Alfa Romeo Guilia 2017 Owner's Manual

With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name FCA US LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name FCA Canada Inc. used in substitution therefore.
Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents.
Your driving ability can be seriously impaired with blood alcohol levels far below the legal minimum. If you are drinking, don’t drive. Ride with a designated non­drinking driver, call a cab, a friend, or use public trans­portation.
Driving after drinking can lead to an accident. Your perceptions are less sharp, your reflexes are slower, and your judgment is impaired when you have been drinking. Never drink and then drive.
This manual illustrates and describes the operation of features and equipment that are either standard or op­tional on this vehicle. This manual may also include a description of features and equipment that are no longer available or were not ordered on this vehicle. Please disregard any features and equipment described in this manual that are not on this vehicle.
FCA US LLC reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications, and/or make additions to or improve­ments to its products without imposing any obligation upon itself to install them on products previously manu­factured.
Copyright © 2016 FCA US LLC
Dear Customer,
Wewould like to congratulate andthank you forchoosing Alfa Romeo. Wehave written this Owner’s Manualto help youget to knowall of thefeatures of your vehicle anduse it inthe best possibleway.
Please take thenecessary time to familiarize yourselfwith all thedynamic features ofyour vehicle. Here you willfind important information and warningsregarding the useof your vehicle,and how toachieve the best performance
from the technicalfeatures of your Alfa Romeo. Youare advised toread through the Owner’s Manualbefore taking iton the roadfor the first time. It is important tobecome familiar
with the controlsof your vehicle, especially withsections concerning thebrakes, handling, transmission,and vehicle behavioron different road surfaces.
This Owner’s Manualalso provides a description ofspecial features andtips, as wellas essential informationfor the safe driving, care, and maintenanceof your Alfa Romeo overtime.
In the providedWarrantyBooklet, you willalso find a description ofthe services thatAlfa Romeo offersto its customers.The New Vehicle Limited Warranty will detailthe terms andconditions for maintainingits validity.
Weare sure that these willhelp you toget in touchwith and appreciateboth your new vehicle andthe service providedby the people at Alfa Romeo.
For questions orcomments pertaining toyour vehicle, pleasecontact the Alfa Romeo CustomerCare Center: P.O.Box 21–8004 AuburnHills, MI 48321–8004 Phone: 1-844-Alfa-USA (1-844-253-2872)


Do not use fuel containingmethanol or ethanol E85. Usingthese mixturesmay cause misfiring and driving issues,as well as damage vital components of the supply system.
For further details on theuseof the correct fuel, seethe"Fuel Requirements" paragraph in the"TechnicalSpecifications" chapter.
Starting The Engine
Make sure that the electricpark brake is engaged andthat thetransmission is in PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N).Next,press the brake pedal, andthenpush the engine START/STOP button.
Parking On Flammable Material
The catalytic converter develops hightemperatures during operation. Do notpark thevehicle on grass, dry leaves, pineneedles or other flammable material: fire hazard.
Respecting The Environment
The vehicle is fitted witha system that carries outa continuousdiagnosis of the emission-related components inorder to help protect the environment.
Electrical Accessories
If you decide to addelectrical accessories after purchasing thevehicle, (withthe risk of gradually draining thebattery), contact your authorized dealer. They can calculate the overallelectrical requirement and check thatthe vehicle'selectric system can support the requiredload.
Scheduled Servicing
Correctly performed maintenance procedures areessential for ensuring that yourvehicle continuouslymaintains its quality in performance and safety features, environmental friendliness, andlow running costs.


Accessories Purchased By The Owner
Any change or alterationof the vehicle mightseriously affect its safetyandroad handling, thus causingaccidents, in which theoccupants could even be fatally injured.
If you decideto install electrical accessories thatrequire a permanentelectrical supply (, satellite anti-theftsystem, etc.) or accessories that inany case drain the electricalsupply after purchasingthe vehicle, contactyour authorized dealer.Dealer personnel will check whetherthe vehicles's electrical system isable to withstandthe load requiredor whether itneeds to be integrated witha more powerful battery.
Note: Use caution whenadding additional spoilers, alloy wheelrims, or non-standardwheel hubs: theycould reduce the ventilation of the brakesand affect efficiency under sharpand repeated braking,or on longdescents. Make surethat nothing obstructs the pedals (mats, etc.).
FCA US LLC shallnot be liable for damagecaused by theinstallation of accessorieseither not suppliedor recommended by FCA US LLCand/or not installedin compliance with the providedinstructions.
Installing Electrical/Electronic Devices
FCA US LLC authorizesthe installation of transceivers providedthat installation iscarried out ata specialized center,in compliance with manufacturer's specifications.
Note: Local authorities maynot allow the vehicle onthe road ifdevices that modifythe features of the vehicle have been installed. This also mayvoid the warranty in relationto faults causedby the changeeither directly orindirectly related to it.
FCA US LLC shallnot be liable for damagecaused by theinstallation of accessorieseither not suppliedor recommended by FCA US LLCand/or not installedin compliance with the providedinstructions.
Radio Transmitters And Mobile Phones
Radio transmitter equipment(vehicle mobile phones, CB radios,amateur radio etc.)cannot be usedinside the vehicleunless a separate antenna ismounted externally.
Transmission and receptionof these devices may be affected by theshielding effect ofthe vehicle body.As far as the useof approved mobile phonesis concerned, follow the usageinstructions provided bythe mobile phoneManufacturer.
The use of thesedevices inside the passengercompartment (without an externalantenna)may cause the electricalsystems to malfunction.
This could compromise thesafety of the vehiclein addition to constitutingapotential hazard for passengers'health.
If mobile phones/laptops/smartphones/tablets areinside the vehicle and/orclose to the electronickey,a reduced performance ofthe Passive
Entry/Keyless Start system mayoccur may occur.


