaWizard , refer to “Manual Flow for Other External
Memory Interfaces or Source Synchronous Systems” on page 2–14.
1 The screen captures of the DTW pages shown in this section are
from the Legacy_PHY.qar design that is downloadable with
AN328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM in Stratix II, Stratix II GX, and Arria GX Devices.
Getting Started
1 You do not need to perform Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis
the first time you run DTW as this has been done when running the auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script. However, any subsequent calls to the DTW must be preceded with a Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis process, otherwise DTW will not be able to read any changes to the design.

Import Flow for the Altera Legacy Memory Controller IP Core or Recommended Data Path

When you use the Altera-provided data path, you can benefit by importing the memory data path settings, which saves time because parameters required by the DTW do not need to be filled in manually. If you choose to create your own data path, you can find more information about the DTW pages in “Manual Flow for Other External Memory
Interfaces or Source Synchronous Systems” on page 2–14.
The following procedure illustrates a DDR/DDR2 SDRAM interface example, but the steps are identical for the QDRII+/QDRII SRAM or the RLDRAM II interface. Before performing the following steps, be sure to run the legacy controller MegaWizard auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script and run Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis.
After launching the DTW, follow these steps to import the timing parameters and pin names from the legacy controller MegaWizard:
1. On the first page of the DTW, you are prompted to create or edit a .dwz file. Opening the DTW allows you to make changes to the saved .dwz file or to create a new .dwz file. This file contains all of the parameters you enter in the DTW script.
Figure 2–3 shows the first page of the DTW software in which you
can specify the location for the .dwz file. The default name and location for the file is:
Ensure that the .dwz file points to the project directory that you are working on. If you have un-archived the project, the .dwz file may still be pointing to the old project directory. You can change the file name and click Next.
1 The saved file name always defaults to ddr_setting.dwz.
Ensure that it is the file name you want to use. If you have multiple memory controllers in a design, you must have a unique .dwz file name for each controller.
Altera Corporation 2–7 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW
Figure 2–3. First Page of the DDR Timing Wizard—Create or Edit File
2. Page 2 of the DTW (Figure 2–4) asks you to confirm the project directory and the revision you want to use. (Note that the project name is case-sensitive.) The DTW automatically fills in the fields, but you can change those fields if the project has been moved or if you have a newer revision. Click Next.
2–8 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
Figure 2–4. Page 2 of the DTW—Confirm the Project Directory and Revision Name
3. Figure 2–5 shows page 3 of the DTW. This page asks whether you would like to import data from the legacy controller MegaWizard instance using Classic Timing Analyzer or TimeQuest Timing Analyzer names.
If you choose TimeQuest Timing Analyzer names, DTW creates assignments that are stored in an .sdc file. Choosing Classic Timing Analyzer names generates both .qsf assignments and an .sdc file. This means that you can still use TimeQuest Timing Analyzer for compilation and timing analysis even when you choose Classic Timing Analyzer names.
Getting Started
You need to add the .sdc file to the project when using TimeQuest Timing Analyzer for compilation and timing analysis.
1 The difference between the .sdc file created using Classic
Timing Analyzer and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer names is the clock name convention. There should not be any difference in timing analysis results between these two .sdc files.
1 You should use TimeQuest Timing Analyzer for a more
accurate timing analysis as the constraints of the .sdc file apply to both fast and slow timing models.
Click Import.
Altera Corporation 2–9 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW
Figure 2–5. Page 3 of the DTW—Importing Data from the Legacy Controller MegaWizard
4. Choose the location from which to import the data. Select <core_variation_name>_<ddr|qdr|rldramii>_settings.txt from the project directory. The example in Figure 2–6 uses a the DDR2 SDRAM controller named legacy_core, so the DTW must import data from the legacy_core_ddr_settings.txt file generated by the legacy controller MegaWizard.
Figure 2–6. Choose the <core_variation_name>_<ddr|qdr|rldramii>_settings.txt File to be Imported
5. The DTW then imports data from the <core_variation_name>_<ddr|qdr|rldramii>_settings.txt file. This process may take some time if your design is large.
2–10 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
Getting Started
1 The DTW can extract the names of PLL clocks, PLL phase
shifts, and names of registers, if you have already run the Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis. The auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script automatically analyzes and synthesizes the design, so you do not have to perform Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis the first time you invoke DTW after running the auto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl script. However, any time you make a change in the PLL or the legacy controller MegaWizard, you need to analyze and synthesize the design before invoking DTW, so that DTW can extract the correct clock names and phase shifts when performing an Import function.
When the import is complete, click Skip to get to the last page of DTW.
1 Instead of skipping to the end, you can verify the values in
the DTW by clicking Next and checking each page of the DTW to ensure that everything is imported correctly. These pages are described in detail in “Manual Flow for Other
External Memory Interfaces or Source Synchronous Systems” on page 2–14.
At this point, if the DTW has all of the needed information, a page similar to the one shown in Figure 2–7 appears. Click Finish.
Altera Corporation 2–11 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW
Figure 2–7. Timing Assignments to be Added to the Project
When using Classic Timing Analyzer, the last page of the DTW names looks a little different than Figure 2–7. This is described in more detail in “Manual Flow for Other External Memory Interfaces
or Source Synchronous Systems” on page 2–14.
2–12 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
If DTW failed to extract PLL clock information during the import step, it asks you to input this information manually. The PLL Phase Shift Selection page (Figure 2–8) then displays a warning indicating “Missing required PLL clock info.” Figure 2–8 shows an example in which the DTW cannot find the resynchronization clock from the system PLL.
Figure 2–8. PLL Phase Shift Selection Page
Getting Started
Altera Corporation 2–13 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW
After entering the resynchronization clock name (omitted in
Figure 2–8) click Skip to get to the last page of DTW.
Click Finish.
6. Add the additional assignments as listed on Step 4 of the “Design
Flow” section.
7. Compile the design and perform timing analysis.
f For more details, refer to Chapter 3, Using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl

