This device meets applicable national SAR limits of 2.0 W/kg. SAR
values can be found on page 7 of this user guide. When carrying the
tablet or using it while worn on your body, either use an approved
accessory such as a holster or otherwise maintain a distance of
1.3 cm from the body to ensure compliance with RF exposure
requirements. Note that the product may be transmitting even if
you are not using it.
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume
levels for long periods. Exercise caution when holding your tablet
near your ear while the loudspeaker is in use.
The tablet contains magnets which may interfere with other
devices and items (such as credit card, pacemakers, defibrillators,
etc.). Please maintain at least 15 cm of separation between your
tablet and the devices/items mentioned above.
Safety information ......................................
We recommend that you read this chapter carefully before using your tablet. The
manufacturer disclaims any liability for damage, which may result as a consequence of
improper use or use contrary to the instructions contained herein.
Given that studies show that using a tablet while driving a vehicle constitutes a real
risk, even when the hands-free kit is used (car kit, headset...), drivers are requested to
refrain from using their tablet when the vehicle is not parked.
When driving, do not use your tablet or headphone to listen to music or to the radio.
Using a headphone can be dangerous and forbidden in some areas. When switched on,
your tablet emits electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the vehicle’s electronic
systems such as ABS anti-lock brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem:
- do not place your tablet on top of the dashboard or within an airbag deployment area,
- check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure that the dashboard
is adequately shielded from tablet RF energy.
You are advised to switch off the tablet from time to time to optimize its performance.
Switch the tablet off before boarding an aircraft.
Switch the tablet off when you are in healthcare facilities, except in designated areas.
As with many other types of equipment now in regular use, these tablet can interfere
with other electrical or electronic devices, or equipment using radio frequencies.
Switch the tablet off when you are near gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs
and instructions posted in a fuel depot, petrol station, or chemical plant, or in any
potentially explosive atmosphere.
When the tablet is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm from any medical
device such as a pacemaker, a hearing aid or insulin pump, etc. In particular when using
the tablet, you should hold it against the ear on the opposite side to the device, if any.
To avoid hearing impairment, move the tablet away from your ear while using the
"hands-free" mode because the amplified volume might cause hearing damage.
Do not let children use the tablet and/or play with the tablet and accessories without
Always handle your tablet with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place.
Do not allow your tablet to be exposed to adverse weather or environmental
conditions (moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust, sea air, etc.). The
manufacturer's recommended operating temperature range is -0°C to +45°C.
At over 45°C the legibility of the tablet’s display may be impaired, though this is
temporary and not serious.
Do not open, dismantle or attempt to repair your tablet yourself.
Do not drop, throw or bend your tablet.
Do not use the tablet if the glass made screen is damaged, cracked or broken to
avoid any injury.
Do not paint it.
Use only battery chargers and accessories which are recommended by TCT Mobile
Limited and its affiliates and are compatible with your tablet model. TCT Mobile
Limited and its affiliates disclaim any liability for damage caused by the use of other
chargers or accessories.
Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written record of all important
information stored in your tablet.
Some people may suffer epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to flashing
lights, or when playing video games. These seizures or blackouts may occur even if
a person never had a previous seizure or blackout. If you have experienced seizures
or blackouts, or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult your
doctor before playing video games on your tablet or enabling a flashing-lights feature
on your tablet.
Parents should monitor their children’s use of video games or other features that
incorporate flashing lights on the tablet. All persons should discontinue use and consult
a doctor if any of the following symptoms occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching,
loss of awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientation. To limit the likelihood of
such symptoms, please take the following safety precautions:
- Do not play or use a flashing-lights feature if you are tired or need sleep.
- Take a minimum of a 15-minute break hourly.
- Play in a room in which all lights are on.
- Play at the farthest distance possible from the screen.
- If your hands, wrists, or arms become tired or sore while playing, stop and rest for
several hours before playing again.
- If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, or arms during or after playing, stop the
game and see a doctor.
When you play games on your tablet, you may experience occasional discomfort in
your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. Follow the instructions
to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other musculoskeletal
Please note that you must respect the laws and regulations in force in your jurisdiction
or other jurisdiction(s) where you will use your tablet regarding taking photographs
and recording sounds with your tablet. Pursuant to such laws and regulations, it may
be strictly forbidden to take photographs and/or to record the voices of other people
or any of their personal attributes, and duplicate or distribute them, as this may be
considered to be an invasion of privacy. It is the user's sole responsibility to ensure that
prior authorization be obtained, if necessary, in order to record private or confidential
conversations or take a photograph of another person; the manufacturer, the seller or
vendor of your tablet (including the operator) disclaim any liability which may result
from the improper use of the tablet.