Operating Instructions
Each time aninstruction is given that concernsdirection (left/right orforward/backward), it iswritten to beread from the perspective of anoccupant in the driver's seat.If a directionis written froma different perspective,it will be specified assuch in the text as appropriate.
The figures inthe manual are only examples:this might implythat some detailsof the imagedo not correspond to theactual arrangement of yourvehicle.
To identify the chapterwith the informationnecessary, you canconsult the indexat the end of thismanual. Chapters can berapidly identified with dedicated graphictabs, located atthe side ofeach odd page.There is alsoa key forgetting to
know the chapterorder and the relevant symbolsin the tabs.Additionally, there isa textual indicationof each currentchapter at the side of eacheven page.
Warnings And Cautions
While reading thisOwner’s Manual you will finda series ofWARNINGSthat must becarefully followed toprevent incorrect use of the components of thevehicle, which could cause accidentsor injuries.
There are alsoCAUTIONS to preventprocedures that coulddamage your vehicle. Therefore all WARNINGS andCAUTIONS must alwaysbe carefully followed. WARNINGSand CAUTIONS are recalled in thetext with thefollowing symbols: Personal Safety: Vehicle Safety:
Note: This Owner’s Manual describes all vehicle models. Optional contents, equipment meant for specific Markets or particular models are not identified as such in the text: you need to consider only the information related to the model you own. Any content introduced throughout the production of the model, outside the specific request of options at the time of purchase, will be identified by the indicator: — if equipped.
The data contained in this publication is intended to help you use your vehicle in the best possible way. FCA US LLC aims for constant improvement of the vehicles produced. For this reason, it reserves the right to make changes to the model described for technical and/or commercial reasons.
For further information, contact your authorized dealer.
Some car componentshave colored labels with symbolsindicating precautions tobe observed whenusing this component.It is important to followall warnings when operating yourvehicle. See belowfor a briefdescription of eachsymbol.



Front View
1 — Headlights 4 — Doors 2 — Tires AndWheels 5 — EngineCompartment 3 — PowerWindows 6 — Windshield


Rear View
1 — Tail Lights 2 — Trunk Lid


Instrument Panel
1 — HeadlightSwitch 5 — InstrumentCluster 9 — ClimateControl System 2 — AirVents 6 — SteeringWheel 10 — GloveCompartment 3 — MultifunctionStalk 7 — WindshieldWiper Stalk 11 — Passenger-SideAir Bag 4 — ControlsOn Steering Wheel 8 — InformationAnd Entertainment


Vehicle Interior
1 — DriverSeat 4 — HazardWarningLights 2 — PowerWindows/PowerMirrors Controls 5 — AlfaDNA System 3 — GearSelector/Paddle Shifter


In this section,you will find important information to helpyou become familiar with the featuresneeded to operate your vehicle, and howthey function.
KEYS ....................14
IGNITION SYSTEM ............16
IF EQUIPPED ................19
HEAD RESTRAINTS ...........30
STEERING WHEEL ............31
MIRRORS ..................32
EXTERIOR LIGHTS ............34
INTERIOR LIGHTS ............36
CLIMATE CONTROL ...........41
TRUNK ...................52


