[0.100-29.995MHz]The incoming signal from thebar antenna goes toband switch circuitry (Q302, D306).
The bar antenna covers 2bands, SWandMW,which can be selected withaswitchingcircuitry ,Q302andD306.
Thesignal goes to the firstRFamplifier (Q301) and passes through alow-pass filter, followedbythesecond RF amplifier (IC307). Then the signalgoes to the common mixer (IC304).
[30-136.995MHz]The incoming signalfrom the antenna passes through aband-pass filter and goes to the first amplifier (Q318).Then the signal goes to the common mixer (IC304).
[137-222.995MHz]The incomingsignal fromthe antenna passes through aband-pass filter andgoes to the firstamplifier (Q316),Then the signal goes to the common mixer(IC304).
Theincomingsignal fromthe antenna passesthroughaband-passfilter and goes tothe firstamplifier (IC307). Then thesignal goes to the commonmixer (IC304).
Theincoming signal fromthe antenna passes through aband-pass filter andgoes to the first amplifier (Q322).
Then the signal goes to the common mixer (IC304).
The incoming signal fromthe antenna passes through aband-passfilter andgoes to the first amplifier
(IC307).Then the signal goes to the common mixer (IC304).Note that the cellular-phone band blocksystemismentioned onthe separated sheet forthe T-version.
[850-1299.995MHz]Theincomingsignal fromtheantennapasses through aband-pass filter andgoes to the first amplifier (IC307).Then the signalisgoes to the common mixer (IC304).
The 1stlocal oscillatorsignal for the1stmixer issupplied fromthe VCO.The signal heterodowned to the 1stIFof243.95MHz by the mixer passes through aSAWfilter (FL302) and unwanted signal componentsareeliminated.
[The2nd Mixer ]The2nd local oscillatorsignal for the 2nd mixer issupplied fromtheVCO.InFM/AM mode, the signal heterodowned to the 2nd IFof39.15MHzbythe mixer passes through acrystal filter(FL301) and unwanted signal components areeliminated.
Theresulting signal isamplifiedby the 2ndIFamplifier Q317and goes to the IFIC(IC309).
In WFMmode, the signal heterodowned to the 2nd IFof10.7MHzbythe mixer passes through aceramicfilter (FL303) and unwanted signal components are eliminated.
Theresulting signal isamplified bythe IFamplifier Q319andgoes to the IFIC(IC309).
[The3rdMixer ]
The3rdlocal oscillator signalfor the 3rdmixer is38.7MHz signal thatisproduced by multiplyingthe
[FM]InFMmode, the signalpasses through an externalceramicfilter (FL304)and FM/AMswitch(D342), andgoes backtothe IFIC(IC309).The signalisamplifiedbythe internal IFamplifier isdemodulated bythe quadrature FMdemodulation circuitusing acoil(L345) and output as an AF signal.
[AM]InAMmode, the signal passes through an externalceramicfilter (FL304) andgoes backto the IFIC(IC309).The 2nd IFamplifier Q317iscontrolled byreverseAGC atAGCamplifier Q325to getbetter audio output eventhoughthe input ischanged, and the gain iscontrolled.
[WFM]In WFMmode, the signal of10.7MHzpasses throughFM/AM switch(D342) and goes to the IFIC(IC309).
The signalisamplified by the internal IFamplifier isdemodulated by the quadrature FMdemodulation circuitusing acoil(L342)and outputasan AF signal.
frompin21ofIFIC(IC309)passing through the noise filter amplifier andrectifier circuits insideofIFIC
(IC309).Therectifiedsignalisadded tothe A/D port ofthe microcomputer (IC308). Judging the signal, themicrocomputer controls ON/OFF oftheaudio output.
[FM/AM/WFM]TheAFsignal goes to the switchingIC(IC310).The switched signal passes through activefilter (Q340) andgoes to the electronic volume (IC314, Q330).The adjustedsignal goes to the AUDIO IC(IC313)and drives aspeaker, etc.
[The1stLocal]The VCO for the1stlocal consistsofthe Colpitts oscillator,
signalpasses through the butter amplifiers (Q304,Q306) and goes to the PLL-IC(IC302).[The2nd Local]
The VCO for the1stlocal consistsofthe Colpitts oscillator,
and they areoscillated atthe transistor Q313.The oscillated
D321, D324and L311determinethefrequency,
signalpassesthrough thebutter amplifier(Q315)andgoes to the PLL-IC(IC302).
PLL-IC(IC302) isused to controlthe oscillation frequency ofVCO. The microcomputer (IC308)sends the signal withserialdata to PLL-IC(IC302). The12.9MHzreference frequency ofPLL-IC(IC302) oscillates the crystaloscillator X301atthe external circuit (IC303).