Observe the following precautions for battery use:
- Do not attempt to open the back cover and replace the inner rechargeable
Li-polymer battery. Please contact the dealer to replace it.
- Do not attempt to eject, replace or open the battery.
- Do not puncture the back cover of your tablet.
- Do not burn or dispose of your tablet in household rubbish or store it at temperature
above 50°C.
- Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
This symbol on your tablet, the battery and the accessories means that
these products must be taken to collection points at the end of their life:
- Municipal waste disposal centers with specific bins for these items of
- Collection bins at points of sale.
They will then be recycled, preventing substances being disposed of in the
environment, so that their components can be reused.
In European Union countries:
These collection points are accessible free of charge.
All products with this sign must be brought to these collection points.
In non-European Union jurisdictions:
Items of equipment with this symbol are not to be thrown into ordinary bins if your
jurisdiction or your region has suitable recycling and collection facilities; instead they
are to be taken to collection points for them to be recycled.
Power chargers will operate within the temperature range of: 0°C to 40°C.
The chargers designed for your tablet meet with the standard for safety of information
technology equipment and office equipment use. They are also compliant to the eco
design directive 2009/125/EC. Due to different applicable electrical specifications, a
charger you purchased in one jurisdiction may not work in another jurisdiction. They
should be used for this purpose only.
The charger shall be installed near the tablet and shall be easily accessible.
• Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity
This ta blet co mplie s with p art 15 of th e FCC Rule s. Oper ation i s subje ct to the
follow ing two c onditi ons: (1) This t ablet m ay not cau se harm ful int erfe rence, a nd
(2) this t able t must acc ept any in terf erence r eceive d, incl uding i nter ferenc e that
may caus e undes ired ope ratio n.
Chang es or modi fic ations n ot expr essly a pproved b y the par ty re sponsi ble for
compl iance co uld void t he user‘s a uthor ity to o perat e the eq uipme nt.
This ta blet h as been t ested a nd foun d to comp ly with t he limi ts for a Cl ass B
digit al, pur suant t o Par t 15 of the FCC Ru les. Th ese lim its are de signe d to provi de
reaso nable p rotec tion ag ainst h armfu l inter fere nce in a res ident ial ins tall ation.
This eq uipme nt gene rates , uses an d can ra diated r adio fr equen cy ene rgy and , if
not ins talle d and use d in accord ance wi th the in stru ction s, may ca use har mful
inter feren ce to rad io comm unicat ions. H owever, the re is no gu arant ee that
inter feren ce will n ot occur i n a part icular i nsta llati on If thi s equip ment do es cau se
harmf ul inte rfere nce to r adio or te levisi on rece ption , which c an be det ermin ed
by turni ng the eq uipme nt off a nd on, th e user is e ncour aged to t ry to co rrect t he
inter feren ce by one or m ore of th e follow ing mea sures:
- Reorie nt or rel ocate t he recei ving an tenna .
- Incre ase the s epar ation be twee n the equ ipmen t and rece iver.
- Conne ct the eq uipme nt into a n outle t on a circ uit dif feren t from th at to whic h
the rec eiver is c onnec ted.
- Consul t the de aler or a n exper ience d radio/ TV t echni cian for h elp.
FCC Caution:
Chang es or modi fic ations n ot expr essly a pproved b y the par ty re sponsi ble for
compl iance co uld void t he user‘s a uthor ity to o perat e the eq uipme nt.
FCC RF Ex posu re Info rmati on (SAR) :
This ta blet is d esign ed and ma nufac tured n ot to exce ed the em issio n limit s for
expos ure to ra dio freq uency ( RF) en ergy s et by the F edera l Commu nicat ions
Commi ssion of t he Uni ted Sta tes.
Durin g SAR tes ting, t his is se t to tra nsmit a t its hig hest ce rtif ied powe r level in a ll
teste d frequ ency ba nds, a nd place d in posi tions t hat simu late RF e xposu re in usa ge
near th e body wi th the s epara tion of 1. 3 cm. Al thoug h the SAR i s deter mined a t
the hig hest ce rtif ied powe r level , the act ual SAR l evel of th e tabl et whil e opera ting
can be we ll below t he max imum v alue. T his is be cause t he tabl et is des igned t o
opera te at mul tiple p ower level s so as to u se only th e power re quired t o reach
the net work . In gene ral, t he close r you are to a w irele ss base s tatio n anten na, t he
lower the power outp ut.