Key Fob
Your vehicleuses a keylessignition system. This systemincludes a keyfob and a keylesspush button ignition.
The Remote KeylessEntry key foballows you to lockor unlock the doors andtrunk or activate thePanic Alarm from distances. The keyfob does notneed to be pointed atthe vehicle to activate the system.
Key Fob
PANIC Function
The key fobcontains a PANIC button. Should you everfeel threatened, push this button andthe vehicle security alarm will sound.
To activate the PANIC function, push and hold the PANIC buttonfor at leastone second. When thepanic alarm isactive, the headlights turnon, the turn signals flash, the hornhonks intermittently, and
all interior adjustablelights turn on.The panic alarm willremain active for three minutes, and canbe deactivated:
By pushing thePANICbutton again.
Automatically if thevehicle speed
exceeds 5 mph(8 km/h). In both cases,the panic alarm is
immediately deactivated.
Before exiting a vehicle,always shift the automatic transmission into PARK, apply the parking brake, turnthe engine OFF, remove the key fobfrom the vehicle and lock your vehicle.
Never leave children alonein a vehicle, or with access to anunlocked vehicle.
Allowing children to bein a vehicle unattended is dangerous fora number of reasons. A child orothers could be seriously or fatally injured. Childrenshould be warned not to touch theparking brake, brake pedal or the gear selector.
Do not leave thekey fob in ornear the vehicle, or in alocation accessible to children. A child couldoperate power windows, other controls, ormove the vehicle.
Do not leave childrenor animals inside parked vehicles in hotweather. Interior heat build-up may cause seriousinjury or death.
Door AndTrunk Lid Unlock
Briefly pushing theunlock button on the key fob willunlock the doors and trunk lid, turn onthe interior lights, and flash the turn signalsonce (if activated from the Information andEntertainment System).
Push and releasethe unlock buttonon the key fob onceto unlock the driver side front door ortwice within one second to unlock all doorsand the trunk lid.
The current unlocksetting can be changed through theInformation and Entertainment System menu,so that the system unlocks:
All doors unlockon the first push of
the key fobunlock button.
Unlock the driverdoor on the first
push of thekey fob unlock button. Flashing of theturn signals upon
locking/unlocking the doorsand activation of thecourtesy light upon unlocking the doorscan be activated or deactivated through theInformation and Entertainment System. Forfurther information, refer tothe Information and Entertainment System Owner’sManual Supplement.
The doors canalso be unlocked by using the emergency key,located inside the key fob.
Door AndTrunk Lid Lock
Briefly pushing thelock button on the key fob will lockthe doors and trunk lid,turn off the interiorlights, and flash the turn signals (if activatedin the Information and Entertainment System).
If one ormore doors are open, these doors will alsolock, and this is indicated by a rapidflashing of the turn signals.The doors prepare forlocking, which becomes active fromthe moment they are closed. Thedoors will unlockagain only if thekey fob is detected insidethe passenger compartment.
The doors canbe locked by using the emergency key inthe driver’s side door lock.
Trunk Lid Opening
Rapidly push thetrunk lid key fob button twice to openthe trunk lid.The turn signals will flashto indicate that the trunk lid hasbeen opened.
Remote Start
The remote startbutton on the key fob enables engine starting(push the button twice to startthe engine).
Car Finder
Push the lockor unlock buttonto remotely and temporarilyturn on the turn signals and headlights.
This is usefulfor finding the vehicle easily in a crowdedarea like a parking garage, for example.
Pushing the lockor unlock buttonagain will restart thelights turn on timer (ifthe parking lights functionswere already active, it willremain active).
This function isavailable only if the doors are closed.
Replacing The ElectronicKey Fob Battery
To replace the battery,proceed as follows:
1. Push the sidesof the keyfob inward and extract thecover pulling downwards.
Key Fob Cover Removal
2. Remove the emergencykey from its housing.
Removing Emergency Key
3. Remove the batteryplug by rotatingit counter clockwise.
Removing Battery Plug
4. Remove the batteryfrom its slotand replace it witha new one of thesame type.
Battery Location
Proceed in reverseorder to reassemble the key.
The battery replacement operationmust be done with care, inorder not to damagethe
electronic key.
Request For AdditionalKeys
The system canrecognize up to eight key fobs with remotecontrol.
To guarantee that theengine starts and the vehicle operatescorrectly, use only electronic key fobsspecifically coded for the vehicle’s electronics.
If an electronickey fob is coded fora vehicle, it cannotbe used on any other vehicle.
Duplicating Keys
If you needa replacement key fob, goto an authorized dealer.
General Information
The following regulatorystatement applies to allRadio Frequency (RF) devices equipped inthis vehicle:
This device complieswith Part 15of the FCC Rules andwith Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:
1. This device maynot cause harmful interference, and
2. This device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.
Note: Changes or modificationsnot expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.