Manual Flow for Other External Memory Interfaces or Source Synchronous Systems

Use this flow when you have a custom implementation for an Altera-supported memory interface, including the following:
1 Always implement the Altera data path and use the legacy
controller MegaWizard flow unless the feature set of the Altera memory controller makes it impossible to do so.
The DTW Pages for DDR/DDR2 SDRAM
This section details each page in the DDR/DDR2 SDRAM interface. The pages for QDRII+/QDRII SRAM and RLDRAM II interfaces are slightly different than the pages for DDR/DDR2 SDRAM interfaces. The DTW pages for QDRII+/QDRII SRAM and RLDRAM II are listed in “The DTW
Pages for QDRII+/QDRII SRAM & RLDRAM II” on page 2–45.
1 The following page-by-page information is based from a
controller created by the legacy controller MegaWizard but the DTW import option is not used.
1. On the Tools menu, select Tc l S c r i pt s. Select dtw and click Run.
2. Specify a .dwz file name to save the timing constraints for the design and click Next.
3. Confirm the project directory and revision you want to use.
Click Next.
2–14 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
Getting Started
4. Page 3 asks if you want to import data from the legacy controller MegaWizard, and whether you want to use TimeQuest or Classic Timing Analyzer names. Click on one of the radio buttons (even if you are not using the Import function) and click Next.
5. Select your memory type: DDR/DDR2 SDRAM, QDRII+/QDRII
SRAM or RLDRAM II. For this example, choose DDR/DDR2 SDRAM. Refer to Figure 2–9.
Altera Corporation 2–15 November 2007 DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW
Figure 2–9. Select Memory Type
6. Select the appropriate memory device from the drop-down menu (Figure 2–10).
The rest of the fields are filled in automatically when you pick a device. Click Next.
2–16 Altera Corporation DDR Timing Wizard User Guide November 2007
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