The exp osure st anda rd for wir eless s e mploys a u nit of me asure ment kn own as
the Spe cifi c Absor ption R ate, or S AR. T he SAR li mit set by t he FCC is 1. 6W/kg.
Tests for SA R are cond ucte d using s tanda rd oper ating p ositio ns acce pted by th e
FCC wit h the ta blet tr ansm ittin g at its hi ghest c erti fied p ower leve l in all tes ted
frequency bands.
The FCC h as gran ted an Eq uipme nt Auth oriz ation fo r this mo del tab let wi th
all rep orte d SAR leve ls evalu ated a s in compl iance w ith the F CC RF ex posure
guide lines . SAR info rmati on on thi s model t ablet is on fil e with t he FCC and c an be
found un der the D ispla y Grant s ectio n of HYP ERLI NK "ht tp://w t/ea /
fccid" w ww.f et/ea /fcci d afte r search ing on FC C ID: RA D466 .
For thi s table t, th e highe st repo rted S AR valu e for usa ge near t he body i s:
Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under which it was recorded:
ONE TOUCH P320A (Body-worn)1.19 W/kg
SAR com plian ce for bod y oper ation is b ased on a s epar ation di stan ce of 1.3 cm
betwe en the t ablet a nd the hu man bod y. During u se, th e actua l SAR va lues for t his
tabl et are usu ally we ll below t he valu es sta ted abov e. This i s becau se, for p urpose s
of system efficiency and to minimize interference on the network, the operating
power of yo ur tablet is au tomat ically decre ased when ful l power is no t needed. The
lower th e power ou tput of t he tab let, t he lower i ts SAR v alue.
Body- worn SAR t esti ng has be en carr ied out a t a separ ation d ista nce of 1.3 c m.
To meet RF ex posure g uideli nes dur ing bod y-worn o perat ion, th e tabl et shou ld be
posit ioned at l east t his dis tance aw ay from th e body.
If you are n ot usin g an appro ved acces sory e nsure th at what ever pro duct is u sed
is free of a ny meta l and th at it posi tions t he tab let the i ndicat ed dist ance aw ay
from th e body.
Organ izati ons suc h as the Wor ld Heal th Org aniza tion and t he US Fo od and Dr ug
Admini stration hav e sugge sted that if pe ople are c oncer ned and w ant to red uce their
expos ure they c ould use a h ands- free ac cessor y to kee p the wire less t ablet a way
from th e head or bo dy duri ng use, o r reduce t he amou nt of tim e spent o n the ta blet .
• IC Notice
This dev ice com plies wi th Ind ustr y Canad a licen se-e xempt RS S sta ndard(s).
Oper ation is s ubjec t to the fo llowin g two con ditio ns:
(1) this device m ay not ca use inte rfer ence, a nd
(2) this d evice mu st accep t any inte rfer ence, i nclud ing inte rfer ence th at may cau se
undesired operation of the device.
This Cl ass B dig ital ap para tus com plies w ith Can adian I CES -0 03.
IC: 923 8A- 0032
• IC Radiation Exposure Statement
This EU T is comp lianc e with SA R for gen eral po pulat ion/un contro lled ex posure
limit s in IC RS S-102 and h ad been t este d in accord ance wi th the m easur ement
metho ds and pro cedur es spec ified i n IEE E 1528 and IEC 62 209. Thi s equip ment
should b e inst alled a nd oper ated wi th mini mum dis tance 1. 3 cm bet ween th e
radia tor and yo ur body. Th is devic e and its a ntenn a(s) must no t be co- locat ed or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
microSD Logo is a trademark.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG,
Inc. and any use of such m arks by TCT Mobile Limited and its affiliates
is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their
respective owners.
ONE TOUCH P320A Bluetooth QD ID B022117
The Wi-Fi Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Your tablet uses non-harmonized frequency and is intended for use
in all European countries.
The WLAN can be operated in the EU without restriction indoors,
but cannot be operated outdoors in France.
Google, the Google logo, Android, the Android logo, Google Search™, Google
Maps™, Gmail™, YouTube, Google Play Store, Google Latitude™ and Hangouts™
are trademarks of Google Inc.
The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared
by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0
Attribution License (the text will show when you touch and hold Google legal in
Settings > About Tablet > Legal information)
It may not be available according to the countries.
General information ...................................