To activate the keylessignition, the key fob must beinside the passenger compartment.
Keyless Ignition START/STOP Button
The keyless ignitionhas the following modes:
STOP: engine off,steering locked. Some electrical devices(e.g. central door locking system, alarm,etc.) are still available.
ON: all electricaldevices are available. This state canbe entered by pushing the ignition button once,without pressing the brake pedal.
AVV: engine starting.This state canbe entered by pushingthe ignition button once while pressingthe brake pedal.
With the keylessignition in the ON position: if 30minutes pass with the gear selector inP (Park) andthe engine stopped, the keylessignition will automatically reset tothe STOP position.
With the enginestarted, it is possible to remove thekey fob from the vehicle. The engine willremain running and the instrument cluster willindicate the absence of thekey fob when the dooris closed.
For more informationon the engine start-up, refer to"Starting The Engine"in "Starting And Operating."
Never use the PARK positionasa substitute for the parkingbrake. Always apply the parking brakefully when parked to guard against vehiclemovement and possible injury or damage.
When exiting the vehicle,always make sure the ignition isin the OFF mode,remove the key fob fromthe vehicle, and lockyour vehicle.
Never leave children alonein a vehicle, or with access to anunlocked vehicle. Allowing children to be ina vehicle unattended is dangerous for a numberof reasons. A child
or others could beseriously or fatally injured. Children should bewarned not to touch the parking brake,brake pedal or the transmission gear selector.
Do not leave thekey fob in ornear the vehicle, (or in alocation accessible to children), and do notleave the ignition inthe AVV or ON/RUN mode. Achild could operate power windows, other controls,or move the vehicle.
Be sure the parkingbrake is fully disengaged before driving; failureto do so can lead to brakefailure and a collision.
Always fully apply theparking brake when leaving your vehicle, orit may roll andcause damage or injury. Alsobe certain to leave the transmission in PARK. Failuretodo so may allow the vehicleto roll and cause damage or injury.
Driving the vehicle withthe parking brake engaged, or repeated useof the parking brake to slow thevehicle may cause serious damage to the brakesystem.
If the Brake SystemWarning Light remains on with the parkingbrake released, a brake system malfunction is indicated.Have the brake system serviced byan authorized dealer immediately.
Starting With A Discharged Key Fob Battery
If the keyfob battery is discharged, proceed as followsto start the vehicle:
1. Lift the frontarmrest.
2. Lay the keyfob on thekey fob outline found on thefloor of the armrest compartment while pushingthe START/STOPbutton to startthe ignition.
Key Fob Placement Location
General Information
The following regulatorystatement applies to allRadio Frequency (RF) devices equipped inthis vehicle:
This device complieswith Part 15of the FCC Rules andwith Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:
1. This device maynot cause harmful interference, and
2. This device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.
Note: Changes or modificationsnot expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority tooperate the


Engine Immobilizer Operation
The Engine Immobilizersystem prevents unauthorized use ofthe vehicle by disabling engine starting.
The system doesnot need to be enabled or activated. Operationof the immobilizer is automaticwhether the vehicle's doors arelocked or unlocked.
When the ignitionis set to ON, theEngine Immobilizer system identifiesthe code transmitted by thekey. If the code is recognized as valid,the Engine Immobilizer system enablesengine starting.
When the ignitionis brought back to STOP, the Engine Immobilizersystem deactivates the controlunit controlling the engine, disablingengine starting.
For the correctengine starting procedures, refer to“Starting The Engine” in “StartingAnd Operating.”
Irregular Operation
If the keycode is not recognized during starting, the EngineImmobilizer Failure/Break-in Attempt displayed on theinstrument panel (refer to "Warning Lights And Messages" in "Getting ToKnow Your Instrument Panel").This condition leadsto the engine turning off aftertwo seconds. In this case, switch theignition to STOPand then to ON;if it is still blocked,try with the other keysprovided. If it is stillnot
icon is
possible to startthe engine, contact an authorized dealer.
If the EngineImmobilizer Failure/ Break-in Attempt while driving, thismeans that the system is running aself-diagnosis (e.g. due to a voltage drop). Ifthe display persists, contact an authorizeddealer.
Do not tamperwith the Engine Immobilizer system. Anymodifications or alterations couldcause the protection function to bedeactivated.
The Engine Immobilizersystem is not compatible with certainaftermarket remote starting systems.The use of these devices couldcause problems when starting, aswell as the deactivation of theprotection function.
All keys providedwith the vehicle have been programmedin accordance with the electronicson the vehicle itself.
Each key hasits own code which must be stored bythe system's control unit. Contact an authorizeddealer to have new keys (upto eight) stored with a code.
icon is displayed


Alarm Activation
While armed, thealarm will sound in the following scenarios:
Opening of doors/hood/trunklid
(perimeter protection)
Operation of ignitionwith a key which
is not validated
Cutting of thebattery cables
Movement inside thepassenger compartment (volumetric protection— if equipped)
Unexpected lifting/tilting ofthe vehicle (anti-lift protection —if equipped)
Activation of thealarm triggers the acoustic warning andthe turn signals.
Note: The alarm systemis activated by the Engine Immobilizersystem, which is automatically activated whenyou get out of the vehiclewith the key fob andlock the doors.
To ArmThe Alarm
With the doors,hood, and trunk lid closed and the keylessignition system placed in the STOP position,push and releasethe lock button onthe key fob.The alarm can also be armedby pushing the Passive Entry door handlebutton, located on the exterior door handle.For further information, refer to"Passive Entry" in "Doors.”
Passive Entry Door Handle Button
When the alarmis armed, the warning lights on thepanels of the interior front door handles willflash.
Lock/Unlock Buttons
The activation ofthe alarm is preceded by a self-diagnosisstage: if a fault is detected, the systememits a further acoustic signal.
If a secondacoustic signal is emitted after the alarmis already armed, wait about four secondsand disarm the alarm
by pushing theunlock button. Verify that the doors, hood,and trunk lid are closed correctly and thenrearm the system by pushing the lockbutton on the key fob.
If the alarmemits an acoustic signal even when the doors,hood, and trunk lid are correctly closed, afault has occurred in system operation. Inthis case, contact an authorized dealer.
To DisarmThe Alarm
Push the unlockbutton to disarmthe alarm. While disarming,the following operations are performed:
Two brief flashesof the turn signals (if
Two brief acousticsignals (if
Doors are unlocked
The alarm canalso be disarmed using the Passive Entry System,by grasping oneof the Passive Entryfront door handleswith a valid keyfob in hand to unlock.For further information referto "Passive Entry" in "Doors.”
Passive Entry Door Handle Button
Note: The alarm doesnot disarm when
the doors areunlocked by inserting the blade of theemergency key, found inside the key fob,into the door handle lock cylinder.
Volumetric/Anti-Lift Protection — If Equipped
To ensure the correctoperation of the Volumetric/Anti-Lift Protection system, completely close theside windows.
To disable the function,push the Volumetric/Anti-Lift Protection button before activating thealarm.
When the functionis disabled, this is indicated by thelight on the Volumetric/Anti-Lift Protection button flashing for severalseconds.
Volumetric/Anti-Lift Protection Button
Any disabling ofthe Volumetric/Anti-Lift Protection must berepeated each time the instrument panelis switched off.
To DisarmThe AlarmUsing Passive Entry
To completely deactivate thealarm (e.g. during a longperiod of vehicle inactivity), insert the bladeof the emergency key, found inside thekey fob, into the door handle lock cylinderand turn the emergency key tothe right (clockwise) to lock the door(s).