• Website:
• Hot Line Number: In North America, call 877-702-3444 for technical support.
In Canada, please call 888-841-5371 prior to December 12, 2014. After
December 12, 2014, please call 855-844-6058.
There m ay be cer tain di ffere nces be twee n the use r manua l descr iptio n and the
tabl et’s oper ation , depe nding on t he sof twar e relea se of your t ablet o r speci fic
operator services .
TCT Mobile shall not be held legally responsible for such differences, if any, nor for their
potential consequences, which responsibility shall be borne by the operator exclusively.
This ta blet may conta in mate rials , including ap plications a nd soft ware in execut able
or sourc e code for m, whic h is subm itte d by third p artie s for inc lusio n in this t ablet
("Third Party Materials").
All third party materials in this tablet are provided "as is", without warranty of any
kind, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose or use/third party application, interoperability with
other materials or applications of the purchaser and non-infringement of copyright.
The purchaser undertakes that TCT Mobile has complied with all quality obligations
incumbent upon it as a manufacturer of mobile tablet and tablet in complying with
Intellectual Property rights. TCT Mobile will at no stage be responsible for the inability
or failure of the Third Party Materials to operate on this tablet or in interaction
with any other tablet of the purchaser. To the maximum extent permitted by law,
TCT Mobile disclaims all liability for any claims, demands, suits or actions, and more
specifically – but not limited to – tort law actions, under any theory of liability, arising
out of the use, by whatever means, or attempts to use, such Third Party Materials.
Moreover, the present Third Party Materials, which are provided free of charge
by TCT Mobile, may be subject to paid updates and upgrades in the future; TCT
Mobile waives any responsibility regarding such additional costs, which shall be borne
exclusively by the purchaser. The availability of the applications may vary depending
on the countries and the operators where the tablet is used; in no event shall the list
of possible applications and software provided with the tablet be considered as an
undertaking from TCT Mobile; it shall remain merely as information for the purchaser.
Therefore, TCT Mobile shall not be held responsible for the lack of availability of one
or more applications wished for by the purchaser, as its availability depends on the
country and the operator of the purchaser. TCT mobile reserves the right at any time
to add or remove Third Party Materials from its tablet without prior notice; in no
event shall TCT Mobile be held responsible by the purchaser for any consequences
that such removal may have on the purchaser regarding the use or attempt to use such
applications and Third Party Materials.
◆ Charger, 5.0V/2.0A
◆ USB cable, 5pins micro-USB
Your tablet ...........................................
1.1 Keys and connectors
Earphone Interface
Front camera
Touch screen
Back key
Home key
micro-USB connector/
Battery charge
Recent Apps key
Rear camera
Micro Sim
Recent Apps key
• Touch to open a list of thumbnail images of applications you've
worked with recently.
Home key
• While on any application or screen, touch to return to the Home
Back key
• Touch to go back to the previous screen, or to close a dialog box,
options menu, the notification panel, etc.
These keys are visible when the screen lights up.
Power key
• Press: Lock the screen/Light up the screen
• Press and hold: Power on or pop up the menu to get more options,
such as Power off, Restart, Airplane mode, etc.
• Press and hold Powe r key and Volume down key to capture a
Volume Keys
• In Music/Video/Streaming mode, adjust the media volume.
Power key
Volume up
Volume down
1.2 Getting started
1.2.1 Set-up
An insertion tool is provided with the tablet package, please use it to install
or remove the SIM/SD card conveniently.
Inserting the micro SIM card & the microSD card
Please charge before first use. Normally, pressing and holding the Power
key will power on the tablet, the Home Screen appear. A battery icon will
appear when the tablet has a very low battery level. Use only charger
recommended by TCT Mobile Limited and its affiliates.
Charging the battery
Connect the battery charger to your tablet and wall outlet.
• When using your tablet for the first time, charge the battery fully (approximately
3.5 hours).
You are advised to fully charge the battery (
percentage on screen while the tablet is powered off. The percentage increases as the
tablet is charged.
). Charging status is indicated by the
The charging status bar will not appear if your battery is extendly consumed.
To reduce power consumption and energy waste, when battery is fully charged,
disconnect your charger from the plug; switch off Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth or
background-running applications when not in use; reduce the backlight time, etc.
This tablet cannot be charged through USB computer connection. Please plug in
your charger before first use.
1.2.2 Power on your tablet
Hold down the Powe r key until the tablet powers on, unlock your tablet (Slide, PIN,
Password, Pattern, Face unlock or Voice unlock) if necessary and confirm. The Home
screen is displayed.