Locking And Unlocking Doors FromThe Inside
If all doorsare closed properly, they will automatically lock oncethe vehicle has exceeded approximately 12mph (20 km/h) (“AutoRelock” function active).
Push the interiorlock button onthe driver or passenger sidedoor panel trim to lock the doors.
With doors locked,push the unlock button on theinterior trim panel to unlock the doors.
Note: The key fobmay not be found ifit is located nextto a mobile phone, laptop or other electronicdevice; these devices may block thekey fob’s wireless signal.
Door Lock And Unlock Switch Panel
Do not leave childrenor animals inside parked vehicles in hotweather. Interior heat build-up may cause seriousinjury or death.
For personal security andsafety in the event of a collision,lock the vehicle doorsas you drive as wellas when you parkand leave the vehicle.
Before exiting a vehicle,always shift the automatic transmission into PARK, apply the parking brake, turnthe engine OFF, remove the key fobfrom the vehicle and lock your vehicle.
Never leave children alonein a vehicle, or with access to anunlocked vehicle.
Allowing children to bein a vehicle unattended is dangerous fora number of reasons. A child orothers could be seriously or fatally injured. Childrenshould be warned not to touch theparking brake, brake pedal or the gear selector.
Do not leave thekey fob in ornear the vehicle, or in alocation accessible to children. A child couldoperate power windows, other controls, ormove the vehicle.
An unlocked vehicle isan invitation. Always remove the key fromthe ignition and lockall of the doors whenleaving the vehicle unattended.
Locking/Unlocking Doors FromThe Outside
When locking thedoors from the outside with the doorsclosed, push the lock button on thekey fob.
The door lockcan be activated with all doors locked andthe trunk lid open. When the lock buttonon the key fob ispushed, all locks areactivated, including the open trunk lid. Thetrunk lid willbe locked when it is closed.
When unlocking thedoors from the outside, push theunlock button on the key fob.
Locking/Unlocking Doors From The Outside In An Emergency
If the batteryis discharged or the keyfob is inoperable, youcan lock or unlock the doors from theoutside by inserting the blade of theemergency key, found inside the key fob,into the door handle lock cylinder and turnthe emergency key as follows.
Lock — Turn the emergencykey to the
right (clockwise)
Unlock — Turn the emergencykey to
the left (counterclockwise)
Passive Entry —If Equipped
The Passive Entrysystem can identify the presence ofa key fob near thedoors and trunk lid.
The system enablesthe doors and trunk lid to belocked or unlocked without pushing any buttonon the key fob.
The key fobis detected only after the system recognizes thepresence of a hand on oneof the front door handles.If the detected keyfob is valid, the doors and the trunklid are unlocked (refer to the Information andEntertainment System Owner’s ManualSupplement for Passive Entry Settings).
Note: The key fobmay not be able tobe detected by thevehicle keyless-go system if itis located next to amobile phone, laptop orother electronic device; these devices mayblock the key fob’s wireless signal andprevent the keyless-go system fromstarting the vehicle.
Grasping the handleof the driver's door unlocks the driver'sside door, or all doors depending on themode set using the Information and EntertainmentSystem (refer to theInformation and Entertainment System Owner’sManual Supplement for PassiveEntry Settings).
Note: If wearing gloves,or if it has rained and the doorhandle is wet, the activation
sensitivity of thePassive Entry function may be reduced,resulting in a longer reaction time.
Door Locking
To lock the doors,proceed as follows:
1. Make sure thatyou have thekey fob and are closeto the driver’s or passenger’s side doorhandle.
2. Push the Passive Entry door handle button or thePassive Entry trunklid button, which islocated next to the exterior trunk lidrelease button. Thiswill lock all doorsand the trunk lid. Door locking will activatethe alarm as well.
Passive Entry Door Handle Button
Passive Entry Trunk Lid Button
Note: After pushing thePassive Entry
door handle button,you must wait two seconds before thedoors can be unlocked again usingthe passive entry door handle button.This feature makesit possible to checkwhether the vehicle has been locked correctlyby pulling the door handle within twoseconds. The doorswill not be unlockedagain.
The vehicle doorsand trunk lid can be locked by pushingthe lock button on the key fob oron the interior door lock.
Driver Side Door Emergency Opening
If the keyfob does not work, e.g.because its battery isdischarged or the vehicle battery is discharged,the emergency key can be usedto unlock the driver side door.
To remove the emergencykey from the key fob, proceedas follows:
1. Push the sidesof the keyfob inward and extract thecover pulling downwards.
2. Remove the emergencykey from the key fob housing.
3. Insert the emergencykey in thedriver side door lockcylinder and turn it tothe left (counter clockwise)to unlock the door.
Emergency Key Release Buttons
Emergency Key
The emergency keyblade is not directional and canbe inserted indifferently into thelock.
To avoid leaving thekey fob inside the vehicle accidentally,the Passive Entry function featuresan automatic door unlocking function.
If one ofthe vehicle doors is openand the "door locking"button on the front door handles orlock button in the interior door lockswitch panel is pushed, a check ofthe inside and outside ofthe vehicle for thepresence of the key fobis made once allthe open doors are closed.
While pulling thehandle, do not push the door lock/unlock buttonon the handle.
Trunk Lid Access
Approaching the trunklid with a valid key fob, push theopening button to access the trunk lid.
Passive Entry Door Handle Button
Interior Lock Switch Panel
Do NOT GrabThe Door Handle When
If the keyfob is detected inside the vehicle, the PassiveEntry function automatically unlocks allthe vehicle doors and flashesthe turn signals.
If one ormore key fobs are insidethe passenger compartment, thelock button on the keyfob inside the passenger compartment is temporarilydisabled.
The vehicle will not unlockthe doors ifan unauthorized key fobhas been detected close to theoutside of the vehicle.
If the PassiveEntry function isdisabled using the Informationand Entertainment System, the protectionsto avoid accidentally leaving thekey fob inside the vehicle aredeactivated.
Exterior Trunk Lid Release Button
If the keyfob is inadvertently forgotten inside ofthe trunk, and an attempt is madeto close it from outside, the trunk lidwill not lock.With the doors locked, the trunklid unlocked, and the key fob detectedinside the vehicle, the trunk lid willunlock again and the lights flash twice.
Before driving, makesure the trunk
lid is closedcorrectly.
Trunk Lid Lock
The trunk lidof the vehicle may stillbe locked by pushingthe lock button on the key fob, pushingthe door lock button on the door handles,or pushing the lock button on theinterior door panel of the vehicle.
On vehicles equippedwith Passive Entry, the trunk lidand the doors can belocked by pushing thebutton located near the opening button ofthe trunk lid.
Passive Entry Trunk Lid Button
System Activation/Deactivation
The Passive entrysystem can be activated or deactivatedusing the Information and EntertainmentSystem.
General Information
The following regulatorystatement applies to allradio frequency (RF) devices equipped inthis vehicle:
This device complieswith Part 15of the FCC Rules andwith Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:
1. This device maynot cause harmful interference, and
2. This device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.
Note: Changes or modificationsnot expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.
Power Lock — If Equipped
The Power Lockis a safetydevice that prevents the operationof the interior door handles andthe door locking and unlocking buttons. ThePowerLock also prevent opening ofthe doors from inside the passenger compartment.
It is recommendedto lock the vehicle doors each timethe vehicle is parked.
Activating The Power Lock
The Power Lockis enabled onall the doors by quicklypushing the lock button on the keyfob twice.
The turn signalswill flash to let youknow that the PowerLock is active.
If one ormore of the doors arenot closed correctly, the PowerLock will not activate, preventing aperson from getting stuck insidethe passenger compartment by enteringthe vehicle, and then closing, theopen door.
Deactivating The Power Lock
The Power Lockdisengages automatically:
When the doorsare unlocked, pushing
the unlock buttonon the key fob.
When the keylessignition is placed in
the ON position.
Child Safety Locks
To provide a saferenvironment for small children riding inthe rear seats, the rear doors are equippedwith Child-Protection Door Lock system.
This device canbe engaged only with the doors open.
Child Safety Lock Positions
Lock position: devicelocked (door
opened from exterioronly)
Unlock position: deviceunlocked (door
may be openedfrom the inside) The Child SafetyLocks remain locked
even if thedoors are unlocked. Note: The rear doorscannot be opened
from the insidewhen the Child Safety Lock is engaged.
Unlocking The DoorsWith A Discharged Battery
Proceed as followsto unlock thedoors if the vehicle batteryis discharged.
Rear Doors And Passenger Door
1. With the doorsunlocked insert the emergency key fromthe key fob or aflat bladed screwdriver intothe door lock manual release lockcylinder.
Door Lock Manual Release Lock
2. Turn the manual releaselock cylinder clockwise for theright door locks or counterclockwise for theleft door locks.
3. Remove the key/screwdriverfrom the manual release lock.
Proceed as followsto realign thedoor lock device (onlywhen the battery charge has been restored):
Push the lockbutton on theelectronic
Push the unlockbutton on thedoor
Unlock driver’s doorlock with the
emergency key
Operate the internaldoor handle
Note: For the reardoors, if theChild Safety Locks areengaged, and the previously described lockingprocedure is carried out, operatingthe internal handle will not openthe door. Instead, it willonly realign the lockrelease device. To open the door, theoutside handle must be used. The doorcentral locking/unlocking buttons are notdeactivated when the emergency lock isengaged.