If you do not know your PIN code or if you have forgotten it, contact your network
operator. Store the PIN Code in a safe place when not in use.
Set up your tablet for the first time
The first time you power on the tablet, you should set the following options:
• Touch Get started..., then select the tablet 's language.
• The tablet will search for service by itself. The process of activation will take a few
• Select your input keyboard, then touch Next.
• Select Mobile data connection you want to use, then touch Next.
• Set your date and timezone, you can also choose Automatic time zone, then
touch Next.
• Setup your Google account: Touch Set up now. If you have a Google Account,
touch Ye s, then enter your user name and password. If you forget your password,
you can go to to retrieve it. Touch Next to skip to the
next step.
• Touch Next, then the Setup complete screen will display, touch Finish to confirm.
When the tablet is powered on, you can connect to a Wi-Fi network, without a SIM
card inserted (refer to section "6.1.2 Wi-Fi"), to sign into your Google account and
to use some features.
1.2.3 Power off your tablet
Hold down the Powe r key until the pop-up menu appears, select Power off to
1.3 Home screen
You can bring all the items (applications, shortcuts, folders and widgets) you love or
use most frequently to your Home screen for quick access. Touch the Home key to
switch to Home screen.
Status bar
• Status/Notification indicators.
Favorite tray applications
• Touch to open the application.
• Touch and hold to move or change
Application tab
• Touch to open main menu.
Home screen is provided in an extended format to allow more space for adding
applications, shortcuts etc. Slide the Home screen horizontally left and right to get
a complete view of the Home screen. The white short line at the lower part of the
screen indicates which screen you are viewing.
1.3.1 Using the touchscreen
To access an application, touch it with your finger.
Touch and Hold
Touch and hold the home screen to access the available options to set the wallpaper.
Place your finger on any item to drag it to another location.
Slide the screen to scroll up and down the applications, images, web pages… at your
Similar to swiping, but flicking transitions between screens quicker.
Place fingers of one hand on the screen surface and draw them apart or together to
scale an element on the screen.
Automatically change the screen orientation from portrait to landscape by turning
the tablet sideways.
1.3.2 Status bar
From status bar, you can view both tablet status (to the right side) and notification
information (to the left side).
Touch and drag down the Status bar to open the Quick setting panel or Notification
panel. Touch and drag up to close it. When there are notifications, you may touch and
drag the Status bar with two fingers to access Quick setting panel directly.
Quick setting panel
Touch and drag down the Status bar to open Quick setting panel, where you may
enable or disable functions or change modes by touching the icons.
Touch to access Settings, where you
may set more items
Notification panel
When there are notifications, touch and drag down the Status bar to open the
Notification panel to read the detailed information.
Touch to clear all event–based
notifications (other ongoing
notifications will remain)
1.3.3 Lock/Unlock your screen
To protect your tablet and privacy, you can lock the tablet screen by choosing slide or
creating a variety of patterns, PIN or password, etc.
To create a screen unlock pattern (refer to section "Screen lock" for detail settings)
• Drag down the Quick setting panel and touch the settings icon to enter
Settings, then touch Security\Screen lock\Pattern.
• Draw your own pattern.
Draw your unlock pattern
Touch to confirm by drawing pattern again
To create a screen unlock PIN/Password
• Touch Settings\Security\Screen lock\PIN or Password.
• Set your PIN or password.
To lock tablet screen
Press the Powe r key once to lock the screen.
To unlock tablet screen
Press the power key once to light up the screen, draw the unlock pattern you have
created or enter PIN or password, etc. to unlock the screen.
If you have chosen Slide as the screen lock, touch and drag the icon
to unlock the screen.
to the right
1.3.4 Personalize your Home screen
You may touch and hold a folder, an application or a widget to activate the Move
mode, and drag the item to any Home screen as you prefer.
Touch and hold the item to be repositioned to activate the Move mode, drag the
item to the desired position and then release. You can move items both on the Home
screen and the Favorite tray. Hold the icon on the left or right edge of the screen to
drag the item to another Home screen.
Touch and hold the item to be removed to activate the Move mode, drag the item up
to the top of Remove, and release after the item turns red.
Create folders
To improve the organization of items (shortcuts or applications) on the Home screen,
you can add them to a folder by stacking one item on top of another.
Wallpaper customization
Touch and long press the blank area in Home screen, then touch Wallpaper to
customize wallpaper.
+ 22 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.