The front seatscan be adjusted to ensure maximum comfort forthe occupants. When adjusting thedriver’s seat, keep the shoulders restingfirmly against the backrest, and thewrists within reach of the top ofthe steering wheel.The driver must also beable to fully press thebrake pedal.
It is dangerous toride in a cargoarea, inside or outside ofa vehicle. In acollision, people riding in theseareas are more likely to be seriously injuredor killed.
Do not allow peopleto ride in anyarea of your vehicle that isnot equipped with seats and seat belts. Ina collision, people ridingin these areas are morelikely to be seriously injured or killed.
Be sure everyone inyour vehicle is ina seat and using aseat belt properly.
Sparco Racing Seats — If Equipped
Forward/Rearward Adjustment
The adjustment leveris at the front ofthe seat, near thefloor. Pull thebar upward to move theseat forward or rearward. Release the baronce the seat is inthe position desired. Usingbody pressure, move forward andrearward on the seat to be surethat the seat adjusters have latched.
Manual Seat Adjustment
1 — AdjustmentLever 2 — HeightAdjustment Button 3 — ReclineLever
Height Adjustment
Push the heightadjustment button upwards or downwardsto obtain your desired height.
Seatback Recline
To adjust the seatback,lift the recline lever located onthe outboard side of the seat, lean backto the desired position and release thelever. Toreturn the seatback, lift thelever, lean forward and release the lever.
Power Seats — If Equipped
On models equippedwith power seats, the switch islocated on the outboard side of the seatnear the floor. Use thisswitch to move thedriver's seat up, down, forward, and rearward,or to recline the seatback.
Power Seat Adjustment
1 — SeatSwitch (Forward/Rearward/ Height) 2 — SeatbackSwitch 3 — LumbarAdjustment
Do not place anyarticle under a powerseat or impede its abilityto move as itmay cause damage to the seatcontrols. Seat travel may become limited ifmovement is stopped by an obstruction inthe seat's path.
Forward/Rearward Adjustment
Push the seatswitch forward orrearward to adjust toyour desired position.
Seatback Recline
The angle ofthe seatback can be adjusted forward orrearward. Push the seatback switch forwardor rearward, and the seatwill move in the directionof the switch. Releasethe switch when the desired position isreached.
Power Lumbar — If Equipped
Vehicles equipped withpower driver or passenger seats mayalso be equipped with power lumbar.The power lumbar switch is locatedon the outboard side of the power seat.Push the switchforward or rearward toincrease or decrease the lumbar support. Pushthe switch upward or downward toraise or lower the lumbar support.
Height Adjustment
The height ofthe seats can be adjusted up or down.Pull upward orpush downward on theseat switch, and the seat will movein the direction of the switch. Release theswitch when the desired position isreached.
Seat Angle Adjustment (Tilting)
The seat anglecan be adjusted in four directions. Lift orpush the front part of seat switch tomove the front part ofthe seat in thecorresponding direction. Release the seatswitch when the seat has reached thedesired position.
Power Bolster Adjustment
Push the powerbolster adjustment buttons to regulatethe width of the backrest through thelateral padding.
Seatback Width Adjustment
4 — PowerAdjustable Bolster Buttons 5 — DriverMemory Seat Buttons
Driver Memory Seat
The driver memoryseat buttons can store and recallthree different driver’s seat positions aswell as outside power mirror positions. Storingand recalling is possible with theignition in the ON or STOP positions andthe driver’s sidedoor closed, or forthree minutes after having opened the driver'sside door. The performed position memoryis confirmed by a beep.To seta memory profile,first adjust your seat(and power mirror position if desired)with the various controls until youare in the desired position. Then, pushthe specific button you want toassign the set position tofor
1.5 seconds. Whena new seatposition is memorized, the previouslymemorized position on thesame button is automatically overwritten. Recallinga memorized position isalso possible for approximately three minutesafter the doors are openedand approximately one minute after theengine is stopped.To recall a memorizedposition, push the relevant button briefly.
Adjusting a seat whiledriving may be dangerous. Moving a seatwhile driving could result in lossof control which could cause a collision andserious injury or death.
Seats should be adjustedbefore fastening the seat beltsand while the vehicle is parked. Seriousinjury or death could result from apoorly adjusted seat belt.
Do not ride withthe seatback reclined so that the shoulder beltis no longer resting against your chest. Ina collision you could slide under the seatbelt, which could result in serious injury ordeath.
Heated Seats — If Equipped
With the enginein the ON position, push the driver orpassenger heated seat button
located on theinstrument
Heated Seat Buttons
You canselect three heatinglevels:
Minimum — oneorange indicator
illuminated on thebuttons
Average— two orangeindicators
illuminated on thebuttons
Maximum — threeorange indicators
illuminated on thebuttons After selecting aheating level, heat will
be felt withina few minutes. A quick pushof the heated seat button
will select theheat levels in order of lowest to highest.Or, holding the switch down from either“off” or the minimum level for 1–2seconds will automatically select the maximumheat level.
When the heatedseat function is not active, pushing andholding the desired heated seat buttonfor 1–2 seconds will activate the “fastmaximum heating” function. The heaterproduces a boosted heat level forthe first few minutes of operation. After this,the heat
automatically lowers toreach the normal temperature level forthe “maximum” setting.
The “minimum” settingis automatically deactivated once acertain period of time has elapsed. Thisvaries on a case-by-case basis, inaccordance with the specific operatingconditions.
To lower the heatlevel, each quickpush of the switchwill decrease by one level until it isoff. Holding the switch downat any of thethree levels for 1-2 seconds will deactivate theheated seat.
Note: To preserve the batterycharge, this function cannotbe activated when the engine isoff.
Persons who are unableto feel pain to the skin because of advancedage, chronic illness, diabetes, spinal cordinjury, medication, alcohol use, exhaustionor other physical condition must exercisecare when using the seat heater.It may cause burns even at low temperatures,especially if used for long periods oftime
Do not place anythingon the seat or seatback that insulates againstheat, such as a blanket orcushion.This may cause the seat heater to overheat.Sitting in a seat that has been overheatedcould cause serious burns due tothe increased surface temperature of the seat.
Rear Seats
The rear seatsallow for three passengers.
Note: Middle Seat: Therear seat is designed as a4+1 seat vehicle.The middle seat isof limited use. It is recommended that thisseat only be used by a personwho can use the backrestas a substitute for thehead restraint.
Rear Seat
The seats andthe seatbelts are considered components ofthe vehicle’s Occupant Restraint System.
Note: Refer to the"Seat Belt Systems" in "Safety" forfurther information.
Split Folding Rear Seat —If Equipped
The rear seatbackscan be folded forward to providean additional storage area.
Rear Seat
Partial Extension Of The Luggage Compartment (1/3 Or 2/3)
Extending the rightside of the trunk allows you tocarry two passengers on the left partof the rear seat, while extending the leftside allows you to carry one passenger.
Proceed as follows:
1. Completely lower therear seat head restraints.
2. Place the seatbeltso that itdoesn't impede the movementof the backrest while tilting it.
3. From inside theluggage compartment, operate lever1 to tilt the left part orlever 2 to tilt theright part of the backrest: itwill automatically tilt forward. If necessary,assist the backrest during the initialstage of tilting.
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